THE LADDER Winter 2009

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THE LADDER Innovation in the Classroom

Los Angeles Unified School District Human Resources Division Career Ladder Office

A Magazine for and about Future Teachers Winter 2009

Teaching outside the lesson plan. Grace had asked her teacher 100 times to tie her shoes. It wasn’t until the 101st time that she realized Grace didn’t care as much about her laces as she did about someone taking time for her. That’s the priceless gift of personal attention an educator can give.

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THE LADDER A Publication of the Career Ladder Office Los Angeles Unified School District LAUSD Board of Education

First Rung

MĎŒnica Garcia, District 2, President Marguerite Poindexter LaMotte, District 1

Tamar Galatzan, District 3 Marlene Canter, District 4 Yolie Flores Aguilar, District 5 Julie Korenstein, District 6 Richard Vladovic, District 7 David L. Brewer III Superintendent of Schools James Morris Chief of Staff David R. Holmquist Chief Operating Officer

Vivian Ekchian Interim Chief Human Resources Officer Career Ladder Office 333 South Beaudry Avenue, 15th Floor (213) 241-4571 FAX (213) 241-8465 E-mail: THE LADDER Staff Steven Brandick, Director Shiwonda Sanford, Layout and Design Tiffany Thomas, Illustrator Gwenda Cuesta, Contributing Editor Steve Goin, Contributing Editor Randy Murphy, Contributing Editor Joseph Ryan, Contributing Editor

Cover photo by David Blumenkrantz

The publication of this magazine is funded by advertising revenue. Reproduction of any images without written consent is prohibited.

LAUSD and the City of Los Angeles are dynamic, constantly creating new challenges that need to be addressed. In this environment, innovation is a necessity and innovators are treasures. Without them, we would be trying to solve new problems with old solutions, never getting anywhere. But something fascinating about innovation is that it does not always require something new. Tried and true ideas can be used to address new conditions. For example, traffic can be alleviated using high-tech smart traffic signals, but one-way streets may be as effective. Metal detectors and state-of-the-art electronic surveillance can help lessen school violence, but this can also be done by dividing schools into small learning communities and by teaching basic principles of character and ethics. Innovators are the ones who can see the patterns and figure this all out. This edition of THE LADDER honors innovators and their innovations. The Career Ladder has been an innovator from the beginning. When it was initiated in 1994, there were two staff members, one coordinator and one clerk, to manage a program serving over 15,000 employees district-wide. Without innovation, the program would have collapsed before it even got started. The first and probably most important innovation was directed at the payment of scholarships and reimbursements for educational expenses. There was no way staff could cut checks for everyone who applied for assistance. The Career Ladder Office worked with the Payroll Branch and Information Technology to create a process by which payments could be made through the payroll system. As a result, hundreds of payments each month can be processed by one clerical person. This same system was adapted for BTS and subsequently it has been adopted by other divisions. Performance Assessments posed a different type of challenge. Back in 1995, the concept of Performance-based assessment was relatively new. We needed to develop an assessment system that would validate paraeducator experience and make a connection between that experience and teacher preparation. The

assessment would take place at school sites conducted by credentialed staff member and monitored by the administration. As large as the program was, it was not practical to expect all certificated district staff to take time out to attend an annual training. Remember, this was before webbased training. We had to create a system by which teachers and administrators could effectively assess Career Ladder participants without receiving instructorled training. The Performance Assessment documents were designed to be clear and self-explanatory, a concise set of instructions were developed and training was provided for program participants. As a result, Career Ladder Performance Assessments have been successfully implemented for fifteen years with minor changes every so often. Participants generally credit the assessment system for giving them focus in their career path and teachers and administrators appreciate that the process is effective without being time-consuming. In the past couple of years, the Career Ladder has tapped into electronic innovations. Just last year, paraeducators needed to wait for a Forum in order to learn about the program and apply. They can now do that online any day of the week. In addition, Performance Assessments and other Career Ladder forms may be downloaded online. This cuts costs by reducing the use of paper and utilizing staff time more efficiently. Innovations that create efficiencies are more important today than ever. Do you have one you’d like to share? If so, send an email to

Steven Brandick, Director


Bobby Canosa-Carr is an Assistant Principal at Roosevelt High School. Previously, he served as an Expert for LAUSD’s Secondary Literacy Branch and was a founding teacher at Orthopaedic Medical Magnet High School. He holds a Masters Degree from CSU Northridge and has studied at several other universities, including UC Berkeley, USC, and the National University of Ireland at Galway.

Elizabeth Garcia is a Central Secondary Science Expert for the Los Angeles Unified School District. In this position, she works with Secondary Science Specialists and Experts in the Local Districts and assists with training secondary science teachers to promote and model effective science teaching. She previously worked at Carson High School in LAUSD and taught in a Career Academy (Accelerated Teacher Career Academy) and was a lead facilitator in Immersion Unit trainings, oversaw the development of the High School Biology Immersion Unit and Biology Model Lesson development. She has a credential in biology and chemistry and a Masters Degree in Education with an emphasis in Technology.

During her 14 years of teaching for Sweetwater Union High School District, Maria Suggett entered the world of high school career academies. She currently serves on the California Department of Education’s Technical Assistance Committee for California Partnership Academies. She worked for the National Academy Foundation for five years before joining The Stock Market Game in 2005. She is passionate about teaching financial literacy to our youth, and believes that teachers benefit as much as their students by teaching the program.



