Housing Goals and Objectives Draft

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Housing Goals and Objectives 1. To promote the preservation, rehabilitation, and investment in our regional housing stock and neighborhoods. 1.1. Ensure all rental housing exceeds adopted minimum housing quality standards through systematic code enforcement. 1.2. Encourage a range of affordable, accessible, and decent rental housing options throughout the community. 1.3. Consider expanding the use of housing preservation programs whenever appropriate and possible. 1.4. Encourage participation in and use of low-interest rehabilitation and home purchase loan funds. 1.5. Promote adaptive reuse of existing vacant or under-utilized structures, such as convents, schools, and industrial buildings, into housing with an affordable and/or workforce component, where appropriate. 1.6. Encourage the expansion of the capacity of neighborhood associations. 1.7. Promote residential educational workshops regarding restoration, rehabilitation, and maintenance. 1.8. Encourage relocation of existing housing as opposed to demolition whenever possible; when removal is necessary, require deconstruction and landfill diversion as much as possible. 1.9. Support the integration of new neighborhood residents into the neighborhood associations, local schools, and community activities. 1.10. Continue to reduce vacant and abandoned housing in our neighborhoods through code compliance, purchase, rehabilitation, and deconstruction if necessary. 1.11. Promote historic preservation as the cornerstone of housing and neighborhood revitalization programs, to promote economic development and attract younger residents. 2. To promote programs, education, and training that support and encourage appropriate rental housing oversight. 2.1. Promote programs, education, and training that support and encourage appropriate landlord accountability. 2.2. Promote programs, education, and training that support and encourage appropriate tenant accountability. 2.3. Support Community Oriented Policing and participation of neighborhood residents in crime reduction strategies. 3. To promote the creation and maintenance of an adequate supply of sound, affordable housing integrated throughout the region. 3.1. Promote partnerships with private sector, nonprofit, other government agencies and neighborhood groups to access available public funding and attract private capital for affordable housing development. 3.2. Promote mixed-income, mixed-rental housing developments.


Housing Goals and Objectives 3.3. Support the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program to benefit lower-income families seeking affordable rental housing. 3.4. Encourage local lenders to work with all homeowners to rehabilitate, remodel, or repair existing homes. 3.5. Develop programs and incentives that encourage property owners to maintain and improve the appearance of their property. 3.6. Maintain the existing sound housing units and to upgrade or replace all substandard housing units. 3.7. Support the Green and Healthy Homes Initiative, providing empowerment services to households in combination with efficient rehabilitation and preservation of affordable and workforce housing. 4. To expand the opportunities for homeownership, especially for low to moderate income households. 4.1. Encourage the use of flexible development regulations in order to assist affordable and workforce housing production and decrease housing costs. 4.2. Encourage local lenders to participate in programs designed to assist first-time home buyers. 4.3. Promote infill housing development opportunities, in the region’s older neighborhoods, through a combination of public subsidy, affordable housing incentives and owner sweat equity. 4.4. Promote compact and contiguous development with a variety of higher density housing options that utilize available infrastructure within the existing built environment. 4.5. Provide housing opportunities and incentives for low and moderate income families. 4.6. Provide financial planning for homeownership to ensure that low/moderate income households have the wherewithal to be successful. 5. To promote fair housing opportunity for residents in all neighborhoods. 5.1. Provide for effective implementation of existing fair housing programs. 5.2. Encourage involvement of neighborhood residents to the fullest extent possible when planning affordable housing developments. 5.3. Monitor, evaluate, and work to minimize federal, state and local codes and regulations that are possible barriers to development of housing, particularly for persons with disabilities or low income. 6. To assist local service agencies in providing shelter and semi-independent living for persons in need of supportive services. 6.1. Monitor and evaluate homeless and other special needs populations in order to document needs and design assistance programs. 6.2. Provide technical assistance to agencies in preparation of applications for program funding.


