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14 | shuc.org When the Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition’s Education Committee sat down for our conversation with Principal Pegher, we were taken by her passion, energy, and confidence in her mission to raise the standard of success at Minadeo. To improve learning outcomes, Principal Pegher restructured the school day to have students change classes allowing students to receive specialized instruction in reading and math, which experts state can raise test scores. In addition to increasing student learning, Principal Pegher’s most significant transformation has been in improving student safety and reclaiming a culture of learning at Minadeo. A new disciplinary policy has been put in place to foster positive behavior and hold students accountable. The result is far fewer disciplinary transgressions and distractions in the classroom and a school that Mrs. Pegher says is safe and orderly. Minadeo’s increasing success is largely a result of Mrs. Pegher having high expectations for all students, taking personal control of discipline, contacting parents, setting clear and consistently enforced boundaries, directly communicating with the students, teaching mutual respect and courtesy to all, CONTINUED on page 15 ...a real positive transformation was taking place in terms of student proficiency, student safety, culture of learning, resources available and even the school’s appearance. IN AUGUST 2018, PRINCIPAL MICHILENE PEGHER entered the halls of Minadeo Elementary School, a K-5 public school located in Squirrel Hill, ready to take the school on a new path towards success. As I entered Minadeo School last month, I instantly recognized that a real positive transformation was taking place in terms of student proficiency, student safety, culture of learning, resources available, and even the school’s appearance. Principal Pegher is making enormous strides at Minadeo, and her captivating story shows school transformation and success can happen in Pittsburgh Public Schools with the right mission, resources, and a steadfast leader determined to hold herself and the school accountable for success. As I walked into Minadeo Elementary in January, the first thing I noticed were physical improvements made to the school since I had last visited Minadeo back in the spring of 2018, before Principal Pegher started. The walls are beautifully covered with student artwork and repainted a new color enhanced by brighter lightening from the new ceiling lights.


In fact, Principal Pegher is so committed to this change, she frequently rides the school buses, infusing a “be the nice kid” attitude. Because Principal Pegher grew up in and lives in Hazelwood, she has distinct insight into the lives of the students and parents she meets, as many come from Hazelwood. The Minadeo success story is also being made possible through the hard work and dedication of Assistant Principal Scott Gralewski and the teachers to embracing and implementing Principal Pegher’s new mission.

The Squirrel Hill Urban Coalition is committed to help increase parent and community involvement and resources to Minadeo. Principal Pegher is a force of accountability and transformation needed in our city’s public schools and we can’t wait to see the story of success at Minadeo continue.

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In commenting about what’s needed in Pittsburgh Public Schools, Principal Pegher said, ““All students should be held in high regard, and expectations for academics and behavior must be implemented. We do this by modeling the behavior we expect, and talking with students about why the assignments and learning is important. This is their building, whether they are from Squirrel Hill, Hazelwood, Greenfield, or Homewood.

“We are a community of learners,” she went on. “We will be proud of who we are together, and unite in our space and take care of our building. Talking things out through restorative practices, celebrating our work together, is what we will reflect at Minadeo every

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