Ssa select team manager handbook v2 updated 06 2015

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TeamManager’s Handbook

Version 1.0




What’s Inside Table of Contents




Letter from the Board of Directors to all SSA Team Managers


hank you for volunteering to assist your child’s coach as a Team Manager for their Select or Academy program. You are a valuable asset to the league, your coach, and all your players.

The job of the team manager is to assist the coach in getting the team on the field with the least amount of stress to both the players and the coach. The team manager is the most important role in the team structure to assist the coach with organization, communication, and administration of the team. The manager may wear many hats including treasurer, travel coordinator, chaperone, scheduler, and reporter. Key elements to being a successful team manager are; a proactive management approach and timely, open communication between parents and the coach. This guidebook is intended to serve as a source of information for all Academy and Select team managers. Some information may seem simple and “old hat”, but to new team managers knowing the club and league policies and having a source of information makes getting started much easier. If you have any questions regarding SSA please contact the office at 678- 594-5041 or via email at SSA Board of Directors

The SSA Way SSA Guiding Principals

SSA is a not-for-profit organization, with its own management, board of directors, coaching staff, operations, and finances. We serve boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 19 with recreational and competitive soccer programs in Georgia and across the Southeast. We are a services organization with an overriding commitment to quality. We operate as a nonprofit organization with a minimal bureaucracy and a focus on value and productivity. We promote and foster healthy competition and development for all players regardless of individual ability. We think and act with compassion and fairness. Outstanding, dedicated people make it all happen, particularly when we work together as a team. We are sensitive to the needs of our coaches, players, parents, and communities. Our measures of success are retention of players and coaches and the number of elite teams. SSA Club Philosophy

While it is understood that teams are made up of individuals and clubs are made of many teams, it is also true that successful teams and soccer programs are built on the Three Musketeers “all for one and one for all” concept. Therefore, it is the position of SSA (“the Club”) that all members of SSA recognize and agree that the needs and welfare of the Club is paramount and takes priority over that of the individual team. When there is a conflict between the Club and a particular team, the needs of the overall Club will come first. Likewise, members of the Club agree to put team needs ahead of those of the individual player. If conflicts arise between the team and a player or parent, the team coach, under the guidance of the Director of Coaching, will be responsible to make decisions “for the good of the team.” These decisions will be made after gathering all relevant information and consultation with those involved. The coaches’ decisions will be objective and will be based on their best evaluation of the facts. Once a decision has been made, it is final and players and parents must agree to abide with the decision. Guide to The SSA Way

Team managers should review The SSA Way to understand the Club’s organization, code of conduct, guidelines, development program, and other useful information. The SSA Way is available to all families to review by visiting and clicking on ‘About’ on the menu bar.

Team Manager’s Responsibilities

The manager handles the administrative aspects of team business, and is generally the first point of contact for off-the-field issues. Responsibilities should be agreed with the coach after tryouts and generally will include: Communicating between the coaching staff and the team Supporting SSA policies and activities Creating the team budget, setting up the team bank account, collecting fees and paying expenses Maintaining team documentation e.g., team roster, player and parent contact list, player and coach passes, medical releases, game schedule, team website etc. Performing league activities e.g., generating match cards, reporting scores, rescheduling games, club passing players etc. Preparing the “team book� and having it is at the field for all games Completing tournament and other applications Arranging team and coach travel Chaperoning players when out of town (See section on Risk Management) The manager can delegate responsibilities to other team parents, provided the coach is in agreement. There are numerous ways for other parents to be involved which will enrich the team experience for all e.g. arranging team parties, organizing team fundraising events, creating a team first aid kit, photographing games and chaperoning on trips.

Things to Know About Tryouts

Club assessments are held annually and are open to all players. This is a strenuous time for players, parents, and coaches. Team decisions must be handled with a great deal of consideration. The team manager should understand and support the assessment process and the selections made by the coach. Each player will be given a fair chance to make any of the teams at the Club. Assessment dates, times and locations will be publicized in conformance with state association rules. SSA may reduce the number of days of assessments due to unsatisfactory conditions. Coaches can also hold additional sessions prior to team declaration to the state. Players can be added to team rosters during the season provided the state rules are followed. Coaches are responsible for selecting their players and are directed to base their decisions on club criteria. There will not always be agreement on player evaluations and selection. Sometimes, players long affiliated with the team will be passed over for other players. “Made the team” notifications will be handled by each coach in a manner announced during the tryout process and can be in person, via phone or email. Coaches will personally contact those players not making their teams within 24 hours of settling on those players who did make the team. In general, players are not allowed to play up in older age groups without DoC approval. Girls may not play on a boys’ team at any level in select soccer. 1* Guidelines for tryouts are included in The SSA Way. Once players have been selected for a team, the registration process will begin. Communication will come from a club administrator. (See section on Support Player Registration Process) The state will set a declaration date by which each team must be registered and have submitted a request for a division of play and provide any scheduling requests. The coach will provide the necessary information to a club administrator for submission to the state. Once teams are declared the state Select Committee (e.g. Georgia Soccer Select Committee), will assign teams to appropriate playing divisions at the start of each season according to the state guidelines.


USYS and GSSA provide strict limitations on conversations with non-club members about a team’s selection process. These rules are designed to prevent the improper "recruiting" of players from other clubs, and they apply to coaches, parents, and team members. Prior to the end of the seasonal year, as defined by GSSA, it is improper to recruit a player from any other club. The team manager, parents and players should always ask their club coach for guidance before sharing any information about the team with a player from another club. The penalties for improper contact can be severe. 1. What is illegal recruiting? Any contact with a signed player or parents of a signed player that is an attempt to lure or entice the player to play on another team at a club other than where the player is signed which occurs outside the time prescribed for legal recruiting (GSSA 920). This includes contacting a player for guest play without notification of the coach of record, contacting a player without prior notification of the coach of record, and advertising for registered players outside the time prescribed for legal recruiting. 2. When and how can contact be made with a player to recruit for the Club? The window of opportunity for direct contact of all players with the intent to recruit is from the approved and published date for recruiting until the day approved and published for signing. GSSA allows contact to begin on the Tuesday following Memorial Day until the published signing date which generally is in June. During this window of time coaches may advertise, send letters, phone, or meet with a prospective player. Players may train, guest play, play a friendly, or attend a camp at any club up to but not including the approved and published signing day. 3. Can a player be recruited outside of the dates set by the state association (e.g., GSSA)? Once a player has registered with a club and the state association then no person can directly or indirectly induce or attempt to induce that player to leave their team until the end of the seasonal year, without fourteen days written notice to the player’s coach (GSSA Rule 330.1). If a coach wishes to recruit a player within the seasonal year then they must send a notice by registered mail to the player's coach of record informing them that in fourteen days from receipt the recruiting coach will contact the player. Once the recruiting coach has had the opportunity to contact and recruit the player initially and has received an answer from the player or player's parents then the recruiting coach may not recruit or contact the player a second time without again notifying the coach of record 4. When can a non-registered player be recruited? Players who are not signed/registered with a club can be approached at any time. For example, a player who has moved into the area during the seasonal year from another state and has not yet signed/registered with a USYS club in Georgia. 5. Who can be held responsible for illegal recruiting? Sanctions may be imposed on coaches, players, players' family, teams, and associations if illegal recruiting is found to have occurred. 6. What are the sanctions for illegal recruiting? Sanctions are imposed by the state association’s Ethics & Grievance Committee which has the power to issue sanctions

