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Medication & Medical Services
Locate assistance in your area based on your zip code with BenefitsCheckUp at: benefitscheckup.org
These organizations provide discounted prescriptions, financial assistance or services to help locate assistance for prescription drugs.
AARP® Prescription Discounts 877–422–7718 advantages.aarp.org GoodRx goodrx.com Good Days 877–968–7233 mygooddays.org LowestMed lowestmed.com Medicare’s Pharmaceutical Assistance Program 800–633–4227 medicare.gov National Association of Counties 877–321–2651 nacorx.org National Prescription Savings Network npsncard.com Needy Meds 800–503–6897 needymeds.com Partnership for Prescription Assistance pparx.org Patient Advocate Foundation Co–Pay Relief Program 866–512–3861 copays.org Rx Assist rxassist.org Rx Outreach (mail order prescriptions) 800–769–3880 rxoutreach.com San Antonio 65 210–693–1535 www.sanantonio65.org Society of St. Vincent de Paul San Antonio 210–225–7837 svdpsa.org Texas Drug Card 800–726–4232 texasdrugcard.com The Assistance Fund 855–845–3663 tafcares.org
These organizations provide a variety of low–cost, clinical and preventive health services.
Adult Safety Net Program (vaccinations) 800–252–9152 dshs.texas.gov/ASN Bob Ross Multi–Health and Services Center 210–207–5300 Catholic Health Initiatives 303–298–9100 Christian Assistance Ministry –Kerr County 830–257–4222 Community Medicaid/STAR+PLUS 800–772–1213 Family Life Center – Seguin 830–379–1997 Guadalupe Assistance Program Sign up for a free card that automatically saves more than 20 percent on most drugs. 803–303–8854 Ibn Sina Foundation 281–977–7462 ibnsinafoundation.org LSTAR+PLUS 844–664–2257 hhs.texas.gov/services/health Randolph Area Christian Assistance Program 210–658–1613 Seguin Unit of the Salvation Army 830–401–487 UTMB Health 409–772–6464 utmb.edu/financialcounseling