Reminiscences of Sargachhi SWAMI SUHITANANDA
Swami Premeshananda (1884 – 1967) was a disciple of Holy Mother Sri Sarada Devi. For over two decades he lived at Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama, Sargachhi, West Bengal. Under his inspiration countless people led a life of spirituality and service, and many young men and women entered into monastic life. His conversations – translated from Bengali and presented below – were noted by his attendant who is now Srimat Swami Suhitananda, one of the Vice-Presidents of the Ramakrishna Order. February 2020
(Continued from previous issue. . .)
The Vedanta Kesari
20.11.60 (contd...)
Maharaj: ये यथा मां प्रपद्यन्ते तां स ्तथैव भजाम्यहम्, “In whatever way men worship Me”.
(Gita 4:11). As an example, Sri Ramakrishna used to give this analogy: whoever wants to dye his piece of cloth in whichever colour, will get his desired colour by putting his cloth in the tub containing seven dyes. Sri Ramakrishna didn’t say anything new; whatever he said is in the scriptures. In Sylhet a brahmin read The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna and said, “All this is in the scriptures; there’s nothing new.” I quarreled with him and said, “Everything in it is new!” But now I see that what he said is right. All the teachings are truly in accordance with the scriptures. 21.11.60
Maharaj: Once, in Sylhet, a riot between Hindus and Muslims became imminent. The Hindus stacked various weapons in the Sylhet ashrama. The householders wanted to use the ashrama as a centre of resistance. Soumyananda was young; he was excited and gave his consent. I wrote to him: “We are sannyasins. For us Muslims and Hindus are equal. Besides, if they kill us, it won’t be tragic– rather it will be
46 a matter of joy.” Soumyananda was intelligent – he understood my viewpoint and removed the weapons.
When we got independence, I used to side with the Muslims, because the whole country was against them. One person was extremely anti-Muslim. I explained to him the structure and the condition of the ancient Arab society, how Prophet Mohammed transformed it, and the gradual changes which took place under the administration of the ulemas. When all this was explained, he said, “90% of my animosity has gone away.” 21.11.60
Maharaj: I saw Sarat Maharaj [Swami Saradananda] for the first time in Mayer Bari (Holy Mother’s House). He was sitting behind a small desk. I thought he was an administrator or a steward.
I saw a widow in the courtyard of the old Math house. Somebody said that she was the wife of Jogin Maharaj [Swami Yogananda’s premonastic name]. What an aura of divinity she had! The Math used to help her in some ways. I once asked Shuddhananda Maharaj “Why don’t you screen people before admitting