3 minute read
Around the Jurisdiction
The cast of the 31st Degree in Stratford. Bro. Fred Schmalz receives his MSA at the Valley of Hartford Spring Consistory Day. He is congratulated by MW Mel Johnson, 33˚, Grand Master, Ill. Bruce Work, 33˚, Deputy for CT, and Ill. Kevin J. Hecht, 33˚, Active for CT.

Members of the Valley of Wilmington during their Rose Croix reunion in February.

The Valley of Southen New Jersey went on the road to host their Reunion on the Road event, where they welcomed 20 new brothers!


Presenting the SPRS jewel for completing their Gold Passport to Ill. Bill Munson Commander-in-Chief and Ill. Bill Ludlow, are Ill. Tom Fallis, COD Membership Chairman for Indiana and Ill. Greg Jordan, Active for Indiana.

Scott E. Sutherland, High Priest, Carson Council Princes of Jerusalem, as Orson Welles. Deputy for Illinois Gregory L. Clark, 33°, with candidates from around the State.


The Valley of Boston welcomes their newest member, Brennan Parken (shown in center). Brother Parken is also the latest addition to the team at Scottish Rite, NMJ, serving as membership services coordinator.

The Valley of Dayton took the Rite on the Road when they visited Hamilton Masonic Temple with Solomon Ascending, the modern 8th Degree.


Brother John Dinkel receives his Hauts Grades certificate and jewel at the Valley of Pittsburgh’s Fall Reunion. Candidates and members viewing the exemplification of the 15th and 16th Degrees at the Valley of Providence.


Commanders-in-Chief from across Illinois at the All-State Reunion, left to right: Eric E. Miller, 33°, Freeport; Jeffery L. Edwards, M.S.A., Southern Illinois; Jerry H. Askren, 33°, Danville; Daniel S. Yandel, Bloomington; William J. Shaner, 33°, Peoria; Timothy J. Vice, M.S.A., 33°, Moline; Lance J. Welter, M.S.A., 33°, Chicago; and Craig A. Kennedy, M.S.A., 33°, Springfield.

The Royal Entourage enters the feast during a banquet at the Valley of Burlington’s fall reunion. The degree was performed in conjunction with a meal served to all attendees. You can’t have a Reunion on the Road without the Rite on the Road kit! On March 7, 2020, eight candidates (6 from the Valley of Concord, 1 from the Valley of Nashua and 1 from the Valley of Portsmouth-Dover) took their first step in Scottish Rite. The Valley of Concord did an exceptional job exemplifying the 4th and 15th Degrees, and a video of the 17th Degree was enjoyed.

Members of Valley of Scranton’s David A. Glattly Class pose with the Sovereign Grand Commander and Robert J. Bateman, 33˚, Deputy for Pennsylvania.

The Valley of Buffalo Players produced their WVOB Radio version of A Christmas Carol. It was a blending of the original story and the 1939 radio show.