SRAC Journal Volume 6 Issue 1

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Volume 6, Issue 1

January 2010

Volume 6, Issue 1





The James Griffin Report


Effigy Mounds


Gas in Marcellus Shale


SRAC/Lincoln St. School Project


Woolly Mammoth Exhibit Update


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SRAC’s New Sign


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In 1931, Herbert Hoover was President, the original film version of Dracula with Bela Lugosi was released, The Star-Spangled Banner was adopted as the United States National anthem, Nevada legalized gambling, construction of the Empire State Building was completed, and Dick Tracy, a comic strip detective character first debuted.

In April, 1931, there was also a terrific loss to the archaeology of Pennsylvania when Tioga Point Museum founder, Louise Welles Murray passed away unexpectedly after spending a late evening at the museum working as she often had. She undoubtedly was working on plans for a nationally funded archaeological expedition that was to take place in just weeks, and to be led by a young Chicago University grad named James B. Griffin.

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Griffin’s Team: George Rumph, James Griffin, M. L. Gore, Tom Welch, Carl Casselbury, Dale Woodruff (Ellsworth Cowles was present during the first week)

In 1927 after spending 2 years at the University of Chicago pursuing a Business degree, he transferred to the program of General Science and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science. In 1930, he had graduated from (Continued on page 2)


The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center of Native Indian Studies (S.R.A.C.) is dedicated to education, research and preservation of the Native American archaeological, cultural and historical assets of the Twin Tier Region of Northeastern PA and Southern NY.

The park rangers and historians are all trained in various areas to talk about this part of the country, each in their fields of expertise. It also contains the ancient mounds made to look like birds, bears, pipes,

and other animals. The bird mounds are about a hundred feet long, on of the Bear Mounds is about 60 feet long. There is one along the Wisconsin River not too far away that is called the ghost eagle mound. It is thousands of feet long. Another in Wisconsin is called the "Man Mound", which Deb Twigg has visited. It is a man in a rabbit or the hare suit. The oral histories say he came in this white costume to this area before the Europeans, walked on water, and gave great words of peace, to the natives here. This according to local The Effigy Mounds of Northeast Iowa are part of a National oral tradition of both the Ho Chunk Monument which is a kind of Park without the full status of and the Sac and Fox natives. This National Park. (Google the site for a virtual tour of the park.)

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(Continued on page 7)


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Volume 6, Issue 1

THE JAMES GRIFFIN REPORT: 1931 CONT. (Continued from page 1)

the University of Chicago with a Master of Arts Degree in Sociology and Anthropology. Beginning in late May 1931 - James Griffin came to the Valley where he conducted field studies for the Tioga Point Museum until early July of that same year. Unfortunately, the National Research Council funding would not continue long enough for the expedition to be completed, but, the resulting report that James Griffin did complete covers four main archaeological sites that we will cover briefly here. Site BR-42: Brennan Site, Athens, PA He first reported on a flat clearing between Main Street Athens, PA and the Susquehanna River, known as the Brennan site. In the end, 12 pits were found there with the contents reported as follows: Pit 1: potsherds, flint chips, bone fragments, shells and fire brick. Pit 2: Broken roller pestle, large fire brick, potsherds, flint chips, fire brick, bone fragments, shells, carapace of a small turtle Pit 3: two broken Pit number 2. triangular wide based arrow points, potsherds, flint chips, fore brick, shells. Two arrow points similar to those in the pit were found at the base of the humus line. Pit 4: Potsherds, bone fragments, wood ash, shells, broken arrow point

Bone Identifications: While the most common animal bone was that of the Virginia deer, the largest animal fragments to be found were of an elk. Others included the jaw and tooth of black bear, the Jaw of raccoon, the jaw of a domestic dog about size of a fox, the bones of another domestic dog size of a collie, the tooth of a beaver, and the humerus of a “large bird” (unidentified.) Burials: There were also two burials found at the Brennan site in 1931 that seemed to be more confusing than anything else. Burial #1 was an adult male approximately 50 yrs old, extended burial with a trade pipe and an unidentified piece of metal. Burial #2 was a child just past the age of 6 in a small coffin made from white pine. (“The wood was badly decayed but the outlines of the box were unmistakable.” Griffin:1931) Burial #1: Concerning the trade goods found in burial #1, Griffin reported, “White artifacts with the burial consisted of a white clay pipe with a broken bowl and a thin object of iron not yet identified…It was at first thought that the monogram “IB” on the side of the bowl of the white clay pipe found would be of great help in determining the age of the site. While other clay pipes have been found with rough dates assigned to them, none of them previously found have carried the same mark…My interpretation is that the site is post –European. This period could probably be assigned to the approximate dates of 1650 – 1750.” Griffin:1931 There was also pottery found strangely above and below the feet of the skeleton, about which was reported, “at the feet of the burial both above and below the level of the skeleton many large and small potsherds of more than one vessel found…If it could be definitely stated that the pottery at the feet was a burial offering, the burial could be unhesi-

Pit 5: Potsherds, flint chips, sternum of a duck Pit 6: Potsherds, flint chips, bone fragments, shells Pit 7: not reported on (error) Pit 8: Five bone tubular beads, potsherds, flint chips, shells, bone fragments Pit 9: Pieces of a broken pot, triangular wide base arrow point, potsherds, bone fragments, flint chips, shells and fire brick Pit 10: Potsherds, broken arrow points, net sinkers, flint chips, shells Pit 11: 3 ½ ” bone harpoon, potsherds, bone fragments, two arrow points, flint chips, fire brick Pit 12: Two arrow points, 2 ¾” bone harpoon, flint chips, bone fragments

“The depth of the humus, the shape of the pits, and the depth of the pits are clearly shown.” - Griffin:1931 (Continued on page 3)

