Monday, October 2, 2017
All glory to Śrī Guru and Śrī Gaurāṅga
Where is Raghunath Das? 24 October 2015
Singing in separation from Śrīla Raghunāth Dās Goswāmī. In the second edition of Śrī Chaitanya Sāraswat Maṭh’s Śrī Gauḍīyagītāñjali, Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj added a series of kīrtans meant to be sung on the disappearance days of the six goswāmīs. Presented here on the occasion of his disappearance day are the songs sung in honour of Śrīla Raghunāth Dās Goswāmī. Śrīla Raghunātha Dās Goswāmī Śochaka [1] yabe rūpa-sanātana vraje gelā dui jana śuna-ite raghunātha-dasa nija-rājya-adhikāra indra-sama sukha yāra chhaḍiyā chalilā prabhu-pāśa [1]
Monday, October 2, 2017
When Raghunāth Dās heard that Rūpa and Sanātan went to Vraja, he gave up the proprietorship of his estate and pleasures equal to those of Indra and came to the Lord’s side. uṭhi’ rātre niśā-bhāge duyāre praharī jāge patha chhāḍi’ vipathe gamana kṣudhā tṛṣṇā nāhi pāya manodvege chali’ yāya sadā chinte chaitanya-charaṇa [2] He arose in the dark very early in the morning, avoided the main road, and travelled on an alternate path. He felt no hunger or thirst as he ran anxiously. He thought constantly of Śrī Chaitanya’s feet. eka-dina eka grāme sandhyā-kāle go-vāthāne “hā chaitanya” baliya basilā eka gopa dugdha dilā tāhā kheye viśrāmilā sei rātre tathāi rahilā [3] One day in a village in the evening he sat in a cowshed chanting, “O Chaitanya!” and a cowherd boy gave him some milk. He drank it, rested, and remained there for the night. ye aṅga pālaṅka vine bhūmi-śayyā nāhi jāne kaṇṭake hāṭaye sei pāya [4] His body had never experienced lying on the ground without a bedstead, but his feet now walked over thorns. yiho belā daṇḍa chāri tolā jale snāna kari’ ṣaḍ-rasa karita bhojana ebe yadi kichhu pāna sandhyā-kāle tāhā khāna nā pāile amani śayana [5] 2
Monday, October 2, 2017
He used to bath with raised water at mid-morning and eat meals comprised of the six tastes, but now he would eat in the evening if he found something and would lie down without eating anything if he did not. bāra dinera patha yāna tina sandhyā anna khāna praveśilā nīlāchala-pure dekhiyā se śrī-mandira du-nayane vahe nīra “hā chaitanya” bale uchchaiḥsvare [6] After travelling the path for twelve days and eating solid food on only three of these day in the evening, he entered the city of Nīlāchal. Seeing the Temple, tears poured from his eyes, and he called out, “O Chaitanya!” e rādhā-vallabha-dāsa mane kari abhilāṣa kothā mora raghunātha-dāsa tāhāra prasaṅga-mātra pulakita haya gātra tāra pada-reṇu kari āśa [7] This Rādhā Vallabha Dās longs, “Where is my Raghunāth Dās? Just by his association, the hair on my body stands on end. I pray for the dust of his feet.” [2] śrī-chaitanya-kṛpā haite raghunātha-dāsa-chitte parama vairāgya upajila kalatra gṛha sampada nija-rājya-adhipada mala-prāya sakala tyajila [1]
Monday, October 2, 2017
By the mercy of Śrī Chaitanya, extreme detachment arose in the mind of Raghunāth Dās. Wife, home, wealth, proprietorship of his estate— he left all of this as though it were stool. puraścharyā kṛṣṇa-nāme giyā se puruṣottame gaurāṅgera pada-yuga seve ei mane abhilāṣa punaḥ raghunātha dasa nayana-gochara habe kabe [2] After completing his prepatory duties with the chanting of Kṛṣṇa’s Name, he went to Śrī Puruṣottam Kṣetra and served the feet of Śrī Gaurāṅga. My heart longs, “When will I see Raghunāth Dās again?” gauraṅga doyālu haiyā rādhā-kṛṣṇa mantra diyā govardhana-śilā guñjā-hāre vraja-vane govardhane śrī-rādhāra śrī-charaṇe samarpaṇa karila yāhāre [3] Śrī Gaurāṅga mercifully gave him the Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa mantra, a Govardhan-śilā, and a guñja-mālā. He thus offered him to the divine feet of Śrī Rādhā at Govardhan in Vṛndāvan. gaurāṅgera agochare nija-keśa chhiḍi kare virahe vyākula vraje gelā deha-tyāga kari’ mane gelā giri-govardhane du-gosāi tāhāre rākhilā [4] After the disappearance of Śrī Gaurāṅga, Raghunāth Dās began to pull out his hair, and overcome with separation, he went to Vraja. Intending to give up his body, he went to Govardhan Hill, but two goswāmīs saved him.
Monday, October 2, 2017
dhari rūpa-sanātana rākhila tāra jīvana deha-tyāga karite nā dilā dui gosāira ājñā peye rādhā-kuṇḍera taṭe giyā niyama kariyā vāsa kailā [5] Rūpa and Sanātan received him and saved his life. They did not allow him to give up his body. Receiving instructions from these two goswāmīs, Raghunāth went to the bank of Rādhā Kuṇḍa and lived there observing various strictures. chhiḍā vastra paridhana vraja-phala-gavya pāna anna ādi nā kare āhāra tina sandhyā snānāchāri smaraṇa kīrtana kari’ rādhā-pada bhajana yāhāra [6] He wore torn clothes and ate only the fruits and milk products found in Vraja. He did not eat rice or other grains. He bathed at the three junctions of the day, engaged in remembrance and chanting, and served the feet of Śrī Rādhā. ṣāṭ daṇḍa rātri dine rādhā-kṛṣṇa-līlā-gāne smaraṇete sadāi goyāya chāri daṇḍa śuye thāke svapne rādhā-kṛṣṇa dekhe tilārdheka vyartha nāhi yāya [7] Night and day—twenty-four hours a day—he would sing about the Pastimes of Rādhā and Kṛṣna and constantly engage in remembrance of Them. He laid down for an hour and half each day, but in his dreams saw Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa and never waisted a single moment.
