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Corporate profile

ABOUT US Michael Tirant Dermaceuticals is a multi-faceted company that researches, develops and manufactures topicals and orals for the treatment of Psoriasis, Eczema and other skin conditions. The clinical arm also specializes in the field of Complementary Dermatology using Dr. Michael Tirant’s unique Treatment Protocols and the Dr Michaels, Soratinex and Seloderma range.



Introduction Michael




Dr. Michael Tirant is an internationally recognized leader



in Complementary Dermatology and has over 30 years

and markets effective products for Psoriasis, Eczema

of experience in medical research and clinical practice,

and other skin conditions. We also have the Tirant

Dr. Tirant’s interest in skin conditions began after a close

Good Skin Clinics arm that specializes in the practice

personal friend’s ongoing battle with psoriasis. This made

of Complementary Dermatology and uses Dr. Michael

him realise how little was actually known about the

Tirant’s highly acclaimed Treatment Protocols and his

condition, including what caused the condition to have a

range of specialized, synergistically formulated, products

flare up. He began to research psoriasis, concentrating on

in a clinical setting, assisting hundreds of thousands of

indentifying not only the initial triggering factors but also

patients worldwide.

ongoing triggers that continue to exacerbate the condition.



Dermaceuticals researches,



Complementary dermatology products developed by Michael Tirant Dermaceuticals are based on proven

After treating skin conditions for many years, practising

scientific research. Our products and treatment protocols

under his own name, Dr. Tirant opened the first registered

were developed over many years and have been tested

Psoriasis & Skin Clinic in 1998 in Frankston, Melbourne.

by dermatologists in a number of clinical trials. We have

Expansion came in 2000, when the first Sydney Clinic was

achieved a 90% success rate in the treatment of psoriasis.

opened and within a year a second Sydney Clinic opened.

We have also successfully treated many other skin

In 2003, the Adelaide clinic was established and shortly


after that, one in Brisbane. In 2008, we began operation as a franchise system.

Michael Tirant Dermaceuticals, using its clinical experience at Tirant Good Skin Clinic, develops effective products.

The group underwent a branding change in 2012, from


‘Psoriasis & Skin Clinic’ to ‘Good Skin Care’, to better reflect

formulations clear symptoms of the condition, addressing triggers that

the wide range of conditions treated. At one stage there

cause the condition to flare-up. This is how we help

were 27 Good Skin Care clinics across Australia and New

patients achieve long-term remission.

Zealand. In order to allow more patients to gain access

Another arm of Michael Tirant Dermaceuticals is MT

to the treatment protocols, we now operate under a

Distribution – distributing the products Australia and

distribution system and the Tirant Good Skin Clinics are

Worldwide. In addition, several new arms of Michael

the only Clinics now directly under Michael Tirant

Tirant Dermaceuticals are also currently in development,

Dermacueticals’ control.

providing long-term relief by

including Tirant Foundation of Integrative Dermatology and the MT Veterinary range.



Our unique Clinical approach

Our founder

At the Tirant Good Skin Clinics, our Practitioners Dr. Tirant completed much of his formal studies at Monash University, Victoria, Australia. In the early 1980s, an interest in Complementary Medicine saw Dr. Tirant undertake many studies, completing Diplomas in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Natural Therapies (Vitamin & Mineral) and Nutrition and a post-graduate course in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. He has also lectured in Biochemistry and Nutritional Medicine. Although Dr. Tirant is a Complementary Medicine Practitioner and not a Dermatologist. He has been invited to attend Dermatology Lectures, Conferences, Patient Consultations and Hospital Internal Training in Vienna, Prague, Budapest and other European cities. He has done extensive studies under a number of Dermatology Professors. He has also presented case studies at many Conferences

and has been

a visiting


conducting Patient Consultations at various hospitals.. This invaluable dermatology training combined with knowledge in Complementary Medicine , has been pivotal

Dr. Michael Tirant (Ph.D.)

in the development of effective treatment protocols. Dr. Tirant has written a number of books in Biochemistry, Microbiology, Nutrition and Diets, and Complementary