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Volume 6, Issue 1

THE JAMES GRIFFIN REPORT: 1931 CONT. dian, probably at the time of the Revolutionary War…or may possibly be that of a white child of the first settlers. tatingly assigned to the same age of the surrounding pits.” - This gives us three occupations, or one occupation, and Griffin:1931 two different intrusive burials.” (Continued from page 2)

Interestingly, Ellsworth Cowles disagreed with Griffin on this pottery stating, “While one of the jars at the feet indicates Iroquois influence, the other is so-called Algonkian in shape…and could have been coexistent in an Algonkian village recently coming under influence of the Iroquois…” Cowles:1931 But most intriguing to me was that strange piece of unidentified metal that laid on that fifty year old’s chest, just below the trade pipe and shown below. The unique (protractor-like) shape should be a clue, but it seems as if it must have turned to dust when it was removed, and there is never another word used in reference to it than “unidentified.” Burial #2 The second burial was a child in a white pine coffin who was thought to be just past the age of 6. Strangely, the skeletal material was scattered in the coffin, with the skull sitting atop a pile of bone in the center of the coffin. There were no artifacts found in the burial. Whether this was a later white burial or an Indian burial that the group had been converted to Christianity or had missionary influence was questioned. Griffin’s closing remarks about dating site BR-42:

Later work in 1933 by Ellsworth Cowles and PA’s Dr. Cadzow revealed much more evidence at the Brennan site of the Andastes to include bone combs and the unique Andaste pottery. For anyone interested, many articles published in the local papers during the Ahbe-Brennan excavations in 1933 can be downloaded at BR-5 The Murray Farm The next site that Griffin reported on was on the west side of the Chemung River, called the Murray Farm. This site had been known for at least 150 years before Griffin visited it but was first published to the scientific community in 1916 by Warren K. Moorehead. It should be noted that for generations before Moorehead’s team was allowed to excavate 56 Andaste burials, the Murray family had long tried to protect it from being disturbed . During the 1931 expedition, James Griffin’s team uncovered six burials, described by Griffin as follows: Burial 1 (Female 18-24)– No artifacts, ribs, vertebrae, pelvis, scapula, and some long bones were missing. Burial 2 (female 50)– No artifacts, the seven cervical and the first thoracic were the only vertebrae found. The long bones were buried in one group and the pelvis lay in about the right position for a flexed burial. Burial 3 (not identified)- No artifacts, only the skull and a few portions of skeletal material could be found. Burial 4 (female 13)– No artifacts, 13 year old girl, best condition. Burial 5 (male over 45)- we will come back to…Burial 6 (female 36-47)- No artifacts, skeletal material scattered about, even the skull being made up of scattered fragments.

“I feel that the burial (burial #1), which from the physical While I realize that these are gruesome details for some of type has been identified as Indian, was buried by the group our readers to read, there is a point that is to be made conwho left the physical evidence (fire pits) of their occupancy. cerning them. In fact, it is notable that even Moorehead’s The clay pipe and unidentified metal object being evidence, accordance to my interpretation that the site is post European.” (Griffin:1931) Griffin however noted that Ellsworth Cowles disagreed with him, stating that “The Brennan Site (Br 42) is an Algonkian camp or small village occupied a short while, perhaps two or three years. From the absence of any evidence of white contact in the village strata and refuse pits, I should date it previous to the Andaste cemetery on the Thurston Farm. While one of the jars at the feet indicates Iroquois influence, the other is so-called Archaic Algonkian (Plate XVIIb) in shape, and since these could have been co-existent in the Algonkian village but recently coming under the influence of the Iroquois, I believe they fit into the above hypothesis, as do the awls, harpoon, bone beads, and pestle. While the burial with pipe if Indian I believe belongs to the period of white contact possibly about 1750, and would be intrusive. The child’s burial seems to belong to a still later date. If In-

The Murray Farm- 1931 (Continued on page 4)

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Volume 6, Issue 1

THE JAMES GRIFFIN REPORT:1931 CONT. (Continued from page 3)

team in 1916 commented as follows: “In some cases a part of a vessel occurred in one grave and other fragments of the same utensil in another some distance away” and “A number of graves were opened in which there were no skeletons, or at best only a few portions of bones….Some may have been rifled through by whites….” (Mooregead:1938) In his report, Griffin commented on the “scarcity of artifacts” at BR-5 and Moorehead’s attempts to explain them as follows, “The conclusion reached in the Second Report of the Pennsylvania Historical Commission by the secretary of the expedition (1916) that the scarcity of the artifacts found with the bodies indicates that the group to which these Indians belonged “was not in prosperous condition , is I think, not justified. It might rather be that the lack of artifacts indicates that the particular time at which these bodies were buried this group did not place many cultural evidences with their dead.” (Griffin:1931) I personally believe that they missed the point. That is that the burials consistently were scattered and seldom uncovered as one would expect an undisturbed burial t be found. ..This fact I think is relative to what Louise Welles Murray actually discussed this in her 1908 “Early Athens” book, when she said, “It may be said that the first recorded discovery of an extensive Indian burial place at Tioga Point was by Sullivan’s soldiers, close to their camp, mentioned in many journals, and an object of interest and amusement to all of the troops.” (Murray:1908)

I must say that I feel that Griffin was right on the mark when he reported the following, “If a comparison be made of the artifacts found in the Murray Image from SRAC Collection Garden with those found at this burial ground a striking similarity will be noticed. Certainly it would indicate that the two sites are of the same culture.” – (Griffin:1931) He of course was referring to the shell tempered pots with two faces that were

Image from Tioga Point Museum

Allan Eckert’s “Wilderness Wars” which uses many excerpts from the Sullivan Troops journals recorded for August 11, 1779 the following: “The hardiness of the troops and their promise for the future was marred for many by the goulish grave robbing that wa continuing as the men settled in here at Tioga, although it didn’t seem to bother some of the higher officers, such as Major James Norris, who simply commented: Whether through avarice or curiosity, our soldiers dug up several of their graves and found a good many laughable relics as a pipe, tomahawk and beads, &c…” Burial #5 However in 1931, Griffin and his workmen did excavate one intact burial, and as predicted, it had an artifact in the grave with the flexed burial. If this two-face effigy pipe was any illustration of what was found there over the past 150 years prior to his expedition, we will never know as like so many of our local sites, the artifacts become “treasures” and are often sold or lost with no apparent idea that they could be used for scientific research or preservation of our local history. This specific pipe I am told is actually at in Harrisburg and still can be seen.

