7 minute read
The Order on the March
News & Notes from Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission
The pandemic-related lockdown restrictions in Belur Math were briefly lifted on Guru Purnima (24 July), thereby allowing devotees to visit the temples on that sacred day. A total of 11,500 devotees had darshan on that day. Benedictory messages of Srimat Swami Smarananandaji, the President of the Ramakrishna Order, and Srimat Swamis Gautamanandaji, Prabhanandaji and Suhitanandaji — Vicepresidents of the Order, discourses and bhajans were telecast on the Belur Math YouTube channel.
The new English-medium school ‘Vivekananda Vidyalaya’ on the Nagachi campus of the Ramanathapuram centre was inaugurated on 16 July. On the initiative of the ashrama at Almora, a statue of Swami Vivekananda was installed on 23 July at the Government Inter College, Almora, where Swamiji had delivered two lectures in July 1897. A new Monastic Quarters was inaugurated at the Jhargram centre on the sacred Ratha Yatra day. On the same day the Narendrapur centre opened a new annexe to the school building of the Blind Boys’ Academy. A Staff Quarters named Nandananda Bhavan was inaugurated at the Rajamahendravaram centre.
Sri Amit Shah, Union Home Minister, visited the Sohra (Cherrapunjee) centre on 25 July. The following Union Ministers visited the Delhi ashrama: Dr. Subhas Sarkar, Minister of State for Education, on 23 July; Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, Finance Minister, on 24 July; and Mr. John Barla, Minister of State for Minority Affairs, on 25 July. Ms. Patti Hoffman, US Consul General in Kolkata, visited Belur Math on 3 July.
Covid Relief
Covid-19 Pandemic relief was continued by 13 centres in 8 states and 6 centres abroad. They distributed 34,257 kg rice, 10,597 kg flour, 8122 kg pulses, 4289 litres cooking oil, 3802 kg spices, 3594 kg potatoes, 3267 kg onions, 3412 kg salt, 4229 kg sugar, 219 kg tea, 12,712 biscuit packets, 9670 face-masks, etc.

Covid Relief: Kathamrita Bhavan, Koyilandy and Porbandar

Covid Relief: Dinajpur, Colombo and Darjeeling
Cyclone Relief
Continuing relief for people affected by the Yaas cyclone which made landfall over Odisha and West Bengal on 26 May, the Belgharia and Manasadwip centres distributed among the affected people 900 kg rice, 1860 kg pulses, 610 kg potatoes, 1800 kg onions, 1290 kg salt, 1330 litres cooking oil, 259 kg spices, 509 kg soya chunks, 1196 biscuit packets, 2150 bathing soaps, 1300 detergent bars, 400 solar lanterns, 2790 saris, 2790 dhotis etc.
Flood Relief

Incessant rains caused inundation in the Paschim Medinipur district of West Bengal. The Garbeta centre distributed 1200 kg rice, 1200 kg pulses, 210 kg soya chunks, 600 litres of cooking oil, 600 kg salt, 180 kg spices, 600 kg sugar 120 kg milk powder, 300 kg detergent powder, 1200 soap bars, 200 tarpaulins among 800 affected families in 16 villages.
Disturbance Relief
Several parts of South Africa witnessed large-scale arson and looting. The Order’s centres in Durban and Phoenix conducted relief operations for the affected populace by distributing 3560 kg rice, 3411 kg pulses, 1252 kg maize, 1000 kg salt, 1527 litres of cooking oil, 400 loaves of bread, 787 litres of milk, 56450 tea bags, etc.
Covid Relief: Chennai