12 Immersion Units for the Secondary Science Classroom



Stock Market Game

16 Literacy Li it ffor th the h 2 21st 1t Century


Friends of The Ladder



Paraeducator Profile


Book Review


Top of the Ladder


Career Ladder Policies

District Intern Program

ON THE COVER: Innovation in the Classroom The LAUSD Secondary Science Branch has trained over 650 teachers in Immersion Units. The high quality design of this professional development and curricula have created a buzz and excitement. Teachers’ enthusiasm for science teaching is rejuvenated by these units. In Kristi Hayes’s grade 6 classroom at Gage Middle School, students are engaged in an immersion experience that is compelling, engaging and unforgettable. (From L to R), Gage Middle School students Cristian Guijosa and Nancy Clarin.


FRIENDS OF THE LADDER The Career Ladder would like to recognize three Friends of The Ladder who have played a key role in the design of the Special Education Apprentice Training Handbook and contributed to a very successful Apprentice/Master Teacher “kick off “event at CSULA for the Los Angeles Apprentice Teacher Program. This innovative program is designed to prepare current LAUSD paraeducators who wish to pursue a future teaching career in secondary special education or mathematics. Dr. Diane Fazzi, Associate Chair, Division of Special Education and Counseling Coordinator, Orientation and Mobility Specialist Training Program; Deborah Pandullo, LAUSD Secondary Special Education Program Specialist, Support Unit East; Taryn Takaki, LAUSD Teacher Advisor, Division of Special Education.

Deborah Pandullo

Dianne Fazzi

Taryn Takaki

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“My goal is to become a teacher, and whatever it takes to make this a reality for me is a priority.” What classroom experience has motivated you to become a teacher?

Tell us about why you joined the Los Angeles Apprentice Teacher Program (LA-ATP)?

Recently, I was helping a young student who had a learning disability. He seemed embarrassed by this. I told him that there were many accomplished people with learning disabilities that have become very successful and that he just learned differently. After this talk, the student began doing his work and looked at his disability differently. I felt that I had been able to break down the barrier he had in terms of his ability to learn. This enabled me to better assist him and support him in being successful in the classroom. This was a very rewarding experience for me.

I joined the LA-ATP program to take advantage of the support provided to prepare me for a career in teaching. The Master Teacher is there with me for six hours a day. I am able to take on a different role in the class than that of a paraprofessional. This allows me to work with the students and observe how the classroom operates through a different lens. I will have an opportunity to learn teaching strategies with a hands-on approach.

What talents or traits do you bring to the profession? I am very optimistic. I come into the classroom with a good attitude, put my problems aside and this sets a positive tone for the students. I have patience. The students I work with have many challenges, and it’s important for them to know that I’m there to support them and assist them in being successful. What do you think is important for classroom management? I think that it is important to provide students with structure and to make sure they are engaged in instruction. They need to feel there is a purpose to the class lesson or assignment they are working on. A teacher needs to be firm and fair and not prejudge the students. Their needs are different, and the level of support and the accommodations necessary to support their classroom instruction are different for each student.

What do you think will be your greatest challenge as a new teacher? My greatest challenge will be time management. Going to school, working, and doing my homework is a balancing act. I definitely need to make good use of a daily planner and prioritize my tasks. My goal is to become a teacher. And whatever it takes to make this a reality for me is a priority.

Josue Josue Cruz Santee Education Complex



“The Career Ladder helps

paraprofessionals pay their tuition,” she explained.

When I first heard of the Career Ladder, I was on the verge of dropping out of college due to financial difficulties and my husband’s illness. I was the sole financial provider for a family of eight, and we were in debt. A coworker, who was a member of Career Ladder, asked if I would like to become a member. “The Career Ladder helps paraprofessionals pay their tuition,” she explained. I was pleasantly surprised that they did not ask for an entry fee or membership fee as some organizations do, so I joined and began my performance assessments. Each time I completed a higher level of performance assessment, I got more money for the units I took in college.

Ruth Nzegwu

During this time, my husband passed away, and I could not meet some deadlines with the Career Ladder. I was confused, but when I talked to Joe Ryan, he assured me that Career Ladder was there to help me. He patiently went over what I needed to do and my papers were processed. This was very encouraging and motivating. I applied for the Career Ladder Scholarship and I got it. With the Career Ladder Scholarship, financial aid and my salary, I was able to take care of the whole family. For my children’s sake, I was ready to quit college and take up odd jobs, but I did not have to because of the help of the Career Ladder.


In May of 2001, I was hired as a Special Education Trainee at Banneker Special Education Center. Though my husband has been gone for more than two years, my education continues because the Career Ladder was there for me. My children are all doing well in school and in the corporate world. I am almost done with my credential program and I will be glad to give back to the source that has given me so much more. Thank you Career Ladder. I will always be grateful to you because I would not be where I am in my education and career today if you had not been there to pull me through.




What’s Innovative and New with the District Intern Program? by Terri Kirkland, Ed. D.

If you are looking for a teacher credential program that is as adaptable to the changing times and needs of its students as it is innovative, look no further than the Los Angeles Unified School District’s District Intern (DI) Program. The DI Program offers accelerated courses for District Interns to earn a Preliminary and Professional Clear Credential in the following fields:

LAUSD paraprofessionals have always been a great fit with the DI Program. The skills and classroom experience that LAUSD paraprofessionals bring, make them outstanding teachers and a perfect fit with the DI Program!

What’s New?

