Pariprasna Q & A with Srimat Swami Tapasyananda (1904 to 1991), Vice-President of the Ramakrishna Order.
Holy company Question: Scriptures inculcate that holy company (Satsanga) is necessary for the growth of one’s spiritual life. But then how is one to recognize a holy man? How are we to distinguish real holy men from spurious ones? Maharaj: It is true that holy company is the most important factor in the generation and strengthening of faith and devotion. It is also true that real holy men are very rare. The ideal of a holy man is described in the Bhagavata as follows: Wise men say that intense attachment of the mind to objects is bondage. But when such attachment is felt for holy men, it becomes an open gate to liberation. Holy men are persons endowed with equanimity in all ups and downs of life. They are full of mercy and friendliness to all. They are serene in temperament and they have no enemies. Their goodness is their ornament. They practise firm devotion characterized by the attitude of dependence on Me and Me alone. They consecrate all their actions to Me and they abandon all their relatives and clansmen for My sake. They hear of, and discourse on, My glories and attributes, which purify those who hear them. Those who are thus devoted to Me are never troubled by the various ills of life. Persons of the above description, who have abandoned worldly attachments, are holy men. By getting oneself attached to such persons, one overcomes attachments oneself.
March 2019
Question: On what does the efficacy of prayer depend? Is it not on the purity of one who prays? Maharaj: Purity may be an important factor. It is better to look upon cent per cent faith and intense longing as important factors too. It is also useful to combine prayer with austerities like fasting, observance of vows, worship etc. All these would perhaps add seriousness and concentration to the prayer. But it has to be understood that God is not exactly like an earthly father or patron in the matter of granting prayers. He is the judge of all, presiding over the Karmas of all beings. So, if our Karma is too adverse, the prayer may not be granted, as it may go against the moral law. So while it is legitimate for a devotee, who has intense faith in a Personal God, to pray to Him when he is in difficulty, he should not lose faith or take to disbelief if his prayer is not fulfilled.
25 The Vedanta Kesari
PA G E S P O N S O R : A D E V O T E E , T E Y N A M P E T, C H E N N A I
Approach the wise sages, offer reverential salutations, repeatedly ask proper questions, serve them and thus know the Truth. — Bhagavad Gita