Housing Goals and Objectives 6.3. Encourage partnerships with area agencies in sponsorship of housing initiatives for special needs populations. 6.4. Encourage development of special housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities wherever suitable sites can be made available. 7. To promote the understanding that the availability and affordability of workforce housing is an important key to successful economic development. 7.1. Promote corporate participation in employer assisted housing, for home purchase assistance for employees. 7.2. Encourage local institutions, i.e., hospitals, colleges, to establish replacement housing programs for housing lost to corporate expansions. 7.3. Encourage corporate participation in the Federal Low Income Tax Credit Program, for purposes of investment in affordable housing development. 7.4. Promote an adequate housing supply to support workforce development efforts. 8. To promote the public’s awareness of housing needs and issues through informational and educational efforts. 8.1. Consider serving as a clearinghouse of information for housing issues and information, to include providing educational programs for tenants and landlords. 8.2. Monitor housing market conditions and availability of housing. 8.3. Become more aggressive in attracting new residents to live in the cities. 8.4. Promote workshops for area housing industry members (contractors, lenders, realtors) regarding changing regulatory mandates, i.e., lead-based paint, asbestos removal. 8.5. Combat the “Not In My Back Yard,� or NIMBY, syndrome by dispelling stereotypes associated with affordable housing. 8.6. Continue to promote collaboration with housing industry groups (Board of Realtors, Mortgage Lenders Association, Dubuque Area Landlords Association) to promote cooperation and consensus-building regarding housing issues. 9. To provide housing resources for aging residents. 9.1. Encourage the development of high-end, market-rate, and subsidized housing. 9.2. Encourage the development of appropriate levels and styles of housing. 9.3. Identify appropriate sites for housing development including the style of the development and amenities to be included. 9.4. Encourage development of affordable apartments and condominiums for retirees. 10. To continue to provide appropriate infrastructure and services to neighborhoods. 10.1. Continue incremental improvements in water, waste, and stormwater facilities. 10.2. Continue appropriate levels of service to maintain public parks and open spaces.


Housing Goals and Objectives 10.3. Continue to enforce parkland dedication requirements, and other developer-paid infrastructure development costs to ensure stability and equitability throughout the region. 10.4. Work with public and private utilities to ensure that broadband internet is accessible. 11. To provide a variety of housing types, costs and locations in cities. 11.1. Promote the planning, design, and construction of a wider range of housing unit types in adequate supply for all income levels and age groups. Encourage and promote energy efficiency in new and existing housing. 11.2. Ensure that all new housing development is protected from potential flood hazard. 11.3. Support the continuation of single-family development in appropriate municipal locations at similar density levels as experienced on a community wide basis. 11.4. Discourage scattered residential development in the unincorporated portion of the County by guiding new development into a compact and compatible growth pattern within or adjacent to the incorporated area and within easily serviceable watersheds. 11.5. Continue to encourage a wider range of housing types in the residential areas of the cities, including single-family and multi-family structures, in response to changing housing market demands. 11.6. Continue to provide developers with appropriate levels of information and service. 11.7. Consider developing minimum standards (height and bulk) for houses. 11.8. Explore design guidelines for residential development. 12. To provide a variety of housing opportunities within the unincorporated areas in appropriate locations. 12.1. Ensure that the Future Land Use Development Map provides adequate development potential for a variety of housing types to meet the housing needs of present and future residents, encouraging housing to locate within incorporated communities. 12.2. Initiate a Housing Needs Assessment Study of the County to determine current housing condition and need, and to estimate future housing requirements. 12.3. Locate residential development in platted subdivisions with adequate public services. 12.4. Encourage residential development to locate within existing cities and establish urban fringe development areas where adequate public services are planned or can be provided. 12.5. Allow for the creation of urban density residential districts within established urban fringe development areas that follow the planned development process, and where urban services can be provided. 12.6. Limit proposed non-farm residential development on lots smaller than one acre to cluster developments or conservation subdivisions that follow the planned development process, and provide centralized water and wastewater systems, and limited access. 12.7. Investigate establishment of simplified development regulations to allow the division of "old" farmsteads from current agricultural operations, which does not create nonconformities, based upon the potential number of such divisions.


Housing Goals and Objectives 13. Increase resource efficiency, improve public health, and reduce environmental impacts by using green residential building strategies. 13.1. Encourage water conservation strategies including but not limited to water efficient appliances and plumbing fixtures, low-water landscaping, and rain water catchment. 13.2. Encourage energy conservation strategies including energy efficient appliances, lighting, and heating and cooling systems 13.3. Promote programs to improve energy efficiency and enlist the participation of utility companies in promotional efforts. 13.4. Encourage the use of renewable energy sources 13.5. Promote the use of recycled building materials. 13.6. Promote the use of building materials that do not cause negative health impacts for residents or workers. 13.7. Encourage radon testing and abatement in residential properties 13.8. Encourage low impact development practices that increase stormwater infiltration rates, prevent erosion, control sediment, use land more efficiently, and require less infrastructure.

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