WELCOME ESTONIA, TO PEACE CHILD-ALPHA OMEGA by David Woollcombe and Rosey Simonds, Founders of Peace Child International
It is with very great pleasure that we welcome the people, the artists, the public and private institutions of Estonia as partners in this latest venture of Peace Child International. Though our original musical, Peace Child, had been performed in Estonia in the 1980s with visiting American youth, neither of us had ever visited your nation until we were invited last December to prepare this partnership. We well remember the reports of those Americans who were lucky enough to be on that Peace Child tour in the 1980s – they spoke of a country where there are more songs than people; where songs and music are heard in the streets. They spoke of Tallinn as a glitteringly attractive city, full of history and surprises. Our visit in December convinced us that all their reports were true! So it is with pleasure, but also some trepidation, that we bring our music back to Tallinn: this is a 3-cornered partnership – with Turkey, Estonia and the United Kingdom. And the Turks and the Brits in our teams know that we will have to work very hard to match the high standard that will be set by our Estonian colleagues. Peace Child – Alpha Omega is a piece that takes us to the roots of the human condition: it asks where we have come from – where are we going to? It challenges our faith, our pre-conceptions, our prejudice. It asks how – if – we can overcome the challenges that face us in this century – climate change, the building of a post-carbon energy infrastructure, the elimination of poverty, the defense of human rights and the protection of liberty in a globalised world. Like everything else that Peace Child International has done, it draws its inspiration from the thoughts and aspirations of young people. We are an organisation that believes implicitly in the power and creativity of young people to deliver answers – solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Back in the 1980s, they were leading us towards a reconciliation between East and West. That work of reconciliation continues – in the Middle East, in inner cities. But now, we are facing an even greater challenge - the devastation that mankind is making against the natural environment. And as the environment is depleted, as the ice caps melt, and the deserts spread – it is the rising generations who will be the greatest victims. And, therefore, it is right for us to look to them – to empower and inform them, equip them with the skills and the commitment to solve the problems that we are passing on to them. It is also incumbent upon them to listen to us, the elders – to hear our wisdom and experience and to learn from it. That is the contract we make with our young people in Peace Child – Alpha Omega. It is full of their ideas – but it is also shot through with the polished wisdom of the ages. It is truly an inter-generational effort. And it brings back to life the music that was the original inspiration for Peace Child. David Gordon’s brilliant oratorio, Alpha Omega. Performed only once in Coventry Cathedral on the occasion of a week of events commemorating the destruction of cities during the 2nd World War, it inspired all who witnessed it. It consolidated that feeling of peace and unity felt by all who had suffered through the bombings, the death and despoliation of the beauty of cities like London, Dresden, Cologne and many others across Europe. That inspiration will be present in the performance of Peace Child – Alpha Omega that we bring to Estonia: but it will have something more. It will have the ideas, the questions, the concerns, and the solutions dreamed up by the young people of your great country. Your Future. We look forward so much to coming to see the performance that you put together in Estonia – and of bringing our partners from Turkey and the UK to share in that performance, just as we hope that some of your Estonian performers will come to share in our other performances in Ely and Istanbul. Thank you for agreeing to be a partner in this great artistic and philosophical adventure. Now – with the power of the Internet and the website that will be set up to archive each production of Peace Child – Alpha Omega – it will never be lost to us, as sadly that first performance of Peace Child in Tallinn has been lost. We hope that it will be a performance which the young people who take part in it will be proud to share with their grand-children.
Looking forward for active participation of our Estonian Friends
Dear Friends, I have never been to Estonia, but I am very much looking forward to coming to see your version of Peace Child-Alpha Omega. When I was growing up in London, Estonia was always ‘behind the Iron Curtain...’ and I never considered going there. Now, I am living in Sweden, we all think of Estonia as another Scandinavian country: many of my friends have been there and speak highly of its beauty and the musicality of its people. Peace Child helped tear down that original iron curtain. But I sense that there are still many iron curtain’s that remain in people’s souls and in their prejudices. Peace Child – Alpha Omega is about tearing these down and creating a world in which every one is family – every stranger is a friend you haven’t met yet – and every faith, every culture, every ethnicity is a cause for curiosity, celebration and inspiration, not fear, suspicion or distance.
