Reminiscences of Sargachhi SWAMI SUHITANANDA
(Continued from previous issue. . .) The author, now one of the Vice Presidents of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission, noted these conversations while serving Swami Premeshananda (1884 – 1967) at Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Sargachhi, Murshidabad, West Bengal. Premeshananda Maharaj was a disciple of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. He inspired countless men and women to lead a life of spirituality and service. These reminiscences were originally published in Bengali. 40
July 2019
The Vedanta Kesari
sannyasi who was the head of a large, reputable college went to Hrishikesh for some days. Maharaj: Look. It is an act of manliness to walk away from so much honour, influence, and luxury. He has great potential as a spiritual seeker. But there is a flip side to this. On returning from Hrishikesh, he will gain prestige among his friends and adding to the honour he already enjoys, he will be certified as a sadhu from Hrishikesh (i.e., a tapasvi)! All these aspects should be kept in mind. The Brahmin priests are endowed with tremendous rajoguna – so many ritualistic practices, waving of hands, reciting verses, and performing yajnas with much affectation. Just notice how rajoguni the tantrikas (practitioners of Shakti worship) are – smearing their foreheads with red sandalpaste, etc. The devotees of Krishna are full of love, Gauranga (Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu) devotees are emotional, and the devotees of Sri Ramakrishna are serene – gentle and dignified. Brahmachari: Is there any need for sannyasis to read the Sri Sri Chandi, or is it enough if they just read the Gita? Maharaj: We can learn many things about Indian culture by reading the Sri Sri Chandi. Although there is no need for sannyasis to read
this book, it is a must for learning about Indian culture. The foundation of the Sri Sri Chandi is Saguna Brahman (Brahman with attributes). Creation starts with the combination of Akasa, Ether, and Prana, Life force – these have been depicted variously as the goddesses Chandi, Jagaddhatri, and Durga. The metaphors of Mother Kali and Lord Shiva also stand for Saguna Brahman and Nirguna Brahman (Brahman without attributes). The practice of worshipping trees, stones, and serpents slowly evolved from these concepts. People who have not yet felt the need of God in their lives see only the defects in the lives of great men. Do you know why they do this? Their minds are weak, so to justify their own weaknesses they criticise the lives of great men. Such people even allege that Swamiji had the desire for honour and fame. 8.10.60 Maharaj: Some sadhus roam about as parivrajakas (itinerant monks) without any definite purpose. But a sannyasi has a goal – to try and exhaust his rajoguna. Wherever he goes, his mind should always remain spiritually oriented. He should remember the Creator whenever he sees beautiful scene. Thus, gradually his mind will turn inward. The