found just across the river in Louise Welles Murray’s garden in 1883. Even more interesting is that we have evidence of the same design of two faces on yet another artifact found on the east side of the Susquehanna from Main Street Athens, Pa that is in SRAC’s Tom Vallilee’s collection. (seen on next page) (Continued on page 5)

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Volume 6, Issue 1

THE JAMES GRIFFIN REPORT: 1931 CONT. (Continued from page 4)

Personally, I cannot fathom how the two faced design found in three different sites around the Tioga Point area could not be considered to represent the same culture. Site BR-”41” – Thurston Farm (Extension of BR-5 the Murray Farm) It is important to note that Griffin uses the site number BR – 41 for the Thurston Farm in his 1933 report, however, that site number is really to a site located on Sugar Creek near Towanda. The Thurston site, as it was actually just a football field or so away from the excavations at the Murray Farm and therefore uses the same site number- BR-5. A brief summary of Griffin’s report on a fire pit at this site follows: “The most productive area of the site was Pit 5…After the fired area was delineated the top soil was removed, many flint chips were present but only one small triangular point was recovered. Eight net sinkers were taken from the fire place… There were some few pieces of pottery found at random throughout this upper disturbed area… As the actual fireplace was removed it was noticed that the disturbed area continued below the point which showed contact with fire. A large stone slab 2 feet long, 13 ‘ wide and 2’ thick was removed Below this stone at the depth of 3’9’ the broken remains of a good size pot was found… It is evident from the structure of the fire place that an excavation was first made and pottery was placed at the bottom.”(Griffin: 1931) Most important, Griffin also reported that one other feature at the Thurston Farm revealed European style glass beads contact. Along with the small blue glass bead later described by the Heye Foundation as “Russian,” two arrow points (triangular), two net sinkers, flint chips, and potsherds were Keir/SRAC Collection found. SRAC’s Ted Keir has reported that the same blue glass beads have been found at Tioga Point in conjunction with Andaste style copper hair coil shown here. Top of Spanish Hill Site BR-27 “The major excavations on Spanish Hill consisted of eight trenches and numerous test pits in the ridge.” (Griffin:1931) It important to note that a survey was made of the trenches atop Spanish Hill as early as 1878 by a well experienced surveyor from the civil war, General John S. Clark. In the following diagram I have shown the trenches drawn using the same illustration of the outline of the top of Spanish Hill by Clark in Griffin’s 1931 report: By putting these two images together, one can quickly see that Griffin did not realize that he had in fact used the outline of the top edge of the hill as opposed to the dotted line that Clark actually used to show where the embankments oc-

curred. By following this dotted line and seeing where the Griffin trenches were dug, one can see pretty clearly that some trenches were not even close to where the embankments were illustrated to be located by Clark. For example, look at trenches 4 & 5 on the map to the left , and then look at where the dotted line runs on the Clark map on the right. However, other trenches were dug at least in a close proximity it seems to where Clark recorded the embankments such as Trench #1.

Image from

As a result, Griffin reported that only Trench #1 & #3 showed any significance as can be seen by the following illustrations. I think it important to point out that during my research on the Griffin Report, another photo was in the mix of SRAC/Cowles collection of photos from Spanish Hill shown here of an Andaste pot and points all described to have been found in the trenches

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THE JAMES GRIFFIN REPORT: 1931 CONT. artifacts on top of Spanish Hill, (36BR27), but had his report been published, it would have put to rest any further condug in the palisade tranches of the village site found in 1933 cerns about its being the site of Carantouan or its having below Spanish Hill. Indian earthworks around its top margins.” (Kent: 1984) (Continued from page 5)

In the end, Griffin’s conclusions on Spanish Hill were less To me, the 1984 version of Griffin’s report is very misleadthan conclusive as he reported, “That Spanish Hill was used ing. Griffin obviously sates that he saw enough evidence by the Indians is amply proved by the amount of material that had “been picked up in the past” to convince him that the hill was “used by the Indians.” Furthermore, whether or not post molds were found, Griffin never states that the embankments were not there. Another question that comes to mind is how Griffin could have missed any one of the 400 so called test pits that were dug around the same top edge area of the hill by Moorehead’s men in 1916 and illustrated below. I believe the fact that he did miss them clearly shows that he could have missed a lot of other evidence as well.

The past records of the embankments in my opinion are too many to ignore, to include an illustration that General John S, Clark did along with the survey of the top of the hill in 1878: One of the earliest recorded references to the embankments is by a traveler up the Chemung River from Azylum in 1795:

picked up from its surface in the past. From the work of the summer of 1931 the embankment does not appear to have been made at one time. If the evidence of the fire in Trench 1 is Indian in origin, it would indicate that the occupation antedated the construction of the embankment by some considerable period of time. None of the trenches excavated nor the test pits on the embankment disclosed any evidence of post holes or of a trench on the inside of the embankment.” (Griffin:1931)

"Near the confines of Pennsylvania a mountain rises from the bank of the river Tioga (Chemung) in the shape of a sugar loaf upon which are seen the remains of some entrenchments. These the inhabitants call the Spanish Ramparts, but I rather judge them to have been thrown up against the Indians in the time of M. de Nonville. One perpendicular breastwork is yet remaining which, though covered with grass and bushes, plainly indicates that a parapet and a ditch have been constructed here." (La Rochefoucald-Liancourt 1795:76-7)