Dr. Michael Tirant (Ph.D.), Clinical Research


Scientist, is the Managing Director of Michael

Dr. Tirant has researched and scientifically formulated

Tirant Dermaceuticals and the founder and

the Dr. Michaels / Soratinex topicals and the Seloderma

Principal Practitioner of Tirant Good Skin

range of oral medications for the treatment of various

Clinic. He has spent over 30 years researching

skin conditions. Dr. Tirant’s vision is to create international

and specialising in Complementary



Dermatology as a scientifically proven and viable





treatment option for a range of skin conditions.


address the triggers and treat the symptoms of skin conditions. While an ‘over the counter’ cream may give you some relief, the best longterm treatment for the skin is a customized solution. Many sufferers become frustrated with years of traditional treatments that provide only temporary relief and do not offer a longterm solution. We assist patients by not only helping them to relieve the physical symptoms, but also to identify and target the triggers that continue to exacerbate their ongoing condition. This is what makes us unique. Our treatment protocols have been shown to be 90% effective in clinical trials and clinical practice.

We use the following 5 simple steps. 1. We review patient’s history and identify the Primary trigger that initiates the condition. 2. We identify the Secondary triggers that continue to exacerbate the condition. 3. We develop a customized treatment plan to get the condition under control. 4. We treat the symptoms and address triggers to help achieve long-term remission. 5. We empower and educate patients to take control of their treatment regime.


Our Business Structure

International Partnership Dr






successfully used in a number of European Hospitals and Private Clinics by Professors of

Michael Tirant Dermaceuticals

Dermatology, who have gained knowledge of and confidence in his work. The topical family of the Dr. Michaels / Soratinex range - Cleansing Gel, Scalp

MT Distribution Pty. Ltd.

Tirant Goodskinclinic

Tirant Foundation of Int. Dermatology

& Body Ointment and the Skin conditioner have

MT Manufacturing (TIRSEL Pty Ltd)

MT Veterinary

been well accepted in Europe and have successfully undergone EU Cosmetic Registration Dr Michaels

/ Soratinex

branded products are

distributed in Europe by our distribution partners, Frankl Pharma (Hungary, Czech Republic) , Febumed (Poland)

MTD –Europe

Frankston/ St Kilda

MT Derma Innovations

and Derma Pharma (Norway). It is also

sold extensively through online pharmacy portals like DocSimon, Medcentrum, and In Asia, our distribution partner is Khang Pharmaceutical of Vietnam, who has established Dr Michaels Vietnam Skin Clinic in Hanoi

MTD –Asia

Managed Clinics



Int. College of Integrative Dermatology

and Ho Chi Minh City.



PRODUCTS We have a range of products, including both orals and topicals on offer, under the branding of Dr Michaels, Soratinex and Seloderma. These products are available through MT Distribution Pty. Ltd. and the Tirant Good Skin Clinics.



Safety profile

Soratinex range

Scalp & Body Ointment Soratinex Scalp & Body Ointment is natural in origin, containing a number of essential oils herbal extracts,

Our treatment protocols have been clinically trialed

The Soratinex range consists Psoriasis related

and tested in Europe by various institutions and

products. This range has Orals and three key Topicals.

Professors of dermatology, over many years. All the

1. Cleansing Gel (Skincare gel)

blood tests, liver function tests, kidney function tests

2. Scalp and Body ointment (Skincare cream)

and biopsies undertaken on patients showed that the

3. Skin conditioner (Skincare oil)

treatments are safe to use, even in Children The topical family of the Dr Michaels / Soratinex Cleansing Gel, Scalp & Body Ointment and the Skin Conditioner has received EU Cosmetic Registration approval, one of the most comprehensive and rigorous registration processes currently in force, other than that for a medicine. These products have undergone Skin Sensitization, Skin Irritation, Eye Irritation and Bacteria Mutation Testing as well as stability testing and Safety Assessment. All Oral products are Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) AUST L listed and are manufactured under stringent conditions to meet international standards of Good Manufacturing Practice. They have all undergone Stability Testing and Safety Assessment..


