Biophilic Architecture

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SrishtiPrasad 04059301617 (FourthYear,2020-2021


GuruGobindSinghIndraprasthaUniversity Dwarka,NewDelhi



I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the research paper entitled “BIOPHILIC ARCHITECTURE” as a prerequisite for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Architecture and submitted intheMBS School ofPlanning and Architecture, affiliated to GGSIP University, is an authentic record of my own work carried out during aperiodofAugust2020toDecember2020.

Thematterpresentedinthisresearchpaperhasnotbeensubmittedbymefortheawardof anyotherdegreeofthisoranyotherInstitute.

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of myknowledge.



ResearchCoordinator ExternalExaminer


IwishtoexpressmysinceregratitudetomyresearchguideAr.BijayDashfor his continuous support and generous help in carrying out this study. His valuable suggestions and guidance encouraged me constantly throughout thepreparationofthisresearchwork.

Iwouldalsoliketothankallmyclassmatesforsharingtheirinsightfulviews and encouragement which gave me help to complete my research from variousperspectives.I amhighlyindebtedto thecontribution of allfaculty membersandvariousdepartmentsfortheirkindassistanceandcooperation duringthedevelopmentofthisproject.


discussions and suggestions in different stages of my work, which led in improvementofthework.

Thankyou, SrishtiPrasad 04059301617


Incontemporarybuildingthebuiltenvironmentshowsincreasingproblemswithurbanheat island effects and environmental pollution. Emerging from these concerns is a new set of design principles and practices where nature needs to play a bigger part called “biophilic architecture.”Thisdesignapproachassertsthatbuiltenvironmentshouldbeconsideredas the part of outdoor spaces. This paper examines the evidence of urban environment degradation in terms of urban heat island effect and also tries to introduce links between builtenvironmentandnature.


Fig 1.1: methodology (Source by author).......................................................................................2

Fig 1.2: psychological theories (Source by author).........................................................................6

Fig 3.1: heat exchange process (Source by Manual of tropical housing-koenigsberger)...............18

Fig 3.2: periodic heat flow (Source by Manual of tropical housing koenigsberger)......................19

Fig4.1:biophilicdesigntypes(Source:biophilicdesignbyStephenr, kellert)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..............22

Fig4.4:relationshipbetweenpatternandelement(Sourceby author)..............................................................................................................................39





Fig 6.1: floor plan (source :

Fig 6.2: roof plan (source :

Fig 6.3: elevation A (source :

Fig 6.4: elevation B (source :

Fig 6.5: key plan (source :

fig 6.6: section CC’ (source :

Fig 6.7: entrance of DA office (source by author)..........................................................................53

Fig 6.8: ground floor plan (source:

Fig 6.9 section aa’ (source:

Fig 6.10 detail b (source:



Fig 6.13: baoli (Source by author).................................................................................................55

Fig 6.14: water curtain (Source by author)...................................................................................55

Fig 6.15: plan (Source by

Fig 6.16: block model (Source by

Fig 6.17: blocks used in meeting hall (Source by author).............................................................56

Fig 6.18: blocks used in basement (Source by author).................................................................56

Fig 6.19: windows on the west façade having prism – shaped protection to block the afternoon summer sun (Source by author)...................................................................................................56

Fig 6.20: inner mud wall, wooden frame, stone floor, red bricks (Source by author)..................57

Fig 6.21: shallow domes (Source by author).................................................................................57

Fig 6.22: jail pattern (Source by author).......................................................................................57

Fig 6.23: filler slab (Source by author)..........................................................................................57

Fig 6.24: spiral staircase (Source by author).................................................................................57

Fig 6.25: bridges joining floors (Source by author).......................................................................57

Fig 6.26: facade (Source by BuildingPortrait:OasiaHotelDowntown,WOHAArchitects).60

Fig 6.27: sky garden (Source by BuildingPortrait:OasiaHotelDowntown,WOHA


Fig 6.28: open space (Source by tradelinkmedia.s3).............................................................60

Fig 6.29: swimming pool (Source by tradelinkmedia.s3).......................................................61

Fig 6.30: wooden interiors (Source by tradelinkmedia.s3)....................................................61

Fig 6.31: high ceiling height (Source

Fig 6.32: courtyard with tree shade, water bodies (Source

Fig 6.33: high ceiling height, elevated deck (Source

Fig 6.34: vertical railing (Source

Fig 6.35: sky terrace (Source

Fig 6.36: sky garden (Source

Fig 6.37: View of biowonder (Source

Fig 6.38: sketch of building (Source by

Fig 6.39: floor plans (Source by

Fig 6.40: section (Source by

Fig 6.41: green terrace (Source by

Fig 6.42: green cover(Source by

Fig 6.43: green areas in building (Source by

Fig 6.44: fountain (Source by

Fig 6.45: view showing risk(pattern) (Source by

Fig 6.46: green terrace (Source by




Table 4: elements and patterns present (source by author)........................................................54


Table 6: elements and patterns present (Source by author).........................................................67

Table 7: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)…………………………………………..67

Table 8: elements present in spaces (Source by author)………………………………………………………….. 72

Table 9: design elements present (Source by author) ………………………………………………………………73

Table 10: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 75

Table 11: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 76

Table 12: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 77

Table 13: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 77

Table 14: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 78

Table 15: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 79

Table 16: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 80

Table 17: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 81

Table 18: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 82

Table 19: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 83

Table 20: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 83

Table 21: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 84

Table 22: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 85

Table 23: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author) ………………………………………. 86

INDEX Titlepage…………………………………………………………………………………………………….i Candidate’sdeclaration…………………………………………………………………………….iii Acknowledgement…………………………………………………………………………………….iv Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………………v Tableofcontent…………………………………………………………………………………vi-x S.NO Chapternames 1 Synopses 1-2 1.1 Needofstudy 1 1.2 Aim 2 1.3 Objective 2 1.4 Scope 2 1.5 Methodology 2 1.6 Limitation 2 2 Introduction 3-8 2.1 History 3 2.2 Biophilia 3 2.3 Biophiliahypothesis 37 2.4 Environmentalpsychology:theoriesrelatedtobiophilia 78 3 Builtenvironment 921 3.1 Definingnature 9 3.2 Storyofhumanandnature 9 3.3 Builtenvironment 910 3.4 Humanmadespace 10 3.5 Effectsofbuiltenvironmentonnaturalenvironment 1016



Biophilicdesign 2239




Natureofspacepattern 2536





3.6 Problemsduetodisconnectionofhumanswithnature ⮚ Urbanclimate Microclimate
Periodicheatflow 1621 4
4.1 Introduction 22 4.2 Designelements 23-25 4.3
5 Space 4044 5.1 Implementationspaces ⮚ Spacesbyscope ⮚ Spacesbyfunction 40 5.2 Spacebyscope 41-43 5.3 Spacebyfunction 43-44 6 Casestudies 45 7.1 Casestudy1:ParkroyaonPickring,Singapore(secondary) 4551 7.2 Casestudy2:officebuildingofdevelopmentalternative,delhi (primary) 5257 7.3 Casestudy3:
Hotel in Downtown
5863 7.4 Casestudy4:biowonder,kolkata 6471


7.5 Analysis 7274 7 Recommendations 7587 8 conclusion 88 9



Nature has become a place to seek for, especially for humans who are living in the cities. Working in the multi- storey buildings, looking through windows to the concrete walls, going to holidays just to get closer to nature is a common way wo living for many people. Increasingnumberofthehumanpopulationforcedarchitecturetobefastandmonotype. Dense cities were being constructed to fulfill the need of human beings for a shelter.

Because the focus of designers was sheltering, human need for nature and living organisms was neglected.

For us the situation of our habitat is getting degraded day by day, due to increase in amount of many harmful gasses, majorly CO2.

25% of the total CO2 emission worldwide are attributed to heat and energy, residential and commercial buildings are responsible for 12% of this 25%.

Buildings uses twice as much energy as cars and trucks, consuming 30% of the world’s totalenergyand16% ofworld’swater.By2050,energyconsumptioncangobeyond40%, emitting 3800 mega tons of carbon.

But nature does not see carbon as a problem, it sees it as a building block. It uses co2 as a raw material to build things such as trees, leaves, algae etc.


Can be combine nature with our built environment for betterment of all?

Can dense cities make contribution to local biodiversity?

As cities become the main inhabited human ecology, what role does the built environment have on overall wellbeing?

“Nature is not a place to visit, it is home.”
~ Gary Synder (environmental activist)

Can urban environmental problems be solved by biophilic design approach?


Introducing biophilia in spaces.


Bringing nature into the daily life of ordinary city dwellers.

To create a strategical framework to integrate indoor, transitional and outdoor space with biophilic considerations.

To investigate and introduce the existing literature related to biophilia


The application scope of biophilic design is various. This study focuses on biophilia in indoor, transitional and outdoor spaces and its impact on built environment.


Lack of case studies in India

Spaces by scope (like indoor, transitional and outdoor spaces) will be covered and Will not cover functional spaces like work places,heath care etc.


Fig 1.1: methodology (Source by author)

2 



The term ‘biophilia’ takes its origin in social psychologist Erich Fromm first used the term ‘biophilia’ in his discussion of human and nature in 1964 to describe a psychological orientation of humans of being attached to life. In his seminal book The Heart of Man (1964). In an addendum known as The Humanist Credo, Fromm writes:

“I believe that the man choosing progress can find a new unity through the development of all his human forces, which are produced in three orientations. These can be presented separately or together: biophilia, love for humanity and nature, and independence and freedom.”

20 years later, Harvard biologist Edward O.Wilson adopted the term and popularized the word with his book titled Biophilia (1984), postulating a natural human affiliation with nature, he suggested that humans have an urge to affiliate with other forms of life that can be explained through evolutionary process of survival and natural selection of fittest. which he describes as

"the connections that human beings subconsciously seek with the rest of life.”