But by the turn of the century, there is a marked change in However in 1984, this very report was used as fol- the description of the embankments: (Continued on page 7) lows:”Griffin’s work confirmed the presence of a few Indian The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center of Native Indian Studies ~ ~ email


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THE JAMES GRIFFIN REPORT:1931 CONT. (Continued from page 6)

“Many now living remember the beautiful flat lawn of several acres on top of the hill, and an enclosure of earth 7 to 8 feet high which was within a quarter of a century been leveled by the plow and harrow.” (Perkins: 1906)

In the end, after the summer spent by James Griffin in our region in 1931, this report was never published. If you go to Wikipedia and look up James Griffin - the reason given is simply that the funds from the National Research Council simply ran out. However, other accounts were that there was a conspiracy because the Tioga Point Museum did not like his report concerning Spanish Hill. Whatever the reason, the Griffin Report itself was published in 2003 in the A.D. Marble Company’s “Alternative Mitigation to the Interstate Fairgrounds Site(36BR210)” by Dave Weinberg, and has always been accessible from the Tioga Point Museum. I have also recently posted my presentation in pdf and video format on SRAC’s blog for anyone interested to see. ( Obviously, this article is also my effort in setting the record straight about what was actually reported by James Griffin in his 1931 report that has seemed to be cloaked in so much secrecy by not being published.

What this research project has taught me is that there is a huge difference between a published article and unpublished one. That is, a published article is out there and can be used to further research or even be critiqued, corrected, and/or built upon. But an unpublished report such as James Griffin’s from the summer of 1931 actually took on a life of And even Moorehead made note of the embankments being its own that was seemingly untouchable and uncorrectable. there in 1916 when he reported on another site in Towanda: I hope that this article clears up a lot of misconceptions “Traces of a fortified hilltop, there being distinct traces of about this report. I am also proud to be a part of the efforts embankments. This being smaller than Spanish Hill, but of SRAC to try to publish new articles that uncover the true it resembled same. It contained Iroquoian pottery and history as well as the misunderstandings concerning our triangular flint points, probably Andaste." (Moorehead local archaeology. I believe it is a valued addition to the edu1938:70) cation and understanding of our prehistoric past.

EFFIGY MOUNDS AND SOME OF THE PEOPLE WHO LIVED AROUND THEM CONT. legend is also told by the Seven Nations of HIs dress and weapons says "I don't need a the Iroquois in the East. The Native American gun and white man's ways, to live my old life", church says he was the same spirit that was according to Professor David Faldet. Jesus. I heard this story also from Spencer Coming Thunder was of the De Cora family of Lone Tree, who said his grandfather, a tradithe Ho Chunk and the one who lead his people tional Ho Chunk medicine man, told him about to the new lands, as their land was taken after this when he was a boy. Spencer has written the Blackhawk War. Not much of a reward for three books that tell the story of a young boy helping the army capture Blackhawk! He who was a member of the Ho Chunk, rewears a peace medal around his neck, given moved from their lands in Wisconsin in the his father from the Louis and Clark expedition. 1830's, and put at Fort Atkinson, Iowa, for This photo was taken during the 1860's, when about ten years, guarded by soldiers called he and his people were taken and held at Fort dragoons. When the soldiers were needed to Snelling in Minnesota, "for their own protecgo to fight in the Mexican War, the natives tions", during the Sioux uprising that was in were forced to move again to Minnesota. 1862. Some say his dress, bear claws, and This happened twice more in the next decade, bow and arrow, is a sign that he is ready to go and they wound up hundreds of miles West in back to the old ways and did not need the solSouth Dakota and Nebraska. The tribe was dier food or government assigned land by buused as a buffer between warring peoples Ho Chunk, Coming Thunder, at Fort Snelling, MN reaucrats who were agents for the tribes. and it took its tole on the Ho Chunk. The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center of Native Indian Studies ~ ~ email


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This was their reward for helping to end the war and bring peace to the area. They were forced to move to the West in between their ancient rivals and enemies. They had to give up all their land in Wisconsin and Illinois. A decade later they had to give this land up and were moved hundreds of miles North, to Long Prairie Minnesota between the warring Chippewa and Ojibwe. Each tribe of the hundreds that were here at Columbus landing has a trail of tears story. Many were "rubbed away", from the Earth by the time we became a country. When our country fought with the British against the French, it is recorded that blankets taken from infected villages that contained small pox were given to people further West who were standing their ground against invasion. This happened near Detroit and also after the Battle of Fallen Timber. Germ warfare of an earlier time. When we fought the British in the War of 1812 this practice was done by people who worked for General Washington in his battles during the Revolution. Freedom was for the whites, and even the Cherokee or Tslagi Peoples who owned land, had fine houses, a written language, and treaties with the Government, were denied their rights during the time of Andrew Jackson. He forcibly moved them all West across the Mississippi. Many had fought in the Revolution against the British, and were paid back with this shameful taking of their land. A story says that one woman going back to get a favorite stew pot at her home she had just been forced to leave, had new white people moving in to the home she raised her family, and was told to leave with whatever she could carry. There was a lot missing from the stories we were taught in grade school and maybe we are still short changing our children. The old adage about repeating history's mistakes comes to mind.

This is a painting done in 1825 at the treaty of Prairie du Chien in Wisconsin.

The painting was done for the territorial government by O.H. Lewis. and professor Faldet says maybe it is a younger Coming Thunder, or possibly, his father. The Winneshieks and the DeCora had common ancestors among the Ho Chunk which means "the people of the loud voice", also some times referred to as Winnebago, but not by them. As

is common in the past, it was a name given them by neighbors. Minnesotans tell Iowa jokes and Iowans give them back, much as the People of the North are called Eskimo by those who lived further South. . It means those who eat blubber, or fat. Not a flattering name, but a description by those who lived among the trees to the South. Wisconsin has much swamp water full of algae, that turns green and is pungent in the late Summer. Who would want to be called the "People who live by the stinky water"?, (or Winnebago). Ho Chunk is the preferred name and it is now on their website and is their official name. The reward for the belegared A thousand years before the Ho Chunk people were here, a people who may have been the Ioway, could have made these bird effigy mounds in Iowa.

