Senior Resource Guide Southwest Houston (Spring/Summer 2020)

Page 18


Care Transitions When it comes to long-term care, people often use more than one solution over time. As people switch from one type of care to another, there is a transition period. A care transition may occur when someone leaves the hospital and needs support to heal at home after they’ve been discharged from the hospital, or it might happen when someone who is receiving in-home care decides to move into a supportive community, such as assisted living or senior housing. The goal is to avoid a gap in care for the individual as they pivot from care type. When someone leaves the hospital or a rehab facility for home, their doctor or nurse can’t go with them and a family or professional caregiver might be needed as they continue to heal at home. For example, someone might need help with using the bathroom, taking new medications, or going back to see the doctor for follow-up appointments. An even longer and different type of transition may occur when someone decides to move from their current residence to a new one—whether that is from a stand-alone home into a senior housing apartment, assisted living facility, or in with family across town or another state. A caregiver—whether a family member or a professionally-trained one—can help to make these types of transitions smooth. If they are transitioning to an assisted living facility, a caregiver can inquire about opportunities to join in meals and activities prior to moving in. This type of engagement can help the individual feel more relaxed about their new surroundings and making a big change. When making changes in long-term care options, aim for a continuity of care during the transition so risks for setbacks are minimized and chances for success are increased.

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