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Why I Give
As Masons, we take an oath and obligation to assist distressed Brothers, their widows, and orphans. As Scottish Rite Masons, the Grand Almoner’s Fund strengthens that commitment of caring for our Brethren and families in their time of need.
While we often hear stories of our fraternity coming to the aid of a Brother, what about the widow of a Brother who has passed to that Celestial Lodge above? The Scottish Rite established the White Flower Society to extend our commitment to the widows our fallen Brothers have left behind.
By serving on our Supreme Council’s Benevolence Committee, I have witnessed the difference our Charities have made in the lives of others. By helping children with dyslexia gain confidence with their reading skills in our Children’s Dyslexia Centers, by providing financial support for continuing education through our Abbott Scholarship Fund, or by assisting a Brother or widow in need through our Grand Almoner’s Fund, we as Scottish Rite Masons are fulfilling our obligation and living our vision: “We will strive to be a fraternity that fulfills our Masonic obligation to care for our members.”
Susan and I are supporters of the Scottish Rite Charities, including the White Flower Society. We feel it is important to share our life’s blessings with those who may have a need greater than ours. As Masons, we have had the support of our wives throughout our Masonic journey, so it’s comforting to know that the Scottish Rite is there to support them should the need arise.
As proud supporters of Scottish Rite Charities, we encourage you to consider joining us in making a donation or pledge. It’s a great feeling to help others and just one reason that I’m not just a man, I’m a Mason –a Scottish Rite Mason!