90% success rate

zinc oxide, vegetable oils and gel bases. These have been carefully blended to better assist healing and to help ease any discomforts associated with skin conditions. The combination of essential oils and herbal

Soratinex Cleansing Gel contains a number of fruit acids, such as ascorbic and citric acids, which are effective exfoliating agents and contain a small amount



ointment may assist in the

Cleansing Gel





itchy, dry skin lesions and may reduce discomforts associated with dry and inflamed skin conditions. Contents: 250g, 50g

of Ichthammol, for its emollient quality.

Skin Conditioner

The Cleansing Gel encourages the break down and removal

Soratinex Skin Conditioner is a



unique formulation which penetrates

associated with psoriasis. The

directly into the skin to replenish

skin will become




natural oils and moisture. It contains

allowing the ointment (to be

a blend of essential and vegetable

applied next in the process)

oils which help improve the flexibility

to penetrate deep down to

and elasticity in the skin, making

where the promotion of the

it ideal for rough, dry and flaky

healing process can begin.

skin. It will assist in the soothing and

Not suitable for use on the

softening of dry skin, leaving the

face and around the eyes.

skin softer and smoother.

Contents: 200ml

Contents: 200ml

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RESULTS At Michael Tirant Dermaceuticals, we place great emphasis on scientific research. Clinical trials on the Dr. Michaels product range for psoriasis has consistently achieved between 82 - 90% success rate.




The following table summarises the results of various clinical trials that have been conducted in Australia, Europe and other countries.

Clinical Trials Table of Summary Trial


Conducted by

Australian Trial

Proven efficacy compared to

Dr. Thomas Smith (Monash University, Australia) and Dr. Michael

placebo in Psoriasis.


Austrian Trial

Prof. Harald Maier, Dr. Peter Donath, Dr. Michael Tirant, Dr. Dragana 89% success rate, Significant results

Relic, Dr. Shahla Farokhnia, Dr. Herbert Hönigsmann, Dr. Adrian

compared to placebo, p < 0.001.

Tanew (Division of Special and Environmental Dermatology, Department of Dermatology, University of Vienna Medical School).

Czech Republic Trial

Highest success rate with least

Dr. Štěpánka Čapková, Dr. Michaela Havlíčková, Prof. MU Dr.

side effects as compared to

Karel Pizinger, Dr. Jaroslav Hoffmann, Dr. Karel Ettler, Dr. Hana

corticosteroid and biologics in

Duchková, Dr. Hana Bučková, Head Dr. Hana Zelenková Svidník,


Prof. František Novotný, Prof. MU Dr. Jana Hercogová (Team of Dermatologists and Physicians).

Hungarian Trial

Russian Trial

Tolerability and efficacy of Dr. Tirant’s

Dr. Atilla Horvath, Dr. Margit Berecz, Dr. Peter Hollo (Department

treatment, evaluated by physicians

of Dermatology and Venereology, Semmelweis University,

and patients.


Efficacy in achieving complete

Prof. N. G. Korotky (Head of the Department of Dermatology and

remission and significant

Venereology, Pediatric Clinic, Russian State Medical University).

improvement in Psoriasis.

Romanian Trial

Significant Improvement in PASI score and 95% of patients agreed to continue the treatment.

Chinese Trial

Treatment proven to be significantly more effective than Advantan (Corticosteroid).

Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Semmelweis University, Budapest.

Prof. Lee Feng (Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Southern Medical University; Guang Dong).

9 8



Comparative summary of Soratinex (Dr Michaels) products with biological and corticosteroids Product

Treatment effectiveness

Treatment period


Negative side effects




Soratinex (DR. MICHAELS)

82.2 % 5–8 weeks

Smaller area 25–30 % (on average in 1 year).

Temporary, lasting only for a few days: burning, itching, inflammatory reaction with 10 % of the patients with improvement in the following days.


OTHER LOCAL TREATMENTS corticosteroids5 / vitamin D derivatives6 / combinations

45.4 %

50 %

(% significant improvement of condition of patients = achieved PASI 75)4

(% significant improvement of condition of patients = achieved PASI 75)7

Medicine intended for continuous therapy.