There are Earth Clan effigies and Sky Clan Effigies throughout the area. They were made in stages and built over many years, with different layers of different river mud, each time they were burned off or cleared. In profile they look like layer cake. One can see the marks of the baskets that carried the earth, as they used the baskets to tamp the earth down and woven patterns formed in the clay. These mounds were dug into by pot hunters years ago before it was illegal. Most do not contain burials. Some do contain later, native people, buried in the mounds, as they were very sacred to those who lived here many generations after the builders moved some where else. These are called incursion burials. The mounds in the photo above are thought to be Peregrine Falcons. These mounds were outlined with lime, similar to what is used on baseball fields to make the mounds visible from the air for the photos, and to mark them on maps so they can never be disturbed in the future. If burials are found as roads are being made in Iowa, there are several native holy men who will rebury the remains with a proper ceremony to honor those whose spirits are disturbed. This is the law, and this is done through the Archeology Department of the State of Iowa, which has to examine all remains found that are native. Some remains in museums have also been reburied in this manner. This only applies to public works projects. There are some protections for burials on private land. Many land developers have been fined for disturbing mounds where they are building homes.

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It is important to mark all mounds on the state maps to prevent this. In one Iowa town alone, near the Mississippi River, over 1200 mounds were leveled in the early years of settlement by Europeans. There are probably a thousand effigy mounds that are already gone throughout the state, especially in the Eastern half. This area at the time of the Prairie du Chien Treaty of 1825, was under the direction of Governor Clark, of the Thomas Jefferson expedition It also had in the area at this time such American icons as Abra-

ham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Zachary Taylor and General Scott. Friends of the Mounds is an organization in Ohio that partly inspired me to take up this work, especially Mrs. Barbara Crandell, who is my hero in saving mounds in Ohio like the Great Circle. She will be remembered in history, and is an example to those of us who are younger, and not as wise. She does speak from the heart and speaks for those who have walked this earth before us.

GAS IN MARCELLUS SHALE BY MARTY BORKO History Several hundred million years ago during the Devonian Geological Period of the Paleozoic Era continental Africa was colliding with North America. These are referred to as tectonic plates that continue to move to this day. The evidence for this is overwhelming with marine trenches, earthquake zones and volcanic bursts. As a result of the plates’ collision mountains were formed to our East. As these highlands were eroded to the west they formed the Catskill Mountains and still further to the west lay a shallow sea or marine environment characterized over time with periods of major evaporation leaving behind the salt now mined to our north and extensive mud flats that supported bacteria and algal mats. Over time the mud flats got thicker and thicker, eventually being covered by other layers the deceased bacteria and algal mats were trapped, decayed, but the methane had no escape. One of these major beds is the Marcellus Shale. Just as decay in our landfills yields methane,

methane is also formed in the decay within the Marcellus Shale. Due to erosional patterns and the retreat of the continental glacier the Devonian formation tips down to the south making it a shallow formation in central NY but a deeper formation in PA. The thickness of the formation also varies in different geographic locations. Harvesting Traditional drilling for oil and gas had been vertical wells. The oil & gas industrial complex discovered that through a process of drilling horizontally off of the bottom of the vertical wells that they could tap more resources more efficiently than ever before. This information coupled with recent geologists’ research, which indicated that the shale held much more gas than here-to-fore was expected, led to the present situation we find in the Twin Tiers. The new twist however is that to release the trapped methane a process called fracking is necessary. This process involves filling the thousand feet horizontal bores with water under high pressure. Not just plain water but water that contains a myriad of chemicals designed to hold the pore spaces open and facilitate gas flow. One of the dilemmas is that some of these chemicals are toxic and carcinogenic. The fracking fluids are handled by humans, and as there is always going to be human error, many people worry about our water resources. Once ground water is polluted it can remain so for decades. Legal Jurisdictions

Approximate depth to the base of the Marcellus Shale

Another issue is who is in charge. The NYS Department of Conservation has the responsibility of granting drilling permits but is drastically understaffed to follow up on any monitoring of the wells. Gas lines that connect wells to major collector lines are under the jurisdiction of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The regulator is also determined by the amount of pressure that the line is designed for. To keep the gas flowing the corporations must have compression stations which have been documented on occasion as being major producers of benzene and other volatile organic compounds. (Continued on page 10)

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Gas in Marcellus Shale cont. SEQRA

Contact Us! Our Headquarters Mail: SRAC PO Box 12 Sayre, PA 18840 Phone: 607-727-3111 Email: Our Center Location: 345 Broad St. Waverly, NY

When the NYS SEQR Act was passed it mandated that segmentation would not be allowed. Segmentation means that a project is divided into several smaller projects or phases. The LAW mandated that full consideration must be given to the eventual maximum size of the project. This creates a dilemma as there are multiple corporations with their own requests for wells, lines and compression stations. What will the maximum of all wells be in a decade? This is so obvious that the union representing the NYS DEC requested that its own agency not to allow any drilling in the Marcellus Shale for at least another year. Their point was that they lack the funds to hire the staff needed for oversight of the drilling. They additionally rec-

In spite of all that may be said gas is the cleanest burning and most efficient organic energy source. The wells with their collecting lines will come to Tioga County. The real question is “How can we monitor them and make sure that our environment is safe and that they are using the best management practices to protect us?” New York City doesn’t believe it can be done. NY City has called for a ban on drilling in the NY City watershed because the NYC Department of Environmental Protection does not believe that both are possible.

After a month of exhibition and voting at The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center (SRAC), an awards ceremony was held recently to announce the winners of the Lincoln Street School 4th Grade Native American projects competition. The public was invited to come to SRAC and cast a penny per vote for their favorite projects on display. At the end of the voting period, the teachers, Robin Blauvelt and Cathy Hand picked up all of the containers and brought them to the school where the students counted the “votes” and tallied the scores to determine the winners.