Later, in the year 1995 Kellert and Wilson published a book ‘the biophilia hypothesis’ in which , They expanded on the concept in saying:

Biophilia ... is the innately emotional affiliation of human beings to other living organisms. Innate means hereditary and hence part of ultimate human nature. Biophilia, like other patterns of complex behavior, is likely to be mediated by rules of prepare and counter


prepared teaming the tendency to learn or to resist teaming certain responses as opposed to others. From the scant evidence concerning its nature, biophilia is not a single instinct but a complex of learning rules that can be teased apart and analyzed individually. The feelings molded by the teaming rules fall along several emotional spectra: from attraction to aversion, from awe to indifference, from peacefulness to fear driven anxiety. (Kellert & Wilson, 1993, p.31)

Wilson’s theory of biophilia suggests that humans have evolved with a weak genetic tendency to prefer certain natural settings and situations, as these were important for survival. Researches has found that human prefer settings with running water, green vegetation and flowers. People also exhibit strong positive emotions towards domestic and wild animals, which reflects in historical documentations of human beingS near such animals as a food source.

Similarly, humans tend to feel most at ease with shelter behind them, and open view in front of then, enabling then to be at once protected from the elements, and enable to see oncoming predators, pray and weather changes. (Kellert & Wilson, 1993; Wilson, 1984).

The theory of biophilia also includes ‘biophobia’, or negative emotional responses to certain habitats, activities and objects that are potentially hazardous, such as barren landscapes (ice, desert) or predators and dangerous animals (snakes, lions, spiders). By contrast, thisaversion istypicallynot seen to more modern threats,such as guns, swords or cars, suggesting that humans have not yet evolved a psychological response to these (Wilson, 1984).

Timothy Beatley developed the concept of “biophilic cities”, Which he explores in his seminal book of the same name. In this, he emphasizes the importance of ensuring cities provide opportunities for residents to have regular experiences of nature, and proposes


a new vision. For cities in which the various forms of nature that do exist and celebrated, and in which additional nature is integrated into the urban environment. To provide definition, beartey suggested that:

“a biophilic city is a city that seeks to foster a closeness tonature – it protects and nurtures what is has,…actively restores and repairs the nature that exists, while finding new and creative ways to insert and inject nature into the streets, buildings and urban living environments”(Beatley 2011,p.81).

He suggested that much nature does indeed already exist within most cities. However, it is often unnoticed by urban residents who are disconnected from the natural world, and look for originalforms of nature and do not appreciate the countless species that exist in urban areas. A lack of education and ways of engaging people with the nature around them diminishes the degree to which people can, connect with, and benefit from urban nature, and gain a critical sense of place that comes with a deep understanding of the biological richness and geological history of an area. Biophilic urbanism therefore conceptually extends beyond the physical conditions, or the use of green design and natural elements in a city, and also includes how connected and engaged those who live there are with nature and their surrounds. In addition to measuring the size and number of biophilicelementswithin acity,inmayalso benecessaryto considerhow wellthey are used by residents, and whether they create opportunities for people to enjoy, care and appreciate nature.

Beatley (2011) proposes a number of indicators for what might constitute a biophilic city, which include considerations for the amount of green space within a city. How accessible this is; the types of greenspace that might be included; the existence of organizations and activities that encourage contact with nature; the level of biophilic attitudes and knowledge of the people; and the forms of biophilic institutions and governance arrangements that direct the protection of existing nature, creation of new urban nature, and connection of urban residents with both of these.









Fig 1.2: psychological theories (Source by author)



Attention Restoration Theory (ART) is an environmental psychological theory that suggeststheabilitytoconcentratemaybe restoredbyexposuretonaturalenvironments. Attention Restoration Theory was filly described for the first time in 1989 by Rachel and Stephen KaplaninthebookcalledTheExperienceofNaturetoARTclaimsthatnaturecan

renew capability of taking attention after exerting mental and physical energy (for example spending sleepless nights). Interest on the theory has been increasing since the pace of life getsfaster and even busier. Environmental psychologist is looking forwaysto provide more restoration in people's lives.

Stephen and Rachel Kaplan (1989) proposed that there are four theoretical elements of restorative environments:


1. Fascination: Capacity of an environment to automatically draw attention effort.

2. Being away. Being away from daily hasses and obligations

3. Extend: Connectedness.

4. Compatibility: Compatibility between individual’s tendencies and characteristics.


SRT is devised by Roger Ulrich in 1983 with the article named "Aesthetic and Affective Response to Natural Environments". It focuses on how natural environment reduce psychological stress. According to SRT presence of some natural element in the environment such as spatial openness, the presence of pattern or structure, vegetation and water features trigger feelings of interest, pleasantness and moreover allow psychophysiological stress recovery.


ThePerceptual FluencyAccount(PFA)aimstopresentanintegrationofbothARTand SRT totheideaofPFAisthatthenaturalenvironmentprocessedmorefluentlythantheurban occupants. The restoration potential of these environments is not the same Human's visualbrainismore adaptiveto the visualinformationis structured in naturalscenesthan

in built environment. Specifically, natural scenes contain much more details and information which makes them more fluently than the urban scenes.



To understand the human connection to nature, it is essential to consider the environment which humans evolved in Savannah Hypothesis suggests an explanation to reason why human brain works as the way it does, "The Savannah Hypothesis posits that


thoseindividualswho comprehendedandappreciatedthevalueoftheirnativelandscape survived and multiplied in greater numbers than those who did not.

The hypothesis takes as given that the majority of pre-human and human evolution took placeintheEastAfricansavannaduringthePleistocenethegeologicalepochwhichlasted fromabout2.6millionto11,700yearsagoandthat allmodernhumansdescendfromthis population of closely related individuals.

This hypothesis claims that modern humans feel closer to the natural elements from African Savannah. This type of landscape includes, high diversity of flowers, topographic changes, umbrella-like tree canopies, open landscape views with rolling grasslands providedhuman’sancestorsvantagepointsforhuntingandscattered,treesofferedthem hidingplacesfrom predators. It is necessary tomention that even though there are many theevidencessupportingtheSavannaHypothesisexist,therearesomedifferentopinions which claim that landscape preference was influenced primarily by people's familiarity with the environment where they live and grow.


Prospect-Refuge Theory was developed by English geographer Jai Appleton in 1975. This theory describes why certain environments feel secure and thereby meet basic human psychological needs. The main motivation of this theory is that the situation of a person to view a space (prospect) without being seen (refuge) makes people feel more secure and relaxed. This theory drives from evolutionary survival, where the predator must be to see their prey without being seen. To make the theory clear in today's world it is important to share some examples such as an elevated view large natural wonder, mountains, oceans. lakes, sky expanse as prospect: an interior space, a bench seat with a wall behind, a physical impediment to hide behind as refuge.




There have been various studies to understand human connection with nature concerning to many aspects. The conflict between built and natural environment is one of them. At this point biophilic design is concept which helps people to understand and aims to solve the conflict of built environment and nature.


It is possible to define nature in different ways. Nature is understood by this research as the environment which exists with orwithouthuman influenceand it canbedescribed as the phenomena of the physical world including plants, animals, landscape and other features and products of the earth.

After the industrial revolution, human population and built environment rapidly grew. Human started to get less access to nature. Therefore, the impact of this disconnection caused various changes in their social, psychological and physical environments. Now they spent theirtime inbuilt environmentmore the never. They work, live,play access to food and even exercise at the indoor spaces.


Rootsofhomosapiensgoesbacktoroughly300000yearsago.Sincethen,humanevolved in nature as part of it. They had to rely on nature for all their needs such as water, food, shelter. Early humans inhabited in savannah landscape in east Africa as hunter – gathers. Savannah landscape with grasslands with trees and shrubs supplies with these lands situated in their brain adaption.


The term - built environment refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as


watersupplyorenergynetworks.Thebuiltenvironmentisamaterial,spatial,andcultural product of human labor that combines physical elements and energy in forms for living, working,andplaying.Ithasbeendefinedas“thehuman-madespaceinwhichpeoplelive, work, and recreate on a day-to-day basis”


Today,the55% ofworld’s populationislivinginurbanareasand itisexpectedto increase to 68% by 2050. Even though the importance of nature cannot be denied, the fact is the structural urbanism is needed in the cities, thus, urbanization is a necessity. Yet, development of civilization is believed to be conquering the nature for many years. Standardization of the architectural buildings often ignore the environment. This ideologue causesbig distractionsbetween the bond of human and nature in thecities. As a result of thisapproach, meetingwith nature has become an activity which theyneed to do ones in a while instead of being a part of human life.

The world is growing towards urbanscapes. Yet, the increasing awareness of nature’s importance andpeople’sneedfornatureisanimportantvaluewhileweneedtofocuson as the designers. At this point it is important to understand and internalize the need of integration and balance of both values, nature and built environment.


Urbanization is a good thing, It brings a lot of people together in a small area. Share the work, share the road, share the work, share the building. But we could probably do it a little bit better.


The global population is increasing rapidly some 3.3 billion people Live half of the population will and is living in urban areas Martin, 2008). An urban area is characterized by higher population density and vast human features in comparison to are as surrounding it. Urban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations. People one out of ten migratefromruraltourbanareasinsearchofsuchcomfortablelifestyleandtoavailrising opportunities.

This causes an ever-increasing demand for greys (buildings, structures, roads, bridges etc.)inurbanareas.Inmodern timeswhentherateofurbanizationisphenomenalmainly in developing countries the adverse city life is clearly noticed. Very few cities are well planned otherwise mostof urban areasare crowded, polluted andcompact.To apoint in time, there will be a need to dear vegetation to build more houses to accommodate the growing population. Seeing this current station of increasing demand for greys in the city still questions how and where can greens be integrated this ever-increasing congested urban fabric.

However, a result of this substitution of vegetation with dark colored surfaces and buildings, the air temperature of the environment will be much higher than before, leading to the phenomenon of the urban heat island effect.

As we generally know that plants and vegetation are very useful for variety of way to human life. It useful for maintaining the environmental balance. Connection to nature becomesespeciallyimportantasmorepeopleliveincitieswherethenaturalenvironment isreplacedbyamanmade one.Infact,naturalenvironmentissopraisedin cities thatthe buildings located near natural features, such as parks, have higher real estate value. Vegetation allows improving the air quality, incrementing bio diversity and reducing urban heat islands thanks to its cooling and refreshing capacity beside an aesthetical value.