What’s Innovative? The DI Program now The DI Program offers accelerated courses for employees to earn a Preliminary offers online courses. Currently, Credential. For general education teachers, the DI Program will allow you there is one online course available in to earn a Professional Clear Credential within three years! (One and a the DI Program, the Education Specialist half years of preparation for preliminary plus one and a half years for course, Classroom Management and clear). Special Education teachers are able to earn a Professional Clear Instruction. More courses are in development. Credential in three years (two years of preparation and one year of induction). Furthermore, Multiple Subject and Secondary Preparation Courses have a strong emphasis of The DI Program has long embedded cutting edge theories and technology integrated through their courses. Voices instructional practices with strategies for English Learners of Diversity, Advanced Classroom Management, and (EL), Standard English Learners (SEL), Student with Disabilities Integrating Standards, Curricula, and Assessment are (SWD), and gifted students while practicing the strategies in all implemented, submitted, revised, and evaluated their the classroom. Moreover, while many credential programs are assignments online. only beginning to implement culturally relevant and responsive educational (CRRE) strategies, the DI Program has been Seeking Effective Paraprofessionals following the research and implementing CRRE strategies for The DI Program wants you! The DI Program values the years and is ahead of the curve in providing culturally relevant experience and skills that paraprofessionals bring to the and responsive education to our diverse population of students. classroom and builds upon their experience to make them Additionally, interns are currently learning to integrate and highly qualified and effective classroom teachers. What are implement the concepts of Cooperative Learning and Academic you waiting for? Contact us today for more information! Language for students at all grade levels. DI Recruitment (213) 241-5581 or TOLL FREE at (800) One attractive aspect of the innovative design of the DI Program 832-2452 (TEACH LA) is that it is built around a teacher’s budget and demanding schedule. District Interns start with a six week, 240 hour orientation. The first four weeks are in-seat instruction and include two job fairs to assist Email: (General Education) teachers in locating a teaching position. The next two weeks consist of on-site training where teachers conduct their student teaching. (Special Education) Following orientation, there are approximately four mandatory eight hour Saturday trainings each year plus weekly classes. Weekday classes are generally held once a week from 4:30pm - 8:30 pm. Best of all, DI classes are FREE! Additionally, the DI Program collaborates with the Human Resources Division to assist interns in locating positions while earning their credentials.

Career Ladder der Online

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The Career Ladder website has a fresh new look. Please visit our website for future updates and exciting changes.

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The Stock Market Game Makes Financial Literacy Come Alive!


n classrooms across the country, students in grades four through twelve are learning firsthand about recent economic upheavals. With the current status of the economy and the collapse of many long-standing financial institutions, they are engrossed in collaborating with their fellow team members and making informed decisions and choices about their teams’stock portfolios. History is in the making and Stock Market Game students are active learners and participants while it is happening! What better time than now to teach valuable lessons of financial literacy? Current events bring economics to life and extend learning beyond the classroom walls. Innovation and creativity are at the very core of this FREE, relevant and engaging program. The Stock Market Game (SMG) is a comprehensive educational program based on a real-life simulation of the stock market. SMG teaches about the U.S. economic system while conveying and reinforcing basic concepts in economics, math, business, language arts, social studies, personal finance, and more. Since its inception in 1977, more than ten million students have participated in the program nationwide. In California, over 20,000 student teams participated in the 2007-2008 school year, up from 2,000 teams three years prior. “I’ve been using SMG for two years now. I teach economics at Downtown Business Magnets High School. I like it because it is totally comprehensive. It’s a great tool to teach exactly how the real markets work. It’s outstanding,” says Clark Jarrett, Teacher. Teachers register their students in teams of three to five students, who work collaboratively to grow a $100,000 virtual cash portfolio, and trade stocks, bonds, and mutual funds during a game window of 10-15 weeks. Students in the Los Angeles Unified School District compete with others in the greater Los Angeles area, in elementary, middle/ junior, or high school divisions. Student and teacher prizes are awarded at the end of the fall and spring games. An award ceremony is held in Los Angeles each spring for winners. As a culminating activity, the InvestWrite essay competition adds a literacy component to student learning. The Stock Market Game’s national and state-wide essay competition allows students to synthesize what they are learning during the trading simulation while strengthening their writing skills by responding to a realworld investing scenario. Securities industry judges score student essays, and state and national prizes are available to winners. Visit http://www.investwriteinfo/ for more information.

by Maria Suggett

The Stock Market Game provides registered teachers with a wealth of resources to help them implement the program in their classroom. Curriculum is differentiated according to grade level, and is correlated to six academic subjects in each grade. Background information for each lesson is provided to support teachers in learning how to teach economic concepts in an engaging and effective way. SMG can be taught by an individual teacher, or through interdisciplinary teams. Math Behind the Market is a free publication that is aligned with SMG core lessons and correlated to state and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) math standards. It is available to registered teachers in beginner, intermediate and advanced versions. “I have taught SMG for four years now to my fifth grade students, and they have moved from not knowing what a stock was to doing some pretty savvy trades. They start out with the retail stores that they are familiar with and end up buying stock in medical, banks (not now!) and mutual funds. It really opens their eyes to large amounts of money, which is part of the fifth grade curriculum. I have to admit that the prizes are also a great motivator for my kids,” says Roger Fike, Parthenia Elementary, Los Angeles. In 2007, the National Assessment of Educational Progress released the first ever Nation’s Report Card on Economics. The data show that using SMG improves high school student economics test scores by what is considered a “statistically significant”9 to 10 points above the average in all categories measured. Additionally, the Jump$tart Coalition’s most recent survey on personal financial literacy showed for the sixth time that participating in SMG is the only activity that raises personal financial literacy scores among high school students. In a first ever survey of college students, students who had participated in a stock market game in high school scored better than the average. Visit to learn more about this FREE program. Registration information, game dates, and curriculum can be found at the web site. For more information, contact Maria Suggett, Western Region Director, at or 646-942-3853.The Stock Market Game is supported by The SIFMA Foundation for Investor Education, a non-profit 501©3 headquartered in New York.