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SRAC/Lincoln Street School Project

Phone: 607-565-7960

Online Giftshop:

ognized the problem of cumulative impacts of all wells, lines and compression stations.

Robin Blauvelt and her 4th grade Waverly Lincoln Street School class.

The first place winner was Ellie Nittinger (totem pole); in second was Jared Stewart (totem pole); and in third was Megan Thorp (long house.) Honorable mention from each classroom was Marissa Trudeau (longhouse) and Ryan Wilson (birch bark canoe.) The grand total of votes was $320.44 that went directly to the Lincoln Street School. The top three winners received Happy Meals from McDonald’s as well as a one year family pass to the SRAC Museum and all SRAC events during 2010. McDonald’s also donated a free order of fries for all the students in the Lincoln Street 4th grade. All winners also will have their projects on display at SRAC throughout 2010.

SRAC Blog: m Online Donations: donations

Teachers Blauvelt and Hand and their students also donated $100 and a “certificate of appreciation” to SRAC. Robin Blauvelt commented on the event stating, “It was very educational and the kids were so excited! We had a very close race!”

Mobile Website: Cathie Hand and her 4th grade Waverly Lincoln Street School class.

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Volume 6, Issue 1

The Woolly Mammoth Exhibit – An Update In 1983, the Newton family in Wyalusing uncovered the jaw with teeth of a Jefferson Mammoth as they were using a drag-line to deepen and widen the lake near their home, called Spring Lake. After contacting the Pennsylvania Archaeological Society, Carnegie Museum was called in to oversee the further excavation and search for the remaining evidence of this huge beast. Throughout the summer of 83, the search was on and ended with the greatest find of the excavation; a ten foot tusk said to be in perfect shape. A couple of years ago, Ted Keir actually took me for a ride down to Spring Lake, and he drove right up to the Newton family home. Mrs. Newton came out and invited us in. To my surprise, on the rafter of her living room was a ten foot tusk which was later described to me to be a perfect replica of the tusk that was excavated there at the lake in 1983. The tusk on display in the Newton home was given to them by Carnegie. All accrual remains were packed up and delivered to the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, where they remain today. As I looked up at that tusk, I thought back to one of the first presentations that I saw Ted give about this woolly mammoth excavation that I would later learn was dubbed the greatest archaeological find in Pennsylvania by the Carnegie Museum and many others. It was at that moment that the idea that I would help to do whatever I could to get the tusk back to our area was planted in my mind.

Ted Keir holding the Newton family tusk replica in the early 1980’s.

As I write this update, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for an upcoming announcement of plans for the unveiling of the SRAC Woolly Mammoth Exhibit, complete with two murals, ten foot tusk, jaw and teeth from Carnegie Museum, photos from the 1983 dig at Spring Lake in Wyalusing, and a kiosk that will play five videos including actual footage of the dig. Although it was not possible to get the actual artifacts, the Andaste Chapter of PA with the help of the Allen Pierce Foundation invested in the creation of new replicas by the Carnegie Museum. This time the replicas are of the jaw and teeth that began the excitement at Spring Lake, and the ten foot tusk that ended the excavation in 1983, and it will all be on exhibit at SRAC for generations to come.

Wooly Mammoth Exhibit Mural

Stay tuned for the unveiling date and invitation to all SRAC members to take part in the special event to launch the educational exhibit that will be a salute to the great beasts called woolly mammoths that once roamed this area and the people who took part in the excavation in 1983.

RECENT CONTRIBUTORS TO SRAC Special thanks to the following for their support:  Brooks Eldridge Martin  Dr. Barry Skeist  Dan Caister  Barabara Sowinsky  Southern Steuben Library  Ed Hiley

 The Meikle Family

 Andaste Chapter of PA Archae-

 Dandy Mini Mart

ology  Dr. Peter Pratt  Pam Jacobsen  Gloria Reigal  Janet Andrus

 Vince Barrows  John and Dee Margetanski  Frank Evans  Les Rolfe  Craig and Rita Maurey  Allen Pierce Foundation