The high levels of pollution in the atmosphere along with the "cementification" of urban areas and the excess of asphalted surfaces compared to the greened ones are the cause of the urban heat island phenomenon. The higher temperatures inside cities in


comparison to the suburban and rural areas are determined by this phenomenon. This has evident effects both on the environment and on the wellbeing of city dwellers. The problematic situation of the pollution and of the inhabitants discomfort is related to the inadequate quantity of vegetation and green areas in the urban environment, which has also been demonstrated through research as fundamental for man's psychological wellbeing A socio-dinical study by Perussa (1990) proves the presence of vegetation has a central and decisive role on the wellbeing and residential satisfaction of the city's inhabitants, and consequently has a crucial role in determining the real estate value of the urban area Perini, 2011).

A recent study by NASA, carried out in The United States of America, shows that Vegetation is essential for limiting city warming effects."(Gray 2015)


This clarifies that vegetation plays a pivotal role in balancing and controlling the urban island heat phenomenon. As a matter of fact, Vegetation plays an important role in changing the climate of a city. It is also effective in controlling the microclimate. Plants, shrubs and trees cool the environment when they absorb radiation for photosynthesis. They are useful in shading a particular part of the structure and ground for reducing the heat gain and reflected radiation. By releasing moisture, they help raise the humidity level. Vegetation also creates different air flow patterns by causing minor pressure differences, and thus can be used to direct or divert the prevailing wind advantage. (Brown G.Zet al, 2001}

Based on the requirement of a climate, an appropriate type of tree can be selected. Planting deciduous trees Such as mulberry to shade east and west walls would prove beneficialinhot and dryzones.Insummer,theyprovide shade fromintense morningand evening sun, reduce glare, as well as cut off hot breezes. On the other hand, deciduous treesshedtheirleavesinwinterandallowsolarradiationtoheatthebuilding.Thecooling effectofvegetationinhotanddryclimatescomespredominantlyfromevaporation,while in hot humid climates the shading effect is more significant. {Brown G. Z et al, 2001}

Trees can be used as windbreaks to protect both buildings and outer areas such as lawns and patios from both hot and cold winds. The velocity reduction behind the windbreak depends on their height, density, cross sectional shape, width and length, the first two being the most important factors When the wind does of Now perpendicular to the windbreak sheltered area is decreased. The rate of infiltration in buildings s proportional to the wind pressure. Therefore, it is more important to design windbreaks for maximum windspeedreductioninextremeclimates,thanto attempttomaximize thedistanceover which the windbreak in fective (Brown G. Z et al, 2001)

In cold climates, windbreaks can reduce the heat loss in buildings by reducing wind flow over the buildings thereby reducing convection and infiltration losses. A single-row of high-density trees in the form of a wind break can reduce infiltration in a residence by


about 60% when planted about four tree heights from the building. This corresponds to about 15% reduction in energy costs. (Brown G. Zet al, 2001)

Thus, a tree can be effectively used to control the microclimate.


Man-made environment can create micro climate of their own, deviating from the microclimate of the region to a degree depending on the extent of man’s interventions. Suchinterventionswiththenaturalenvironmentaregreatestinlargetownsorcities,thus

it is justifiable to speak of an ’urban climate’.

The factors causing deviations of the urban climate from the regional micro climate are the following: -

 Changeinsurfacequalities(pavementsandbuildings)–increasedabsorbanceofsolar radiation, reduced evaporation.

Buildings– casting ashadow and actingasbarriers to winds,but also channelingwind possible with localized increase in velocity or by storing absorbed heat in their mass and slowly releasing it at night.

Energy seepage – through walls and ventilation of heated buildings, the output of refrigeration plants and air conditioning (removing heat from the controlled space to theoutsideair),heatoutputofinternalcombustionenginesand electricalappliances, heat loss from industries, especially furnaces and large factories.

Atmospheric pollution – waste products of boilers and domestic and industrial chimneys, exhaust from motor cars, fumes and vapors, which both tends to reduce direct solar radiation but increase the diffuse radiation and provide a barrier to outgoing radiation. The presence of solid particles in urban atmosphere may assist in the formation of fog and induce rainfall under favorable conditions.



"Heatisland"isanareaspecificphenomenonwherethetemperatureofoneareaishigher thanthatofthesurroundingareas.Thephysicalextentofthisislandofheatcanvaryfrom a few meters to several kilometers across.

As per United States Environmental Protection Agency "As urban areas develop, changes occur in their landscape. Buildings, roads, and other infrastructure replace open land and vegetation. Surfacesthat wereonce permeable and moistbecomeimpermeable anddry.

These changes cause urban regions to become warmer than their rural surroundings, forming an "island" of higher temperatures in the landscape"

Duringthedaytimebuildings,roads,pavement,andopengroundabsorbheatthatisthen releasedinthe eveningandnighttime.However,duetothenatureofurban morphology, that these elements form part of this released heat is restricted from escaping into the higher atmosphere, resulting in the formation of heat islands. This phenomenon is referred to as the "Urban Heat Island' effect or UHI effect.

The annual mean air temperature of a city with 1 million people or more can be 1–3°C warmer than its surroundings. In the evening, the difference can be as high as 12°C. Heat islands can affect communities by increasing summertime peak energy demand, air conditioning costs, air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, heat-related illness and mortality and water quality (US EPA 2009). The reason that the city is warmer than the country comes down to a difference between the energy gains and losses of each region.


The human body was considered as a defined unit and its heat exchange processes with


environment were analyzed. The building can similarly be considered as a defined unit and its heat exchange processes with the outdoor environment can be examined

Fig 3.1: heat exchange process (Source by Manual of tropical housing-koenigsberger)

Conduction of heat may occur through the walls either inwards or outwards, the rate of which will be denoted as Qc (convective and radiant components in the transfer of the same heat at the surfaces are included in the term: transmittance)

Theeffectsofsolarradiationonopaquesurfacescanbeincludedintheabovebyusing thesolairtemperatureconcept,butthroughtransparentsurfaces(windows)thesolar heat gain must be considered separately. It may be denoted as Qs

Heat exchange in either direction may take place with the movement of air, i.e. ventilation, and the rate of this will be denoted as Qv

Aninternalheatgainmayresultfromtheheatoutputofhumanbodies,lamps,motors and appliances. This may be denoted as Qi

There may be a deliberate introduction or removal of heat (heating or cooling), using some form of outside energy supply. The heat flow rate of such mechanical controls may be denoted as Qm.


Finally, if evaporation takes place on the surface of the building (e.g. a roof pool) or withinthebuilding(humansweatorwaterinafountain)andthevaporsareremoved, this will produce a cooling effect, the rate of which will be denoted as Qe

The thermal balance, i.e. the existing thermal condition is maintained if:



If the sum of thisequation islessthan zero (negative),the building willbe cooling and if it is more than zero, the temperature in the building will increase.


In nature the variation of climatic conditions produces a non-steady state. Diurnal variations produce an approximately repetitive 24-hour cycle of increasing and decreasing temperature. The effect of this on a building is that in the hot period heat flows from the environment into the building, where some of it is stored, and at night during the cool period the heat flow is reversed: from the building to the environment.

As the cycle is repetitive, it can be described as periodic heat flow.

Fig 3.2: periodic heat flow (Source by Manual of tropical housing-koenigsberger)

In the morning, as the out-door temperature increases, heat starts entering the outer surfaceof thewall.Eachparticle inthewallwillabsorb acertain amount of heat for every degree of rise in temperature, depending on the specific heat of the wall material. Heat

+ Qs ± Qc ± Qv ± Qm – Qe

to the next particle will only be transmitted after the temperature of the first particle has increased. Thus, the corresponding increase of the internal surface temperature will be delayed, as shown by the broken line. The out-door temperature will have reached its peak and started decreasing before the inner surface temperature has reached the same level.Fromthismomenttheheat storedinthewallwillbedissipatedpartlytotheoutside and only partly to the inside. As the out-door air cools, an increasing proportion of this stored heat flows outwards, and when the wall temperature falls below the indoor temperature the direction of the heat flow is completely reversed.


Reintegrating nature back into our urban living environment has become an important issue over the past decades with the world’s growing urban population, the extent of environmental degradation, and the challenges posed by climate change. Thefutureecologicalroleofcitieswillbeevidentlycritical.Consideringthatmanymodern urban environments are largely devoid of nature, major cities(like new York city, cities in Singaporeetc.)around the globeareincreasinglytryingtointegrate biophilicmeasuresin theirurbanplanninganddesigninordertorestoreand managenaturalsystems,complex ability forclimate adaptation,flood protection, pollution reduction, sustainable food and energyproduction,biodiversity;andalsoforimprovedqualityoflifeandwell-beingofthe public through healthier lifestyle and neighborhood.

These efforts towards greening the urban infrastructure can be implemented through, large- and small-scale adaptations of the city environment such as: the addition of green roofstobuildings,urbanagriculture,theincreaseandrestorationof parksand vegetation areas, car free zone, green parking, rainwater harvesting, and permeable paving; each providing cost effective structural and cultural services to urban areas. The use of plant for acoustics, humidification, water polishing, or evaporative cooling are increasingly becoming facilitated.


This large- and small-scale adaptations of the city environment can result in very positive way to the urban environment,problemswhich are faced bythe urban environment (like urban heat island) can be catered to some extinct.



Biophilic Design is broken down into two main categories that can result in different design solutions, each demonstrating a relationship with the natural environment. Vernacular or place-based design, refers to buildings and landscapes that create an attachment to place by connecting culture, history, ecology within a geographic context.

Organic design or a naturalistic approach uses forms and shapes in both the building and thelandscape thatdirectly,indirectlyorsymbolicallyrepresentthosefoundinthenatural environment.


ORGANIC (Naturalistic approach)

 Direct

o Unstructured contact

o Daylight, plants, animals, natural

o Habitats and ecosystems


o Requires human input to survive

o Potted plants, fountains and aquariums


o Representation of natural world

o Pictures, videos and metaphors


(Place based design creates an attachment to the place)

Buildings and landscape connected to: -

o Culture

o History

o Ecology

o Geographical context

Fig 4.1 : biophilic design types (Source : biophilic design by Stephen r, kellert)





Naturalistic (Organic)

Environmental features




Natural Materials

Views and vistas

Façade greening




Geology & landscape

Habitats & ecosystems


Natural shapes and forms

Botanical motif

Tree & columnar supports

Animal motifs

Shells & spirals

Egg, oval, & tubular forms


Arches, vaults, domes

Shapes resisting straight lines and right angles

Simulation of natural features



Vernacular (Place-based)

Naturalpatternsand processes

• Geomorphology

• Age, change, and patina

Growth & efflorescence

Central focal point

Patterned wholes

Hierarchically organized ratios and scales

Bounded spaces

Transitional spaces

Linked series and chains

Integration of parts to wholes

Complementary contrasts

Dynamic balance & tension

Light and space

Natural light

Filtered and diffused light

Light and shadow

Reflected light

Light pools

Inside-outside spaces

Warm light

Light as shape and form


Spatial variability

Space as shape and form

Spatial harmony

Place-based relationships

Geographic connection to place

Historic connection to place

Ecological connection to place

Cultural connection to place

Avoiding place lessness


Evolved human nature relationships

• Indigenous materials

• Landscape orientation

• Landscape featuresthatdefine building form

• Landscape ecology

• Integration of culture & ecology

• Spirit of place

• Prospect and refuge

Order and complexity

Curiosity and enticement

• Change and metamorphosis

• Security and protection

Reverence and spirituality

Mastery and control

Affection and attachment

Attraction and beauty

• Exploration and discovery

• Information and cognition

• Fear and awe

Table 1 : biophilic design types (Source : biophilic design by Stephen r, kellert)


The conceptualized American corporation Terrapin Bright Green released a resource entitled "14 Patterns of Biophilic Design: Improving Health and Well-being in the Built Environment" in 2014. The purpose of their study is to present the foundation necessary for thinking more critically about the human connection with nature and how biophilic design patterns can be used as a tool for improving health and well-being in the built environment.


In this Report, 14 biophilic design patterns were categorized into three categories as Nature in the Space, Natural Analogues and Nature of the Space.

Context 14 Patterns


1. Visual Connection with Nature

2. Non-Visual Connection with nature

3. Non-Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli

4. Thermal and Airflow Variability

5. Presence of Water

6. Dynamic and Diffuse Light

7. Connection with NaturalSystems


8. Biomorphic Forms and Patterns

9. Material Connection with Nature

10. Complexity and Order


11. Prospect

12. Refuge

13. Mystery

14. Risk / Peril

Table 2 : biophilic design types (Source : biophilic design by Stephen r, Kellert)


Nature in the Space addresses the direct, physical and ephemeral presence of nature in a space or place. This includes plant life, water and animals, as well as breezes, sounds, scentsandothernaturalelements.Commonexamplesincludepottedplants,flowerbeds,

bird feeders, butterfly gardens, water features, fountains, aquariums, courtyard gardens and green walls or vegetated roofs. The strongest Nature in the Space experiences are achieved through the creation of meaningful, direct connections with these natural elements, particularly through diversity, movement and multi-sensory interactions.


Nature in the Space encompasses seven biophilic design patterns:

1. Visual Connection with Nature.

A view to elements of nature, living systems and natural processes.


Naturally Occurring:

Natural flow of a body of water

Vegetation, including food bearing plants

Animals, insects


Terrain, soil, earth

2. Non-Visual Connection with Nature.


Mechanical flow of a body of water

pond, aquarium

Green wall

Artwork depicting nature scenes

Video depicting nature scenes

Highly designed landscapes

Auditory, haptic, olfactory, or gustatory stimuli that engender a deliberate and positive reference to nature, living systems or natural processes.


Naturally Occurring:

Fragrant herbs and flowers


Flowing water

Simulated or Constructed:

Digital simulations of nature sounds

Mechanically released natural plant oils


Weather (rain, wind, hail)

Natural ventilation (operable windows, breezeways)

Textured materials (stone, wood, fur)

Crackling fire/fireplace

Sun patches

Warm/cool surfaces

Highly textured fabrics/textiles that mimic natural material textures

Audible and/or physically accessible water feature

Music with fractal qualities

Horticulture/gardening, including edible plants

Domesticated animals/pets

3. Non-Rhythmic Sensory Stimuli.

Stochastic and ephemeral connections with nature that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.


Naturally Occurring:

Cloud movement


Plant rustling

Water babbling

Insect and animal movement

Birds chirping

Fragrant flowers, trees and herbs

Simulated or Constructed:

Billowy fabric or screen materials that move or glisten with light or breezes

Reflections of water on a surface

Shadows or dappled light that change with movement or time

Nature sounds broadcasted at unpredictable intervals

Mechanically released plant oils


4. Thermal & Airflow Variability.

Subtle changes in air temperature, relative humidity, airflow across the skin, and surface temperatures that mimic natural environments.


Naturally Occurring:

Solar heat gain

Shadow and shade

Radiant surface materials

Space/place orientation

Vegetation with seasonal densification

5. Presence of Water.

Simulated or Constructed:

HVAC delivery strategy

Systems controls

Window glazing and window treatment

Window operability and cross ventilation

A condition that enhances the experience of a place through seeing, hearing or touching water.


Naturally Occurring:

River, stream, ocean, pond, wetland

Visual access to rainfall and flows

Seasonal arroyos

Simulated or Constructed:

Water wall

Constructed water fall



Constructed stream

Reflectionsofwater(realorsimulated) on another surface

Imagerywith waterin the composition


6. Dynamic & Diffuse Light.

Leverages varying intensities of light and shadow that change overtime to create conditions that occur in nature.


Naturally Occurring:

Daylight from multiple angles

Direct sunlight

Diurnal and seasonal light


Moonlight and star light


Simulated or Constructed:



Light distribution

Ambient diffuse lighting on walls and ceiling

Day light preserving window treatments

Task and personal lighting

Accent lighting

Personal user dimming controls

Circadian color reference (white light during the day and lack of blue light at night)/

Color tuning lighting that produces white light during the day, and minimizes blue light at night

7. Connection with Natural Systems.

Awareness of natural processes, especially seasonal and temporal changes characteristic of a healthy ecosystem



Naturally Occurring:

Climate and weather patterns (rain, hail, snow; wind, clouds, fog; thunder, lightning)

Hydrology (precipitation, surface water flows and resources; flooding, drought; seasonal arroyos)

Geology (visible fault lines and fossils; erosion, shifting dunes)

Simulated or Constructed:

Simulated daylighting systems that transition with diurnal cycles

Wildlife habitats (e.g., birdhouse, honeybee apiary; hedges, flowering vegetation)

Exposure of water infrastructure

Step wells for seasonal rainwater storage and social convergence

Animal behaviors (predation, feeding, foraging, mating, habitation)

Pollination, growth, aging and decomposition (insects, flowering, plants)

Natural patina of materials (leather, stone, copper, bronze, wood)

Diurnal patterns (light color and intensity; shadow casting; plant receptivity; animal behavior; tidal changes)

Night sky (stars, constellations, the Milky Way) and cycles (moon stages, eclipses, planetary alignments, astronomical events)

Seasonal patterns (freeze-thaw; light intensity and color; plant cycles; animal migration; ambient scents)



Natural Analogues addresses organic, non-living and indirect evocations of nature. Objects, materials, colors, shapes, sequences and patterns found in nature, manifest as artwork, ornamentation, furniture, décor, and textiles in the built environment. Mimicry of shells and leaves, furniture with organic shapes, and natural materials that have been processed or extensively altered (e.g., wood planks, granite tabletops), each provide an indirect connection withnature: while they are real,they are only analogous of the items in their ‘natural’ state. The strongest Natural Analogue experiences are achieved by providing information richness in an organized and sometimes evolving manner.

8. Biomorphic Forms & Patterns. Symbolic references to contoured, patterned, textured or numerical arrangements that persist in nature.


Naturally Occurring:

Fabric, carpet, wallpaper designs based on Fibonacci

series or Golden Mean • Window details: trim and moldings, glass color, texture,

mullion design, window reveal detail

Installations and free-standing


Furniture details

Woodwork, masonry

Wall decal, paint style or texture

Simulated or Constructed:

Arrangement of the structural system (e.g., columns shaped like trees)

Building form

Acoustic paneling (wall or ceiling)

Railings, banisters, fencing, gates

Furniture form

Window details: frit, light shelves, fins

Pathway and hallway form


9. Material Connection with Nature. Materials and elements from nature that, through minimal processing, reflect the local ecology or geology and create a distinct sense of place.


Naturally Occurring:

Accent details (natural wood grains; leather; stone, fossil textures; bamboo, rattan, dried grasses)

Interiorsurfaces (veneer,countertops)

Woodwork, stonework

Natural color palette, particularly greens

Simulated or Constructed:

Wall construction (wood, stone)

Structural systems (heavy timber beams)

Façade material

Furniture form

Footpaths, bridges

10. Complexity & Order. Rich sensory information that adheres to a spatial hierarchy similar to those encountered in nature.


Naturally Occurring:

Wallpaper and carpet design

Material texture and contour

Window details: trim and moldings, glass color, texture, mullion design, window reveal detail

Plant selection variety and placement

Simulated or Constructed:

Exposed structure/exoskeleton

Exposed mechanical systems

Façade materials

Façade, spandrel and window hierarchy

Building skyline


Complex plant oil fragrances

Auditory stimuli

Floor plan, landscape plan, urban grid

Pedestrian and traffic flows

Resource flows


Nature of the Space addresses spatial configurations in nature. This includes our innate and learned desire tobeable to see beyond our immediate surroundings, our fascination with the slightly dangerous or unknown; obscured views and revelatory moments; and sometimes even phobia-inducing properties when they include a trusted element of safety. The strongest Nature of the Space experiences are achieved through the creation of deliberate and engaging spatial configurations commingled with patterns of Nature in the Space and Natural Analogues.

Nature of the Space encompasses four biophilic design patterns:

11. Prospect. An unimpeded view over a distance, for surveillance and planning.


Form / Function:


Balconies, catwalks, staircase landings

Open floor plans

Elevated planes

Views including shade trees, bodies of water or evidence of human habitation

12. Refuge. A place for withdrawal from environmental conditions or the main flow of activity, in which the individual is protected from behind and overhead.

 Transparent


Form / Function:

1. Spaces with weather/climate protection, or speech and visual privacy

2. Spaces reserved for reflection, meditation, rest, relaxation, reading, or complex cognitive tasks

3. Operable, adjustable or translucent (or semi-opaque) shades, blinds, screens or partitions

4. Drop or lowered ceiling or soffit, overhang or canopy

5. Lowered or varied light color, temperature or brightness

13. Mystery. The promise of more information, achieved through partially obscured views or other sensory devices that entice the individual to travel deeper into the environment.


Form / Function:

Light and shadow


 Sound or vibration  Scent  Activity or movement  Artwork or installation  Form and
 Translucent materials

EXAMPLES Form / Function:

Double-height atrium with balcony or catwalk

Architectural cantilevers

Infinity edges

Façade with floor-to-ceiling transparency

Experiences or objects that are perceived to be defying or testing gravity

Transparent railing or floor plane

Passing under, over or through water

Proximity to an active honeybee apiary or predatory animals

Life-sized photography of spiders or snakes

14. Risk/Peril. An identifiable threat coupled with a reliable safeguard.


Environmental features

P1: Visual connection with nature

P4: Thermal & airflow variability

P5: Presence of water

green walls, natural materials, water bodies, ponds

airflow across the skin, change in air temperature

waterfall, aquarium, reflection of water

Natural shapes and forms

P2: Non visual connection with nature

P8: Biomorphic forms & patterns

symbolic reference to contoured, patterned, textured or numerical arrangement that persist in nature. Eg – columns shaped like trees, building forms, window detailing etc.

Natural patterns and processes

P10: Complexity & Order

P13: Mystery

Rich sensory information that adheres to a spatial hierarchy similar to those encounteredinnature.Eg–floor plan window hierarchy, landscape pattern, pedestrian and traffic flow etc.

The promise of more information, achieved


Light and space P3: Non rhythmic sensory stimuli

P6: Dynamic & diffuse light

P13: Mystery

Place-based relationships

P9: Material connections with nature

through partially obscured views or other sensory devices that entice the individual to travel deeper into the environment. Like light and shadow, activity or movement

Screen material which move with light or breezes, shadows or dappled light that change with movement or time

Light and shadow that change over time to create condition that occur in nature

The promise of more information, achieved through partially obscured views or other sensory devices that entice the individual to travel deeper into the environment. Like light and shadow, activity or movement

Materials and elements from nature that, through minimal processing reflect the local ecology or


Evolved human nature relationships

P7: Connection with natural systems

P11: Prospect P12: Refuse

P14: Risk/ Peri l

geology and create a distinct sense of place. Like Accent details (natural wood grains; leather; stone, fossil textures; bamboo, rattan, dried grasses) Interior surfaces (veneer,

Awareness of natural processes, change in season,

An unimpeded view over a distance, for surveillance and planning. Like –transparent material, balconies (savannah hypothesis)

A place for withdrawal from environmental conditionsorthe main flow of activity, in which the individualisprotectedfrom behind and overhead. (savannah hypothesis) like

– drop or lower ceiling

An identifiable threat coupled with a reliable safeguard.

Fig 4.4 : relationship between pattern and element(Source by author)



“I don’t divide architecture, landscape and gardening; to me they are one”

The term architectural space has been described by many experts as it is a place where the production is the subject of architecture. It is defined in various ways by various professionals.Theveryknowndefinitionofspaceisthat,“Spaceencompassesthevolume ofstructure,thepartofabuildingwemovethroughandexperience”.Butinordertokeep nature-architecture comprehensive approach strong, it is not possible to define space only as a concept of enclosure and fullness which is separated from the outdoor environment.

Thus, space can be defined as the environment where any kind of human interaction exists. For thisreason, it isnot appropriate to delimitate space as one type of volume and form since there can be various forms, scale and function of a space.





Fig 5.1 : spaces types (Source by author)


Complex and systematic way of thinking can help to create simple solutions for integration of indoor and outdoor concepts. This study aims to bringing nature into spaces.Thus,itisimportanttoclarifytheirscopes,relationstoeachotherandchallenges.

For this reason, this study views space as a concept in three categories as outdoor, transitional and indoor spaces. This categorization helps to investigate indoor and outdoor characteristics of spaces in order to understand their similarities, connections and dissimilarities. When the outdoor and indoor spaces can be understood deeply, importanceoftransitionalspaceswillbeilluminated.Transitionalspacesareanimportant category especially for the integrity of other two categories As it is mentioned, understandingthe spaceisthefirststepof thedesignconsiderationswhicharesuggested by the system. Before starting to work on a design site, it is important to deeply analyze itssurroundingspacesaswellasthedesignsite itself. Thiskindofanalysisleadsdesigners to the roots of existing problems and later on to the solutions.

Outdoor Spaces:

This category indicates wide range of outdoor spaces from natural environment to any kind of built environment. Outdoor spaces have the highestpotentialtosupplynaturalenvironmentfor human needs.Theyplaya bigroleforhealthier life.

For human beings need of continuously being connected to a natural environment is called biophilia. Fig 5.2 outdoor space

In the context of biophilic design, built environment should be considered as the part of outdoor spaces.


Indoor Spaces:

Indoor spaces can be defined as the environments that creates feeling of enclosure and shelter on the users with its vertical and horizontal architectural elements such as ceiling walls, floor etc. In the terms biophilic design, indoor spaces cannot be defined only with architectural elements. The aim of creating biophilic indoor environment is to

Fig 5.3: indoor space design multi-sensoryexperience for the users. Tools for this aim arenot limited with only physicalappearanceofthenaturalelements.Interiordesignershaveakeyrole in shaping the indoor spaces and therefore have the liability and obligation to create spaces that meetthe rightneedsofhumanstonature. With good designstrategiesindoorspacescan be strong enough to make users feel closer to nature even though they are in enclosed indoor space.

Transitional Spaces:

Understanding the relation between indoor and outdoor spaces provides a vision for the characterization of transitional spaces as they share some of the features of both indoor and outdoor spaces. These spaces mostly play one of the most important roles of integration between different types of spaces. It is essential to have a

Fig 5.3: transitional space

deep knowledge of indoor and outdoor spaces of a design site in order to create a strong transitional zone which creates a bridge between indoor and outdoor spaces. Moreover, it can be used as a powerful tool to create a comprehensive transition between nature and architecture


An architectural structure can be connected to its exterior in many different ways. In traditional architecture concepts the building can dominate, surround or edge its environment. This studysuggeststhat the building with its indoor and transitional spaces should gently merge with its environment


Biophilic design has many elements and considerations with the aim of bringing nature into spaces. Before beginning to a design process, it's important for designers to understand and clarify the function of their site because each space has its own function with different purpose of use. Moreover, every different form of space has its own needs within the context of biophilia.

Workplace: Representative elements of the wildlife, natural light, plants and natural colors are desired by the users. Yet, 58% of the workers reported having no elements representsnaturewithintheirworkenvironment.Anothersurveyof1,000officeworkers commissioned by Ambitus found interesting results that show the outdoor time that employees spend during a typical workday is way but the time they spend indoor.

Healthcare Spaces: Nature and biophilic design has positive impact on health, wellbeing andoverallhappiness ofpeople.Even theeasy useofnaturalelements,orinterpretations of it, helps in healing process of patients making the healing process faster. it's known that use of biophilia within hospitals statically increases post-operative recovery by 8.5% and reduces the utilization of pain medication 22%.

Residential Spaces: Natural light, fresh air feeling of being safe plants that clean the air, use of natural materials like wood, elements that represent nature like fire, bird sound wind and plenty of others may be employed in living spaces even in simple form. Many researches prove that this type of applications in residential spaces have many positive


impact on the resident like increasing quality of sleep, reducing stress, boosting energy etc.

Educational Spaces: People spend their significant amount of your time within the educational spaces like nursing, school, university campuses, course places, libraries etc. becausethe variousresearchessays,directorindirectcontactofhumanswithnature creates better concentration level. it's also observed that children have higher test scores once they access greater natural lighting,outdoors, and natural materials.

Retail Spaces: People spend increasingly longer in commercial spaces; especially in retail centers. andtypes try toform morerestorativeandpositiveshoppingexperiencesforthe consumers. Elements of nature can help customers to revive their direct attention. this manner the amount of sales can increase and a more satisfactory experience for the costumers.

Playscapes: Children express their natural love of nature at an early age by being interested in animals, plants, water and natural materials. The open-ended scope of nature gives children to be more creative. Nature gives them extra space to be more energetic and freer. As natural environments don't seem to be accessible enough within the urbanareasasplayscapes,biophilicdesignplays anefficient andimportant impacton children to shield their bond with nature.

Spiritual Spaces: Humans are surviving because of nature which supplies all of them the mandatory Sources that they have. Their biological systems and bodies involve elements which alsoare workinginnature forvarious purposes.Inmanybeliefs,humanandnature are considered to be extension of 1 another. This approach could be a similar approach to Biophilia Hypothesis. Thus, use of biophilic elements can improve spiritual feelings to higher levels.



1. Secondary case study



WOHA’s design team takes architecture and landscape integration to a whole new level with their design of the Parkroyal on Pickering. The team drew inspiration from the landscape of the adjacent Hong LimPark. By incorporating the same greenery within and around the Parkroyal Hotel, they created an elevated area of green space approximately twicethe sizeof thepark.Alarge platformbridgesthetowersandprovidesaprivatepark space, featuring tall palm trees, shrubs, a flowering understory, a waterfall, and hanging vines.

The Parkroyal on Pickering exemplifies Singapore’s stated goal of becoming a “City in a Garden”through itsunique integration of thelocal tropical ecosystemandthe cityfabric. WOHA’s design blends outside and inside using biodiverse equatorial plantings on the sky-gardens, which are visible through the large windows of the guest rooms, and indoor green walls and potted plants. Beneath the 12 story E-plan that houses the guest rooms, a 5 story podium supports garden terraces, water features, and infinity pools. The podium,composedofslabsofconcrete layeredtoresembleanorganic terrain,formsthe roof of the oversized porte-cochere.

Despite its grand size, the Parkroyal retains a human scale. The eye-level view of gardens reduces the perceived height of the guestrooms, lending the space a residentialfeel. The human scale upholds WOHA’s intention to restore a sense of place to the city center by creating a “communal building as garden for an idealized green city.”


A contoured podium, referred to as topographical architecture, is mimicked from terracedplantations. It issculptedto formdramatic outdoor plazas, gardens and terraces which flow seamlessly into the interiors. The crisp and streamlined tower blocks harmonize with surrounding high-rise office buildings. The snaking bands of fluted concrete weave through the length and breadth of the podium without interruption, and without acknowledgment of the boundaries between exterior and interior.


Fig 6.4: elevation B

Fig 6.5: key plan

fig 6.6: section CC’ (source : (source : (source :

Table 3: elements and patterns present (source by author)



WOHA’s vision for the Parkroyal was of a “hotelas-garden.” Every four-stories, curvilinear “sky-gardens” wrap the front of the hotel in local tropical plants. This design creates over 49,000 ft2 (4552.249 m2) of green space, doubling the growing potential of the site.

The E-shaped plan of the building facilitates the site’s visual connection with nature, maximizing the number of guest rooms looking out on Hong Lim Park, the hotel’s skygardens, or both. The visual connection with nature is reinforced through the extensive


use of indoor living plants. In the lobby, vines are interlaced with wood panel walls and beds of flowering plants bloom. In select guest rooms, outdoor plantings extend along the length of the windows, further blurring the line between indoors and outdoors. Exterior walkways that transverse the spaces between private guest rooms and communal areas are bordered by equatorial plants and water features. In addition to providing views of nature to its guests, the Parkroyal serves as a rare green space within the dense urban environment of Singapore. The southwest side of the building, which houses the hotel's service areas, faces away from Hong Lim Park and toward a public housing facility. Hanging gardens adorn this back facade, providing the public at large with a view to elements of nature, living systems, and natural processes.


Topographically layered slabs of precast the concrete stretch between the glass towers oftheParkroyalonPickeringcreatingatheverticallandscapethatresemblestheterraced rice paddies of Asian countrysides. These organic forms are unique among the densely packed hard-edged structures that make-up central Singapore. Symbolic references to contoured, patterned, textured or numerical arrangements that move nature is expressed not only within the exterior form of the building, but throughout the inside spaces, in-wall, and floor detailing, furniture, and minutia. Layers of wood in curvilinear forms create both the main lobby desk and also the hotel bar. These structures seem to emerge organically from the bands of wood that cover the walls and ceiling immediately surrounding them. In addition, both the bar and also the main lobby desk stand on amorphousislandsoftexturedcarpeting,whichallowsthemtoblendintothefloor.These features defy sharp angles, to create forms that suggest the slow weathering of land by wind or water.


Intricate geometric and fractal patterns are a motif of the Parkroyal’s interior detailing. A spiral staircase, itself paying homage to the pervasive Fibonacci series, is enclosed in an exceedingly complex lattice of wood and metal. On the lobby entryway facade, thin slats


of timber are layered to form a matrix resembling local vernacular woodwork. this method is additionally used on the ceiling and upper third of the walls in the function rooms,moreoverasatasmaller scalewithinthe folding screensthatdivideseatingareas from larger open spaces. Through its use of rich sensory information that adheres to a spatial hierarchy similar to those encountered in nature, the Parkroyal creates a visible environment that's stimulating, but not stressful. Hierarchical patterns also are referenced in the building's spatial structure. Thebuilding is separated into three distinct zones, the ground floor, which contains the lobby and portecochere, the park level, a richly landscaped terrace with infinity pools, and also the guest rooms, which comprise the highest 12 floors. From the 5th floor up, soft organic forms wrap the inside of the Eplantowereveryfourstories.Guestslookdownonlayersofgardensaboveadenseurban landscape. the combination of geometric and biomorphic forms, the layering of landscapes and also the creation of vertical zones, leads to a multifaceted spatial structure that's intuitively logical.


One of the Parkroyal’s most distinctive features is its colorful human-sized bird cages. Perched on the sting of cantilevered platforms overlooking town, these spaces offer a powerful sense of risk and peril. From inside the birdcages, there's just one means of egress, alonga narrow platform protected only by glass and wooden handrails. The guest is fully enclosed and guarded by the steel bars of the bird cages, and yet fully attentive to the great distance between their body and also the ground. These whimsical forms present an identifiable threat plus a reliable safeguard providing a flash of playfulness and excitement. Exterior walkways that lead from the guest rooms to the elevator lobby provide the same experience. There are not any horizontal railings, instead, the guest is protected by all vertical bars spaced some inches apart. Walking across these platforms, the guest can peer over the bars to seem down upon the town street from the maximum amount as 16 stories up. The design also provides dramatic views from the infinity pools


on the 5th floor. The infinity pools be the sting of the pool deck. Guests who swim to the stingofthepoollookoutonaviewofthetownandHongLimPark,unimpededbyrailings.


2. Primary case study



The Development Alternatives World Headquarters located in New Delhi, is one of the firstbuildingsinIndiathat aimsatZeroEmissions.Thebuildingisbestdescribedasaliving ecosystem: a fine balance of natural and man-made processes employing environmentfriendly energy, material and water management methods. A living testimony to the vision, mission and commitment of Development Alternatives to creating a national future that is based on social justice and a cleaner environment. It is already becoming the benchmark for green buildings in India. It is now widely accepted that the business decisionsenterprisesmakeshouldbebasednotonlyontheconventionalfinancialfactors such as profits or dividends, but must also consider the immediate and long term social and environmental consequences of their activities. India, which is still a transition economy, has the opportunity to bypass the costly environmental mistakes of the industrializedworldandget aheadstartinbuilding agreenerworldbypromotingtheuse of environmentally sound, affordable building materials and technologies Development Alternatives believes its newly reconstructed Headquarters building will set a standard for'responsible construction practicesinIndiathat willrelyontheuseofalternative,ecofriendly and cost effective methods, technologies and solutions


Through his design architect Ashok B Lall demonstrates how conventional parameters of sustainable architecture can be fulfilled while relying on low-cost solutions based on fundamental lessons in local tradition, in collaboration with biophilic design.

Fig 6.7: entrance of DA office (source by author)


Fig 6.8: (source:

Fig 6.9: (source:

Fig: 6.10 detail B (source:

Table 4: elements and patterns present (source by author)



> GREEN CLOTHING - The building is clothed with plants on its eastern and western side and on its roof to reduce the amount of heat gain from the openings on those façades. plantation is done in the courtyard with some small ponds too, to get cool breeze in the summer.


The building has a central courtyard with small water ponds and a pond connectedwithawater curtain,whichbyevaporative cooling reduces the temprature within the courtyard, during the dry season and reduces heat gain through the courtyard.The building consists of a baoli to retain the rain water which also a additional water feature of the building

Fig 6.15: plan (Source by

Fig 6.13: baoli (Source by author)

Fig 6.14: water curtain (Source by author)

Fig 6.11 façade (source by author) Fig 6.12 courtyard (source by author)


>The buildingisorientedwith respectivetothe sun’s trajectory, keeping the western facade blank

> optimised orientation to maximize natural light an ventilation.

> Through glass blocks basement and meeting halls gets natural light

> angled windows are provided to get natural and glare free light

Fig 6.19: windows on the west façade having prism – shaped protection to block the afternoon summer sun (Source by author) Fig 6.16: block model (Source by Fig 6.17: blocks used in meeting hall (Source by author) Fig 6.18: blocks used in basement (Source by author)


> wooden frame used in windows

> sun dried bricks used in inner walls

> red bricks used on outer wall in pattern

> stone instead of vitried tiles for Doors

> terracotta tiles

> Mud shallow domes


> shallow domes with patterns on top

> spiral staircase on the exterior

> use of jali pattern

> filler slab in basement


> Jail patterns used in rails and façade of building near courtyard

> floral jail patterns


> skywalks on each floor connecting floors of the buildings

Fig 6.20: inner mud wall, wooden frame, stone floor, red bricks (Source by author) Fig 6.21: shallow domes (Source by author) Fig 6.24: spiral staircase (Source by author) Fig 6.22: jail pattern (Source by author) Fig 6.23: filler slab (Source by author) Fig 6.25: bridges joining floors (Source by author)

3. secondary case stydySecondary case study


The Oasia Hotel Downtown, designed by Woha, a Singapore-based architectural firm, is oneofthemoststunningskyscrapersinAsia.Ithasthefirst,thesignal-redmeshenvelope, a splash of color unlike anything in its neighborhood, and then the surreptitious patches of green that seem to slowly envelop the building.

Planted façades are not new – certainly not in Singapore where developers use green wallsasabadgeofenvironmentalseriousness–butithasneverbeentakentothisheight, literally. Oasiadoesnot yield to the pressure to entertain; the green-to-red ratio changes over time, refusing to surrender simple pattern-making. DESIGN CONCEPT

The goal for the design of this structure was to create a response to the concrete uniformity of Singapore's business district. The primary architect, Wong Mun Summ of Woha, said that the building emphasized sustainability over consumption. Mimicking a natural ecosystem, vertically planted flowers and vines attract fauna like insects and squirrels


Environmental features

Place-based relationships

Evolved human nature relationship P1 P4 P5 P7 P9 P11 P14

Table 6: elements and patterns present (Source by author)



The building is wrapped in red skin (red aluminum mesh), which helps plants to grow on facade. The building has 54 species of plants and trees, out of which 22 species of them are on the facade. These plants and trees helps to improve the biodiversity of the city. The building also has sky terraces and sky gardens.

AREA of green facade - 25000 sq.m

PLOT SIZE - 2500 sq.m

greenery replacement - 10 X plot size i.e 1000% green cover

Fig 6.26: facade (Source by Building Portrait: Oasia Hotel Downtown, WOHA Architects)


Fig 6.27: sky garden (Source by Building Portrait: Oasia Hotel Downtown, WOHA Architects)

Open spaces inside building- 40% of the building is devoted to communal open space, which has trees, bushes and ground cover. The design and layout of the building incorporates naturally cool environment and ventilated spaces, leading to no use of air conditioners.

The green outer cover of the building maintains the temperature inside the building.

Fig 6.28: open space (Source by tradelinkmedia.s3)



Water features are also been provided in the building, the building has pools and flowing water in the courtyards.

Fig 6.29: swimming pool (Source by tradelinkmedia.s3)


> the building offers habitat for 60 different types of species of insects and birds.


> Natural materials are been used in the rooms of the hotel. wooden texture is there on wall and wood has been used in the interiors and for the furniture.


> Some floors of building have, Open floor plans

> Elevated decks are there

> courtyard Views includes shade trees, bodies of water

> Large celling height

Fig 6.30: wooden interiors (Source by tradelinkmedia.s3)
Fig 6.30: wooden interiors (Source by tradelinkmedia.s3 Fig 6.31: high ceiling height (Source Fig 6.32: courtyard with tree shade, water bodies (Source Fig 6.33: high ceiling height, elevated deck (Source Fig 6.34: vertical railing (Source
62 P14 : RISK / PERIL > Double-height atrium > Transparent railing > sky terraces
Fig 6.35: sky terrace (Source Fig 6.36: sky garden (Source

4. Secondary case studySecondary case study



Located in Kolkata, BIOWONDER is the first biophilic corporate park of East India that attempts to counter the tendenciestowardsthe segregation of land-use and programsin the current Indian urbanism. This mixed used development offers multifarious opportunities for work, housing, recreation, entertainment and public facilities. This super adjacency of diverse programs brings behavioral freedom, tolerance and emergenceof aninformalcommunityspace.Bio wonder isanattempttocreateonesuch precedent that would help to establish this connect within the larger working environmentthathumansinhabit.Biophilicdesignfacilitatesotherconnectedvaluessuch as energy efficiency, proliferation of green elements and increased performance and productivity at the workplace.


The makers of Bio wonder have been influenced by the lack of greenery, sunlight and freshDirwhichhaveanadverseimpactonthehumanmindandbody.Theaveragehuman being spends 65% of their lives in the closed box-like office spaces, which makes life stressful and unhealthy. So, the makers of Bio wonder decided to go a step further from a mere green building to create a unique and sustainable biophilic workspace that will help people flourish and perform at their workplace with greaterpassion and excellence.

Fig 6.37: View of biowonder (Source

A gold-rated, LEED-certified building, it boasts of a range of facilities (food courts, gymnasium,facilityshop,pharmacy,ATMsetc.)foritsinhabitants,a4-starbusinesshotel of 120 keys, convention,business and banquet facilities. There existsa mutually inclusive and sustainable relationship between man, nature and architecture - one that has to be biophilic in nature. Better performance further leads to better profits and satisfaction in the corporate world. Geometric manifestation, thereby, is adopted to enable the resolutionofthedesignbriefwhichenhancesthegenericvalueofcomfortandfamiliarity.

The planning also reflects a strikingly creative orchestration of varied functional zones within the complex.

Fig 6.38: sketch of building (Source by

Fig 6.39: floor plans (Source by


Fig 6.40: section (Source by



Environmental features

Light and space

Evolved human – natural relationship

Natural pattern and processes P1 P5 P6 P14

Table 7: elements and patterns present (Source by author)


Architectural‘offsets’withinthebuildingareprovidedasameasuretoincreasethe amountofgreenpercentageconsiderably.Theseoffsetsallowforeachofficewithinthe podiumbuildingtohaveaterraceandadedicatedclearareafortreeplantation.This formsaverticaldistributionofgreencoverthatcomplements aswellasaugmentsthehorizontalgreencover.Italsocreates shadowzones,cuttingoffthescorchingafternoonheat,while facilitatingrainwaterharvestingandrenewableenergy production.Thelandscapingoftheterracesinthebuilding includeXeriscaping,i.e.drought-resistantplantsareusedinan efforttoconserveresourcesandmaintaineconomicefficiency. Treeswithlushleavesareplantedforgreaterfoliagecontent.

Fig6.42:green cover(Sourceby worldarchitecturen


Fig 6.43: green areas in building (Source by

The structuralsystemincorporated inthebuildingis a95% RCCstructureplan,usingsteel onlyatthebracings.Thissolutionhasenabledreductionofcarbonfootprint in astrikingly unique way – by making the structure less heavy and minimizing the usage of raw material. The internal structural system of shearwalls and special moment frames allows for resistance against earthquakes and wind forces


> water fountains are present on the ground floor of the building.

> ponds are present on the terrace of the building


> Cantilevered floors and terraces

Fig 6.44: fountain (Source by



Environment positive features have been adopted as design interventions to reduce the loadontheservices.Theformandorientationofthebuildingblocksisderivedinresponse to the climatic conditions of the region. While the form acts as a barrier to the constant hot winds that kiss the green terraces and become cooler, the orientation makes way for cool shaded plazas during hotter times of the day. Its floor plate orientation helps each office to receive 80% daylight, while enabling great views with accessible green terraces.

The design of the corporate park incorporates the dynamics of light into the spaces, so that human beings are in constant rhythm with natural light. The staggered terraces with planters and greens

Fig 6.45: view showing risk(pattern) (Source by


The entire ground floor area of the site is redeveloped as terrace gardens in the building profile. Designed to provide social coherence, the terraces are well connected to each other and enable a green layer. The urban greenery is increased to reduce the effects of the heat island.


Incorporating the best of technology, Bio wonder is designed for experiential living while promoting and re-establishing the almost forgotten bond between man and nature. Salient’sdesignapproachissensitivetotheenvironmentinordertohelp insustainingthe Biodiversity around. Balancing dynamicmovement and respite,the building reintroduces therapeuticnatureofbuiltformintothe urbanscenario,byofferingverticalgreenstothe city in this intriguing layered approach to city architecture. BIOWONDER is an expression of truth through architecture; the truth that connects man with nature.

Fig 6.46: green terrace (Source by

Primary case study - Developmentalternativeheadquarters

Inconventionalbuildingthehighuseofconcreteandglassretainheataddingloadonthe air conditioners. Almost 70% of the energy bills in Delhi is attributed to A.C loads. Delhi hastropicalclimateitsminimumtemperaturerisesto45degreeCwhereastheminimum temperaturefalls to5 degree Development alternativeheadquartersthereareuser definednorms and standardforthermalcomfort,ventilation and lighting.

Acceptance of indoor temp ranging from 18 degree C to 30 degree C is there, that is relevant for tropical region (international norm 18 degree C to 28 degree C), and this temperature isattainedbyvariousmeasuresofbiophilicdesign.

Secondary case studies

1) Bio wonder, increases the urban greenery and helps reducing the effects of a 'heat island'. It helps in sustaining the Biodiversity around. Its floor plate orientation helps every office to achieve 80% daylight, great views in 2 directions, with green terraces and agardenattached.

2) Oasia Hotel Downtown,Theexteriorisconstructedofredaluminummesh shrouded in 22 species of plants, Open space is incorporated with 40% of the structure dedicated to communal areas. 60 species cover the hotel’s interior, offering a miniature habitatfor insects and birds.The vegetation coolsthe airhere as well.The skyterracesarehugeoverhangsthatshadeandreduceheatgain,promotingfreshair and reducing energy load for the common areas. The architecture firm is in contact with relevant institutions for measurements and data collection to look into energy performanceand ecologysustainabilityof the building.

3) The PARKROYAL,onPickeringin Chinatown.Boasting morethan15’000square metersinlushgardens and verdantterraces,thehotel hostsmoretreesthanthe Hong LimParkacrossthestreet,giving organicnaturalfeeling.







P1 visualconnection withnature

Space byscope Outdoor

Table 10: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Introducing green roofs in buildings. It involves placing a vegetative layer such as plants, shrubs,grass,ortreesonbuildingrooftops.Theyarealsocalled‘rooftopgardens’or‘eco roofs.

Green roofs can be installed as a thin layer (around 5 cm) of groundcover up to a thick layer(around1m)ofintensivevegetationandtrees.Thethicknessdependsonthechosen soil type,drainagesystem, and vegetation species.

This will allow to reduction of the urban heat accumulation due to a lowering of the temperature of roof surfaces. Similarly, the nearby air temperature will also get influencedbyevapotranspiration.ItproducesbenefitsintermsofUHImitigationandthe reductionofbuildingenergyconsumption.

Studies shows that the surface temperature of an individual green roof can be reduced by 15-45ºC compared to conventional or non-green roofs. Additionally, the nearby air temperature can be reducedby2-5ºC. Reduction ofenergyconsumption can be close to 10percent(RefahiandTalkhabi2015).Additionally,ifextensiveuseofgreenroofisinan


urban area, airtemperature atpedestrian level couldbe reducedby 0.5-1.7ºC (Pengand Jim2013)





P1 visualconnection withnature

Space Outdoor Green facades are vegetative layers such as small plants, grass and/or moss attached to external building façades. They are also called ‘living walls’ and ‘vertical gardens’. Green façades can be considered as an alternative to insulating construction materials and reducingindooroverheating.

Table 11: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

This allowsto reduction the temperature of façades especially those exposed to intense sunradiation,suchasthesouthfacingfaçades.Consequently,thetemperatureinsidethe buildingcanremainmorestableandthusthereisareductionintheenergyconsumption requiredforcoolingindoors.Similarly,thereisareductionofthenearbyairtemperature providingbenefitsofthermalcomfortfor pedestrians.

Duringhighoutdoortemperatures,indoortemperaturescanbemitigatedbetween3-5ºC using this measure, thus improving indoor thermal comfort. It is estimated that outdoor temperature closetothefaçade couldbe reducedbetween0.5-4ºC(PanandXiao2014).

Thebenefitsintermsofcooling andthermalisolation,reductionof energyconsumption, mitigationofUHIandimprovementofthermalcomfortcanberelevant.






P1 visualconnection withnature

Space Outdoor

Table 12: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Arranging adequate vegetation elements around buildings can provide shade to pedestrians, building and ground surfaces. The effect can vary depending on the vegetation coverage, sizeand distribution.

Vegetation can absorb the incoming solar radiation and thus reduce heat accumulation inurbanmaterials.Atthesametime,itprovidesshadowing,especiallytrees.

Itisestimatedthattree-shadowedstreetscouldreducetheairtemperaturebetween0.92.6ºC. (Gillner et al. (2015). The highest benefit of the shadow provided by trees is improvinglocalthermalcomfortduringdaytime (Shashua-Baretal.2012).


Designelement Environmentalfeatures

Place-based relationships


P1 visualconnectionwithnature

P9 - material connectionswithnature

Space Outdoor

Table 13: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)


This measure reduces the amount of artificial material on urban pavements with the replacement of natural soil elements with grass. But it can also be installed by using permeable pavers, pervious concrete or porous asphalt in order to increase the permeabilityof thepavement.

It allows for the reduction of urban heat accumulation by decreasing pavement temperature,thus influencingpedestrians.

Urban pavements are generally made of materials that can reach peak summertime temperatures of 50-70ºC. The use of grass pavement or other cool materials can reduce the UHI significantly because nearly 30-45 per cent of urban areas is covered by pavements(Floweretal.2010).


Designelement Environmentalfeatures

Pattern P1 visualconnection withnature

Space Outdoor

Table 14: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Microscale urban greening can be used to increase small vegetation presence inside the urban area. In addition to having vegetation around buildings and walkways along the building complex,otherusescanbe pocketparksandgreen courtyards.

A study compared two streets in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil where one had aligned trees and the other no trees. The results showed that 69 per cent of the people surveyed had a neutral thermal sensation on the street with trees while fewer people (18 per cent) experienced the same sensation on the street without trees (Drach et al. 2014). The finding was that the number of people with discomfort increased significantly on the streetwithouttreesandvegetation (microscalegreenery).






P1 visualconnection withnature


Space Outdoor

Table 15: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Greenparkinglotsshouldbeprovidedinabuildingcomplex.Thiswillreducetheamount of artificial material in parking lots while substituting them with ground vegetation (naturalsoiland grass)and/ortreesandothervegetative infrastructure.


material. However, new green parking lots are being developed worldwide with better thermal performance regarding accumulation of heat and environmental benefits. (Gibbons1999).

The selection of adequate species should be related to environmental tolerances, functional requirements,and urban design requirements in orderfor trees to obtain the best results for generating outdoor thermal comfort. For the environmental tolerance, aspectslikeclimate,geologyandtopographyhavetobe taken intoconsideration.






P1 visualconnection withnature

Space Outdoor Urbanfarmsconcernthepracticeofgrowingorproducingfoodwithinurbanareas.Itcan be installed in under-utilized urban spaces like rooftops, abandoned buildings, terraces and vacantlots.

Table 16: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Like other urban greenery, urban farms can produce similar local thermal comfort benefits and if highly extended to a relevant part of the urban area, it can lower the UHI effect.

The thermal comfort and UHI benefits of urban farming could be similar to other mitigation measures based on the extension of vegetation elements inside the urban area. Additionally, the production of crops could be likely supported the appropriate microclimate combined with UHI effects that would not grow successfully if these extra warmingwouldnotoccur(Waffleetal.2017).






Light and space Evolvedhuman-naturerelationships


P6:Dynamic&diffuse light

P4:Thermal &airflowvariability



Space Indoor,transitional

Table 17: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Building form refers to the geometrical configuration and shape of a building. It can be builtinsuchawaythatitwouldhavepunchersleadingtothemakingofvoidswhichmay be used asskygardens,terraces,open areaswithin thebuilding.This canbe achieved by generating adequate openings or gaps in buildings, either in horizontal or vertical direction.Thisstrategycanmaximizetheairpermeabilityoftheurbanareaandminimize itsimpact onwind capture and airflowreduction.

The building form contribute significantly to the formation of wind streams and the removalofurbanheataccumulationthroughventilation.Dependingonthebuildingform, it canalsoprovide shadetoitself. Itisimportantthaturbandesignconsidersthedifferentoptionsregardingbuildinglayout andfaçadeorientation.Thebuildingformshouldbedefinedinrelationtothedirectsolar


radiationandthusshadethefaçadesthataremainlyexposedtothesun.Thisway,higher indoorandoutdoorcomfortcanbeachieved.


Designelement Environmentalfeatures

Light and space



P6:Dynamic&diffuse light

P4:Thermal &airflowvariability


Table 18: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

THErelationbetweenbuildingandtreeheightwillconditiontheamountoffaçadethatis shaded bythetreesandthuscontrolthe overheatingofits surface.

Treesreduce directsolarinsolation thereby decreasing the surfacetemperature,both of buildingfaçadesandinthetreesurroundings.ThiswayareductioninUHIandanincrease in local thermal comfort is expected together with benefits of indoor cooling energy demand.






Light and space


P4:Thermal &airflowvariability

P5:Presence of water

Space Outdoor,transitional Naturalsurfacewateraccumulationorautomatedwatercurtainscanactasacoolsinkto preventtheoverheatingofurbansurfaceswhenrequired.Largewatermassescanabsorb thermal energy from the incoming solar radiation due to its heat capacity. Also, water evaporation is a sink for sun radiated energy. Thus, a mass of water can reduce the accumulationofheatandthuscontributetoreducedUHIandimprovedthermalcomfort. Additionally, local breezes can be developed and wind speed increased with benefits in thermalcomfortandurban heatremoval.

Table 19: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)





Light and space

P1 Visualconnectionwithnature

P4:Thermal &airflowvariability

P5:Presence of water

Space Outdoor,transitional

Table 20: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)


Combiningblueand greenmitigationstrategiescan bringaboutintegrated solutionsand distinct benefits from their characteristics., Water (blue) and vegetation (green) strategiescanaffectclimate variablesdifferentlyandthustheUHIeffect.





P1 Visualconnectionwithnature

P4:Thermal &airflowvariability

P5:Presence of water

Space Outdoor,transitional,Indoor Pondsareanaccumulationofwaterthatpreventtheoverheatingofurbansurfaces.They can belocatedonground floorareasor onbuildingroofs.

Table21: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Water can absorb thermal energy from the incoming solar radiation due to its heat capacity.Also,waterevaporationisasinkforsun radiatedenergy.Thus,amassofwater can lessen the accumulation of heat and thus contribute to reducing UHI. Additionally, reducingroof surfacetemperatureswiththe useof waterbodies.

A study done in Bucharest demonstrated the cooling effect of a pond measuring 4 m× 4 m.Thecoolingeffectwasabout1ºCataheightofonemeter,measuredat30mdistance fromthepond (Robituetal.2006)






P1 Visualconnectionwithnature

P4:Thermal &airflowvariability

P5:Presence of water

Space Outdoor,transitional

Table 22: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Fountains are watering surfaces to preventoverheatingand increase locally the levelsof humidity.

Water can prevent urban surfaces from heating due to its heat capacity and the evaporation process. Thus, a fountain can be considered aheat sink. In this sense, it can improve thermal comfort in the close surroundings similar to other water features, dependingon itssize,shape andwatermovement characteristics.

It is found thatthefountaineffectson thermalcomfortarehigher when the water spray isworkingwithatemperaturereductionof1-2ºC.Dependingonthesizeofthefountain, theeffect couldbefeltsometenthsofmetersawayontheleewardside(Nishimuraetal. (1998).






Place-based relationships


P9-Materialconnections withnature

Space Outdoor

Table 23: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)

Waterretentiveandporouspavementsystems,whichincludeadditionalvoidscompared to conventional pavements, allow water to flow into the ground or into water holding fillers. This helps to store runoff so as to avoid pooling or ponding on the pavement surface. From a thermal perspective, these pavements also enhance water evaporation andthereforeremaincoolerthanconventionalpavements.





Light and space

P1 Visualconnectionwithnature

P4:Thermal &airflowvariability

P6:Dynamic&diffuse light


Table 21: elements, patterns present and space (Source by author)


Buildingscanbepositioned inrelationtovariationsinthesun’spathaswellasprevailing wind patterns. An adequate orientation can increase the building performance and provideshadeonnearbyoutdoorstructuressuchassidewalks,publicspacesandstreets, Optimized buildingorientation can lower the sun exposureand therefore minimize solar heat gains through the façades. Depending on the building orientation, direct, diffuse, and reflected radiation can be blocked, limiting short-wave radiation on surrounding/ localoutdoor spaces.

The orientation can also contribute to the shading of outdoor spaces and therefore increasethepedestrian’sthermalcomfortandreducethe airtemperature.



Variousresearchesclarifythatvegetationplaysapivotalroleinbalancingandcontrolling the urban island heat phenomenon. As a matter of fact, Vegetation plays an important role in maintaining the temperature around and inside temperature of the building, the vegetation around the building will also help the building to maintain “heat exchange process.” With the biophilic measures one can combine built environment with the nature and the building itselfwillbecome apartofnature andwillresistheat gain inside the building and also helps maintaining temperature around the building, resulting in solving urbanenvironmentalproblemstosomeextinct.

Having a design approach by considering built environment as a part of outdoor environment, the seek of nature for humans living in the cities can also come to an end too.Biophilicarchitectureisawayintothefuture,anditisjustamatteroftimewhenthis conceptwillbewhollyembraced acrosstheworld.




The city in blue and green, by Peter G. Rowe & Limin Hee

Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture_ Analytical Therapy for the Next Generation of Passive Sustainable Architecture, by Amjad Almusaed

Biophilic Design_ The Theory, Science and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life, by Stephen R. Kellert, Judith H. Heerwagen ,Martin l. mador

Expanding biophilic city design theory: a study of incorporating nature into the urban design elements of Kathmandu. By Moti Maya Gurung


Oasia hotel downtown, Singapore: a tall prototype for the topics

Simulation Analysis of Building Green Facade Eco-Effect

Pan and Xiao (2014) green façade

Biowornder_environment+ 0595113eda32b/1426333436423/Biowonder_Environment%2B.pdf

Building and Environment



How design of our cities is amplifying urban heat and what to do about it

 why Singapore hotels are tapping into biophilic design

Oasia Hotel Downtown

Biophilic design and architecture - 10 of the best biophilic buildings

Biophilic Cities Pattern Library


Biophilic Design: The Latest Architecture and News

 Universal CityWalk

 what are eco-effective regenerative buildings?

Biophilic Design Initiative talks Climate Change in Frontiers

How urban vegetation can store as much carbon as rainforests


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