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Dakäiëàmùrti Stotra
Sri Shankaracharya
Verse 10 सर्वात्मत्वमित ि स्फुटीकृतमिदं यस्मादमुष्मिंस्तव े तेनास्य श्रवणात्तदर्थमननाद् ध्यानाच्च सङ्कीर्तनात् । सर्वात्मत्वम हावि भूतिसहित ं स्यादीश्वरत्वं स्वत ः सि द्ध्येत्तत्पुनरष्टधापरिणतं चैश्वर्यम व्याहतम ् ॥ १० ॥
10. Since the principle of Universal Selfhood 1 has been revealed in this hymn, therefore, by listening 2 to it and reflecting 3 on its meaning as also by meditating 4 on it and singing 5 it, the attainment of identity with Īśvara, together with the great power 6 of being the Universal Self, comes about automatically. 7 Also, the unobstructed power 8 that manifests itself in eight (different) ways, 9 is obtained.
Notes: 1. That all the jīvatmās are really Paramātmā, the one Supreme Self. 2. By śravaṇa; listening from a competent teacher, not only the text but also its meaning and purport. 3. By manana; by intense logical thinking. 4. By nididhyāsana or making the mental waves take the form of the Universal Self. 5. Even a mere verbal repetition will have an effect. One commentator interprets the word‘saṅkīrtanāt’ as‘samyak parebhyaḥ kathanāt’—‘by expounding it to others’. 6. Compared to the other yogic powers, this is ‘great’ power. In fact, this is the greatest power since all other powers automatically follow as indicated in the last line. 7. No special effort to get it is needed. The Self is already there, and always. When the obstacles are removed it is automatically manifested. 8. The siddhis of an ordinary yogi, who has not yet attained the knowledge of Ātman, may get exhausted or disappear or even harm him. But the siddhis of the man possessing Ātma-jñāna are inexhaustible and infallible. 9. The aṣṭasiddhis already mentioned.