Cyclone Relief: Taki, Sikra Kulingram and Manasadwip Flood Relief: Garbeta

Ramakrishna Math
Mekhliganj, Dt.Cooch Behar, West Bengal- 735304 (A branch centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, Howrah, West Bengal) Phone: 8017876512 / 8617380756, E-mail: mekhliganj@rkmm.org
Dear all, Ramakrishna Math Mekhliganj, situated close to India-Bangladesh border, runs a Primary School attended by around 250 students, a Medical Dispensary offering free treatment, and conducts regular distress relief service in interior tribal and rural villages. Added to this the Math has decided to impart Computer & Agriculture training, and other essential life-skills to the local youth. The Math is trying to purchase land to house this Vocational Training Institute. For all these service activities, the Math largely depends upon help from outside because, due to economic backwardness, the local people are unable to financially support the Math. Now, as the Covid-19 pandemic condition has almost dried up donations, it is becoming increasingly difficult to even manage the daily expenses of the Math. We therefore earnestly request your kind aid to support the below mentioned activities of the Math:
Sl. Activity Amount
1 Daily Worship in the Temple 1,00,000/-
2 Salary to School & Math staff
10,00,000/3 Renovation of Math buildings & pathways 10,00,000/4 Completion of Sadhu Nivas & Devotees’ Dining Hall construction 12,00,000/5 Purchase of land to construct Vocational Training Institute 30,00,000/6 A four wheeler vehicle to support relief activities 8,00,000/Total estimated costing 71 Lakhs I humbly appeal to you all to donate generously and help us to serve and uplift the people of this region. Donations details: Cheque in favour of Ramakrishna Math, Mekhliganj Online transfer:
Account Holders name : Ramakrishna Math Account Holders name : Ramakrishna Math
Bank : State Bank of India Bank : Central Bank of India
A/c No. : Mekhliganj Branch : 35367015024 A/c No. : Mekhliganj : 2162973276
: CBIN0280131
After donation, kindly send your PAN Number, full Postal Address, and an E-mail with Transaction details.
Only donations with PAN number are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of I.T. Act 1961.
In anticipation of your help and prayer to the Almighty for His blessings on all. Swami Omkaratmananda Adhyaksha
Ramakrishna Math
(Shyampukur Bati)
(A Branch Centre of Ramakrishna Math, Belur Math, Howrah) 55, Shyampukur Street, Kolkata – 700 004. Phone: 9475701362; e-mail: shyampukurbati@rkmm.org Proper preservation and up keep of Shyampukur Bati, the most important and sacred tirtha of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission.
Dear Friend / devotee / well-wisher, You all know that Sri Ramakrishna spent the last few months of his life (naralila) in Shyampukur Bati and Cossipore.
Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, Swami Vivekananda and his brother disciples stayed in Shyampukur Bati for 2 to 3 months. It was here that Sri Ramakrishna was worshipped as Mother Kali on Kalipuja night by Girish Ghosh and other devotees. Sri Ramakrishna also manifested many bhavas and samadhis in this place.
In November 2017 this holy place was recognised as a full-fledged branch centre of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission. This house is now about 200 years old. For its proper preservation, thorough repair work is very much needed from time to time. We run also one charitable homeopathic dispensary and distribute clothes and blankets to the poor and needy. For the proper maintenance of this sacred tirtha and to continue our seva works we need a sum of Rs. 25 lakhs every year. I fervently appeal to all the devotees, donors and well-wishers to donate generously to preserve this sacred tirtha properly. All donations through bank with valid PAN are eligible for tax exemption under section 80G of I.T. Act 1961. Our account details are as follows: State Bank of India, Baghbazar Branch, A/c No.32773763307, IFSC: SBIN0001652, MICR Code: 700002007. For donations of Rupees Two lakhs and above, the name of the donor will be displayed in marble stone in a suitable place. Kindly send an e-mail informing us the details of your donation along with your full postal address, PAN, and mobile no., otherwise it would be difficult to issue money receipt in favour of the donor. May the Holy Trio bless us all is my earnest prayer.

Swami Parasharananda Adhyaksha

52 Vol.108. No.9 The Vedanta Kesari (English Monthly) September 2021. Regd. with the Registrar of Newspapers for India under No.1084 / 1957. Postal registration number: TN / CH (C) /190 / 2021-2023. Licensed to Post without prepayment TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-259 / 2021-2023. Date of Publication: 24th of every month. Posted on 26.08.2021 at Egmore RMS/1 (Patrika Channel), Chennai - 8.
Vedanta teaches the
God that is in everyone, has become everyone and everything. — Swami Vivekananda

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