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Volume 6, Issue 1

Coming Events at SRAC—March – May 2010 Saturday, March 13th from 2-3pm LIVE ANIMAL SHOW – "Animals on Our River System", by Tanglewood Nature Center at the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, 345 Broad Street, Waverly, NY Tanglewood Nature Center returns to SRAC with a live animal show - this time bringing live reptiles, birds and mammals that live along and from our river system and it's resources such as hawks, owls, turtles, and many more! These events are educational and entertaining for all ages! The doors will open at 1pm, with the program running from 2 – 3pm. Admission is $5 Adults, $4 for SRAC members and students, kids under ten, $3. **Is your family having a budget crunch? Call us and we will work something out for your kids to be able to attend! The public is advised that the SRAC gift shop and exhibit hall will also be open during this time as well and to please consider arriving early to browse these areas before the program. For more information, call 570-565-7960 or email Tuesday, April 6th from 6:30 - 7:30pm History's Mysteries "Stories from the Natural World", by Ed Nizalowski, Newark Valley Historical Society at the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, 345 Broad Street, Waverly, NY The Southern Tier prior to the Revolutionary War was the realm of Native Americans who took the bounty of the land, soil and forest in ways that had been developed and sustained for centuries. Although native tribes had altered the environment to suit special needs, the white settlers who streamed in after the Revolution entered a cornucopia of animal life and plant life all sustained by a forest that offered some of the finest building material in the world. Nizalowski will present how the past 200+ years the transformation that has taken place in the natural world of the Southern Tier has been remarkable to say the least. Those interested in wildlife can read the first reports of animals making their reappearance in Tioga County including the white tail deer, beaver, bear, coyote and bald eagle. Three possible sightings of the eastern mountain lion are sure to be intriguing. Forest history includes accounts of the chestnut blight, Dutch elm disease, wide spread tree plantings in the first quarter of the century and the development of state forests in the 1930's. Ed has been involved with the Newark Valley Historical Society for over 30 years and has developed a special interest in ethnic, immigrant and minority groups along with both agricultural and environmental history. Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for SRAC members and students. Admission to the SRAC Exhibit Hall Filled with thousands of local artifacts is included in the admission price. Call the Center at 607-565-7960 for more information. Saturday, April 10th, & 17th from 1-3pm Two Part Photography Class - With Ed and Gail Cordes/ Nature's Vision Photography at the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, 345 Broad Street, Waverly, NY First Class is 2 hours of Power Point led class, where attendees are asked to bring their cameras and enjoy hands on instruction in use of their own cameras. (Please bring your cameras and camera instruction booklet!) CAMERAS MUST BE ABLE TO ADJUST APERTURE AND SHUTTER SPEEDS. Attendees will then go home and make images during the week to be reviewed the following Saturday. The time during the workshop is very flexible. If the attendees have a lot of questions or desire more time this is OK. The instructor encourages questions and hands on learning. Second Class is 2 hours, with a critique of images and instruction in uploading, basic image processing and image library management along with basic printing concepts. The time during the workshop is very flexible. If the attendees have a lot of questions or desire more time this is OK. The Instructor encourages questions and hands on learning. Instructor: Ed and Gail Cordes/ Nature's Vision Photography: Fees are $22 per person for each class, payment due the day of the class. RSVP appreciated. To enroll, email or call SRAC - 607-565-7960, (leave your contact info after business hours.) Thursday April 15th, 6:30 - 8pm, "The History of Greyhounds" Join us for a fun and informative presentation of the history of Greys from thetothey came to this country, at the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, 345 Broad Street, Waverly, NY. If you’re lucky, you might even win a chocolate greyhound! This event is still in the planning stages, so stay tuned for more information! Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for SRAC members and students. Admission to the SRAC Exhibit Hall Filled with thousands of local artifacts is included in the admission price. Call the Center at 607565-7960 for more information. (Continued on page 13)

The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center of Native Indian Studies ~ ~ email

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Volume 6, Issue 1

Coming Events at SRAC—March – May 2010 Tuesday, May 4th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm, Histories Mysteries - "Archaeology, Tourism, and Intrigue at the Levanna Site, Cayuga County", NY Jack Rossen, Associate Professor & Chair, Department of Anthropology, Ithaca College, at the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, 345 Broad Street, Waverly, NY This talk discusses how perceptions and interpretations of the Levanna site have changed throughout the history of investigations at the site. The site was discovered in 1922 and excavated from 1932-1947 and 2007-2009. The site was also an elaborate tourist attraction from 1933-1940. Analysis of the collections recovered over three recent field seasons is underway. Preliminary statements may be made on interpretive changes of the site, including how the site is culturally assigned (Algonkian, Owasco, Cayuga), the type of domestic architecture (small circular versus proto-longhouse), whether the site was palisaded, and the nature of regional ceramic typologies and the famous stone animal effigies. There are also important implications for how archaeologists conducted their business in the 1930s and 1940s and how Native Americanarchaeologist relationships are changing in the 21st century. There are some features of this site that have been compared to those found at Spanish Hill in South Waverly, PA and is a MUST for those seeking more information about this site as well. Jack Rossen is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at Ithaca College. He received his doctorate from the University of Kentucky (1991). He has conducted archaeological research in Peru, Chile, and Argentina, and has also analyzed archaeobotanical materials from throughout South America, the Ohio Valley and the northeastern U.S. His work on collaborative archaeological and community projects with the Cayuga and Onondaga in what is now central New York began in 1999. Admission is $5 per adult, $4 for SRAC members and students. Admission includes entrance to the SRAC exhibit hall. Doors open at 6pm. Admission is $5 for adults , $4 for SRAC members and students. Admission to the SRAC Exhibit Hall Filled with thousands of local artifacts is included in the admission price. Call the Center at 607-565-7960 for more information. Saturday May 15th, 2- 3pm, "Fluorescent Rocks" with Bob McGuire and 4-5pm,"Fun With Fluorescent Rocks for Kids", Fluorescent Rocks, An Unusual Creation of Mother Nature at the Susquehanna River Archaeological Center, 345 Broad Street, Waverly, NY An informative look at some unusual creations of Mother Nature. You will see some really unattractive rocks transform into a rainbow of lovely colors simply by turning off the lights and exposing them to Ultra Violet illumination. See also some of the uses of this phenomenon in today's world. The 2- 3pm show is geared toward kids, while the 4-5pm showing will include slides of the now closed zinc mines in Franklin, New Jersey and one of the past digs there. The doors will open at 1pm. Admission is $5 Adults, $4 for SRAC members and students, kids under ten, $3 for each presentation. **Is your family having a budget crunch? Call us and we will work something out for your kids to be able to attend! Admission to the SRAC Exhibit Hall Filled with thousands of local artifacts is included in the admission price. Call the Center at 607-565-7960 for more information.

~ ROOM DEDICATION ~ Barabara Sowinsky has donated $24,000 to SRAC in order to dedicate the SRAC Exhibit Hall to her late husband, Andrew A. Burns. Andrew had great interest in archaeology and we are honored to memorialize him in our Center. A plaque will soon be placed amongst thousands of our local Native American artifacts in his honor.

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Volume 6, Issue 1


In just a few short years, SRAC has become an important part of the community and its culture! Our events are well attended, as can be seen by the photographs on these pages. October saw a very successful 6th Annual Drumbeats event! In addition, SRAC’s educational programs, provided to area schools at no cost, are growing. Our active leadership, board of directors, and membership love sharing knowledge and are always excited to have these opportunities. Our photo library as always is due in large part to the efforts of John Margetanski, a most loyal SRAC member!