including but not necessarily limited to a warning, coach suspension, tournament play restrictions, team advancement restrictions, coach dismissal, and team suspension (GSSA Rule 330.3). 7. What is considered advertising and when may my club or team advertise? Advertising is marketing your club, team, camp, tournament, tryout, or event through the public media, newspapers, radio outlets, mass mailings, etc. A club can advertise at any time for unregistered players. Advertisement of club tryouts to registered players can occur at any point after the tryout dates have been set by the state soccer association i.e., GSSA. Clubs can mass mail to their own in-house mail list. They are prohibited at all times from creating an email distribution list with players/families registered with another club. Coaches’ email data is available from GSSA’s database so that clubs can market their tournaments (GSSA Rule 330.2). 8. What is considered direct contact and may my team or association contact players regarding camps and tournaments? Direct contact is an attempt to entice signed players to your association or team by telephone, letter, personal meetings either in public or private, any mailing directed to the parents or player not including tournaments or camps. Tournament or camp announcements are not included so long as they are not directed to one or a select few from outside your association. 9. Can a registered player make contact with another team during the seasonal year? If a player wishes to seek another playing venue they must notify their current coach in writing that they will contact other teams or associations but must wait a fourteen-day period before initiating the contact. If the player succeeds in finding another playing venue then they must seek a transfer request. It is incumbent upon the State Registrar to either approve or deny the transfer depending upon the facts and circumstances surrounding the request (GSSA Rule 330.2). Academy players in the U-10 through U-12 age group must wait fourteen-days before the published recruitment date to make any contact with another team. 10. What is to keep players from making wholesale changes during the seasonal year? If Coach A decides to recruit Coach B's best player during the season then Coach A should be ready for Coach B to recruit in turn. If teams wish to remain eligible for the State Cup then only five transfers are allowed. Ultimately, the State Registrar controls the process where there is a disputed transfer request. The State Registrar has the authority to deny transfers that might endanger a team's participation by losing too many players thus ensuring the team's continued participation. 11. Coaches are saying that if a player does not come to all nights of tryouts they will not be considered for the team. Since most clubs have tryouts on the same nights, is there anything a player can do? Yes, a player may visit and train at different clubs after the date set for recruiting and prior to the start of tryouts. This will at least give them an opportunity to judge the neighboring clubs' facilities, teams, and coaches and an opportunity to decide whether or not to go there for a tryout.

Basics for Getting Started

Review State Soccer Association Player Rules

Team managers should become familiar with their state soccer association’s player rules. Bookmark them for future reference and send the link to families.

In accordance with Georgia State Soccer Association (“GSSA”) rules, once a player has registered with a select team they are committed both financially and contractually. Changes between seasons within the year are generally not permitted. A select player may not transfer from one soccer association to another within a playing year. There are circumstances that permit a player to move from one association to another but they are rare and must be approved by their club and state association. Select soccer begins at the U-9 age group and generally is made up of players already 8 and will be turning 9 during the playing year. GSSA select program divisions include; Academy for U9, U10, U11, U12 Select for U-13, U-14, U-15, U-16, U-17, U-18 and U-19 Region III Premier League East (“PLE”) regional program for U-14, U-15, U-16, U17 and U-18 boys’ and girls’ teams Select teams with only female players are in the Athena division and all others are considered boys teams in the Classic division. 2* Georgia Soccer rules and policies (located on under documents)

Agree Expectations with the Coach

will generally meet with the coach prior to tryouts to discuss preseason planning such as tournament scheduling. These managers may be asked to help at tryouts by checking in players, providing registration materials and answering parent and player questions. Existing team managers

should have a face-to-face meeting with the coach at the completion of tryouts to set expectations and plan for the season. Topics to discuss include: New team managers


Team manager responsibilities

Division of responsibilities between the coach, team manager and any other parent identified to help with the team Shared responsibilities between the manager and the coach e.g., game reschedules Preferred method of communication e.g. email, phone, text 2.

Player roster

List of players and contact information Families that may need help with registration, financial aid application, carpooling etc. Ordering uniforms and practice gear 3.

Goals and expectations for the team

What level the coach will request the team to play in the league Practice location, days and times Tournaments the team will participate in for the year Planning and arranging preseason parent meeting 4.

Team finances

Anticipated expenses e.g. travel, equipment fee, registration fees etc. Fundraising activities

Support Player Registration Process

Once the coach has selected the team he or she will provide a list along with contact information to the team manager and to a club administrator. SSA uses Blue Sombrero for the registration process. Team managers will need to provide parents guidance on how to set up their account and accept their child’s spot on the team. must set up an account on Blue Sombrero. This will occur when the parent registers their child for tryouts at SSA. If they did not register for tryouts they must still set up an account. Once the account is created, they will receive the player update email and confirmation email just like returning SSA players. New SSA players

will already be in Blue Sombrero. They will receive a player update email from SSA asking them to log onto their account and accept their child’s placement on a team. The acceptance must be completed on or before the “signing day” set by the state soccer association. After signing, the player is committed both financially and contractually to the Club for one year. Returning SSA players

Once a player has registered, SSA will send a confirmation email which includes the Club fee for the year as well as payment options. The parent must select a payment plan and make the first payment before their child is eligible to participate in team camp, practices, or games. There might be occasions where the team manager is notified by a club administrator that a

family has not paid their club fees. If fees are not paid by the due date then the manager will be asked to pull that player’s pass until such time as the fees are brought current. A club administrator will register the team and each player with the  Go to and enter the site state soccer association.  At the top right click on “Create An Account” or “Login” The  Complete the information to create a new customer account administrator will then provide the team manager access to the team on both Blue Sombrero (for SSA registration) and to Affinity Development Group (ADG) which is the state soccer system. 1*


Create New Customer Account on Blue Sombrero

This person generally assists the Executive Director with all administrative duties as required. Responsibilities include the organization of player and team registrations and movements. The administrator may also manage field and referee assignments, club communications, and operations. Club administrator / registrar -

Open a Team Bank Account

The team manager or a designated team treasurer is responsible for reporting team financial status and maintaining a team bank account for the purpose of depositing money and paying “team expenses”. Team expenses include tournament fees, coach travel expenses, indoor rental, equipment (e.g. first aid kits, game balls, etc.), and any other expense related to the team which is not covered by the Club. It is the property of the team and may not be a personal bank account of the coach, team manager, or treasurer. The team will need a unique Employer Identification Number (EIN#) issued through the Internal Revenue Service in the name of the team to set up a non-profit bank account. This will give the team a tax-exempt status. Bank account signers should include the team manager or team treasurer and another team parent. The team bank account must be exclusively for the team’s financial obligations.

Once the manager has applied and received the EIN #, they take that documentation along with a letter from a club administrator to a local bank to set up the team account. Select a bank that provides no-fee or low fee accounts.


Apply for an Employer Identification Number

Go to and under the business tab select “apply for an EIN”

On the EIN page, select “apply online” which is form SS-4

Select “begin application”. Most of the form is self-explanatory.

Under type of entity select tax exempt, and then pick “sports team”

Some banks will offer a value pack

introductory business kit with a check binder, duplicate checks, duplicate deposit tickets and personalized endorsement stamp. These are very useful tools for managing the bank account. If the team travels for tournament or league play then consider obtaining a debit card to pay expenses if it is free with the bank account.

 

Prepare a Budget

All select teams will incur expenses that must be shared among all of the players on the team even if a player does not participate in the team activity, tournament etc. The extent of the expenses will be based on the activities planned for the season. The team manager or treasurer will create the team budget which will then be shared with the full team to review prior to the start of the season. When creating the budget, keep in mind the following budget principles: Plan to breakeven - There should be no unexpected increase in payments later in year.

