3 minute read
Caring for Animals: A Shining Light in a Troubled World
By Dr. Lawrence Gerson, VMD
THROUGHOUT MY LIFE, I HAVE WITNESSED more than my share of horrible events. I’m a baby boomer who started college in 1968, when the war in Vietnam was raging. The controversial protest song “Eve ofDestruction” was popular on the AM radio, and,honestly, veterinary school was my back up plan if nuclear war was averted.
But there was hope then, and there is still hope now if you look in the right places. An internet posting of a sick pet will bring good wishes and donations from total strangers on social media. Many local rescue groups will find and rehabilitate severely injured pets when euthanasia might have been a more logical alternative.When many only see the dark side of the world, this generosity and dedication to animals who do not have a voice can shine a light for people.

After being rescued, rehabbed, and rehomed by Homeless Cat Management Team, Ethel the cat now enjoys a loving family.
My current dog, Wrangler, was paralyzed as a puppy on a horse farm, and the owner just could not fit caring for a special needs pet into her busy schedule. The rescue organization Speak for the Unspoken was able to place him with us, and Wrangler has since made a full recovery. Local animal shelters, like Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh, Animal Friends, and Homeless Cat Management Team work tirelessly to end animal suffering and help find good homes for pets in need.
No Dog Left Behind is an example where a love of flying and a love of animals merged into an organization that transports pets from a tragic situation to a bright future.Natural disasters and other circumstances can create overcrowded shelters where pets have a poor chance of survival; No Dog Left Behind flies pets from these areas to places where good forever homes are waiting.
The Last Chance Fund, the charitable wing of the veterinary association Animal Care PA, provides financial assistance for pets whose owners cannot afford needed care. Some veterinary clinics and specialty hospitals also provide partial funding, loans, or financial assistance for extreme cases. There is more need than funds available,but members of the public can do their part and financially support efforts to help pets.
Unfortunately, there is also a dark side to human behavior. Bringing those responsible for animal abuse to justice is a long process in the court system. AAARF! (Allegheny Abused Animal Relief Fund) assists shelters that are caring for animals in abuse cases, which saves the shelters’ limited resources for other critical services.County residents are asked to make a contribution when they pay for an Allegheny County dog license. To date,the fund has raised approximately two million dollars over its twenty years of existence.
With the joy and love that owning a pet can bring, there is hope that the future can be just a bit brighter. The key is for everyone to do their part: to care for pets and support those dedicated people and organizations providing care for animals in need.