Books for Ms. McCaw Learns to Draw by Kaethe Zemach, Scholastic, 2008.

Sahara Special by Esme Raji Codell, Hyperion, 2003.

Ms. McCaw is a wonderful teacher who is particularly helpful to Dudley who has trouble in school. Ms. McCaw uses realia, books and diagrams and her students love her. But one day she is stuck. She just cannot figure out how to draw a face from the side. Finally, Dudley volunteers to help, and to everyone’s surprise demonstrates exactly what to do. In fact, he draws until the entire white board is covered, and Ms. McCaw announces that the rest of the day be “Dedicated to Drawing.”

“My name is Madame Poitier, Miss PWAH-tee-YAH. It rhymes with touche, a French word that means , ‘you got me.’ She smiled openly then, even though it was the first day of school. I had never seen a teacher do that before.” So begins Sahara’s

Grades K-3

A Book of Coupons by Susie Morgenstern. Puffin, 1999. Monsieur Noel is an old man who disappoints his students on the first day of school until he gives them all a present; a most innovative book of coupons. With a joyful spirit, this teacher sets the tone for a classroom where all students are loved and respected. Grades 3-5

Relevance, Relationships and Responsiveness by Cynthia McDermott

Innovation brings to mind inventions, creativity and new products that come about through team work and research. No environment challenges us to think on our feet like the classroom which presents us with an amazing array of personalities and skills. Staying on top of that challenge requires looking at things in new ways, adapting to change and remaining flexible. We all remember those teachers who challenged us, but also moved us to think differently and to grow as human beings. Staying innovative and fresh is a challenge since so many other day to day expectations can get in the way. Assessments, paper work and required tasks can often make us forget that the joy of the classroom comes about when growth and discovery occurs. As Kylene Beers states so well, “We’re teaching the millennium generationl; that group of kids who arrived at school as “digital natives” and have a new set of 3 Rs in mind: Relevance, Relationships, and Responsiveness.”

The Year of Miss Agnes by Kirkpatrick Hill. Simon and Schuster, 2000. The Year of Miss Agnes has won numerous awards for its enticing story. Set in rural Alaska and told from the point of view of Fred, the female narrator, we learn about Miss Agnes, the new teacher at a one room school house. For a change, the students now have a teacher who wants to be in their community, who loves to teach and who knows how to get students engaged in their school work. Miss Agnes loves art, music and geography and in the most unconventional ways gathers the hearts and minds of her charges and helps them see the value of learning. Grades 2-5

Yo u r R e v i e w fifth grade year with a most unusual teacher who creates a classroom where new ideas and new practices create success for students. Grades 3-6

In each of the books reviewed, the teachers do just that. And as a follow up to the last issue, moving toward innovation can be as simple as Problem Based Learning (PBL). Connect your students to the community and connect the community to your classroom by bringing in your neighbors to remind the students that a world of relevance and relationships exists outside of our classrooms. Here is an idea for a first step. Ask your students to think about a positive memorable moment that they had in school and have them write about it. As students share their stories, collect them on the board. They will probably remember the name of the teacher as well. Challenge the students to determine the key behaviors of those teachers (if you chose to read aloud some of the books we have reviewed you might use those teachers as models). This is the first step in determining the characteristics of memorable or innovative teachers. Next, ask the students what characteristics create a memorable teacher. As the class explores these ideas, your community of learners is creating a set of expectations that will help you in your efforts of building innovation and success into the classroom. And remember to have fun like those memorable teachers you had!

The Wright 3 by Blue Balliett, Scholastic, 2006 The Wright 3 is the sequel to Chasing Vermeer. In this art mystery woven around the Robie House built by famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright, the amazing team of Calder, Tommy and Petra set out to save the inevitable destruction of this classic home. Their sixth grade teacher, Ms. Isabel Hussey, is a strong advocate of the arts and as the story begins, the class is about to study architecture. But the news story about the demolition of the Robie House prompts Ms. Hussey to encourage her students to investigate all they can about the home. Secrets and mysterious events continue as Ms. Hussey continues to prod her students into real life investigations using her creative and thoughtful methods. Grades 4-8

The Whistling Season by Ivan Doig. Harcourt, 2006.

Beers, K. (retrieved September 30, 2008)

It’s the late 1950’s and Paul Milliron, the narrator of the tale, is about to make a decision about the fate of Montana’s one room schoolhouses as the superintendent of schools.Paul himself was schooled in such a place and spends much of the novel reflecting about his experience in 1909 and his un-conventional teacher, Morris. “If only I could bottle it for every teacher…the fluid passion Morris put into those class hours.” This advanced novel will be well appreciated by readers who enjoy historical fiction.