- If the team fee is broken into multiple payments, then the first two payments should be higher than the remaining payments. Front load the budget

Keep a positive cash flow

-Team fees collected must be sufficient to meet commitments

on a monthly basis. - This can be accomplished by requiring a minimum balance per player in the account (e.g., $25 per player). Maintain a contingency for unexpected expenses

Team expense items which should be considered when planning the budget include: Tournament and some league registration fees e.g., out of state travel permission, RPL, ASL etc. Travel costs for the coach and players when the team is traveling together for out of town tournaments e.g., hotel, meals, transportation etc. See Appendix H: SSA Travel Expense Policy Equipment fee for game balls, practice cones, pennies, first aid kit etc. Rental fee for indoor facilities in the event of inclement weather Team administrative expenses e.g., copying, laminating, postage etc. Purchase of an extra uniform to be used for team guests Miscellaneous e.g., team socials, team brochure for college showcases, team website fees etc. It is virtually impossible to come up with an exact budget at the start of a season. When estimating, always budget on the high

end to avoid asking for more money later. If there are excess funds at the end of the season those can be distributed to the players, held in the account, and used to reduce future costs or put toward an end-of season party or bonus coaching gift. Once the annual team budget is finalized, divide the total expenses by the number of players on the team. The resulting number is the amount each player owes as their Team Fee. Every player pays the same Team Fee. If a player cannot attend a tournament, money for the tournament fee is not deducted from that player’s team fee. All players by committing to the team are committing to all activities of the team. Therefore all families will share in the team expenses equally. Present the budget at the first team meeting along with payment methods. Some teams collect funds up front at the beginning of the season while others have a monthly payment option. The team manager, treasurer, and coach will need to work with each financial aid family on the team to determine a payment plan or other funding options for their share of the team fees. Helpful Hint

Collect funds related to coach and team travel expenses at least one week prior to event. The team should have funds in its account to cover any team expenses when traveling. More than one team has found itself in financial trouble when parents failed to pay their share of team fees after an event.

Create a fee schedule for each player based on the budget. The schedule should be updated when player fees are received and when credits are issued for unused funds.

See Appendix A:

Team Accounting Templates

SSA Team Plan Fall 2013 Age group: Gender: Team Name: Coach:

Name of Tournament 1 Atlanta Cup 2 Disney Showcase 3 RPL Fall 5 nights away



Player Travel



Location (City, State)

Aug 31 - 2 $


$ 128.00






Dec 27 - 30 $





$ 2,485.00

Orlando FL

Aug - Nov $





Charlotte, Greenville x 2, Jacksonville

4 5 6 7 Total:

$ 16,423.00

Other Expenses


1 Guest uniform for team use



2 Indoor rental fee X 3



3 Equipment e.g. balls, pennies, cones etc.



4 Misc printing, lamination, binder etc.





5 6 Total: Total Costs Number of Players Cost per Player Monthly player fee Aug - Dec.


$17,063.00 18 $ 947.94 $


Organize a Pre-season Team Meeting

The first team meeting should be held after the signing date and before the start of the season. The manager should plan the meeting and review the agenda with the coach.

The following are key steps in organizing and planning the team meeting. 1. Agree a team meeting date, time and place with the coach 2. Obtain the team roster and parent contact information to inform families of the meeting 3. Prepare a list of forms and items that parents must bring to the meeting Copy of player’s birth certificate Club medical release form (on Player and parent contact information including requested uniform number

Check payable to the team account for a minimum player balance e.g. $25 per player 5.

Send meeting invitation along with forms to all families


Create a meeting agenda and review with the coach

Team Meeting Agenda

  

    

Introductions Coaching goals and objectives for the season The SSA Way o Player and parent code of conduct o Practice, games and playing time o Uniforms o Team travel o Fundraisers Player safety o Background check for parent chaperones o GSSA concussion policy Communication plan e.g., distribution lists, team website etc. Planned tournaments Team budget proposal and payment options Player pictures

7. Take player roster pictures at the meeting. (Digital photos can be uploaded into rosters and used for player passes. Take a head and shoulder picture of each player with the same background. If players don’t have a uniform jersey, bring one and let each player wear it for their picture.) 8.

Prepare an introduction packet to hand out to each family

Details on how to access the The SSA Way on the website Copy of the team budget and payment options List of tournaments and dates 9. Provide sign-up sheets for player uniform numbers, team volunteers (e.g., social events, chaperones, fund-raisers) After the meeting, complete follow up actions promptly.  Create a contact list for the full team which includes names, phone numbers, home

address, email address. Include this information on the team website or distribute to the families as a file.  Create a group email and text distribution list in the name of the team to be used for communications. Use a contact group email function to organize a distribution list. This reduces the risk of leaving someone off an email and prevents accidental “reply all” emails. The “Contact Group” functionality of Google Gmail works well. There are apps for both iPhone and android that manage group text lists and reduce risk of errors. 

 Finalize player uniform numbers and communicate the process to order. In the past uniforms were ordered from Each club has an administrative site for managers to set up their team. then generates an email to each player informing them of how to order their uniform. Ask a club administrator for instructions related to the current year.

Create the Team Book

The Team Book is very important and should be in the possession of the coach or team manager at all games. Failure to bring the book could result in the team not being permitted to play. A two-inch three ring binder works great. Transparent page protectors and a zip pouch that fits inside the binder are also helpful. 1. Official team roster - Issued by the state and provided by a club administrator to each team manager. When the roster is received the manager should check that all players are listed correctly including spelling of names; and the birth date on the roster matches the birth certificate and their player pass. Errors should be reported to a club administrator. Make several copies of the official team roster and place them in a page protector within the binder. Helpful Hint

computer. official team save as a pdf can then be online check-in. 1. - Issued and will a club for all the team coach

Create a file folder for the team on your Scan the roster and file. This file used for tournament Player cards

by the state be printed by administrator players on as well as the and the team

manager. Each pass must have a picture. In order for a picture to be printed on the pass it must be loaded into the state association’s system e.g. GSSA’s ADG system, before the administrator prints. The manager can load a digital picture for each player once given access to the system (See section on Error: Reference source not found). If the passes are printed before the pictures are loaded then the pictures will have to be added manually by printing the photo and sizing to less than 1 inch to affix to each card. Passes should be laminated for extra protection and hole punched in the upper left corner of the printed front (10mil weight is ideal and most office supply stores will heat laminate). Cards should be placed in protective sleeves (baseball card size) or attached to a metal ring and put in a zipper pouch in the binder. Passes are heavily used so need to be protected. The pass for the coach and every player must be available for the official to review before each game. If a pass is missing for a player then they will be unable to play. Helpful Hint

Player cards arrive in sheets. Before separating passes, scan sheets into a single pdf file. If a pass is lost another can then be printed. The file is also used for online check in (more on that later).

10. Birth certificates – If the age of a player should be questioned the birth certificate can be verified at the field using the copy in the team book. Keep each certificate in a protective sleeve and on the reverse side put the medical release. The manager can scan each certificate and upload them into the player profile on ADG (same steps as loading pictures for player passes). 11. Medical releases – Check that each release is filled out properly. Some tournaments will require that the release is notarized. Go ahead and have each parent provide a notarized copy or find someone on the team or club that will notarize all the releases for the team. Helpful Hint

Scan the notarized medical releases into one pdf file (not separate files per player). The file can then be used for online tournament check in.

Financial Obligations and Assistance Club Fees

Club fees are set annually by the Board of Directors and are required to cover the cost of the Club’s operations. SSA is organized and operated as a non-profit corporation under the provisions of Georgia Non-profit Corporation Code. Club dues are used to pay operating expenses such as coaching, referee costs, league fees, training sessions, club administration etc. Club fees do not cover team expenses which include but are not limited to tournament entry fees, uniforms, travel costs, and equipment. Financial Obligations

Unlike recreational soccer, at this level, commitments are for one year - beginning at the end of June and continuing through the following spring - including any state, regional, or national competitions. It is the policy of SSA that, once committing to a team, the player is expected to fulfill their annual financial obligation in full. Players will be expected to pay a certain percentage at signing and then select a payment plan option to pay the remainder of fees. Failure to pay in a timely fashion will result in loss of privilege to play until such time as the account becomes current. In addition, pending financial aid awards do not release the player from the financial obligation. Minimum Membership Fees

There can be instances where a player will join the Club for the express purpose of participating in tournament play only. The team manager should contact a club administrator to understand the process as well as the prorated club fee. Financial Assistance Grants

It is the intent of the Club to charge a fee that is reasonable and commensurate with the training and participation provided. It has been one of the guiding principles of SSA that no child is denied an opportunity to play due to a financial hardship. Therefore SSA has established Financial Assistance Grants for families to help defray the cost of playing soccer at the Club. The applications for assistance as well as the timetable for submission and decision will be available before tryouts for distribution to any interested parties on the SSA website. Team managers should inform parents about financial assistance and where to obtain the application. The Financial Aid Committee will review the applications for assistance and make recommendations. The grants will apply to payments due after those required at signing. Those receiving grants will be required to provide a certain number of volunteer hours in exchange for financial assistance.