“Good luck with your production – and thank you for giving me an excuse now to visit your beautiful country.” David Gordon Author of Peace Child Alpha Omega Great Britain
David Woollcombe and Rosey Simonds, 18th February 2009
RESPECT VIA TOLERANCE To love, you need respect; To respect, you need tolerance; To tolerate, you need understanding; To understand, you need to take an interest. British composer David Gordon’s oratorio “Peace Child –Alpha Omega” performances in the United Kingdom, Estonia and Turkey create exceptional opportunities to initiate and develop a dialogue between nations and races, cultures and confessions and generations. The production’s content and musical value is of the highest class. I am convinced that the performance of “Peace Child-Alpha Omega” in Tallinn in spring 2010 is supported by governmental as well as non-governmental institutions, the private sector and individuals.
NEEME KUNINGAS Producer National Opera “Estonia”
PEACE CHILD INTERNATIONAL Founded in 1981, Peace Child International (PCI) is one of the largest networks of youth-led organisations in consultative status with the United Nations. The Peace Child story is a rollercoaster from an internationally acclaimed Musical to a library of Youth Publications to the funding of Youth-Led development projects and a plethora of educational projects. First famous for bringing the first Soviet Youth to the USA on a youth exchange to perform the musical, Peace Child, it has grown to unite 1,500+ affiliate groups and networks in over 180 countries. PCI’s mission is to empower young people to address the most pressing global challenges they are going to have to address in their lifetimes – climate change, peace, human rights, making poverty history and achieving sustainable prosperity for the entire human family.
Aims: INFORM Young People about the challenges they face in the world First INFORM young people about these challenges in ways that they can understand. Over the years, Peace Child has created a dazzling array of youth-created educational materials - books, lesson plans, musicals all written and illustrated, designed and edited by young people. PCI publications focus on peace, human rights and sustainable development, combating climate change, promoting healthy lifestyles and Fair Trade.
Create a UNITED Global Youth who share and learn from each others experiences with governments, the UN and other agencies PCI also organizes the World Youth Congress series promoting Youth-led Development and exploring, with youth, government, UN and other agencies, the question: “What is the most effective role for youth in the effort to achieve sustainable development?” This is an exciting bi-annual event bringing together youth from all over the world and giving them the chance to have a dialogue with the major power holders.
CAMPAIGN for 0.7% for Youth-Led Development Our objective is to get aid agencies to invest 0.7% of their overseas development aid in YLD projects designed and delivered by that 51% of the world’s population who are under 25. Seems fair, doesn’t it? – but right now, governments and major aid agencies rarely invest in the potential that young people possess to assist them in achieving their wider development agendas. Our campaign is designed to win the argument that YLD represents the best, most costeffective investment that anyone can make in the effort to make poverty history in a sustainable way.
Once informed, encourage young people to TAKE ACTION We stopped just doing education, musicals and awarenessraising programmes when our young affiliates told us: “Informing yourself of global challenges is not enough: youth don’t want to be passive observers of the world’s problems. You must empower us to take Action!” So the Be the Change! Youth-led Development(YLD) programme was born to empower young people to do small, community improvement projects costing up to $1,000. YLD is inspired by Mahatma Gandhi’s famous instruction on self-reliance: “YOU must be the change you wish to see in the world!”
