Intercom Vol. I, 2021

Page 16

In the Name of Love By S. Regina Kusnir


acations often include travel to a foreign country where we encounter different cultures, languages, foods, music, etc. We delight in these experiences, even if we hold an English/French/ Spanish dictionary close at hand. When someone befriends us as we look questionably at something, we might recall the words of Hebrews 13:2: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.” Hospitality is one of the hallmarks of the Sisters of Charity. We recognize that our call is to “meet the needs that God lets us see,” as St. Vincent de Paul said. We identify with others in the manner stated in our Charism: “As pilgrims we pray for the wisdom to know the needs of our sisters and brothers and we dare to (From left) Marie, Samuel, Samuela and Samuel arrived in the United States in September 2018 seeking asylum. risk a caring response.” It was July 2018 when Jennifer Long from Casa Marianella in Austin, Texas contacted the Sisters in search of those who could welcome and assist families seeking asylum. The Congregation decided to risk that caring response. At the time S. Sandy Howe was making a 30-day retreat and was asked to consider this ministry. A life guided by trust in God found S. Sandy reflecting on the request: “Live simply so others can simply live has guided me my entire life. I believe God calls us, through our baptismal call, to love and serve others.” Prayer, conversations and trust in God led S. Sandy to say ‘yes’ to becoming the Newcomers Transitions Program Coordinator. There were a few guidelines, but the ministry would unfold daily as situations arose. Blessings in abundance continue to shower the journey.

what we had was a mom and dad, a little girl and a little boy,” she said. “The dad is Samuel, mom is Marie, the 7-year-old son is Samuel and the 3-year-old daughter is Samuela. I felt bad. I had little boy toys at the home on our property but nothing pink for the little girl. It didn’t take me long to get that corrected.”

Welcome, Family

It Takes a Community

S. Sandy was asked to receive a family of four, mom, dad and two children, and meet them at the bus station on Sept. 24, 2018 in Cincinnati. The farmhouse on the Motherhouse property was prepared to receive the Community’s first family from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). S. Sandy was expecting mom, dad and two boys ages 3 and 7. “Well, 16

Why Asylum? Samuel, Marie and their children fled the DRC due to political unrest and persecution of their heritage. Samuel was also tortured, having his feet burned and cut with machetes. With no other choice, they trekked through 11 countries until they entered the U.S. through Eagle Pass, Texas, and expressed their intent to apply for asylum. Everything was new: country, language, culture, food, ways of doing things. Resources were tapped by S. Sandy to help in the transition. Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio has English as a Second Language (ESL) and job readiness classes, access to an immigration lawyer and knowledge of others coming from similar backgrounds. A variety of Sisters and I n terc o m

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