Player Transfers and Releases

Once a select player has registered with a club, the player is bound to that club until the end of the year for which the registration applies (GSSA Rule 310.2a). The team manager should be familiar with the terms “player release” and “player transfer” as both parents and coaches often misuse these terms and interchange them despite having very different meanings. 2*

is the execution (via electronic or manual means) of intent to play and the paying of fees with a club of Georgia Soccer or a club /member affiliate of a State Association of US Youth Soccer. (GSSA Rule 850) Player registration

Player Release Request

3* A release is a state soccer association authorized removal of a player from a team roster and from the member affiliate (i.e. club) which the team was associated. A release is appropriate when a player is leaving soccer entirely. The player pass must be returned to the Club or state office with the release form. The player is put on inactive status and is ineligible to participate in any practices or games or tournaments. In order to be returned to active status during the same seasonal year, the player must go back to their club and re-register or initiate a transfer request. (GSSA Rule 310.2c) The release form is generally initiated by a player’s parent / guardian. However, a team coach and club may request that a player be released involuntarily from a team if a player is unable to play for one of the following reasons: (GSSA Rule 310.2j) 1. Player has violated US Youth Soccer rules or state disciplinary rules 2. Player has moved beyond a reasonable distance 3. Player is injured in such a manner that they are unable to participate for the remainder of the seasonal year 4. Player has abandoned team (i.e., absent without excuse for four or more weeks) The release form must be approved by the parents, coach, and club representative (e.g., DOC, administrator etc.,) before submitting to the state association (e.g., GSSA) where the state registrar shall have final authority. 3* Georgia Soccer: E Transfer Instructions (located on under documents) Player Transfer Request

4* A transfer is a state soccer association authorized movement of a rostered youth player during the current seasonal year onto another roster. There are two types of affiliate transfers: 1. Intra-affiliate transfer is an authorized youth player movement from one team roster in a club to another roster within the same club. The transfer is processed by a club’s registrar on the state system. (GSSA Rule 900.1)

2. Inter-affiliate transfer is a state soccer association authorized youth player movement from one club roster to another club roster in the same state. This transfer is processed by the state association and requires the completion of a transfer form (GSSA Rule 900.2). The player’s financial obligation to their current club must be satisfied before a transfer will be approved. Transfers are generally limited to one transfer per player per seasonal year. A player may also request a transfer to participate in a spring playing season when the team they are rostered with does not play in the spring. For example, an under 14 player who plays up on an under 15 team during the fall season will be permitted to dual roster for the spring season with an under 14 team. Any under 15 player and above whose primary team does not participate in a spring season can duel roster with another team in its club or another club that is participating in a spring season. (GSSA Rule 310.3b) The Interstate Permission Form is used for a player to 1) request permission to play on a team of a state association other than the state association they are registered, (2) request permission to play on a team in another state association as a guest player, or 3) request permission to transfer from one state association to another state as a result of a relocation. 4* Interstate USYSA Permission Form (at download center)

Team Website

Some teams choose to create a team website as a means of posting information about the team as well as serving as a communication hub. Providers such as Shutterfly offer free team sites which feature the ability to post pictures and video clips. Other providers, such as TeamSnap charge a monthly or annual fee and include some accounting features such as tracking of player balances. Shutterfly

Georgia Soccer has teamed with to provide team share sites that are pre-built and available for all Georgia Soccer teams. Any SSA team manager can set up a team site on Shutterfly. The site is protected and only members of the site can access information about the team and players. There are numerous pre-built features that can help with team management. 1. Roster page – post player picture, number and contact information 2. Calendar – manage team’s schedule with shared calendar and auto reminders for practices, games and other events. 3. Player availability – track player availability for practices and games 4. Messages – share announcements, post sign-up sheets, list tasks, conduct polls and send emails 5. Pictures – all members can share and download team photos and videos. Its private and secure 5* Shutterfly sample team site .

See Appendix B: Shutterfly Team Site for sample screen shots


TeamSnap offers many of the same pre-built features available from free team sites such as Shutterfly. The annual fee can range from $60 to $130. The site is protected and includes a couple of unique features: 1. Tracking of team fees and payments, and 2. Tracking of individual and team statistics. 6* TeamSnap Helpful Hint

Game Schedules

Select a team website that has security to protect individual player names and email addresses. A team website should only be available to members of the team and their families.

Team Declaration

Prior to the start of the season, each club will declare their select teams for Athena and Classic. Generally, a club administrator will submit the declarations. GSSA allows each team to submit three blackout dates per season. The coach or team manager will provide those dates to a club administrator to be submitted with the team declaration. GSSA has a Select Committee consisting of Age Group Coordinators (AGC) for each age in Athena and Classic. The Select Committee will determine the placement of each team for the fall and spring season. The AGC will also generate the schedule which is made available via the Affinity Development Group (ADG) system to the coach, administrator, and team manager several weeks prior to the start of the season. 5*

are volunteers who give of their time to assist the select program. Generally, these are the same people who also volunteer at the local level and may coach one or more teams. A list of AGCs is available at . Age Group Coordinators

Rescheduling of Games

Select schedules are available on Georgia Soccer’s website. Go to and on the top of the opening page select “Schedule”. Locate and click on the schedules link to open up Athena, Classic, Recreational, and Region Premier League schedules. (Georgia Soccer currently does not schedule Academy games.) Games, once scheduled should be played except in extenuating circumstances e.g. rainouts, unplayable field conditions. (GSSA Rule 720.6a). When a game must be rescheduled, the coach or team manager should contact the opposing coach / team manager (See Locating Contact Information for Other Teams) and determine several choices for dates and times when both teams can play. If it is a home game, the SSA coach / team manager should first confirm field availability with a club administrator / scheduler. When both teams have reached agreement, the home team will notify the AGC and provide proof of agreement e.g., email from opposing team agreeing to reschedule date. The AGC will then move the game in the ADG system which will enable a new game card to be printed. Canceled games should be rescheduled within 5 days of the original game date. Helpful Hint

Send an email to the AGC copying the opposing team coach and manager and including the following information: game # (from ADG), team names, original date and location, reschedule date and location.

Locating Contact Information for Other Teams

Team contact information is not visible to the public. A team coach, manager, or club administrator may view contact information for opposing teams on ADG when logged into their account.


Access Your Account on ADG

Contact your SSA administrator to set up your account

Once account information is received go to

At the top left enter username and password

The My Account page will open and your team(s) will be listed information.

See Appendix C: Georgia Soccer ADG System for more

Game Day

Update Jersey Numbers on Team Roster

Once each player’s jersey number is added to the team roster on ADG, they will synchronize and appear on the “Official Match / Roster Game Report” (commonly called the game card, game day roster or match report) that must be printed and brought to each game by the team manager.


Add Player’s Jersey Number to Team Roster

Go to and log in with username and password

The My Account page will open and your team(s) will be listed

Click on "Edit" next to team you want to update in the “Tournament Applications / Game Scoring” section

 Georgia Soccer: How to Enter Jersey

Numbers on Game Day Roster (located on under documents)

Add Player’s Picture to Team Roster


The manager can load a digital picture of each player so it will appear on the player pass when printed by the Club administrator.