SILLAMÄE SOCIETY FOR CHILD WELFARE Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare has been active since 1989, when the Club of Big Families expanded and reorganised its work. In 1995 the name changed to “Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare” in order to comply with the Estonian law of Non-profit Organisations. The objective of the Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare is to support the international, state and local municipalities through program-based action to provide diverse possibilities for child development. Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare (SSCW) is part of the national organisation Estonian Union for Child Welfare ( SSCW empowers children to take responsibility for peace, human rights and the environment through education, leadership development and direct participation in the events that shape our world community. The organisation has grown in both staff and resources and has participated in both local and international youth initiatives such as the European programme Education & Cultural program - “Youth in Action”
Our organisation main programmes: • Children and youth welfare (Human rights and social development in civil society). • Intercultural and Interreligious Dialog • Integration processes in East Europe • UN Millennium Development Goals support and achievement • Social exclusion of children/young people and adults
In the SSCW are 20 active members, 15 volunteers and more than 50 members participating not constantly in different projects and campaigns SSCW is active partner of Peace Child International in Estonia; with Peace Child we have done a lot of interesting projects across Estonia and in some part of Russia. Projects: World Youth Congress 2005 in Scotland (WYC), Faith in Europe, Water Rights and Wrong, Transport book. So we are working not just only in local level or national, but also in international level. On the international level we have a 10 representatives around the world, which are helping us promote our organisations and MDGs as well programmes what will develop society and peace building. The SSCW is an organization with a longterm tradition and experience in the work for creating a
safe environment and possibilities for full development of children with the participation and assistance of all members of society. For better fulfilment of its objectives SSCW undertakes activities in cooperation with public sector institutions, other NGO- s and other interested bodies. For all history of SSCW we support and we have done more than 46 projects around the county, country and also on the international level.
The main projects what we have done and where we have been participating were: • Language schools: “Sipsik” and “Vestlus”
• Shows and Cultural events: “Small Lady”, and “Men`s games”, “Festival of Cultures” • Children and Youth Campuses: “My Home – is My Future!”, “Debates campus” Art campus, “History and researches” • Health care projects: “Health of Big Family” and “Help Me” • Telephone of Trust: Psychology help line • Campaigns: “All different all equal”, “Pay attention on the child”, “Faith in Europe” • Congresses and Conferences: “WYC 2005 Scotland”, “World Youth Forum 2006 Bucharest,” 1st international meeting Water and Youth in Buenos –Aires 2007, “World Youth Congress 2008 in Canada”, “European - African Youth Summit in Lisbon 2007”, “European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture. In cooperation with the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities. European Conference on the participation of young people with fewer opportunities.” We also develop together with representative of different nationalities of Estonia a state level project in the frame work of European Year of Intercultural Dialog 2008 “I am tolerant, You be too! 2008”. And currently we are doing co-management project with local organisations of Ida-Virumaa County: “Active Ida-Virumaa citizen”. Our main international project is Peace Child Alpha and Omega, what is the most challenging and inspiring project for next 2 years.
PEACE CHILD - ALPHA OMEGA “I, who am I? What is this world? Why am I here? I, what am I? What is my cause? What must I be?” David Gordon – Alpha Omega
Peace Child- Alpha Omega (PC-AO) is a Pan-European project funded by the EU’s ‘Culture Programme (20072013)’that aims to promote and initiate intercultural dialogue involving young and adults, together with people of different faiths and others, through inspirational music and discussion. The process of PC-AO will culminate in three performances held in three different countries: UK, Estonia and Turkey. Through discussions and dialogues, using philosophical and poetic questions as well as practical ones, a script for a magisterial oratorio will be created. The key performances are designed to showcase the work three times in different European cultural contexts – at the highest level of artistic and technical excellence. The whole project is being run by UK organisation called Peace Child International. In Estonia the main partner in charge of local development is Sillamäe Society for Child Welfare, in co-operation with Estonian Union for Child Welfare, local religious leaders, art collages and nongovernmental organisations involved in youth work. The content of the work and the production itself in Estonian cultural context is organised by Neeme Kuningas of The National Opera.
the elderly Narrator. The purpose is to give confidence, particularly to young people, to seek their own answers – their own solutions to the big questions, seeking guidance from great philosophers, religious leaders and poets, and their parents, but not accepting their answers as final. The oratorio performance will itself invite the audience to engage in their own dialogue, which will happen as part of the event, immediately following the performance. The script will be flexible so that in different European performances, national communities can include or omit issues depending on what is important or is not important to their own culture.
