Campus Information
Community Learning Facilities are located throughout the south of Scotland. Borders College
2 RURAL SKILLS | Pathways 2023/24
Newtown St Boswells Campus, Newtown St Boswells, TD6 0PL, Tel: 01896 662600 SRUC Barony Campus, Parkgate, Dumfries, DG1 3NE, Tel: 0800 269 453 Published by Borders College, Marketing Department, Scottish Borders Campus, Nether Road, Galashiels TD1 3HE. Tel: 01896 662600. Designed by Borders College. The College will use all reasonable endeavours to deliver courses in accordance with the description set out in this publication. However, the College will manage its affairs in ways which are efficient and cost effective and therefore reserves the
to alter or amend the contents or methods of delivery of courses, to discontinue courses and to
courses, if such action is reasonably considered to be necessary by the
This publication is available
merge or combine
in other formats on request.
We are delighted to present this joint prospectus on the land-based sectors. Borders College and SRUC are committed to establishing clear pathways of provision to ensure the approximately 4,500 new employees being predicted for the Land-based industry in the south of Scotland have access to flexible high-level short course training and practise-based innovation, particularly those requiring upskilling who are currently in the sector.
We see this joint prospectus as a first step in identifying areas for new joint course development, with a focus on modes of delivery and levels of provision which are not serviced within the region and thus either require learners to move out of the region or forgo career progression.
Both Borders College and SRUC offer a wider range of courses within and outside of the Borders region.
Anne Marie Sturrock. Vice Principal – Student Experience, Borders College
Jamie Newbold. Provost and Deputy Principal, SRUC
3 Borders College General number for all Campuses Tel 01896 662600 General enquiries email To apply online visit our website SRUC General enquiry number Tel 0800 269 453 General enquiries email To apply online visit our website Contents Animal Care, Equine and Veterinary Nursing 4 Horticulture and Landscaping 6 Conservation, Forestry and Gamekeeping 8 Agriculture 10 Introduction
4 RURAL SKILLS | Pathways 2023/24
Learner Pathway
Animal Care, Equine and Veterinary Nursing
5 Introduction to Animal Care Horse Care NPA
Animal Science and Communication PDA (DL) Animal Nursing Assistant – Certificate
Animal Care NC Equine MA Veterinary Nursing BSc/ BSc (Hons) Year 1 Applied Bioscience HND Year 1 Applied Bioscience HND Year 2 SCQF 4 SCQF 5 SCQF 6 SCQF 7 Advanced Higher/HNC HND Higher National 5 National 4/ NC/NPA Borders College
university degree courses. General Education / Equivalent SRUC Rural Skills for Work Animal Care NPA Animal Care NC Animal Care Animal Care HND year 1 Animal Care HND Year 2 Horse Care NC Horse Care NPA Race Horse Care NPAs in partnership with Scottish Racing Academy Race Horse Care NPAs in partnership with Scottish Racing Academy Horse Care – Advanced Certificate Animal Care HNC Animal Care HND Veterinary Nursing BSc/ BSc (Hons) Year 2 HNC Year 1 Higher Education HND Year 2 Higher Education National 4 Highers National 5 SCQF 8 and above Animal Science and Communication PDA (DL)
completion of these programmes may offer progression opportunities to higher level courses
qualifications such as
6 RURAL SKILLS | Pathways 2023/24
Learner Pathway
Successful completion of these programmes may offer progression opportunities to higher level courses and qualifications such as university degree courses.
7 HNC Year 1 Higher Education HND Year 2 Higher Education National 4 Highers National 5 Horticulture SVQ 1 Horticulture NPA 4 Horticulture NC
and Landscaping Borders College General Education / Equivalent SRUC Horticulture SVQ 2 Horticulture SVQ 3 Horticulture HNC Horticulture HND Partnership Borders College & UHI Partnership Borders College & UHI Landscaping SVQ 2 Landscaping SVQ 3 Landscaping SVQ 1
Rural Skills for Work –Land-based NPA 4
Horticulture MA Landscaping MA Parks, Gardens and Green Space MA Landscaping MA SCQF 4 SCQF 5 SCQF 6 SCQF 7 Advanced Higher/HNC HND Higher National 5 National 4/ NC/NPA SCQF 8 and above Parks, Gardens and Green Space MA Parks, Gardens and Green Space MA Landscaping MA Landscaping MA
8 RURAL SKILLS | Pathways 2023/24
Learner Pathway
Conservation, Forestry and Gamekeeping
General Education / Equivalent
Borders College
Rural Skills for Work – Land-based NPA 4 (Schools)
Wildlife Management & Gamekeeping NC
SVQ 3 Wildlife and Conservation Management HNC Forestry NPA 5 (Schools)
Forestry – Certificate
Arboriculture –Advanced Certificate
Trees and Timber MA
Engineering (Forestry) NC
Wildlife and Conservation Management HNC/BSc/ BSc (Hons)
Ecological Surveying PDA (DL)
Wildlife and Conservation Management HND/BSc/ BSc (Hons)
Land-based Engineering (Agricultural Machinery and Forestry) MA
Arboriculture MA
Engineering (Agricultural Machinery and Forestry) MA
Gamekeeping with Wildlife Management HNC (DL)
Successful completion of these programmes may offer progression opportunities to higher level courses and qualifications such as university degree courses.
Rural Skills
Forestry HNC Forestry
Forestry HND
Trees and Timber SVQ
– Advanced Certificate
HNC Year 1 Higher Education HND Year 2 Higher Education National 4 Highers National 5
Management NC
Woodlands and Treework MA
Rural Skills (Conservation & Environment) MA SCQF 4 SCQF 5 SCQF 6 SCQF 7 Advanced Higher/HNC HND Higher National 5 National 4/ NC/NPA SCQF 8 and above Gamekeeping
10 RURAL SKILLS | Pathways 2023/24
Learner Pathway
SCQF 4 SCQF 5 SCQF 6 SCQF 7 Advanced Higher/HNC HND Higher National 5 National 4/ NC/NPA SCQF 8 and above
General Education / Equivalent
Rural Skills for Work – Land-based NPA 4 (Schools)
Modern Agriculture Agriculture NC
HNC Year
Land-based Engineering NC
Investigation of Modern Agriculture NPA (Schools)
Mixed Farming SVQ 3 MA Local Food Production NPA Agriculture NC
Agriculture MA
Agriculture HNC/BSc/ BSc (Hons)
Agriculture MA
Land-based Engineering (Agricultural Machinery and Forestry) MA
Agricultural Technology HNC/BSc/BSc (Hons)
Rural Business Management HNC/BA/ BA (Hons)
Rural Business Management HND/BA/ BA (Hons)
Successful completion of these programmes may offer progression opportunities to higher level courses and qualifications such as university degree courses.
Borders College SRUC
Agriculture HND/BSc/ BSc (Hons)
Agriculture SVQ 2 MA Countryside Skills –
Investigation of Modern Agriculture NPA
Agricultural Technology HND/BSc/BSc (Hons)
HND Year 2 Higher
National 4 Highers National 5
Rural Land use and Management – Technical Apprenticeship
Poultry Production HNC (DL)
12 RURAL SKILLS | Pathways 2023/24 Borders College – Charity Number SC021180 SRUC – Charity Number SC003712 Supported by