Add Player’s Picture to Team Roster

Go to and log in with username and password

The My Account page will open and your team(s) will be listed

Click on "Edit" next to team you want to update in the “Teams” section

Click on a player’s name and the “Edit Player” page will open

Club Pass a

Player for Game Day

Georgia Soccer has a Club Pass process that allows a player to play up an age group and/or up in competitive level within the same age group. 1. Review GSSA Rule 421 to make sure player is eligible to club pass. Must be within the same club Permitted for all Athena and Classic players, Academy U12 players, and U14 and above recreational players

No club pass is allowed between Athena, Classic and Recreational programs Academy U12 players may only club pass to their club’s first or second division team 2. The team wanting to use a club pass player must contact the coach or team manager of the player’s current team and request that they initiate the process.


Club Pass Instructions – Lending Team 

Go to and log in with username and password

The My Account page will open and your team(s) will be listed

Click on "Tournament" next to team lending the club pass player If a team has more than 18 players, the manager must deactivate players before printing the game card. To deactivate a player, go to the player roster on ADG and uncheck the active box next to the player’s name. Add the player back after the game by putting the check back in their box.

Print Game Card

The Official Match / Roster Game Report, generally referred to as the “game card”, must be printed, and brought to the game by the team manager or coach. The game official will complete the game card, both coaches will sign, and one copy will be given to each team at the completion of the game. The team manager should retain the game card for the entire season. If the match is contested (e.g. score, cautions, ejections etc.) then the game card will be needed for verification. 6* A game card is the official account of a match, including the score and any misconducts issued, prepared by the referee. The team manager or coach must complete these steps. 1. Print two copies of the game card from ADG within 48 hours of the game time, and not earlier as many things can change during the week. Player names may NOT be handwritten on the game card roster; however, player jersey numbers can be written. 12. Take the game cards along with the team book to the game and give the officials the game card copies along with the player passes for team “check in”. 13. After the game, obtain a copy of the completed game card from the referee. Check that the score is correct, misconducts recorded, and that both coaches have signed along with the referee.

14. Use the completed game card to enter the results in ADG. (See section on Report Scores). Retain the game card.


   

Print Game Card Report Scores

Each team Go to and log in with username and password is required to submit The My Account page will open and your team(s) will be listed their game score and Click on "Schedule / Game Scoring" next to the team in the “Tournament Applications / Game Scoring” section

information into the ADG system within 72 hours of the match (GSSA Rule 440.2). Mandatory items to input include: Score for both teams Player yellow cards for both teams. (A 2nd yellow sendoff should be recorded as a 2CT ejection. Do not enter a single yellow and then enter a 2nd caution sendoff.) Player red cards for both teams Coaching send offs for both teams After both teams enter their game information, if there are discrepancies then those will appear in the public view of the schedule and standings as follows: 7* A red CC indicates a contested card i.e., each team input different information on cautions and ejections. 8* A red CS indicates a contested score. i.e., each team input a different score for the game. If a discrepancy occurs, the team manager should contact the opponent manager. In most cases this is resolved by one manager correcting their entry in ADG. If agreement cannot be reached by the team managers /coaches or if the 72-hour period is exceeded, then the team will need to contact their AGC. The AGC will require copies of the game card to resolve.


Report Score

Go to and log in with username and password

The My Account page will open and your team(s) will be listed

Click on "Schedule / Game Scoring" next to the team in the “Tournament Applications / Game Scoring” section



US Youth Soccer has adopted the Kidsafe program to promote health, safety, and protection of players. State Associations such as GSSA have a Risk Management Committee whose role is to study the areas of risk and propose policy and education to mitigate risk including personal safety of players; field and game safety; and, protection of financial assets. Personal Safety of Players

GSSA’s policy is that all persons 18 years and older who coach, referee, and take part in an administrative role (e.g., team manager) where players 17 and younger play must have a background check. Any applicant with a criminal conviction against a person or property or both of a minor may not participate in youth soccer. Local affiliates, such as SSA, may also require that volunteer parents (e.g., chaperones) who are working with players have a background check. Coaches, assistant coaches and team managers / administrators who are listed on the team roster are automatically submitted for a background check through GSSA. Volunteer parents who will be chaperoning players should complete a Kidsafe form.

Team managers should distribute the form to parents who will chaperone and confirm that the forms were completed and submitted. Team managers do not receive results. Any applicant denied participation based on the results of the criminal background check will be informed in writing by the Club. The applicant may appeal the decision using the process outlined by Georgia Soccer. Background checks can only turn up past offenses. Coaches, managers, parents, and players should be on alert. If you suspect someone is a risk then inform the appropriate person at the Club or GSSA.


Georgia Soccer: Background Screening (located on )

Goal Safety

Every year children are injured or lose their lives in goal post accidents. Kidsafe and the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) both recommend that moveable soccer goals should only be moved by authorized and trained personal, not players. Simple safety guidelines to reduce the risk of injury from soccer goals include: Never start a practice or game without inspecting the goals Make sure that goals are properly anchored or have counter-weights Check all connecting hardware before use. The top cross bar should be secure Communicate goal safety information to coaches, parents and players Be responsible. If you see any children playing on a goal, ask them to stop

Field and Game Day Conditions

Georgia Soccer weather guidelines encourage all affiliates to review local hazardous weather plans including, but not limited to, knowing what to do when a Tornado Warning is issued, as well as how to respond to lightning. Practice Sessions - If

weather looks questionable for practice check the Club website or field hotline. If fields are closed, notify players and parents using a text distribution list and/or email. - Games will be played unless authorities have closed the fields. Games are played in the rain! If the fields are closed, confirm with the coach if any change to the game plan and then notify the opposing team manager via phone and email. Notify players and parents using a text distribution list and/or email. Games

- If outdoor warning sirens are heard, all activity will be suspended and the fields cleared. Everyone should immediately go to the safest location. In a building, go to the lowest level and keep away from walls and glass. If no safe building is available, locate a ditch or depression for people to lie down in Tornado

- Outdoors is the most dangerous place to be during a lightning storm. When lightning is seen or thunder heard, quickly move indoors or into a hard-topped vehicle. Stay away from trees. Always be at the lowest point. Lightning hits the tallest object. Crouch down if you are in an exposed area. Lightning

7* GSSA Hazardous Weather Guidelines: Report Injuries

Georgia Soccer maintains medical injury insurance for all registered players. If a player is injured during a game or at practice then the Report of Injury must be completed by the coach or team manager. The parents may not complete the form. Should an injury occur, the coach or manager, should go to Georgia Soccer’s youth incident and injury page to obtain instructions on completing the medical claim form with the GSSA’s medical insurance company. Once the injury report is received, Georgia Soccer will verify and forward to the insurance company and a claim form will be e-mailed to the parent to complete. Parents will complete the claim form on line and send the signed form and itemized bills to the insurance company. Georgia Soccer’s insurance is secondary and therefore, parents should first file with their own insurance company. Concussion / Head Injury Awareness

Concussions are particularly dangerous to the youth athlete. Managers should distribute to parents GSSA’s policy on head injuries and guidelines for return to play. 8* Concussion Guidelines: Form.pdf

9* GSSA Risk Management policies: Tournaments & Team Travel

Tournaments generally occur before or after the regular league season. The Club will publish, to the extent possible, a list of approved tournaments by considering the age of the team, level of competition, and location. Once the tournaments for the season have been agreed, the team manager can begin planning. Tournament and Travel Budget

The manager will put together a preliminary budget at the start of the season. That budget can be refined as information related to tournaments and any travel plans are finalized. (See section Prepare a Budget) with players rooming together and accompanied by chaperones. Team style travel maximizes the performance of the players, reduces the overall travel costs for families, and helps players learn how to be responsible and follow team rules in preparation for collegiate team travel. Teams at U14 and above are encouraged to travel as a team

Registration and Check In

Go to the tournament website to obtain important information including registration fee, application deadline, required documents, preferred / required hotels, number of guest players etc. Tournament registration is generally performed using GotSoccer or Soccer in College (SIC) websites.  See Appendix D on SIC and GotSoccer Some events will require payment at the time of registration while others will allow the manager to make payment once the team has been accepted. Contact the coach to: 1. Confirm that the team should still apply for the tournament 2. Find out the level of play to request on the tournament application (e.g. most competitive to least competitive) 3. Inquire if they have other teams attending the tournament and if so, list them on the application as possible game conflicts Tournament play is usually Saturday, Sunday and sometimes Friday or Monday. Game schedules can be accessed via the tournament website and are not generally published until a few weeks or less before the event. Notify parents if the event includes Friday and/or Monday games. Each tournament will have some type of required team check-in prior to the first day of games. On site check- in is usually the day before the event. Some tournaments will offer online check-in for a nominal fee. Required documentation for check-in usually includes: Official state roster

Permission to travel from GSSA if an out of state event Laminated player cards Medical releases for each player Tournament waivers signed by parents of each player Notification of Travel – Teams traveling outside of Georgia must notify GSSA of their travel plans using the ADG system.


