The Vedanta Kesari November 2021

Page 8


November 2021

श्रीविष्णुषट्पदी ।। Sri Vishnushatpadi ।।

The Vedanta Kesari


उद्धृतनग नगभिदनुज दनुजकुलामित्र मित्रशशिदृष्टे । दृष्टे भवति प्रभवति न भवति किं भवतिरस्कारः ॥ ४॥

O Lord! You held aloft the mountain, you are the younger brother of the mountain-breaker (Indra), you are the enemy of the Asura clan, and you have the sun and the moon as eyes! When you are seen, how can it be that I will not lose interest in this birth and attachment to samsara?

मत्स्यादिभिरवतारैरवतारवताऽवता सदा वसुधाम् । परमेश्वर परिपाल्यो भवता भवतापभीतोऽहम् ॥ ५॥

O Supreme Lord! I who am frightened by the sufferings caused by samsara, deserve to be saved by you who took Matsya and other incarnations to always protect the world.

दामोदर गुणमन्दिर सुन्दरवदनारविन्द गोविन्द । भवजलधिमथनमन्दर परमं दरमपनय त्वं मे ॥ ६॥

O Lord with the binding rope around your waist (Damodara), O abode of all auspicious qualities (Gunamandira), O charming Lord with lotus-like face (Sundaravadanaravinda), O one who cares about all the beings (Govinda), O Lord who are the very Mandara mountain that can help in churning the ocean of samsara, please remove my great fears.

नारायण करुणामय शरणं करवाणि तावकौ चरणौ । इति षट्पदी मदीये वदनसरोजे सदा वसतु ॥ ७॥

The supreme being who is having water as his abode (Narayana), the compassionate one (Karunamaya), I seek the refuge of your lotus-like feet.

May this Shatpadi, the six versed stotram, which is like the six legged honey bee, forever revolve in my lotus-like face (may I always chant it).

॥ इति श्रीमद् शङ्कराचार्यविरचितं विष्णुषट्पदीस्तोत्रं सम्पूर्णम् ॥ Composed by Sri Shankaracharya

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