Until the absence of symptoms (should be very short)

Medicine is usually used continually, therefore it is impossible to indicate at what time after termination of the treatment we could expect recurrence (in the event that the patient terminates the treatment fully or almost fully, the recurrence comes on average in 3 months).

Frequent, rebound phenomenon = phenomenon of recurrence.

Possible infections (respiratory) and immunity disorder, headaches, muscle pains, fever, nausea, tumors, lymphatic proliferation, higher hepatic values, thrombosis cytophany3 .

Steroids: rebound phenomenon (downgrade after immediate termination of treatment), thinning of skin, multiplying of skin vessels, hair growth at the spot of application, slow healing of skin infections, pigmentation, during long-term therapy it is necessary to use stronger preparative due to smaller efficiency, thinning of skin, bleeding, vulnerability, steroid acne, hair growth, striae, absorption.

Influenza signs after syringe application, activating of auto-immune disease, allergic reaction after the application of medicine.

Vitamin D derivatives: irritation, mutual influence of metabolism of vitamin D and Calcium when applying to large skin areas.

No corticosteroids, local application, home treatment, great results with children, according to MUDr. Capkova: no age limits, very safe remedy in comparison with other methods, suitable also for patients with serious degrees of psoriasis.

Application 1 or 2 times a week, syringe, under-theskin application by patient at home after education by a specialized nurse, fully covered by insurance (for selected and limited amount of patients).

Application necessary twice a day, not covered by insurance, therefore relatively expensive for patients, classed as cosmetics, however, as effective as medicine, not suitable for patients with acute exacerbation.

Infusions must be undertaken in a hospital, covered by insurance, but only for a limited amount of patients, for selected only, limited by age (18+ and under 55 years of age)3. There are many contraindications for biologic (Described in Recurrence and Negative side effects) treatment (for example: pregnancy, breast-feeding, allergies to medicine, active infections, malignant tumors and pre-cancer stages, severe Application only to a limited skin area, does not influence the immunity deficits, thrombosis cytophany, decompensated diabetes, burden and the start of recurrence. asthma, HIV infection/AIDS), requires full cooperation of the patient, necessity of continuous therapy, which is very expensive, necessity of laboratory monitoring of the patient.

For acute stages – external treatment, treatment without the need for hospitalization, therapy partially covered by insurance.

Source: Magazine Czech and Slovak Dermatology, magazine of dermatovenereologist companies, No.. 4, July 2006, 81st edition. Authors: Benakova N., Štork J. et al.: Biologic treatment of psoriasis. Source: C. Leonardi, A. Menter, T. Hamilton, I. Caro, B. Xing and A.B. Gottlieb: Efalizumab: results of a 3 year continuous dosing study for the long-term control of psoriasis; PASI 75 – improvement of condition by 75%, the most frequently used method of evaluating the stage of psoriasis, Psoriasis Area Severity Index. 5 the most frequently used are corticosteroids, which belong to the group of highly effective, for example betamethasone dipropionate, mometason furoate. 6 calcipotriol, tacalcitol. 7 Kragaballe K., Austad J, Barnes L. et al.: A 52 weeks randomized safety study of a calcipotriol/betamethasone dipropionate two compound product in the treatment of psoriasis vulgaris. British Journal of Dermatology. 154 (6): 1155-60/2006, June. 4




Australian Trial


Comparative Trial

No. of Patients: 392 (205 males & 187 females)

No. of Patients: 34 (19 males & 15 females)

No. of Patients: 30

Criteria: Mild to Severe Psoriasis

Criteria: Stable chronic plaque psoriasis

Criteria: Psoriasis patients

Treatment group: Dr. Michaels and placebo

Treatment group: Dr. Michaels and placebo

Treatment group: Dr. Michaels and advantan

Duration: 8 Weeks

Duration: 8 Weeks

Duration: 8 Weeks

Conducted by: Dr Thomas Smith (Monash University,

Conducted by: Dr. Harald Maier and his team

Conducted by: Prof. Lee Feng (Southern Medical


(Department of Dermatology, Vienna Med. School).