Request Permission to Travel

Go to and log in with username and password

The My Account page will open and your team(s) will be listed

In the “Teams” section click on “Edit” by the team requesting travel

The page will open on the “Team Roster” tab. Scroll down and click on

Notification of Travel:

Team Travel

The information in this section is intended to be a resource to help managers in planning and managing team travel. These are suggestions to minimize cost while adhering to USYS travel guidelines. The competitive level of the team, number of out of town events, financial situation of families, tournament accommodation requirements etc. will influence how a team travels. Chaperones 1. Identify a list of potential parent chaperones and discuss with coach. The ratio of chaperones to players will depend on type of transportation and age of players. Generally 1 chaperone for every 4 to 5 players is adequate 2. Reach agreement with team families on what costs will be shared by the team for chaperones. Example: Team budget covers cost of chaperone hotel rooms based on 3 to 4 per room and ground transportation (food and airfare are not covered). Accommodation / Hotel 3. Check tournament requirements on accommodation. Some will require the use of certain travel agents and hotels. 4. Use Trip advisor or similar to research hotels in the area. Prioritize your selection criteria e.g., location, cleanness, queen beds vs double beds, complimentary breakfast, etc. Avoid hotels that have rooms with doors opening to the outdoors (GSSA Travel Guidelines) 5. Request price quotes from the sales group at the hotel (if using tournament hotels or agent this will already be completed for you). Check contracts carefully for penalty clauses and late cancellation fees. Negotiate price and extras e.g., breakfast, wi-fi, late checkout, free room for coach etc. 6. Create a rooming list. Plan for four players per room and adjust based on number of chaperones and gender. E.g., 18 male players and 4 chaperones equal 22 people and requires 6 rooms. There are 2 male and 2 female chaperones. Rooms 1, 2 and 3 each have 4 players. Rooms 4 and 5 each have 3 players and one dad chaperone. Room 6 has the two moms. 7. Attempt to have rooms “blocked� together on the same floor. There must be chaperones on the same floor or a chaperone in each room with players (GSSA Travel Guidelines). 8. Create a master list of room numbers and occupant names. Designate a meeting point at the front of the hotel as well as a meeting point in the event of hotel evacuation.

Transportation 9. Determine how the team will travel to their destination e.g., cars driven by chaperones, chartered bus, airline etc. 10. For short trips, chaperones might use their own vehicles and receive reimbursement for gas. For longer trips, the team might consider renting mini vans. If players are in vehicles driven by chaperones then confirm that drivers have insurance for passengers. 11. If considering passenger vans of 15 or more, please read safety tips and recommendations at 12. For air travel, contact airline group travel services to obtain price quotes. Group travel generally offers flexibility around deposits, passenger name changes, dropping seats, etc. 13. Players represent the Club when traveling and should wear their SSA logo shirt and either khaki or other shorts/pants. SSA warm up suits can also be used for travel 14. Team roll call should be taken prior to boarding any form of transport and immediately after disembarking. If the team is split into groups for travel, then an adult chaperone must be with each group. Food / Beverages 15. Budget for player food and beverages when traveling team style. Example: $30 per day per player would include $7 breakfast, $8 lunch, $12 dinner $3 drinks. The team manager can use the team debit card to pay for all player meals. 16. Assign chaperones to bring water, sports drinks and healthy snacks for hotel and games. Hydration of players is essential. Make sure they have plenty of water in their rooms. 17. Plan dinner reservations well in advance. Consider organizing a catered meal at the hotel to save money and time as well as build team unity. Family style options that can be delivered such as Olive Garden, Subway trays, California Pizza etc. Pre-trip Checklist 18. Distribute Behavior Guidelines Player Agreement which includes conduct and safety guidelines. Ask players and parents to sign.  See Appendix F: Player Agreement 19. Communicate to parents and players the logistics of the trip including who is chaperoning, transportation arrangements, rooming list, departure times etc. 20. Check that medical release forms are up to date and include authorization for

both coach and team manager to act 21. Create itinerary for players Helpful Hints Use online tournament check in and skip the physical check-in when possible. The nominal fee of $20 is worth the time you will save. Once you have created pdf files for player passes, roster, and medical releases (see Create the Team Book) they can be reused for online check-in throughout the season. If more than one Club team is going to the event consider sharing the hotel block to increase the number of rooms. Most hotels will provide a free room for every 10 or 15 paid rooms. Hold hotel rooms for players on personal credit card rather than a team debit card since most hotels will put a hold on funds when a debit card is used. When checking out of the hotel, ask the front desk to change the payment method to the team debit card. Set up a reward plan with one or two hotel chains your team will use for travel. Points will accumulate quickly when paying for the player rooms. Use those points for free rooms in the future to reduce team costs. Parent chaperones that are driving their own car should be reimbursed for direct costs only e.g., gas. Some insurance policies are voided if a driver uses their personal vehicle for hire. Avoid trying to sort 18 pairs of socks, by having each player bring a mesh laundry bag with their name to use for washing and drying their kit. Put together a team bag and bring to games and out of town trips to be used for injuries, illness, and other unexpected events.  See Appendix E: Team Bag For younger teams or those just starting to travel, consider providing the players with a packing list for the trip.  See Appendix G: Example Packing List

Georgia Soccer Travel Guidelines:

Appendices Appendix A: Team Accounting Templates BANK REGISTER TO RECORD DEPOSITS AND PAYMENTS

Southern Soccer Academy - Team Banking Ledger

Current Balance

Team: Season: Check #



08/01/13 08/05/13 1000 08/15/13 1001 08/30/13 1002 9/1/2013 9/1/2013 9/5/2013 9/8/2013 9/8/2013 09/10/13 09/11/13 09/11/13



Beginning Bank Balance August Player Fees Atlanta Cup Coach XXX Region III August Player Fees Eurosport Cash Staples Red Robin Hilton Garden Inn Subway


16 players @ $190 each Registration fee Atlanta cup miles and per diem RPL registration fee 2 players @ $190 each Replica guest uniform Debit card Cash to pay Ref fees in Greemville Lamination of player passes Team dinner Greenville 18 players Five hotel rooms for boys + 2 chaperones Lunch after game 18 players


Balance Carry-Forward Previous PAID EXPENSES Atlanta Cup $723 Disney $2,485 RPL League Fee $625 Bank Fees $0 Team Equipment $0 TOTAL PAID EXPECTED EXPENSES Team Social Fundraiser 2 Indoor practice TOTAL EXPECTED

$0.00 $0.00 $100.00

Total Expenses INCOME Balance carried forward Aug Parent Deposit 08/15/13 Fundraiser 1 Deposit 08/30/13 Sept Parent Deposit 09/15/13 Oct Parent Deposit Nov Parent Deposit Dec Parent Deposit Total Income

Player 1

Player 2

Player 3

Player 4










40 $

40 $

40 $



138 $

138 $

138 $



35 $

35 $

35 $


















$ 212.94 $ 212.94 $ 212.94 $ 212.94


















6 $

6 $

6 $



5.56 $

5.56 $

5.56 $


$ 218.50 $ 218.50 $ 218.50 $ 218.50




190 $






190 $ $


3,040.00 380.00 -

Withdrawal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

595.00 190.00 625.00 120.00 120.00 8.00 274.00 605.00 144.00 -

Balance $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $


Southern Soccer Academy - Team Accounting Detail Total Players

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $



190 $



$ 380.00 $ 190.00 $ 380.00 $ 190.00

Current Player Balance


($22.94) $167.06


Predicted Final Player Balance


($28.50) $161.50


Example tracking sheet of player expenses paid and fees/income collected. This sheet works well when players pay on a per event basis e.g. academy teams, teams with minimal travel etc.