Peace Child-Alpha Omega
The original Peace Child was a musical story telling how Soviet Union and American young people bring an end to the Cold War by persuading their leaders to “become friends, as we have done!” It brought the first Soviet Youth to the USA on a youth exchange in 1986. After this, it was published as an ‘interrogative Study Guide’ that enables young people to explore peace, conflict resolution, environmental decay and other global issues in the context of a fun musical play. Written by David Gordon (a Christian) – who is the brother of Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens – a Muslim), Alpha Omega, on the other hand, was an oratorio that was originally performed in Coventry Cathedral as the climax to a week of activities shared by leaders of cities bombed in the 2nd World War. This new piece of work will combine elements of the original oratorio with elements of the musical ‘Peace Child’. The work will be in the form of a dialogue between the young people themselves – and between the young people and
Outcomes Following the performances, a Production Pack will be prepared – a Study Guide, Script, Score backing tracks etc. to enable schools, churches and colleges to explore the issues and put on the production in their local hall or church. In addition all materials shall be mounted on a website in different EU official languages, so that any group adapt the show for their own communities.
PEACE CHILD ALPHA OMEGA 2008- 2010 I see That Face Every Day
Sing, love is everywhere
(Tenor & Soprano) I see his face every day Laughing and shouting away I try to love him, being so true What more for this man can I do?
(Soprano Solo) Sing, I do wish the world would sing I do wish the world would say How they love to live and play, How they need each others
I hear her voice every day Mocking and taunting away She says she loves me, smiling and true But inside she really hates me
Peace, that is all we want to have That is all we want to share Let us live our lives in peace Oh let us give this life a chance to
So what must we do? Must we hope, must we pray that One day we’ll change our ways? I don’t know I’m in two minds I can’t forget these troubled times I think it’s best for us to go away
Love, love is all I need Love is all I want, love is everywhere
But I see that face every day Singing then shouting away Why can’t we be friends like we were before To have when we had and more So what must we do? Must we hope, must we pray That some day we’ll change our ways? I don’t know, I’ m in two minds I can’t forget these troubled times I think it’s best for us to go away But I see that face every day Singing then shouting away Why can’t we see that it’s best to agree And live by a common law? But something inside me will say A part of me’s left here today And though I may wander the face of the earth I won`t see that face every day No I won’t see that face every day No I won’t see that face every day.
Peace, peace is all I want Peace is all I need, peace everywhere Love, it will help us all to sing IT will teach us how to dance I do wish the world would sing, I do wish the world would Say, how they love to live in peace How they love to sing and dance All we need is one more chance Won’t you give us on more chance to Love, love is all I need Love is all I want, love is everywhere Peace, peace is all I want Peace is all I need, peace everywhere Peace. Choir Life is calling we must follow Mountains to be climbed tomorrow Drifting onwards, ever changing Coloured spectrum, beauty raging Choir Life is calling we must follow Mountains to be climbed tomorrow Drifting onwards, ever changing Coloured spectrum, beauty raging Alpha and Omega
The Outcast
Father in the Sky
(Tenor Solo) I see fire, this must be hell I feel this evil in myself Hate has turned us away from love We fell for the flesh and prayed in blood This evil thing is inside us all Its bloody mind has poisoned our soul It’s in me, it’s in you We’re all sinners, the world is too I feel this evil everywhere That devil’s smell is in the air We’ve made a hell from heaven on earth We’ve killed the love in God’s good work Where have all the wise men gone? Where have all the good men gone? What in the world is happening to me? What in the world do I want to see? Oh no, I just don’t know. No, I can’t get it right I shout and scream for all to hear What’s in my soul is so hard to bear Oh no, I just don’t know. No I can’t get it right I don’t know they treat me so, no I don’t know Don’t they know I love them so? No, don’t they know I love them all? I could give them anything I would give them all that I have, and more And still fo and love them all
(Soprano & Choir) Father in the sky Won’t you tell us who You are? Won’t you say a word to me that i can understand? You have me in your hands Father in the sky Have you forgotten where we are? The clouds grow darker every day and we are so afraid We never were so brave How can we carry on And still believe in you When every hope has vanished long ago In spite of you How can we carry on How can we face you now? When everything we tried so hard to do was lost somehow How can we face you now? Have can we face you now? Father in the sky Won’t you tell us where You are? Of won’t you say a word to me that I can understand? You have e in your hands How can we carry on And still believe in you When every hope has vanished long ago In spite of you How can we carry on? How can we have you now? When everything we tried so hard to do was lost somehow How can we face you now? How can we have you now?
