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Transportation Services
American Red Cross 713–526–8300 (Houston) 281–424–1300 (Baytown) redcross.org/local/texas American MedTrans Fees apply. 713–721–0226 Area Agency on Aging of the HoustonGalveston Area 713–627–3200 h–gac.com AVANTE Medical Transport 281–888–0611 avante.care Care Connection Aging & Disability Resource Center Rides for people with disabilities and older adults. 855–937–2372 careconnection.org Colorado Valley Transit District Austin, Colorado, Fort Bend, Waller and Wharton counties – senior citizens 60+ in Austin & Waller Counties ride free. 979–732–6281 800–548–1068 gotransit.org Connect Transit Brazoria and Galveston counties. 281–488–2839 409–763–2373 gulfcoastcenter.org Fort Bend Catholic Charities 866–649–5862 281–202–6200 catholiccharities.org/mamiegeorge Fort Bend Transit 281–633–7433 866–751–8747 fbctransit.org HCCTP Harris County residents, elderly/ disabled, wheelchair accessible, Low fee/vouchers. 713–368–7433 harriscountyrides.com HERO – Helping Elderly Residents Out 713–932–3996 herohouston.org Interfaith of The Woodlands Provides rides to medical appointments and the grocery store; also has Day Trips coordinated to local attractions. 281–367–1230 woodlandsinterfaith.org Metro Fare discounts on fixed route bus service to seniors, the disabled, and Medicare cardholders. 70+ ride free. 713–635–4000 ridemetro.org Montgomery County Friendship Center 936–756–5828 ext. 3 Northwest Community Health Mobility Project Provides service to Tomball, Magnolia, and Waller. 281–351–8272 nwcommunityhealth.org Precinct2gether, Inc. Voucher Program 62+ clients/Harris County Precinct 2. 281–286–3138 Senior Rides and More Free transportation in Southwest and North Houston. 713–772–8181 seniorridesandmore.org
The Friendship Center 936–756–5828 Trusted Senior Transportation 281–716–2416 Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers 713–772–8181 West University Seniors Services/ Recreational Center Seniors and disabled; fee involved, non–residents add 50 cents. 713–662–5895
Acadian Air Med 800-–259–1111 acadianairmed.com Angel Flight Provides access for specialized medical services. 918–749–8992 angelflight.com Angel Flight South Central Volunteer pilots provide transportation at no cost to patients or passengers. 888–500–0433 angelflightsc.org AirLifeLine Provides travel for those with financial needs who must travel for medical treatment. 877–621–7177 airlifeline.org Corporate Angel Network Finds free transportation (on corporate planes) for cancer patients who need medical treatment. Patients must be ambulatory. 914–328–1313 corpangelnetwork.org For Veterans
Disabled American Veterans Transportation Network
Transportation to and from the Houston MEDVAMC for Free 409–981–8550 (Beaumont) 979–864–1289 (Brazoria County) 936–756–7614 (Conroe) 979–578–8387 (El Campo) 281–452–6071 (Harris Cty Precinct #2) 281–876–6600 (Harris Cty Soc Serv) 936–336–4558 (Liberty County) 936–633–2740 (Lufkin Bus) 936–756–5828 (Montgomery County) 936–856–5224 (Willis Van)
To and from the Texas City Outpatient Clinic
Baytown, Channelview, Deer Park & Pasadena 281–452–6071 HCTRA Veteran Toll Discount 281–875–3279 hctra.org