500.00 3,540.00 2,945.00 2,755.00 2,130.00 2,510.00 2,390.00 2,270.00 2,262.00 1,988.00 1,383.00 1,239.00 1,239.00

This tracking sheet is helpful for teams that have numerous out of town trips and want to provide parents with a monthly payment plan for budgeted expenses. This format allows adjustments for expenses not budgeted as well as adjustments for individual players.

Southern Soccer Academy - Team Accounting Detail Player

Player 1 Scheduled Paid

Player 2 Scheduled Paid

Player 3 Scheduled Paid

Fall Budgeted Expenses Aug-13 Sep-13 Oct-13 Nov-13 Dec-13

$ $ $ $ $

Other Expenses Not Budgeted Practice T Shirts $ Duffle bag $

190 190 190 190 190 10 $ 40 $

190 $ 190 $ $ $ $

190 190 190 190 190

$ $ $ $ $

10 $ 40 $

10 40

$ $

190 $ 190 190 190 190


10 40

Adjustments Car wash Fundraiser $



(30) $








Greenville food budget not used $



(25) $



(25) $




Total Payments YTD Balance (Due)

$ 1,000 $ $ (625)

375 $ 1,000 $ $ (1,025)

(25) $ 1,000 $ $ (865)


Appendix B: Shutterfly Team Site PERSONALIZE HOME PAGE


CREATE TEAM CALENDAR Post practices, games, reminders for payments etc. Parents can sync to google calendar.

SHARE MESSAGES Communicate to all team members by posting to the message board.

TRACK PLAYER AVAILABILITY Parents and players can mark their availability for upcoming events. Helpful for planning game reschedules and determining if a club pass player might be needed.

SHARE VIDEOS AND PICTURES All members of site can post pictures and videos for the full team to view. Parents can copy pictures or order prints from Shutterfly.

Appendix C: Georgia Soccer ADG System MY ACCOUNT PAGE


















Appendix D: Soccer Ranking Software

Youth soccer software supports the scheduling of tournaments, running of clubs and leagues as well as ranking of teams across North America. Team managers will use these tools on the internet during the season primarily for several purposes: : 1. Register team for tournaments and leagues (e.g., RPL, SPL, PLE) 2. Add guest players to roster 3. Access tournament game schedules 4. Record team results for ranking purposes There are several ways to obtain access to your team in both Soccer In College (SIC) and GotSoccer 1. Existing team - Team coach , Club administrator, or departing team manager can add the new manager to the account 2. New team - Contact the Club administrator who will create the team associated to the club and add both the coach and team manager to the account TEAM PAGE FROM SOCCER IN COLLEGE



 Soccer In College:  GotSoccer:

Appendix E: Team Bag

Team managers have learned over the years to be prepared at practices, games and out of town events for players to need various items unexpectedly. The solution is a team bag brought by the manager or an assigned parent. A rolling backpack works well. Suggested items to include: First Aid Kit with large plastic bandages for turf burns and "goalie knees", anti-bacteria cream etc. Something to treat blisters Muscle cream (Ben Gay, Icy Hot etc) Extra tape in white/royal blue (to hold elastic wrap or socks, cover blood on uniform etc. ) Several elastic wraps Advil, throat lozenges, antihistamine Ball pump and Gorilla glue (fix seams on soccer balls) Shoelaces (extra-long for cleats) Hair bands/elastics Saline Solution (for contacts or to clean wounds) Sunscreen Bug spray Chap stick One time ice packs Clear plastic trash bags (to place player's team backpacks in during rain, to sit on, to wear, to use as trash bag) Small sealing plastic bags (multitude of uses such as an ice pack, to hold player's jewelry, keep player passes dry in bad weather) Duct tape (can be used to hold cleats together in an emergency) Extra uniform kit/extra uniform socks/extra pair of shin guards (players are known to forget or lose these items come game time) Space blanket (has a reflective material on one side - to reflect the heat. Provides warmth on cold rainy days and keeps injured players warm). Small cooler filled with ice in zip lock bags (for injuries). Small washcloths can also be kept in bags in the cooler and used on a player's neck in the heat. Laundry detergent and dryer sheets


In order to maximize the performance of the players and ensure that all players are in a safe environment, the following behavior guidelines should be followed.


All players on the trip are expected to be polite, positive, well-mannered, cooperative, good sports, and respectful and considerate of others - those you encounter along the way as well as those with whom you are traveling.


While on the trip, the chaperones and the coach are the authority figures for the team. All players will display proper respect and obey the chaperones and coach. Players are expected to be prepared for their games and to stay with the team and/or in their assigned rooms at all times.


Players will refrain from any illegal or inappropriate behavior that would detract from a positive image of the team or be detrimental to its performance objectives.


The possession or use of alcohol or tobacco products by an athlete is prohibited. The possession, use, or sale/distribution of any controlled or illegal substance or any form of weapon is strictly forbidden.


The coach or chaperones will set a curfew time for lights out and all players will respect it. Room checks will be done by the chaperones. Late night behavior or leaving the room will not be tolerated except for an emergency.


In order to perform to their best ability, all players need adequate rest and food. Players must be responsible for their diets and take advantage of meal times. Each player may bring some money to spend on snacks for their rooms or during the trip.


There may be times when a player will be off without direct adult supervision. When this happens, one of the adults will expect to know where you are and when you will be back. When you are off without adult supervision, you will always be with a Buddy – NO ONE GOES ANYWHERE ALONE!! At the same time, it is always your responsibility to: • • •

Know how to find one of the adults Know when and where you are expected to be next Be there on time


Rooms, roommates, and van partners are assigned by the chaperones and coach so that everyone gets time with everyone else. Each chaperone will be responsible for one room. Each room will have up to four players with one player designated as the “room lead”. Room leads are responsible for: 

Making sure that everyone has a BUDDY when they leave the room

Getting roommates up on time for breakfast

Establishing shower schedules

 Making certain all curfews are met and all roommates are in the room before curfew. 

Communicating issues to the chaperone or coach.

Getting roommates to have their laundry bags ready

 games.

Getting roommates to get ready to meet schedules for van departure and

Getting roommates to dinner and other activities at set meeting times.

 found/SAFE.

Getting roommates to keep room organized so personal items can be


No member of the group belongs in rooms assigned to anyone else without the express permission of one of the adult chaperones. You will share in a variety of "housekeeping" tasks along the way such as keeping rooms organized, helping with laundry and team meals.


Study time will be provided during the school year rips. It is the player’s responsibility to use the time for study.


