What candidates say and what they mean | FastCollab | Blog
WHAT CANDIDATES SAY AND WHAT THEY MEAN July 17, 2015 (http://www.fastcollab.com/blog/what-candidates-say-and-what-they-mean/) Mukul Agarwal (http://www.fastcollab.com/blog/author/mukul-agarwal/)
Interviews are one such process that has brought out many unexpected statements made by the candidates. Knowingly or unknowingly candidates utter out such words, which in reality doesn’t mean the way they were said. To help recruiters who are entering new in this profession, we have tried to cover here most common replies candidates make. Also, a generic hint to the candidates, these trivial statements have lost their values these days. Look for more creativity.
1. Buzz of Jargons is a sure hit What they say I am a high achieving go-getter with a can-do attitude and a passion for over-performance What they mean I swallowed a dictionary before this interview and hope that you like buzzwords as much as I do
What candidates say and what they mean | FastCollab | Blog
2. Instagram selfies are perfect skills What they say I don’t have extensive Photoshop experience, but I do have strong working knowledge. What they mean I edit all my selfies on Instagram and surely it can’t be much harder than that.
3. Being Chatterbox is my biggest strength What they say I am a fantastic communicator with excellent interpersonal skills and engaging approach. What they mean I am a massive chatter box and can even defeat anyone when it comes to talking.
4. Worked hard to Lie What they say My weakness is that I am a huge workaholic. I always try to push myself hard. What they mean My weakness is that I lie about how hard I do my work and exaggerate massively in interviews.
5. Freelancing or Steady Job What they say I have been busy with multiple freelance projects which would feed constructively into this role. What they mean Freelance work didn’t really workout for me financially. So I need a steady job now.
6. Looking for equal thinking people What they say I left my last job because I didn’t feel that the company culture was open enough to listen to their employees’ ideas and contributions. What they mean Everybody I worked with was an idiot, I didn’t like working there at all.
7. Worked on a huge project What they say I spearheaded the company’s rebranding activities and was the driving force behind its new looks and tone.
What candidates say and what they mean | FastCollab | Blog
What they mean I was one of the many, many people involved in a huge project. So, massively exaggerating my small contribution.
8. Entrepreneurship fever should get me a job What they say I have initiated and raised 2 start-ups, so I am carrying a perfect industry experience. I can take ownership of any idea and make it grow. What they mean Both of my start-ups failed miserably. My finances are shaking, so need a job quickly.
9. This can get you a job What they say I think I am the best candidate for the job. I have skills you are looking for and can relate well to company’s growth. What they mean Being Humble is my biggest weakness. To help upcoming recruiters, we also suggest them to use Applicant Tracking System (http://www.fastcollab.com/), a top recruitment software which can help you manage your hiring process and make it completely automated. Recruiters can track applicants (http://www.fastcollab.com/Products/Applicant-Tracking.aspx) into various stages, schedule online interviews (http://www.fastcollab.com/Products/Interview-Scheduling.aspx) and best part is, they can receive online feedback from interviewers (http://www.fastcollab.com/Products/Manage-Interviewers.aspx).
You might also be interested in reading: Funny experiences in HR screening calls (http://www.fastcollab.com/blog/funny-experiences-in-hrscreening-calls/) Stressful
What candidates say and what they mean | FastCollab | Blog
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What candidates say and what they mean | FastCollab | Blog
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Importance of a diversified Workplace (http://www.fastcollab.com/blog/importance-of-a-diversifiedworkplace/) Hire Best Recruitment Marketing Partners from Mumbai (http://www.fastcollab.com/blog/hire-bestrecruitment-marketing-partners-from-mumbai/)
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