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Community Building

Community Building




Community Building........................ 6-7 S. Joyce Brehm celebrates her Golden Jubilee. Filling the World with Love............... 8-9 S. Mary Bookser’s loving presence. A Call Within a Call ..................... 10-11 S. Laetitia Slusser’s 70 years as a Sister of Charity. Paving the Road Ahead ................. 12-15 S. Romina Sapinoso professes final vows. Moments of Grace...............................17 Q & A with S. Shirley Le Blanc. A Prayer of the Heart .................... 18-19 S. Nancy Bramlage celebrates her Diamond Jubilee. Santa Maria – The Recent Years .... 20-22 Santa Maria’s continuation of Blandina and Justina’s vision. A Wide Variety of Gifts ................. 24-25 S. Mary Ann Humbert’s well-rounded life as a SC.

A Missionary Spirit........................ 26-27 S. Mary Barbara Philippart’s example of loving dedication.

on the Cover: Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Romina Sapinoso professed perpetual vows with the Community during a liturgy on Sept. 24, 2022, in the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception. Read more on pages 12-15.

Disclaimer: The information contained in Intercom is intended for general information and educational purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are the views of individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. Dear Sisters, Associates and Friends,

Icome to you today with a heart filled with gratitude. Gratitude for the changing seasons that bring to mind transitions from beautiful autumn trees filled with an array of spectacular colors to the barren branches, cooler days and evenings that foretell winter’s coming. Sometimes a glimpse of snow with the sun casting its glitter surprises us with winter’s beauty. Advent gives us time to reflect on our journey, and all those transitions in our lives. One constant in all of our life transitions is that Christ is always with us. In this season of Advent, we take time out to reflect on how we bring His love into the world and to those we encounter. As we prepare to celebrate the feast of Christmas, we are reminded that our love dispels the darkness of winter and brings joy and hope to our world.

We celebrate many stories of joy by our Sisters journeys featured in our articles. We especially remember those Sisters and Associates that have transitioned to their eternal life with God. By their lives they have given witness of God’s love in our world.

Our Jubilee Day celebrated 28 Sisters marking significant years of life as Sisters of Charity. We had one golden jubilarian, S. Joyce Brehm, and three diamond jubilarians, Sisters Mary Bookser, Nancy Bramlage and Mary Ann Humbert. We celebrated Sisters from their 30th jubilee all the way to S. Emily Anne Phelan, celebrating her 80th jubilee. Enjoy their stories of witness, ministry and service as Sisters of Charity.

We also celebrated a very special 100th birthday, S. Marge Farfsing – Wow!

In September, at our Fall Congregational Days, we celebrated the final profession of vows of S. Romina Sapinoso as a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati. It was a wonderful liturgical celebration of her life commitment. We concluded our Congregational weekend with a lunch boat ride down the Ohio River. Getting back to our new normal, we were able to include everyone, our Sisters, Associates, employees and S. Romina’s vow guests, on a beautiful autumn day sailing down the Ohio River. A fun time was had by all.

This fall we had a blessing of our La Casa del Sol Ministry Center, which marks a new chapter in our commitment to care of the Earth and to SC ministries as we move into our future.

In life we take time to celebrate our journey. I invite you to enjoy the many photos, words and celebrations included in this issue of Intercom. They have been truly life-giving. Blessings on your Advent journey,

S. Patricia Hayden, SC

In MeMorIaM

Please visit “In Memoriam” at www.srcharitycinti.org for biographical information and reflections on the Sisters of Charity and Associates who have died. May our Sisters and Associates enjoy the fruits of their labor as well as peace with God.

associate Frances Geronimo

May 31, 2022

s. Claire Foken

July 11, 2022

s. Mary Laura Miceli

July 25, 2022

s. Marie evelyn Dow

August 2, 2022

associate Mary ann Hogan

August 7, 2022

s. Marie alice Moran

September 12, 2022

s. Marilyn Joseph Czarnecki

October 23, 2022

associate alice Graham

November 24, 2022

Of Storms and Boats …

By S. Monica Gundler

“We are not all in the same boat. We are in the same storm. Some have yachts, some canoes, and some are drowning. Let us be kind and help one another.”

This quote and various iterations have popped up on social media quite a bit the last year. It is a response to the often quoted: “We are all in the same boat.” The imagery is vivid and urgent.

In a short unpacking of the “storm” beyond the headlines and sensationalism that can overwhelm us, there are those trying to navigate and assist while remembering our connections to one another. We have seen the plight of immigrants, the ugliness of racism, the devastation from hurricanes, floods, fires and tornados and the displacement of people all over our planet.

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious identified the “intersectionality of racism, climate change and forced migration” as challenges of our time, while Pope Francis’ rich and comprehensive proclamation of Laudato Si’ is a call to address the perils of our planet, polluted and abused by rampant disregard of our dependence on one another. The quote calls us to open our eyes to the reality that the sea around us all has not only changed, but also awakened us to the vast inequalities caused by systems and practices embedded in our previous reality as “normal.”

