The Vedanta Kesari – July 2020 issue

Page 43

Published by Ansh Publications and Distributors, New Delhi-110070.2017, paperback, pp. 699+xxviii. Rs.1900.Us $ 50. ashmir Saivism (Trika), also known as Pratyabhijna system commences like the Saiva Siddhanta with the triple doctrine of pati, pasu and pasa, then proceeds as Sakti-visistadvaita and finally culminates in Advatic absolutism denoting Lord Siva as the highest reality. The author of this book under review, C.L. Kaul deserves high appreciation for his astoundingly deep scholarship which is revealed in the presentation of his findings of Kashmir Saivism. From the Introduction to the Conclusion all the minute details and with 23 annexes are so presented that even a novice can have a comprehensive understanding leading to encyclopaedic wisdom. In the Preface he lists out eight salient features of his magnum opus, and six methodological devices have been notified which add glory to this work. In the Introductory chapter historical, philosophical and mystical accounts of this system have been exquisitely elucidated in the realms of spirituality, religion, rituals, guru, sadhana, tantra, tattvas, impurities, liberation, yoga, etc. The second chapter is focused on the historical perspective extensively. The revelations of the exemplars of ecstatic wisdom by Durvasa, Vasugupta and others form the scripture of this system, which include master-disciple tradition, sources of manuscript, etc. T h e t h i rd c h a p te r i s d evo te d to comprehensively presenting the various Indian philosophical schools with the purvapakshasiddhanta model. The vast learning and critical evaluation of the author are seen here when he compares and contrasts the doctrines of other systems with that of Trika. Under the caption ‘Saiva Literature’ the fourth chapter enlists


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and describes all the available literary sources to authentically substantiate Trika doctrines. Chapter five gives a vivid picture of the means for self-realisation, upayas — the techniques emphatically insisted upon by sannyasis and scholars as the best way to resolve all the puzzles in the world and to minimise the maladies of mankind. The sixth chapter deals with varieties of yoga to highlight the collective wisdom of the masters of Trika, and identifies the SivaSakti sthalas and other spiritual centres that existed in the past and exist now for adoration and appeasing spiritual quest. Associated with this, chapter seven is concerned with Saiva and Sakta mystics and other luminaries whose revelations, writings, and commentaries with significant themes make this philosophy a citadel of realisation. Excellent photographs of holy places, relics, shrines, and mystics really fill the readers’ mind with joy. Twentythree annexures serve as prospects of elucidation and exemplification for further study. Undoubtedly this work is an excellent revelation of a living religious thought which can ‘spiritualise humanity and humanise spirituality’. The work will enable true aspirants to experiment with the truths and experience the reality with perfect clarity. ____________________________ R.GOPALAKRISHNAN, CHENNAI

July 2020

PA G E S P O N S O R : A S A N N YA S I , S R I R A M A K R I S H N A M AT H , C H E N N A I

by C.L. Kaul

43 The Vedanta Kesari

Trika Philosophy (Kashmir Saivism)

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