Sandra Schwartz
Bachelor of Science in Architecture | University of Maryland 2009
research studio
body | form | space | architecture fall 2008 - present Rockville Car Museum spring 2009 Bethesda CoHousing fall 2008 Solar Pavilion spring 2008 Modern Art Museum fall 2007
digital media
Algorithmic Process - Typeface fall 2009 Parametric Process - Ornament fall 2009 Event Mapping fall 2009
Wood Sculpture spring 2008 Calatrava Color Study summer 2008
travel beyond school
Italy sketchbooks summer 2008 AIAS/AARP Livable Community Design Competition Entry winter/spring 2008/09
body | form | space | architecture
ARCH 479: Independent Study in Architecture, Fall 2008 Michael Ambrose, Assistant Professor
This study of the corporeal metaphor is an ongoing research project that began fall semester of my senior year as an Independent Study with Assistant Professor Michael Ambrose. This study was designed to utilize different media to ultimately model through digital fabrication, the human body and its general form related to a spatial experience. Trials were conducted to investigate the sensory experience of the body in motion and establish the architectural implications of corporal/formal translation. Different media such as drawing and photography (still and motion) were explored as ways to diagram and abstract the body in motion. These abstractions were turned into a large-scaled installation, currently located in the Architecture Building at the University of Maryland, integrated within the structure and positioned along a main thoroughfare.
The process took form from lines of motion de�ined by the movements of joints in the human body. Joints were treated as points that could be traced over time in different motion patterns, such as walking or running. The path of the joints created lines translated into surfaces representing the spatial quality of a particular motion. The volume made of the surfaces juxtaposes the motion of the different movements, walking and running.
Sandra Schwartz | research
Sandra Schwartz | research
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materials_1 day
prep_4 weeks fabrication_6 hours
installation_14 hours
Sandra Schwartz | research
Thomas L. Schumacher Car Museum
ARCH 403: Studio IV, Spring 2009 Jennifer Carney, Lecturer
The rolling hills of the Rockville Civic Center contain a mansion, dating from the 1800’s, a small theater, and a nature center. The grounds are used for both private and public events year round ranging from weddings and school �ield trips, to the Annual Antique Car Show that transforms the large grassy area just east of the mansion into an outdoor gallery. This car museum was designed so that it is symbiotic with the existing landscape. The existing service road provides access to the second �loor garage, while the public ascends from the parking lot and path just west of the museum. An extension of an existing path and the addition of trees, provides a sense of enclose to the large �ield, as well as an entryway to the Car Museum patio.
This verticality is emphasized within the museum, as visitors climb stairs to the elevated main gallery. From within the gallery, visitors can look out onto the grounds from the north facing upper gallery, and visitors and staff enjoy the shaded hills on the south side.
The museum functions similarly to the Civic Center, as the spaces within it can be transformed depending on the events.
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Partners: Sandra Schwartz and Anthony Maiolatesi
18” x 24” pencil on paper
Sandra Schwartz | studio
pencil and watercolor on paper
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Plans and Elevation: pencil and watercolor on paper
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Urban CoHousing
ARCH 403: Studio III, Fall 2008 Beyhan Trock, Lecturer
Neighborhoods allow for a place to live both as an individual and as a member of a larger community. Co housing seeks to incorporate this into a collective unit where residents are active in the design and operation of their own neighborhood. The design allows for individual spaces as well as encourages social contact.
This assignment was a collaborative effort, re�lective of the structure of co housing. Given three units of co housing apartments on a long block in a downtown urban context, each unit must address the individual needs of the residents through apartments, the collaboration between units through shared facilities such as libraries, dining rooms and event spaces, and address the needs for the site in context through scale and retail.
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Bethedsa, Maryland
CoHousing Block: Sandra Schwartz (1), Ahmed Zaman (2), and Ina Kovacheva (3)
Sandra Schwartz | studio
0’ 2’
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Solar Pavilion
ARCHITECTURE 401: Studio II, Spring 2008 Nick Mansperger, Lecturer, Design Collective
Within the parameters of a 20ft by 20ft cube, four college students need to have areas for study and areas of gathering. To facilitate this separation are interior windows. This changing system allows for a dialogue between the different zones, whether privacy is needed. In response to the cold climate of Minneapolis, MN, louvers in the windows direct light into the bedrooms during the day, and direct heat rising from the thermal �loor at night. Though separated through privacy, the bedroom areas feed off of the south facing functional gathering space, making this house work as an entity within its context.
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Modern Art Museum
ARCH 400: Studio I, Fall 2007 Steven Hurtt, Professor. Liz Maeder, Graduate Assistant
This early design project involved designing within an existing column grid. The �low of the museum was determined by how the wall and columns were treated. Different spatial arrangements of the columns and walls were set up to create dynamic spaces, which visitors could refrence as they moved through the galleries.