University, GuangDong, China).

Results: Significant improvement of psoriasis

Results: Dr. Michaels formula was significantly more

Results: Up to 94% of patients were relieved of

condition when treated with Dr. Michaels compared to

effective than placebo (p< 0.001).

psoriasis with Dr. Michaels treatment as compared to


78% with Advantan. 89% success rate for stable chronic plaque psoriasis.

Results (PASI Score) Outstanding (75-100% Improvement) 75% Good (50 –75% Improvement) 13% Moderate (25-50% Improvement) 11% Ineffective (0-25% Improvement) 1% Dr. Michaels treatment results 11%

The results from the clinical investigation were so

Head to head trial with Advantan (Corticosteroid)

outstanding that the investigators believed that

The treatment was proven to be more effective and

Dr. Michaels product family must contain steroids or

a safer treatment option as compared to Advantan.

calcipotriol. NO steroids or calcipotriol were found in the tests. Study published in the Journal of The European

Head to Head Trial

Academy of Dermatology & Venereology. Randomised Controlled Double Blind Study for stable


Dr. Michaels Formula

chronic psoriasis. 62%

Dr. Michaels vs Placebo 13%

Advantan 45%


75% Sucess rate



22% 7%

21% Outstanding





Dr. Michaels Formula

Total resolution



75% 50% Minimal / No Improvement Improvement Improvement


before and after photos




Before 8-weeks of treatment



Perioral Dermatitis

Before 14-weeks of treatment


Before 2-weeks of treatment


before and after photos

Palmar Psoriasis


Psoriasis on the foot

Before 8-weeks of treatment


Before 12-weeks of treatment



Before 14-weeks of treatment






D.C. Victoria Australia

J.R. South Australia

“May I thank you for managing my psoriasis and

“How can I ever thank you enough as after suffering

The following are a small selection of the letters, e-mails and other

sending it into remission, I have no doubt that if I

with psoriasis for over 30 years and going to endless

testimonials we have received over several years, of successful

continue with your diet guidelines and other advice I

doctors and specialists and getting no relief. After

will remain completely free of it. It is most reassuring

six weeks of following your eating guide lines as

or paid for. Reference made by the patient to “cure” are the patient’s

to have the cause understood and the situation

well as using your cream twice a day it has all but

own subjective comments and in no way are to infer that psoriasis or

controlled after ten years of its persistence. My

disappeared. If I didn’t see it I would never have

any other skin condition can be cured.

best wishes for your work and the relief it will bring

believed it. To think I have lived with it for so many

many who are yet to know of you and your way of

years and it caused my family not to mention myself

understanding of the patient.

so much suffering in not being able to do just what we

results achieved by patients using Dr. Tirant’s treatment protocols and products. In no way have these comments been solicited, asked for

wanted when we wanted, I an amazed at the results,

J.M. Queensland, Australia “Hi Miracle Man, Every doctor, clinic doctor and

even if I wasn’t too thrilled about the spinach in the beginning!!! Thanking you once again.”

cosmetic surgeon that I have seen about my Melasma

J. McW. Victoria, Australia

told me garbage. Some gave me useless creams,

I have suffered from Psoriasis for about fifteen years

others told me I was stuck with my problem for life.

and I was beginning to despair of finding a cure but

I eventually scoured the web and all the information

since I began using your treatment for psoriasis

there was equally disappointing.

approximately four weeks ago and have noticed

“I have suffered from psoriasis for 42 years and

a remarkable improvement in my skin within two Your promise that I would see results with your

during this time I have tried all possible remedies

weeks. My skin is still improving steadily and arms,

cream in one month seemed too good to be true. I

with no success. I had heard Dr. Tirant speak at the

legs, knees and elbows also my upper body back and

am delighted to say that your treatment/cream was

Psoriasis Self Help Group and whilst I was sceptical I

front are free from psoriasis. I still have an area on my

spot on! After two months my Melasma is 70% gone

still decided to try his treatment.

lower back which is taking longer to clear than the

and continues to improve. No doubt it has been a

To my amazement within a couple of weeks my skin

rest of my body but is slowly responding to treatment,

challenging road for you to develop a treatment for

cleared up and has remained so to this day. I am very

this was formerly the worst area. The clearing up of

this condition which many in your profession say is

happy with the results and highly recommend the

my psoriasis has changed my life as I am now able


cream to any other sufferer of psoriasis. My skin has

to wear short sleeved shirts and shorts on hot days

continued to remain free of blemishes three years on

without having to hide myself away from everybody.

from my initial consultation with Dr. Tirant.”