Monday, October 2, 2017
chaitanyera padāmbuje rākhe manobhṛṅga-rāje svarūpera sadāi āśrāya bhinna-deha rūpa-sane gati yāra sanātane bhaṭṭa gosāyera priya mahāśaya [8] He would fix the bumble bee of his mind on the lotus feet of Śrī Chaitanya. He remained always in the shelter of Svarūp Dāmodar. He was always with Śrī Rūpa, and Sanātan was his shelter. He was dear to Raghunāth Bhaṭṭa Goswāmī and Gopāl Bhaṭṭa Goswāmī. śrī-rūpera gaṇa yata yāhāra pade āśrita atyanta vātsalya yāra jīve sei ārta-nāda kari’ kādi’ bale, “hari hari prabhura karuṇā habe kabe” [9] Sheltered at the feet of all the followers of Śrī Rūpa, who are most affectionate to all souls, he would piteously cry out, “O Lord! O Lord! When will I receive my Lord’s mercy? he rādhikāra vallabha gāndharvikāra bāndhava rādhikā-ramaṇa rādhānātha he he vṛndāvaneśvara hā hā kṛṣṇa dāmodara kṛpā kari’ kara ātmasātha [10] “O Beloved of Rādhikā! O Friend of Gāndharvikā! O Delight of Rādhikā! O Lord of Rādhā! O Lord of Vṛndāvan! O Kṛṣṇa! O Dāmodar! Please mercifully accept me.” prabhu rūpa sanātana tina hailā adarśana andha haila e dui nayana
Monday, October 2, 2017
vṛthā ākhi kāhā dekhi vṛthā dehe prāṇa rākhi sevāchāra bāḍāya dviguṇa [11] When the Lord (Śrī Chaitanya), Śrī Rūpa, and Śrī Sanātan had disappeared, his two eyes became blind. “What can I see with these useless eyes? I just maintain my life in this useless body.” This was his feeling, yet his engagement in service doubled. śrī-kṛṣṇa śrī-śachī-suta tāra guṇa yata yata avatāra śrī-vigraha nāma gupta vyakta līlā-sthāna dṛṣṭa śruta vaiṣṇava-gaṇa sabhākāre karaye praṇāma [12] He would offer obeisance to Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the son of Śrī Śachī, all of His qualities and avatārs, His Deity, His Name, the hidden and manifest places of His Pastimes that are seen or heard about, and all the Vaiṣṇavas. rādhā-kṛṣṇera viyoge chhāḍila sakala bhoge rūkhā śukhā anna-mātra sāra śrī-chaitanyera vichchhedete anna chhāḍi’ sei haite phala gavya karena āhāra [13] In separation from Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa, Raghunāth Dās gave up all enjoyment and ate nothing but dry, stale rice. In separation from Śrī Chaitanya, he gave up rice and ate only fruits and milk products. sanātanera adarśane tāhā chhāḍi sei dine kevala karena jala pāna rūpera vichchheda yabe jala chhāḍi’ dila tabe rādhā-kṛṣṇa bali’ rākhe prāṇa [14]
Monday, October 2, 2017
After the disappearance of Śrī Sanātan, he gave this up, and from that day on drank only water. When he was separated from Śrī Rūpa, he then give up water and maintained his life simply by calling out to Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa. svarūpera adarśane nā dekhe rūpera gaṇe virahe vikala haiyā kānde kṛṣṇa-kathālapa vine śravaṇe nāhika śune uchchaiḥsvare ḍāke ārta-nāde [15] When Śrī Rūpa disappeared, and Raghunāth could not see any of Śrī Rūpa’s followers, then he sorrowfully wept in separation. Without any discussion of Kṛṣṇa, he did not listen to anything with his ears and piteously cried out aloud. hā hā rādhā-kṛṣṇa kothā kothā āchha he lalitā he viśākhe deha daraśana hā chaitanya mahāprabhu hā svarūpa mora prabhu hā hā prabhu rūpa-sanātana [16] “O Rādhā! O Kṛṣṇa! Where are You? O Lalitā, where are you? O Viśākhā! Please appear before me. O Chaitanya Mahāprabhu! O Svarūp, my master! O my masters Rūpa and Sanātan!” kāde gosāi rātra-dine puḍi’ yāya tanu-mane virahe ha-ila jara jara manda manda jihvā naḍe preme aśru netre paḍe mane kṛṣṇa karaye smaraṇa [17] Dās Goswāmī cried night and day. His mind and body burned in sepration and became frail. As his tongue moved slowly and tears of love poured from his eyes, he remembered Kṛṣṇa within his heart. 8
Monday, October 2, 2017
sei raghunātha-dāsa pūribe manera āśa ei mora baḍa āchhe sādha e rādhā-vallabha-dāsa mane kare abhilāṣa sabe more karaha prasāda [18] “Raghunāth Dās will fulfill the desires of my heart. This is my great hope.” This Rādhā Vallabha Dās longs within his heart, “May you all bless me.”