Ages 15-adult 11

Immersion Units for the Sec


hat makes things float? What causes the landforms that we see? How fast are “Fast Plants?” How do populations physically change or stay the same? These are questions that are the basis for the middle and high school Science Immersion Units designed to engage LAUSD students in scientific thinking. The Immersion Units are more than activity-based science. They provide students with in-depth handson experiences and opportunities to formulate evidence based explanations about scientific phenomena. All of the units begin by getting students to wonder about the natural world. Research on learning strongly suggests that to build a deep foundation of understanding, teachers must provide opportunities for students to connect concepts and facts, engage prior knowledge, and allow for metacognitive reflection. (How People Learn, 2004). The Immersion Units embody these principles and are designed with an


effective instructional model called the 5E Inquiry Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate). For an idea to stick, it must be grounded in experience. Students are immersed in an experience that is unforgettable! For the last four summers, the Secondary Science Branch has trained over 650 teachers. The high quality design of the professional development and curricula have created a buzz and excitement. Teachers’ enthusiasm for science teaching is rejuvenated by these units which has positively impacted scores on 10 to 14 thousand students collectively each year. While this may not be definitive evidence of the program’s success, the California Subject Matter tests in science increased by 12% on average across Local Districts. The following are comments from teachers who have taken these trainings: “Great training, I can’t wait to implement it!”

“Was a good inquiry leaning experience. The 5E model will make it easier to do.” “I’m less intimidated by inquiry. It actually feels doable not overwhelming.” “Lots of good ideas and I appreciated the chance to experience it as a student.” “Effective constructivist lessons teach one concept at a time. The concepts are simple and clear.” I recently spent a day in Kristi Hayes’s grade 6 classroom at Gage Middle school. During the transition time from math to science the noise level went up briefly. Ms. Hayes, a seasoned teacher of 5 years, clapped her hands. Students responded in near synchrony with a choral clap and within less than 5 seconds she had eye contact and the full attention of 36 pre-adolescent, energetic, young minds. Ms. Hayes is a compelling teacher and effective in getting her students’ engaged in

by Elizabeth M. Garcia

condary Science Classroom instruction with the 5E Inquiry Model. The atmosphere was positive and the students were eager to learn. In the corner of the room are stacked plastic bins, labeled by geographic location: Chile, Pacific Northwest, Japan, Mariana Islands, Himalayas, Iceland, Sumatra/Andaman Islands, and Alaska. Each is an interesting seismological region of the world. They began the unit by building these models of the earth with recyclable materials and assorted supplies that they brought from home. The process of model building gives students a strong foundation to build upon. As the unit progresses, they move from a concrete to an abstract set of experiences and accumulate evidence from the various lessons. They revise their models over the course of the unit to gain knowledge and solidify new concepts. Ms. Hayes sets the timer and the students eagerly scramble to get their models. Today, students observe

different landforms on the surface of the earth, look at seismometer readings, document earthquake damage and ascertain patterns that exist regarding the proximity of earthquakes to volcanic eruptions. Students add volcanoes and other landforms and mark their models with earthquakes to look for patterns. When asked about the features on a model, students are able to use it to explain the relationship of topography to seismic activity. I feel a connection to the group that is putting Alaska together because I was trained by building the Pacific Northwest model. They are excited as I share my experiences and tell them that they can access video cams of their region to see if there is volcanic activity. Ms. Hayes says that the students are very receptive to this curriculum and that common experiences level the playing field for the whole class. Every student is engaged in the lesson. Ms. Hayes’s ability to engage students

in instruction is supported by a highly structured classroom which embeds instructional strategies that maximize opportunities for students to share their ideas with each other. Ms. Hayes comments, “It has shown me that science instruction needs to be a well-rounded conceptual experience.” She believes that the best thing about immersion is that it allows the students to completely invest in science. She can now structure science learning using an instructional model that engages students by allowing them to explore and formulate their own explanation based on scientific evidence and concrete experiences. Ms. Hayes explains, “The immersion experience has transformed my thinking about teaching and has taken the focus off of me. I am now the facilitator in the classroom.” Students take ownership in their learning.

continued on next page


Dissecting Immersion Unit The Immersion Units are designed to support teachers in providing deep conceptual learning for their students. In order to accomplish this monumental challenge, a partnership, SCALE-QED (System-wide Change for All Learners and Educators & Quality Educator Development), has been formed between LAUSD teachers, science experts and specialists, institutes of higher education and curriculum experts based at the University of Madison in Wisconsin. SCALE-QED’s mission is to impact the LAUSD organization in a manner that would be transformative.

Reflective practices about instruction are modeled at every level of this partnership. The outcome of the Professional Development Study Group is a structure for professional development that is grounded in supporting students to learn science concepts and processes. This structure is now known as SCALE Immersion Model for Professional Learning (SIMPL) (Baxter & Lauffer, 2007). See figure below

The goal is to impact teachers at every point in their teacher training, through both pre-service education courses and in-service professional development, as well as encourage and instill a common vision of what effective science teaching and learning looks like. A cadre of leadership, of which Ms. Hayes is a part, has been developed over the last four years using a guided structure called the Professional Development Study Group. The philosophy that underpins the cadre’s goal is as follows: • The work is guided, informed, and adjusted by evidence about what is best for supporting learners; • All learners deserve an opportunity to develop deep conceptual understanding of science content by engaging in scientific habits of thinking; • Focused K-2 collaborative processes are valuable professional learning opportunities for science educators; • Building cross-institutional professional science education communities that can effectively support teachers, both preservice and in-service.

It is a professional learning model for taking time to work together to understand both what is taught in the Immersion Unit AND why it is designed to support effective teaching and learning. It is this model for professional development that really makes the Immersion Units work. Teachers are not just told how to teach, but experience the 5E model of teaching themselves. In essence, teaching the 5E model supports teaching science through experience. The immersion experience lays the foundation for students to become scientifically literate and to use the processes of scientific inquiry to formulate evidence-based explanations that demonstrate that they truly understand how to make rational claims using evidence, logic and reasoning.