Sandra Schwartz | studio
Allowing the process to drive the outcome, this exploration of a typeface involved creating algorithms that translate 2-d geometry into 3-d form. The designed algorithm therefore retains the topologies of the 2-d source material making the resultant form capture the essence of the geometric system. In my process the resultant form uses the geometries in a way that the source material is no longer legible as a typeface.
a b
ARCH 470: Explorations in Digital Media Fall 2009 Carl Lostritto, Lecturer
Algorithmic Process - Typeface
Sandra Schwartz | digital media
Parametric Process - Ornament
ARCH 470: Explorations in Digital Media, Fall 2009 Carl Lostritto, Lecturer
This series of translations explored a source geometric pattern. The geometry was broken down into a single block that repeats itself endlessly. Within theis block, the 2-d geometry was translated into a 3-d module giving spatial implications that break from the Euclidian planarity. This translation was then parametrically controlled so that the generated forms varied based on their position on the surface. In this controlled surface the source material became a starting point taken in both directions to the extremes. In the next translation the effects of the resultant surface were modeled. This process of fabrication combined the act of cutting with pinching to form a volumetric space combining digital output with tacticle manipulation.
Sandra Schwartz | digital media
Sandra Schwartz | digital media
Event Mapping
ARCH 470: Explorations in Digital Media, Fall 2009 Carl Lostritto, Lecturer
This project was an exploration in transmutational architecture incorporating mapped data. A space that is designed for speciďż˝ic events can have both events occuring simultaneously along with a new “mediumâ€? event in which both otherwise extremely different events can participate.
The two events of bowling and Thanknsgiving were each evaluated and isolated within the same parameters and space. The path of the main object; the bowling ball and the turkey, was traced. Each trial was systematically altered by changing the variable, the weight of the object, to produce a range. There was overlap in that each event has been taken out of their contextual settings and each procedure occured in the same volume resulting in different paths of light.
Sandra Schwartz | digital media
ARTT: 333 Elements of Sculpture: Wood and Mixed Media, Spring 2008 Foon Sham, Professor
Left page: This 5ft tall sculpture is a study of positive and negative space, and how to represent, and add a spatial quality to the face/vase �igureground illusion. Using art as an expression of process, the cuts were made only once through long strips of wood, as each side became either the positive or negative. No glue was used to hold this project together, only pegs and gravity. Right page: Exploring the geometric properties of a cube
Sandra Schwartz | art
Color Study, Exterior/Interior Space
ARCH 343: Advanced Drawing, Summer 2008 Courtney Miller Bellairs, Senior Lecturer
This set of paintings explores the notion of metaphor within architectureal space through the use of color. The repetative structure of the hallway and the smoothness of the materials in Santiago Calatrava’s Milwaukee Museum of Art, parallel the structure and smooth petals of a �lower. In this project the color palette of a �lower was placed into the Museum’s white walls and re�lective �loors.
Calatrava Color Study, 24� x 14� watercolor on paper
Sandra Schwartz | art
ARCH 448r and ARCH478o: Visual Analysis and Architectural Representation Summer 2008 Michael Ambrose, Assistant Professor, Issac Williams, Assistant Professor and Mark Ramirez of Square 134 Architects, Lecturer
A six week summer study abroad studying the methodology for design analysis, represented in two- and three- dimensional diagramming and investigating different types of medium and viepoints in drawing representation and visual communication.
Sandra Schwartz | travel
Sandra Schwartz | travel
A Model For Aging in Place
AIAS/AARP Livable Communities Design Competition Entry, Spring 2009 Second Place, Entry present at AIA Convention and published in Crit Magazine Team: Sandra Schwartz, Daniel Reed, Alice Chiang and Anthony Maiolatesi Faculty Sponsor: Mark Ramirez, Square 134 Architects
Our team of four took on the challenge to design for the future. The U.S. Census reports that by the year 2030, more than half of all Americans will be over the age of 50 and one in every �ive persons will be age 65 or older. The design competition sponsored by AIAS and AARP called for a “Livable Community,” one that is for all ages with appropriate housing, supportive community features and services and adequate mobility options, facilitating personal independence and the engagement of residents in civic and social life. Our design emphasizes the context and how our community �its within the larger master plan of its neighborhood. The site we chose was located in proximity to important resources such as grocery stores, pharmacies, retail, of�ice buildings and public transportation. In our design are the required retail spaces as well as a two story public gym and wellness center with access from the apartments. This public space was designed to foster the interaction between residents and their greater community. Within the community careful attention was paid to the sequence of entry and arrangement of rooms to provide both natural light and a sense of welcome. All of our apartments are fully accessible and utilize creative ways to arrange spaces easy to navigate and use for any ability.
Sandra Schwartz | beyond school
Sandra Schwartz | beyond school
Sandra Schwartz | beyond school