El Camion

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Escrito Por Evan Ladiski

Habia un cami贸n. El cami贸n se llamaba David. David era rojo y era fuerte pero era feo y despacio. A David le gustaba trabajar porque 茅l era un cami贸n de granja.

There was a truck. The truck was called David. David was red and was strong but ugly and slow. David liked to work because he was a farm truck.

Habia otro camión. El otro camión se llamaba Pablo. Pablo era azul, guapo, fuerte y muy rápido. Pablo no le gustaba trabajar porque el era un camión elegante.

There was another truck. The other truck was called Pablo. Pablo was blue, handsome, strong and very fast. Pablo didn’t like to work because he was an elegant truck.

Habia un carro. El carro se llamaba Ana. Ana era verde y muy bonita. Ella era pequeña y rápido. Ella costó mucho dinero.

There was a car. The car was called Ana. Ana was green and very pretty. She was small and fast. She cost a lot of money.

A Pablo no le gustaba a David porque a Pablo le gustaba a Ana. Ana no le gustaba a él. A Ana le gustaba David.

Pablo didn’t like David because Pablo liked Ana. Ana didn’t like him. Ana liked David.

Un dia Pablo estaba mirando a David trabajar. Pablo trat贸 de hablar le a Ana pero Ana quiera hablar con David. Pablo estaba se enj贸 se fue manejando

One day Pablo was watching David work. Pablo tired to talk to Ana but wanted to talk to David. Pablo was angry and went for a drive.

Cuando Pablo estaba manejando, él volante rompe. Pablo lloró y lloró. El le dijo- Yo quieo ira mi casa- Pablo lloró y lloró por tres horas.

When pablo was driving, the steering wheel broke. Pablo cried and cried. He said- I want to go homePablo cried and cried for three hours.

David y Ana buscaron a Pablo. Ellos buscaron a Pablo por dos horas antes de econtrar lo.

David and Ana looked for Pablo. They looked for Pablo for two hours before they found him.

Cuando ellos encontrar lo, David le dijo- Porqué lloras?Pablo le respandió -Estoy rota- David agarró Pablo y se lo llevó al su casa.

When they found him, David said “Why are you crying?” Pablo responded “ Im broken” David grabbed Pablo and took him to his house.

David y Pablo le gustaban los dos porquĂŠ David ayudaba Pablo. Pablo, David, y Ana estaban muy contenta.

David and Pablo liked each other because David helped Pablo. Pablo, David, and Ana were very happy.

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