Transformation of teacher training is evident in classrooms throughout LAUSD. How high quality curriculum and professional development impact positively on student instruction exemplified by her classroom. Data from periodic assessments show science scores doubling and similar trends are visible in 8th grade CST science scores. SCALE-QED is funded by a Department of Education and National Science Foundation grant and Immersion Units were developed and disseminated through a partnership between LAUSD, California State University, Dominguez Hills and University of Wisconsin.

References Baxter, H., & Lauffer, D. (2007, October). The SIMPL approach to science education reform. Unpublished manuscript. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin Center for Education Research. McNeill, K. L. & Krajcik, J. (in press). Teacher instructional practices to support students writing scientific explanations. In Luft, J., Gess-Newsome, J. & Bell, R. (Eds.). Science as inquiry in the secondary setting. Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.


literacy for the 21st century: by Bobby Canosa-Carr

n schools across the country, teac teachers are writing new classroom rules to discourage the growing trend rule of students using iPods and other electronic devices in class. In one classroom at John Adams Middle School, however, the growing prominence of these gadgets is getting a very different response. English teacher John Chavez believes the use of technology is something to be praised, not punished. When Chavez paces his classroom, he’s not holding chalk or whiteboard markers. Instead, he carries ies a 30-gigabyte video iPod, loaded oaded not with his favorite playlists,, but with instructional resources. Chavez considers the iPod his most ost powerful teaching tool.

session, the presenter played a video about technology and the 21st century called, “Did You Know?” By listing factoids about the current use of technology and the growing role of technology in coming years, the video reshaped Chavez’ thinking about the needs of his students. Chavez learned that the original version of this video was created for professional development at a small high school in Colorado. Within two years of

being posted on the Internet, the video had been viewed more than five million times. Chavez began wondering how his students could harness the power of technology.

One of the most interesting elements of Chavez’ technology integration is that his students hardly notice. “iP “iPods are just a part of life for m my students,” Chavez said. “To them, this is normal.” The They never wonder why C Chavez uses these tools; they wonder why more teachers don’t. According to Chavez, the integration of te technology allows teache teachers to move some traditional tea teaching practices into the 21st cen century. It is nothing new, for exa example, to have students tak take on the role of literary critic critics, evaluating the texts that they read. But, in addition to having students write about literature, Chavez’ students create podcasts. Students record their reviews as audio files and share them with peers in class simply by plugging speakers into the iPod.

He agreed to be one of 30 teachers to pilot LAUSD’s new curriculum for 8th grade English classes. As a part of the pilot process, Chavez helped the Secondary Literacy Branch develop

Chavez looks forward to the day when his students will post their podcasts online, generating conversations about literature that might literally reverberate around the globe.

“It’s versatile,” he said. “I can play audio files, video files, show ow images, even record the conversations ations going on in class.” For Chavez, the most important skill a student learns in an English class is to communicate effectively, “so why wouldn’t we use these communication tools that most students use on a daily basis anyway?” he said. Chavez wasn’t always so convinced about technology’s possible contribution to the classroom. However, he began rethinking technology’s role in the classroom a little over a year ago at a professional development retreat organized by LAUSD’s Secondary Literacy Branch. In one particular

units that embraced 21st century literacies, using technology. He and the other pilot teachers were each supplied with a technology bundle that included an iPod, a set of speakers, a ViewSonic ViewDock LCD projector (capable of displaying files directly from the iPod, without the use of a computer), and a special microphone that plugs into the iPod, turning it into a digital voice recorder.

by Karen De Leon

by Dalia Galdamez

In a recent lesson, Chavez introduced his students to the research of Stanford psychology professor Carol S. Dweck. His students were studying the motivations of characters in narratives, and Dweck has a lot to say about human motivation. In fact, Dweck’s writings, including her best selling book, Mindset, provide a foundation for the 8th grade ELA curriculum that Chavez implements. Dweck’s research suggests that people can be classified according to what she calls mindset. Those with “growth mindsets” embrace

challenges and are not intimidated by the possibility of failure; those with “fixed mindsets” tend to shy away from challenges, and as a result, are often slow to develop new skills. Dweck suggests that, by learning about mindsets, those with fixed mindsets will begin shifting toward growth mindsets. While the idea of teaching advanced psychological concepts to 8th graders might seem innovative enough, Chavez doesn’t stop there. It is the way in which his students learn these concepts that is truly innovative.

by Ashley Jerez

The 8th grade curriculum calls for students to “read” three texts about mindset. The first is a traditional article called “You Can Grow Your Intelligence.” The second is an “audio text”—an NPR interview with Dweck, downloaded from the Internet and played for students using Chavez’ iPod and a set of speakers. The third is a “visual text”—a graphic representation of the two mindsets incorporating elements of what the Secondary Literacy Branch terms visual rhetoric. There are colors, arrows, and icons. Chavez said, the

students exercise higher order thinking skills—like analysis, synthesis and evaluation—when reading each of these texts. This approach, Chavez said, allows “students to learn to read in different ways. The beauty of visual and auditory reading can be just as rigorous as reading the printed word.” Chavez also pointed out that, for the English Learners that comprise the majority of his classes, visual text serves as a scaffold, helping them to practice thinking about complex concepts

by Yessica Salgado

by Isabel Lozano

without being limited by their language development needs. “There’s just no way I’d be able to address the needs of these students in this way without the technology,” Chavez said. “It’s not the technology itself that’s valuable; it’s the way it opens the door to learning.” Chavez believes that technology has revolutionized the way we communicate in our personal lives and in most workplaces.

