Top Facts To Consider Before Hiring Social Media Marketer It is impossible to sustain the digital marketing race by overlooking the impact of social media. According to Buffer's 2019 report published in Forbes, 73% of marketers think that social media is one of the most effective tools that positively impacts consumers' buying behaviour. It is also believed that in the US, 40-46% (approx) buyers prefer visiting the social media pages of an e-commerce business before making a buying decision!
If you are thinking to boost your social media activities, you should think of hiring any of the reliable social media marketing companies for your business.
Now the first query to strike your mind is- how to define a genuine marketer to ensure potential leads for your business from popular social media activities of sites?
Let's explore them one by one:
Whether the marketer is a critical thinker or not Critical thinking ability is one of the key skills that is expected from a social media marketer. A capable marketer should not follow the footsteps of the other marketers; instead, they should use critical thinking skills to analyze your business. Then only you can implement unique social media practices that ensure quality leads for your business. A social media marketer who has critical thinking skills should work on the following things first before implementing a strategy for your business. ● Analyzing the current social media performance of your business ● Spend sufficient time in observing what your competitors are doing ● Finding a unique lead generation strategy that others may not follow ● Frame a social media plan that suits your nature of business and share it with you for your approval
Once you find it satisfying, then only the individual should implement it. That is why it is essential to hire a social media company that will critically analyze your existing business.
Know the experience of the marketer A skilled marketer should have proven years of experience in offering social media marketing solutions. Before hiring the individual in your business: 1. Take a look at the portfolio of your service provider. 2. Try to get authentic information about the market reputation of the agency. 3. If needed, get in touch with the previous clients the individual has served.
It will help you to get unbiased feedback about the professionalism of the marketer. Technically, this will enable you to take the necessary decisions accordingly.
Do not ignore the affordability factor It is essential to know the affordability factor before hiring a marketer. A good marketer should offer you a wide range of quality services in the whole social media marketing package on a reasonable budget. However, before hiring a social media agency, you should spend some time to know the current market price offered by the other agencies. That will help you to compare the price provided by the respective agency with the prevailing market price.
Conclusion Before hiring a social media agency, you will find plenty of other factors as well coming up in front of you. However, you should include all of these critical concerns before finalizing any of the social media marketing companies in India in your checklist.