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SRQ Magazine | Women Who Roar Awards Section - Susan H. Hines, J.D
SRQ Magazine - February 2024
Susan H. Hines, J.D
Managing Principal | Sabal Trust
Coming up through the legal and business world in the early 1990s most of my role models for leadership were men. As I rose through the ranks, I always compared myself to them and often questioned my ability to be a strong leader. In setting sales or leadership goals I never focused on “the next title” or “the big win”, I just focused on helping others, and they always appeared. It often surprised me when I was selected to lead a team or take on larger territories. When someone asked me one day who my leadership role models were, I paused, and the first thought that came to my mind was my parents.
Looking back at my childhood I can say, without doubt, that I hit the parent lottery. My parents were educators and very humble, inspiring, and thoughtful leaders. Although they often had a current leadership book in their hands, they always modeled for me and others the teachings of Jesus. They taught me that first and foremost, great leaders lead from the inside out and recognize that at the core of each decision are matters of character, trust, empathy, and integrity. The best leaders have a servant’s heart and firmly believe that leadership is about encouraging and empowering others to be all they can be, not about bettering yourself. The best leaders are also the best listeners and enjoy working with others to balance their or their company’s goals and values with the compassion needed to fully explore and acknowledge the, sometimes conflicting, values and beliefs of others. Creating a culture where everyone feels valued and supported, as well as challenged and encouraged to become all they can be, has worked wonders across many generations, and is even more important in the fast-paced society we live and work in today.
Sabal Trust is unique in the financial industry as our firm is the largest independent, employee-owned trust company in Florida. Many of my partners have careers spanning 25 years or more in the trust and investment industry and we are proud that we can bring our experience and talents to an organization that allows us to work face to face, across the table from our clients. By making an investment in Sabal Trust we have made a personal commitment to our clients and their families to be there for them when they need us. Our business is a relationship focused business, and we spend our working lives helping families grow their wealth, take care of their families and leave financial legacies in their communities and sometimes across many generations. My education, personal strengths and leadership acumen have led me to the perfect career where I am blessed to spend each day serving others, and hopefully, making a small difference in their lives.
I believe that my single most significant strength is my optimistic set point toward joy. I have learned that there is a difference between joy and happiness and although life can bring challenges that can steal my happiness temporarily, I have always worked hard to compartmentalize those challenges and focus on the joy that can be found all around us. This strength helped me grow even stronger through a two-year period of sadness as I worked through challenges in my personal life. It was a profound moment when I realized that even though I had not been the one who made the choice to leave, I had left space in the room allowing other options to enter. Through forgiveness came great freedom, and the ability to refocus on the pure joy the relationship had brought to my life for many years. Life, love and friendship are gifts for the soul.
DIRECT LINE 941.556.4866 | TOLL FREE 866.243.2540 | FAX 941.556.4869 1800 2nd Street Suite 103, Sarasota, FL 34236 shines@sabaltrust.com | SABALTRUST.COM