“If there were a corporate office that tried to be competitive without integrating e-mail, the Internet, and other communication technologies, I don’t think anyone would expect it to succeed,” said Walter Weronka, who handles technology issues for the District’s Secondary Literacy Branch. “John [Chavez] is a great example of an educator who understands how to be successful in the 21st century.”

BEST PRAC TICES The Career Ladder Office would like to publish your best practices in THE LADDER magazine. This could be a picture of the classroom that shows the results of an excellent activity or an actual write up of a stellar approach to teaching. The write up could be as simple as the steps that are required for an outstanding lesson or a narrative of an exceptional activity that impacted the students. We do not want to limit your responses and welcome ideas that are also outside the box.

To submit your best practices, email Steve Goin at:

LAUSD Career Ladder HONORS Paraeducators and Teachers

The LAUSD Career Ladder is now accepting nominations for its 2009 Paraeducator of the Year Awards. The winners will receive a $300.00* stipend and recognition plaque. This year the awards include the following categories:

Early Childhood Paraeducator of the Year


Paraeducator of the Year Special Education Paraeducator of the Year Teacher of the Year (Honoring Career Ladder Alumni) Nomination process: 1) Complete the Nomination form located at “Para of the Year 2009 Nomination Form” 2) Attach a one page (maximum) essay which demonstrates why the nominee is exceptional. The Selection Committee is looking for individuals who embody one or more of the following attributes: y Inspire students of all backgrounds and abilities to learn. y Communicate well with students, staff, parents and other community y Actively participate in professional development y Contribute innovative and unique strategies that provide for quality education y Have a unique quality that makes them invaluable to the school community 3) Nominations are due by 5 pm on Friday, January 16, 2009 Please submit the nomination form and essay to us via fax (213Ͳ241Ͳ8465), school mail: Career Ladder Office, 15th Floor, Beaudry Bldg. or email: The winners, their nominators and a guest are entitled to free registration for the Awards Luncheon on Sat. April 25, 2009 at CSULA Golden Eagle. * Monetary awards donated by sponsors.

NOMINATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED ONLINE: “Para of the Year 2009 Nomination Form”

Due by 5:00 pm Friday, January 16, 2009 19


S EEKING F UTURE S ECONDARY S PECIAL E DUCATION AND M ATHEMATICS T EACHERS Apprentice Teachers work in the classroom under the supervision of a Master Teacher while attending CSULA to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree and/or Teaching Credential. Special Education :




x x

6 hour/day position Employees maintain current employment status BA and/or Special Education Credential Program

x x

Paraeducators will transfer into a 3 hour position Mathematics Major not required Strong interest in mathematics

LA-ATP Program Highlights: x

Pays $3000 annual scholarship at the beginning of each school year


Offers rigorous classroom preparation by Master Teacher


Makes available information to access up to $52,750 in student loan forgiveness


Provides specialized CSET preparation at no cost


Offers hiring preference with LAUSD

Qualifications: x x x x x

Minimum 2 years classroom experience as a paraeducator Maintain 2.75 GPA Passed CBEST (Strongly recommended) Completion of General Education Requirements Eligible for enrollment at CSULA as a Junior or higher For more information and to obtain an application contact: LAUSD Career Ladder (213) 241-4571 Special Education: Mathematics:

Applications for Spring 2009 due January 15, 2009 20

Scholarship TALK

Question: How many scholarship participants received the 2007-2008 academic year? Answer: The Career Ladder is proud to announce that participants completed their teaching credentials Additionally, 90% were hired for the 2008-2009 academic year.

credentials 51


scholarship this year.

Question: How does this graduate success rate reflect on the Career Ladder services and programs? Answer: First, the high percentage of newly hired teachers reflects the Human Resource Department’s investment and commitment to sponsor the scholarship program and support its graduates. Statistically, over 85% of Career Ladder graduates remain teachers after 5 years vs. the national average of 46%. Second, the high number of Career Ladder graduates who are hired annually as teachers represents school site administrators’ high regard for credentialed individuals seeking teaching positions. Question: What’s new that Career Ladder Scholarship recipients need to know? Answer: For anyone who has recently checked out the Career Ladder website home page, readers will note that new scholarship participants are expected to attempt the CBEST test within six months of becoming a participant. This expectation is based on Career Ladder statistics showing that scholarship participants who have attempted the CBEST test are 55% more likely to succeed and complete a credential than those who wait until they are accepted into a credential program.

Joe Ryan

Joe Ryan is the Career Ladder Specialist who oversees the Career Ladder Scholarship (formerly known as the CSPTTP Scholarship). He also advises participants about teacher credentialing options and informs individuals about additional financial aid options.




ALREADY A CAREER LADDER MEMBER? Now that you’ve submitted your Career Ladder Membership Application, what’s next?

A Career Ladder staff member will call to welcome you within one week. If you have not heard from us, and have questions, please call us.

Complete Performance Assessment #1 and submit it to the Career Ladder Office. Please note: PAs are cumulative and must be completed one by one, in order from 1 to 4. You must wait until one is approved to send another one in, to assure the correct format.

Explore your financial assistance options (Career Ladder Scholarship OR Tuition Reimbursement). You may choose to apply for either one, but not both.