In the midst of this, we Sisters of Charity and Associates are committed to our mission as witnesses of God’s love in the world. As we prepare for Chapter 2023, with all the implications of a post-pandemic world, the matters before us are weighty indeed. How will we continue to advocate for and accompany the most vulnerable? How can we amplify not only our voices, but the voices of those who have for too long not been allowed to speak on their own behalf? How will we continue to care for our common home?

The Sisters of Charity Constitutions call us with the words: “[W]e strive to love as Jesus loved.” This calls us not only in the ministries where we serve directly, but also in advocacy, education, resources, prayer and reflection. The Congregation has hosted conversations on racism, grief, social justice needs as well as synod gatherings and vocation conversations that educate and encourage advocacy, understanding and action.

Our new La Casa Del Sol Ministry Center is not only a model of living lightly on the Earth, but will house our ministries to aid immigrants through the Newcomers Transitions Program, and our Office of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, as well as the Cincinnati Cello School and acupuncture healing and wellness.

Advocacy for those on the margins continues to be a priority in using our resources and in the person of our Sisters who minister in various capacities through membership on committees, boards and organizations that work for the most vulnerable. In addition we partner and collaborate with others who share our mission and values such as the Intercommunity Justice and Peace Center, NETWORK, and the Leadership Council of Women Religious, to name just a few.

Working In Neighborhoods, Proyecto Santo Niño, EarthConnection, and the Spirituality Center are some of the variety of ministry sites where Sisters and Associates continue to be engaged with the issues of our times. As we recall the image of the storm and our own boats in the sea, we are reminded of the one who calms the storm, who walks on water and invites us to risk in faith. “Let us be kind and help one another.”

S. Carol Wirtz is one of the Sisters addressing the needs of our times as she ministers at Proyecto Santo Niño in the poverty-stricken colonia of Anapra, Mexico, serving children with special needs and their families.

Celebrating Our Jubilarians

Every year the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati honor those Sisters celebrating significant anniversaries as women religious. This year a total of four Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati celebrated golden or diamond anniversaries with the Community. The women represent 230 total years of service in the Cincinnati Archdiocese, in dioceses throughout the united States and beyond. We congratulate golden jubilarian, S. Joyce Brehm, and diamond jubilarians Sisters Mary Bookser, Nancy Bramlage and Mary Ann Humbert on their lives of service and commitment to God’s people.

In addition, 24 Sisters of Charity were recognized by the Community for their years of service. All jubilarians were celebrated at the Motherhouse on Aug. 28, 2022 with liturgy and a special dinner. We are most grateful for these women and their lives of charity and love.

(From left) Sisters Mary Bookser (60 years), Mary Ann Humbert (60 years), Joyce Brehm (50 years) and Nancy Bramlage (60 years) were honored for their years of service at a liturgy on Aug. 28, 2022 in the Motherhouse chapel.

Diamond Jubilarian S. Mary Bookser (left) with S. Sandy Howe. S. Monica Ann Lucas (left) enjoyed celebrating her 70th jubilee with S. Juliette Sabo (right) and Community members. S. Jean Miller (right) celebrated her 70th anniversary in 2022. Pictured with S. Roslyn Hafertepe.

Celebrating 75 years of service to God and God’s people, Sisters Mary Barbara Philippart (left) and Victoria Marie Forde enjoyed the opportunity to reflect with Community members. (From left) Associate Therese Frye enjoys celebrating with Sisters Sally Duffy (45 years) and Noreen Ellison (65 years).

S. Emily Anne Phelan entered the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati on Sept. 16, 1942 – 80 years ago. S. Barbara Padilla celebrated 65 years of Community life in Mother Margaret Hall.

Members of S. Joyce Brehm’s (front) family were able to attend the Aug. 28 celebration at the Motherhouse.

(Front, from left) Sisters Mary Fran Davisson, Pat Dittemeier (30 years), (back, from left) Lois Jean Goettke, Terry Thorman, Donna Steffen, Katharine Pinto and Anita Parks (all 55 years) enjoyed the Aug. 28 celebration on Elizabeth Seton’s birthday.

S. Mary Ann Humbert (center) receives a hug from Associate Mary Ellen Williams and her husband, Bill.

additional anniversaries

80 yeArS oF Service

S. Emily Anne Phelan

75 yeArS oF Service

S. Victoria Marie Forde S. Mary Barbara Philippart

70 yeArS oF Service

S. Joan Deiters S. Monica Ann Lucas S. Jean Miller S. Mary Joyce Richter S. Laetitia Slusser

65 yeArS oF Service

S. Mary Lucia Dudzinski S. Noreen Ellison S. Julie Gatza S. Katherine Hoelscher S. Barbara Padilla S. Martha Walsh S. Patricia Wlock

55 yeArS oF Service

S. Lois Jean Goettke S. Anita Parks S. Katharine Pinto S. Donna Steffen S. Terry Thorman

45 years of service

S. Sally Duffy S. Anita Maroun

40 yeArS oF Service S. Shirley Le Blanc

30 yeArS oF Service

S. Pat Dittmeier

ASSociAteS in miSSion 25 yeArS oF Service

Elisa Baca Esther Barela Barbarajene Williams

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