Players will allergies or medical needs, please let the chaperones know in advance and send any medicine authorized for the player with the player as carry-on and advise them on use These are not particularly difficult standards to live up to, and you would not be on the trip unless it was believed you would live up to them. Those who are unable to follow the guidelines, might be: • Dismissed from the trip and sent home at additional parent expense • Restricted from playing in one or more games • Disqualified from future team travel I agree to follow the behavior guidelines for the trip, and I understand the consequences if I do not live within them. I also understand that if I am sent home, I and my family will be liable for all expenses incurred as a result of that decision of the group leaders, including those incurred by any group leaders who must accompany me along the way. Player Signature ________________________________________

Parent Signature ________________________________________

Appendix G: Example Packing List

Appendix H: SSA Travel Expense Policy

Travel Expenses Policy Summary Policy: Balance club and team travel needs with coach, player and family satisfaction by using cost effective options without sacrificing safety and comfort or involving excessive time away. Purpose: • Ensure a clear and consistent understanding of the policies and procedures for travel • Explain requirements that promote the reasonableness of costs incurred for travel expense •

Ensure compliance with local regulations and/or tax laws

• Provide travelers with a reasonable level of service and comfort at the lowest possible cost Scope: This policy applies to all club executives, directors, coaches, staff, and players when traveling for club or team activities. Responsibilities: Board of Directors is responsible for approving any changes to the SSA travel policy. Operations manager is responsible for approving all executive, director and coach expenses related to SSA club activities. The exception is team related travel which will be submitted to team managers for review and approval. SSA personnel is responsible for making prudent travel decisions in compliance with policy, to keep costs within reasonable limits and to report expenses according to travel policy. Failure to comply with policy may result in the individual incurring personal charges and/or reduced reimbursement and may lead to disciplinary action. Team manager - It is the responsibilities of each team manager to preapprove, review, and authorize expenditures. Concerns related to team travel should be escalated to the Director of Coaching (DOS) for the associated SSA site. External auditor is responsible for providing SSA with guidance on changes to tax laws which could impact the treatment of reimbursable travel expenses. Preapproval for Travel Expenses 1. Club travel - All SSA executives, directors, coaches and staff (“SSA personnel”) are responsible for knowing and adhering to the SSA travel policies. When club travel is required, the employee should estimate the expenses and have

pre-approved by the appropriate SSA process owner prior to travel. •

Administrative staff expenses preapproved Operations Manager

• Coach expenses preapproved by their Program Director and Operations Manager • Director expenses preapproved by Director of Coaching and Operations Manager • Director of Coaching and board member expenses preapproved by Operations Manager and BOD 2. Team travel – Coaches traveling for a specific team event should estimate expenses and have pre-approved with the team manager prior to booking or incurring any travel expenses. Team Expenses for Practices and League Games 1. Transportation to team practices at the coach’s home fields is considered part of the coaches’ agreement with the club and expenses are not reimbursed. Transportation using a personal car to practices at alternative fields in excess of 100 miles (200 mile round trip) from the coach’s home field shall be reimbursed by the club using the standard mileage rate as allowed by the IRS.  Example: Mudcreek is the home field for an SSA Central coach. If they travel to Chestnut Log to conduct a practice the mileage would not exceed 100 miles each way and therefore is not reimbursed by the club. If the SSA Central coach had to travel to Harpeth Tennessee to conduct a practice the mileage would exceed 100 miles each way and therefore all the mileage for the round trip would be reimbursed by the club. 2. Transportation to league games in excess of 100 miles (200 mile round trip) from the coaches’ home field is a reimbursable expense covered by the team using the standard mileage rate as allowed by the IRS. Distances inside of 100 miles (200 miles round trip) are considered part of the coaches’ agreement with the club and expenses will not be permitted.  Example: Chestnut log is the home field for an SSA West coach. If they travel to Columbus GA to coach a game the mileage would be 105 miles one way. This exceeds the 100 mile policy and therefore the mileage would be reimbursed by the team at the standard mileage rate for 210 miles (105 *2). 3. Covered mileage expense using a personal car is reimbursable at the standard mileage rate as allowed by the IRS for the period travel occurred. This reimbursement is designed to cover the variable cost of operating a car. Gasoline is not reimbursable. Tournament and Special Event Expenses 1.

Tournament selection should be disclosed to the players and parents during

the tryout process to the extent possible. It is understood that opportunities will arise during the year to attend tournaments not initially planned for, however if a coach plans to take the team to 10 tournaments during the year, it is SSA’s position that they owe the parents that knowledge upfront. 2. All tournament selections shall be approved by the DOC. The DOC will publish, to the extent possible, a list of approved tournaments and provide to the coaches in advance of tryouts. In approving tournaments the DOC shall consider the age of the team and any local events that take place at the same time. 3. Teams shall be subject to the cost of reimbursement, upon presentation of the proper expense report, for one (1) coach related to attendance at a tournament. The club’s policies for these expenses are as follows: a. When the tournament or special event is a “local” event (with “local” defined as a tournament not requiring an overnight stay) the following expenses are eligible for reimbursement: i. Meals – up to a $20/day per diem. ii. Transportation – All tournament mileage will be covered by the team and reimbursed at the standard mileage rate as allowed by the IRS for the period travel occurred. b. When the tournament or special event is not “local” (that is requiring an overnight stay as determined by the coach and team manager) the following expenses are eligible for reimbursement: i. Hotel – Single occupant lodging at the tournament location will be reimbursed. The coach is expected to stay where the team is staying (payment by the team for additional persons in this room is not reimbursable). When traveling for the club rather then a specific team the reimbursable cost for lodging should be consistent with the US General Services Administration per diem for that city and state. ( i. Meals – up to a $40/day per diem. ii. Personal car use – If the tournament is less than 5 driving hours away, the professional coach is expected to travel by car, and mileage will be reimbursed at the standard mileage rate as allowed by the IRS for the period travel occurred. SSA personnel are encouraged to use the most economical means for travel (i.e., a rental car) when applicable. iii. Airline - If the tournament is more than 5 driving hours away, the professional coach will have the option to travel by air in the coach section. The coach is expected to make prudent use of the team’s funds when purchasing air travel. In those cases where air travel is a reasonable alternative, it is expected that the team manager will shop to secure the lowest fares possible in order to minimize the expense for all team members planning to travel by air.

iv. Rental car - Rental vehicles may be used when, in the opinion of the team manager and/or club operations process owner, this mode of travel is more efficient and more cost effective than air, rail travel, or other ground transportation. All rentals must be economy or compact class vehicles. v. Parking – Acceptable parking charges include fees charged at airports, hotels, and tournament locations. SSA personal should use economy parking at airports. c. The team manager is responsible for approving the team expenses submitted by the coach. If the team manager has a concern regarding coach expenses then the expense report should be escalated to the Director of Coaching for review and resolution. 4. The club will be subject to the cost of reimbursement for coach, director or other executive travel to tournaments or other special events which are not considered team specific travel. Preapproval is required in accordance with club policy. The expenses which are reimbursable are described in the club’s policies in item 3 above. 5. Travel expenses for a spouse or partner are not reimbursable as a club or team expense unless there is a management-approved event which includes spouse/partner participation and the expense has been pre-approved. 6. Other travel expenses are not reimbursable unless pre-approved (e.g., airport club memberships, fees for preferred seats and upgrades, excess baggage, personal vehicle repairs, health club fees, in room videos etc.) Expense Reimbursement 1.

Expenses must be submitted by SSA personnel on the approved club expense form with receipts attached. a. Expenses for team travel will be submitted to team manager for review and approval. b. Expenses for club (non-team) expenses will be submitted to SSA administrator for review and then to the appropriate SSA process owner for approval. 2. Expense forms and supporting receipts will be saved and made available to the club treasurer and/or external auditor if requested. 3. Payment will be made from the team account for team related travel and expenses and from the club account for SSA related expenses.

Allocation of Team Expenses 1. All team expenses e.g., coach’s expenses, tournament fees, transportation costs etc. should be equally shared by all members of the team even if a player elects not to travel to the event.

2. Team members are required to pay the team manager / account for their share of expenses prior to the event. If payment is not made prior to the event then the player is not eligible to play at the discretion of the team manager and coach. 3. If a coach takes two or more teams to the same event, the aggregated expenses for that event shall be shared equally by all teams. If teams are playing at different venues in the same event, then mileage will be allocated based on distances traveled for each team. Other Situations Expenses not specifically covered in this policy are a matter for discussion between the SSA personnel and the team manager or club operations process owner.

Team Manager’s Handbook

 Southern Soccer Academy 40 Whitlock Place • Suite 200 Marietta, GA 30064

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