Submit paperwork for either Career Ladder Scholarship OR Tuition Reimbursement. Give us a call if you have any further questions (213) 241-4571.




L ADVISEM The Career ENT Ladder On-C am participants. pus Advisors are available You do not to Career La need to be advisement. dder enrolled at These adviso the school to rs can help gu On-Campus ide you on th seek Advisor and e schedule an right path. C recent copy of appointment. all all college tran Be sure to br an scripts. ing a On-Campu

s Advisors

CSUDH Cal State Univer sity, Domin Undergradua guez Hills te/Graduate/Li beral Studies Nancy Maruy and TED ama (310) 24 3-3832 CSUN Cal S tate Univer sity, Northri Undergradua dge te students ca ll (818) 677-33 Graduate stud 00 ents call (818 ) 677-3002 CSULA Cal State Univ Maria Wiggins ersity, Los Angeles (323) 343-43 42 King Hall, Roo m D-2078 mwiggin@cals CSULB Cal State Univer sity, Long B Jan Condou (5 each 62) 985-1765 Education 1, Room 64 condouj@csul Liberal Studie s Dept., AS-12 2 (562) 985-42 28 www.ced.csu

23 3

BECOME A MEMBER Provides FREE/LOW-COST clinic services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community Birth Control Hepatitis B Vaccinations Pregnancy Testing

GPA REQUIREMENTS Career Ladder participants need to be aware that there is a grade point average (GPA) requirement for entrance into teacher education programs at all universities. Anyone with a GPA below 2.75 requesting tuition reimbursement will be required to see a Career Ladder On-Campus Advisor about their options before tuition reimbursement is approved.

HIV Testing Emergency Contraception STD Testing

APPLICATION Career Ladder participants are LAUSD employees in Bargaining Units B or F with one of the following educational goals: • completion of 60 units • an Associate of Arts degree • a degree that will lead to a job in teaching, counseling, or school psychology, or • a teaching credential To become a member, please visit JOIN NOW on our website at:

For clinic locations, interpreter services, or more information contact:

GLAD Health Education Dept. (323) 478-8000 Voice/TTY (323) 550-4226 TTY



FOREIGN EVALUATIONS OF TRANSCRIPTS Career Ladder participants who have completed the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree or higher are charged $25 to have their foreign transcript evaluated. For an application or for more information, call the Career Ladder Office. BECOME A TEACHER: HIRING ASSISTANCE The Career Ladder offers hiring assistance and guidance to participants who have earned a teaching credential and completed Performance Assessments #1 through #4. PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS Performance Assessments (PAs) are used to verify proficiency in performance areas related to teaching. Completion of PAs is a requirement for movement from one Ladder Level to the next. Completed PAs, along with the number of units completed at a college or university, determine Ladder Level and the amount of Tuition Reimbursement awarded. Please remember the following: * PAs are only accepted one at a time and in order. * PAs are required to receive Career Ladder support for test-preparation reimbursement, scholarship awards, and hiring assistance. * PAs must be submitted and approved 2 weeks prior to the tuition reimbursement deadline to apply for the ladder level. * Performance Assessments can be obtained online at: DownloadForms/tabid/86/Default.aspx.


Santa Monica College CBEST Prep (310) 434-3400


TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Tuition reimbursement is given to Career Ladder participants for courses leading to a degree or credential for which a grade of C or better is received. The amount of tuition reimbursement is determined by both the Ladder Level of the participants and the number of units successfully completed in a particular semester or quarter. NOTE: Any Level 3, 4, or 5 participant who takes a community college course will be reimbursed at Level 2 amounts. In order to receive a prompt tuition reimbursement, the following must be submitted and approved prior to the deadlines: * Tuition Reimbursement Request Form (complete); * Current unofficial transcripts signed by a campus advisor OR official transcripts; * Completed Advisement Form (if necessary); The reimbursement rates and deadlines for tuition reimbursement are listed.





- Completed B.A. or B.S. - Enrollment in a Teacher Education Program

Completed Performance Assessment #4 - Delivery of a lesson plan prepared by teacher and participant


- 90 semester or 135 quarter units completed

Completed Performance Assessment #3 - Introduction to Lesson Planning - Instructional Assistance


- 60 semester or 90 quarter units completed - University enrollment - Declaration of credential to be pursued

Completed Performance Assessment #2 - Behavior Management - Student Supervision


- 12 semester or 18 quarter units completed

Completed Performance Assessment #1 - Knowledge of Programs and Policies - Communication Skills - Basic Classroom Organization


- High School Diploma

CBEST REIMBURSEMENT The Career Ladder offers reimbursement for current CBEST registration fee, up to two times, to participants at Ladder Level 2 or above. CBEST Test Reimbursement forms are available online: TuitionReimbursement/tabid/68/Default.aspx.




December 31, 2008

FALL 2008

March 31, 2009


May 31, 2009

All forms are available for download from the Career Ladder website:




7 or more


9 or more


$30.00 per unit

$60.00 per unit

$20.00 per unit

$40.00 per unit


$25.00 per unit

$50.00 per unit

$17.00 per unit

$33.00 per unit


$20.00 per unit

$40.00 per unit

$13.50 per unit

$26.50 per unit


$8.00 per unit

$10.00 per unit

$5.50 per unit

$7.00 per unit


$5.00 per unit

$7.00 per unit

$3.50 per unit

$4.75 per unit




333 South Beaudry Ave., 15th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017


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