Endtime Prophecy Net Copyright Notice And Warning All of the articles found in this folder are the original work and property of the Endtime Prophecy Net ministry, and are copyrighted 1994-2010 by the same. Since we first began publishing our work on the Internet back in 1994, our position has always been that our work may be freely shared on other websites, or via other online channels and media. Our motivation behind this free-sharing policy has been simple. In obedience to Christ's command, for the past four decades, our primary goal has always been to freely share the Gospel as far and as wide as possible, and by whatever means is at our disposal, with little interest in self-aggrandizement. As we point out in our articles, as Christians, our motivation should be to uplift Christ, and not to call attention to ourselves, or to what we have personally accomplished. Our vision should be to widely scatter the Seed of the Word, as Jesus explained in the Parable of the Sower. Sadly, as noble as our motivations have been, the modern realities of the Internet, which have brought to our attention certain clear-cut cases of plagiarism and copyright infringement, where our work has been outright stolen, altered and intentionally attributed to another author, have forced us to enforce a more stringent sharing policy. Thus, to meet these modern challenges, from henceforth, our material may be shared via other online media, if, and only if, the following requirements are strictly met. These requirements should be easy to adhere to by all decent persons, be they Christian or otherwise: 1. The person or party who wishes to use our material must advise us of their intentions, via email, and obtain our explicit, written permission before doing so. 2. Any publication of our work in any medium, be it online, or otherwise, which does not have our express written permission, will be considered by Endtime Prophecy Net to be a case of copyright infringement. If a peaceful resolution to the dispute cannot be achieved after pursuing all rational, reasonable avenues, as a final resort, legal procedures will be initiated by Endtime Prophecy Net, should the situation warrant it. 3. Assuming that permission is granted by Endtime Prophecy Net, the article or series in question must retain its complete original title, as assigned to it by Endtime Prophecy Net. 4. Assuming that permission is granted by Endtime Prophecy Net, the contents/body of the article or series in question must not be altered in any way. It must retain its original form without any deletions or additions. The only exception to this requirement, is that the web designer of said site may, at his or her discretion, alter the surrounding HTML code, so that the article may better blend in with the overall style of their site. In other words, font styles, colors and sizes, as well as foreground and background colors may be changed, but the actual text contents of the article or series must not be altered in any way. 5. Assuming that permission is granted by Endtime Prophecy Net, directly below the title of the article or series in question, or at the bottom of the same, a credit line must be placed, which clearly states that Endtime Prophecy Net is the original author and owner of the work, and that Endtime Prophecy Net retains the copyright to the same. 6. Assuming that permission is granted by Endtime Prophecy Net, directly below the title of the article or series in question, or at the bottom of the same, a clickable link back to the Endtime Prophecy Net website must be
included. In all cases, the URL to use should be as follows. We prefer that all new visitors to our site enter by the front door: http://www.endtimeprophecy.net 7. If the article in question is a multi-part series, then the authorship line and link-back line must appear on each and every part of the series. In conclusion, if you have enjoyed our work here at Endtime Prophecy Net, and feel that some of it would make a positive addition to your own site, and be a blessing to others, please be honest and approach us first. Don't resort to thievery. Unless we have some strong reason for not doing so, in most cases, permission will be granted. On the other hand, if you intentionally attempt to steal our work, and to plagiarize it, be advised that we will take whatever legal steps are necessary to stop you, if you prefer to resist reason, and common Christian etiquette. If you are also a Christian, think of how much you would be disgraced if your dishonesty were to come to light. Think of what a terrible reflection it would be of your ministry, your church, or your congregation. Endtime Prophecy Net