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Volume 6, Issue 1


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Volume 6, Issue 1


Since SRAC opened in Waverly, we’ve discussed a sign to suit the front of our Center, and we had wanted to stay with our mission and our brand. We wanted it to be unique as we are. Our good friend Brian Denlinger of Denlinger Design agreed to design one with me and what developed was a year long process that ended just this past January. Back in the early part of 2009, our good friend Jeff Wright of Built Wright Construction agreed to get rough cut hemlock and he brought it up to my house where we have a wood drying barn. There the wood laid flat for weeks until Jeff picked it up and began building the 9 X 4 feet sign structure. Jeff has built many hemlock sheds and other items, and in fact built a shed on site at my house a few years ago. He is great at what he does and is a great guy too, so send him some business! By Spring, Brian Denlinger took the sign to Granite Works, where they used our design and logo to make the template to sandblast around to give it a hand carved look. This actually took a lot more engineering than we had expected and we didn't get the sign back from the sand blasting until summer because of alterations we decided to make before the sand blasting could even begin. By late summer, the sign made it into SRAC, to begin the long slow process of priming all of the design that needed to be painted and weather sealed. Even Dick Cowles, MaryAnn Taylor, and Sam Ayers took part in the process. At that point, you'd think that it would be easy to get it up on the side of the building, Brian Denlinger right? Nope. The truth is the hardest part was yet ahead of us...or I should say ahead of Tom Vallilee....His job was to figure out how to hang a 9’x4’ sign made of solid hemlock that weighed A LOT on a space that actually was wood panels covering up old glass windows! After of months of planning he figured it out! He drilled anchors in the steel girder of the building above the place where the sign would hang and had a frame custom made to perfectly lower the sign over the area that actually has no place to anchor it. After a long year of collaborative work, Tom and a bunch of SRAC friends put up a scaffold and lifted the frame and sign into place...And I just have to say - - it is PERFECT.

Dick Cowles and Sam Ayres

After writing this, I have to say that this is yet another of those great SRAC stories where so many people have come together to make something that at times we wondered if we could ever achieve. And I must tell you that this is consistently what differentiates SRAC from so many nonprofit organizations with only volunteer help. By that I mean, we have been through so much together and faced hard times and good times together that we are a big family that takes care of each other. As a result many of our membership and friends are willing to roll up their sleeves and help. I feel blessed to be a part of an organization such as SRAC where you can be feel like you are welcome the first day that you enter our doors and if you stick around - you may just be inspired. Thank you to Tom and all of our friends who made the year long process of creating and getting our sign up on the building a success! When you drive by and look up at this incredible piece of artwork, I hope that you will think about this story and how that sign represents so much more than a logo on a big piece of wood. It was and always will be a sign of something very solid and special that we were all lucky enough to be a part of. The following are a couple of comments posted on the SRAC Blog: January 16, 2010 10:08 AM...…”The sign is beautiful and very much needed. This whole building and program is a miracle realized by a lot of hard work and dedication. We all thank those responsible, a great asset to our Valley area.” January 20, 2010 7:29 PM……”A wonderful classy sign. Great job! S.R.A.C is indeed an important asset to the Valley.” The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center of Native Indian Studies ~ ~ email


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Volume 6, Issue 1

SRAC Snippets! Looking for Instructors! SRAC is looking for instructors for educational, art, healthy living, and exercise classes. Please call Deb Twigg to discuss further at 607-727-3111. Bears Coming Back! The Bears on Broad St. family promises to return to SRAC this summer! In the meantime, we have a DVD on sale in the SRAC gift shop about the Rosaire family including portions of the bear show. This documentary film has actually won awards at the Sundance festival! Volunteers at SRAC usually volunteer for two hours a week. If you have two hours to come and have fun with us, please call Deb Twigg at 607-727-3111. Anyone who volunteers for 7 hour or more a month gets free admission to all SRAC events! Did you know that SRAC was founded in 2005? In December 2007 we bought the building that is now our Center at 345 Broad St., Waverly, NY; and in just over two years, with the support if so many philanthropists and volunteers, we have renovated what was once an eye sore into a bustling Center with a gift shop, lecture hall, and exhibit hall for our community! Recent Renovations at SRAC since our last journal was published include - carpeting for the lecture hall, signage for the front of our Center, new front doors, and the Woolly Mammoth Exhibit. Stay tuned for more updates soon! SRAC is a 501c3 and donations to us are a tax deductable investment in our community that you will see results from. Please consider donating to SRAC today. It's not too late to help fund our woolly mammoth exhibit! It goes without saying that SRAC has also invested several thousands of dollars to this exhibit; in addition to the amount donated for the pieces acquired from Carnegie. We thank all of those people and businesses that have donated to help us make this an amazing accomplishment. We ask that if anyone would still like to donate, to help us finish the exhibit project, please send donations to SRAC Mammoth Exhibit, PO Box 12, Sayre, PA 18840.

Welcome Don Hunt! SRAC is proud to announce that long time SRAC member Don Hunt has joined the SRAC Board. Don brings with him many years of private collecting and a broad knowledge of our local archaeology. He also has many years of service in the PA and NY Archaeology chapters as well as being President of the Tioga Point Museum in Athens, PA. Please join us in welcoming Don to the SRAC board!

SRAC operates with 100% volunteer staffing. The people listed below donate hundreds of hours every month to make SRAC a success. Thank you for all that you do! We survive because of your efforts!

S R AC B OA R D O F D I R E C T O R S     

Deb Twigg Dick Cowles Ted Keir Susan Fogel Tom Vallilee

   

Janet Andrus Mary Ann Taylor Mark Madill Don Hunt

S R AC VO LU NT EE R S     

Mary Keene Bev Murphy Beryl Cleary Sam Ayers Pat Miran

  

Nellie Brewster Ann Carrigan Don Taylor

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The Susquehanna River Archaeological Center of Native Indian Studies PO Box 12 Sayre, PA 18840

Volume 6, Issue 1

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