I want to thank you for creating this cream and would

Thank you Dr. Tirant for all the good work you have

be more than happy to put my name as a testimonial

done and are doing for the unfortunates who are

should you wish me to. I am over the moon with my

blessed with psoriasis.”



M.V. Victoria , Australia



N.W. Victoria, Australia

R.C. Victoria , Australia

P.D. Victoria , Australia

“Just a short note to congratulate you on researching

Written to the Psoriasis Association Of VIC (inc)

For over 50 years I have suffered from severe

and finding what I believe and have proven to be

“Dear Sir/Madam, I am a member of the Psoriasis

psoriasis, and over this time many dermatologists

an extremely effective treatment for psoriasis. I

Association and like to read the interesting and

have prescribed for me their various ointments and

have suffered from this chronic, embarrassing and

helpful articles the Newsletters contain. It happens

treatments including starch poultices, PUVA and

uncomfortable disease for 15 years. I have tried

that some four or five years ago I was attacked with a

Methotrexate courses. None of these treatments

Ultra-Violet treatments, Diprosone, Loriox and creams

massive dose of psoriasis and it was only after a very

really helped to eliminate the ugly scales.

and other alternative medicines – All with short term

long, complicated and sustained effort that relief was

ineffective results. I might also add, at an extreme

obtained. My next attack occurred a few weeks ago

When I first consulted you on 10th May 1995,

cost. You cream was a major breakthrough for me.

but luckily, this time I obtained the help of Dr. Michael

my whole body and scalp was covered with this

You may recall our initial meeting and my scepticism

Tirant and by following his advice and procedures my

wretched skin disorder.

and apprehension towards your treatment. Well I

psoriasis has completely cleared up – much to my

applied the gel and cream as directed and the rest

great pleasure and satisfaction. If and when I should

After using your cream and gel for a fortnight, I was

they say “is history”.

suffer another attack of this obnoxious disease my

delighted to see a great improvement of my skin.

My psoriasis is completely cleared and my skin

disappointment will be mitigated by the knowledge

Now, after (11) eleven weeks of applying the gel and

has never looked better. Thanks once again for

that Dr. Tirant helped me before and it is to him that I

cream I am completely clear of any trace of psoriasis.

your breakthrough in the effective treatment of this

will seek his help, once again.”

To be able to run a comb through my hair without dislodging ugly scales and to be able to wear black


clothing without carrying a clothes brush is sheer heaven.

Dr. B. J. Hungary J.B. Victoria Australia

“I am writing to express my gratitude about your

“For some six months I had a psoriasis condition

ointment which has been invented (imported)

of eight of my fingers together with hardening,


thickening and splitting of the skin on my heels. Of

I have been using your products for my psoriasis

the two treatments received prior to visiting you, no

problems since August 2002. I have suffered from

permanent improvement occurred. I decided to seek

this illness for ten years, since I was 49 years old. This

your advice, after sighting your advertisement in the

treatment was a miracle as within a few weeks the

Herald Sun. Your questions regarding triggers in my

cure has been 100%.

food and drink intakes indicated a build up of acid in

I would like to say a big thank you from such a big

my body.” I followed your advice and my skni is now

distance for this as I have always thought that nothing

clear. Thank you.

can cure my illness any more.”

I thank you most sincerely for your treatment and encouragement in clearing this wretched and embarrassing skin complaint. I would be very happy to verify this letter if required”.


374 Nepean Highway, Frankston, VIC, 3199 Phone : +61 3 9770 5337 Fax : 61 3 9770 5119 Email :

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