Intercom Vol. I 2020

Page 3

Moments in Ministry San Felipe de Neri School, Albuquerque, New Mexico By S. Judith Metz

S. Mary Nolasco Sanchez ministered at San Felipe de Neri on four separate occasions.


Six Sisters of Charity opened San Felipe under the leadership of S. Mary Josephine Irwin. The school consisted of Public School #1 and a select school for girls. One of the few schools in Albuquerque at the time, it served students of all denominations, ethnic groups, and income levels.


The San Felipe Sisters, under the leadership of S. Blandina Segale, opened the Wayfarers’ House to serve abandoned children, sick vagabonds, and “all other emergencies.”


Due to changing conditions in the city, the Sisters withdrew from Public School #1. San Felipe parochial school then opened under the direction of Sisters Mary Renetta Hughes and Mary Nolasco Sanchez. S. Mary Nolasco served four different times at San Felipe totaling 35 years. Noted for her guidance, concern and love for the students, she was a legend in the parish. One former student remembered, “She never got old, remaining youthful looking and vibrant.”


Outgrowing the buildings in Old Town Plaza, the school relocated to the old courthouse a few blocks away.


A new school building on the old courthouse grounds was erected and two years later a junior high school was opened there.


A new elementary school building was completed. When five Sisters, five lay teachers, and 400 children moved, each student picked up his or her desk and belongings and walked to the new building. Everything was transferred by 11 a.m., and the cafeteria served hot lunches for 25 cents that day.


The last Sister of Charity left San Felipe School when S. Ann Reimund moved to a new ministry.

San Felipe’s new elementary school building was completed in 1959.

S. Ann Reimund taught at San Felipe School from 1972-’82 and again from 1985-’88.

VOLUME I, 2020


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