Śrī Gauḍīya Darśan Philippines
Jive Doya Name Ruchi Vaishnava-seva
Everything belongs to Krsna Everything in this world belongs to Krsna. If one uses anything for his own enjoyment, he will have to face the consequences. Those who are averse to hearing krsna-katha will become materially attached and bound to this world. Therefore pious persons who desire their eternal benefit should take utmost care to hear krsna-katha from real devotees. “I served the Lord so much,” “I have already served the Lord,” or “I have become a Vaisnava” - these are sinful thoughts. One must give up such madness and humbly beg to attain the Lord’s service. To make a show of serving Krsna without serving the spiritual master and Vaisnavas is like keeping water in a broken pot. Such pretense is simply pride. One must seek constant association with devotees. I am so weak that I am unable to survive without the association of devotees. If I do not associate with devotees constantly, I will certainly develop a strong desire to become the master, and various sinful thoughts will disturb me. Material existence is the gateway to hell. Even though it appears pleasing in the beginning, it will disappoint me in the end. ...Bhagavan Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad