Offers of Best Fuel Credit Cards in India The fuel prices have gone manifold up in the recent times in the wake of surging crude oil prices touching $80 per barrel mark, as well as the burgeoning depreciation of the rupee that has crushed to around 73 per dollar in value. These weak sentiments have certainly added to the concerns for all those running their cars and bikes on the road. However, with any of the best fuel credit cards in India, you can at least reduce the burden of rising prices on your wallet. The focus would thus purely be on the cards that save your hard earned money on your drive. List of Best Fuel Credit Cards in India Check out the following list of cards that make you drive more with a bundle of savings. ICICI Bank HPCL Coral American Express Credit Card The benefits of the cards are as follows● Earn 6 PAYBACK points for every ₹100 spent on refilling your vehicle at HPCL petrol pumps ● Get your 2000 PAYBACK points redeemed for fuel purchase worth ₹ 500 ● Fuel purchase at HPCL pumps to earn you a cashback of 2.50% and enjoy a surcharge waiver BPCL SBI Card The card offers the following benefits, take a quick look. ● Enjoy 4.25% value back that is equivalent to 13X reward points on purchasing fuel at BPCL pumps. This also includes a 1% fuel surcharge waiver on every fuel spend made up to ₹ 4,000. ● The 2000 activation bonus reward points earned on the payment of the joining fee is redeemable for fuel purchase at BPCL outlets, as well as for BPCL vouchers or at Shop n Smile rewards catalogue
Apart from the fuel benefits, the card also has in store the 5X rewards on every 100 spent on dining, movies, departmental store, grocery, as well as the standing instruction of bill payments. Standard Chartered Super Value Titanium Card If you sign in to this card, you will receive the following benefits. ● Fuel spends at all petrol pumps to earn you 5% cashback, up to a maximum of ₹200 a month. The minimum transaction amount needed earn cashback is ₹750 ● Get 5% cashback up to a maximum of 100 per month on the payment of utility bills. All that you need is to transact with a minimum of ₹ 750. ● 5% cashback applicable to telephone bill payments for a maximum of ₹ 200 per month Citibank Indian Oil Credit Card (Platinum) This fuel card has the following benefits in store for you. ● Earn 4 turbo points on spending every ₹150 towards fuel at authorized Indian Oil outlets across the country. The points earned can be redeemed for free fuel purchase at more than 1200 authorized Indian Oil outlets. 1 turbo point equals 1 rupee ● Every ₹ 150 spent on grocery and supermarkets to fetch you 2 turbo points, while the same value of spend on shopping, dining and others to credit you with one turbo point. So, you can apply for any of these cards you like to. While it’s all good to be shopping with a credit card, paying the dues on time is important for a long haul in the cashless shopping era.