Description • #AskHR is an initiative started by Applicant Tracking System, where we reach out to Talent Acquisition professionals and discuss with them about the most burning issues of recruitment world. To start with our discussion topic is – “Should Companies Blacklist any Candidate?”. We asked them what could be the reasons that may lead to blacklisting a candidate and their suggestion to overcome this problem. Here is what they have to say:
1. Candidates involved in negative code of conduct • “In most cases I would say no to blacklisting a candidate. But cases where it is appropriate could be – violence against recruiter or other criminal activity” • My suggestion: • I believe the reasons why a candidate would be blacklisted are within their control. Recruiter could provide career counselling and partner with other professionals to help them get on the right career path.
2. Blacklisting candidates can spoil their entire career • “Before jumping onto any conclusion, companies should analyse first if the situation really demands blacklisting a candidate. I highly recommend not to blacklist a candidate. This might result in their entire career.” • My suggestion: • Instead of blacklisting the candidates, employers can restrict them to apply for other jobs in their company for some period of time.
3. Providing fake details
• Candidates furnishing fake details about past experience, Qualifications etc. Having past record of unprofessional conduct, breach of contract or even unethical or criminal offences.” • My suggestion: • The best way to overcome this problem is to carry a thorough reference check, through actual visit instead of phone call, before a candidate joins. If possible current employers can ask candidates to bring Code of Conduct Certificate from previous company.
4. Need to understand Candidate’s requirements
• “As per the pain that causes to find one candidate for the right post and then they don’t turn up or do not follow the briefing before the interview, you feel like blacklisting them. However by doing this we will close our own option for the candidate to get selected in some different company. So blacklisting the candidates seems like a bad idea.” • My suggestion: • I suggest recruiters play a crucial role in helping the candidates understand JDs, understanding the candidate’s requirement and follow up with them.
5. Hiding important Information • “Blacklisting of a candidate is a very harsh and extreme step taken by a company. It should be used only in the worst case scenario. Once such case could be – Hiding important information. “For example, if you were laid off and then re-hired, but did not inform your prospective employer about this, in-disciplined behavior or even applying for every position (open) in a company.” • My suggestion: • Candidate should provide complete information when applying for a new job. Candidate should avoid jobs that does not matches their skill set. In every situation candidates should not lose their cool and should stay focused.
6. When candidates frequently change the jobs • “Blacklisting is correct for the candidates who frequently change their job and those who abscond from interviews mostly.” • My suggestion: • There should be a platform where we can check the candidate information like in last one year how many times he/she had changed job and mark those candidates who abscond from interviews mostly.
Conclusion • Extreme cases like criminal offence, unethical behaviour or furnishing false details can be considered as parameters for blacklisting the candidates. But if absenteeism from interviews or frequently changing jobs are also favored, should candidates be allowed to blacklist companies which conduct in unprofessionals ways like – cancelling interviews without prior notice, cancelling the offer letter, delay in joining letter, cancelling job position after interviewing candidates etc. There is an equivalent amount of pain taken by the candidates as well. • Applicant Tracking System leaves this discussion still open. If you are also willing to contribute, visit our Facebook Forum and drop your comments.