Where have all the wise men gone? Where have all the good men gone? ’cos I see fire, this must be hell I feel this evil in myself We’re all sinners, this world is too It’s i me, it’s in you, it’s in me, it’s in you It’s in me, it’s in you
Through this here World (Tenor Solo) Through this here world I’m living Through this here world I’m dying Through this here world I’m won’t you take my hand And comfort me the vest you can Through this here world I’m waiting Through this here world I’m dreaming Through this here world you’ll see me cry My tortured soul says why oh why oh why Through this here world I’m hoping Through this here world I’m praying From this here world I’ll shout to God To help me
I Who am I? (Tenor & Choir) I, who am I? What is this world? Why am I here? I, what am I? What is my cause? What must I be? Is there a reason for living And having this place of our own? What power conceived me Abandoned me to the unknown? We, who are we? What is this place? Why are we here? We, who are we to be so lost And all alone? Is there a reason for living And having this place of our own? What power conceived me Abandoned me to the unknown? I, who am I? What is this world? Why am I here?
Child for a Day
Super Man
(Tenor & Choir) I was a child, who ran full of laughter I was a child who lived for today My eyes fill of sunshine, my heart full of smiles I was a child for a day
(Choir) Where you gonna run to, super man? Where you gonna hide, where will be your land? What you gonna say now, super man? Who’ll be the fool, in your master plan? What you gonna do now, super man? What have you done to God’s promised land? What have you done with this beautiful world? Where is your guiding star? What have you done with this Gove given grace? Who do you think you are? Yes, who do you think you are? Where you gonna run to, super man? Where you gonna hide? Where will be your land? We’ll wake up one morning and the world will be gone With all our beautiful dreams WE have so many chances, but we threw them away And now we’ve sold our souls to the devil’s cause How did we lose control? And how are we going to pay the toll? Where you gonna run to super man? Where you gonna hide? Where will be your land? What you gonna say now, super man? Who’ ll be the fool, in your master plan? What you gonna do now, super man? What have you done to God’s promised land? Where gonna run to…Super Man
(Tenor & Soprano) Dreamer, you are my dreamer Lady, you are my love You are everything I ever dreamed I’d have
(Soprano & Choir) Here is a world so beautiful and green Where the sun is Shining and the water run clean Here in this world where we all have to stay A paradise, a heaven, where our heads we will lay
We were the children who sang in the morning We were the children who laughed at the sun Who listened to those who spoke with their wisdom We are the ones we would say We’re getting older, as time goes by A little older with every day We are the men who worry of nothing We are the men who fight without aim Who listen to no-one yet speak of our wisdom We are the pawns in the game We’re getting older as time goes by A little older with every day We were the children, of yesterday I was a child who ran full of laughter I was a child who lived for a day My eyes full of sunshine, my heart full of smiles I was a child for a day We’re getting older as time goes by A little older with every day We were the children of yesterday
Music is the 7th wonder (Choir) Music is the seventh wonder of the world Music is the seventh wonder of the world And we are going to sing, sing, sing We are going to sing, sing, sing Music is the seventh wonder of the world Music is the seventh wonder of the world And we are going to sing, sing, sing. What do you say when you fall in love? Let’s strike a chord to the tune of love. Where do you go when you`re down and out? Just listen to the music play… ah! Music is the seventh wonder of the world Music is the seventh wonder of the world And we are going to sing, sing, sing Music is the seventh wonder of the world Music is the seventh wonder of the world Music is the seventh wonder of the world Music is the seventh wonder of the world Aah… Music is the seventh wonder of the world
Inventions (Choir) Make a wheel, then spinning it round it may carry the world Make a fire, yes building it high till it burns to the ground Make a blade, and call it a spade to dig through the earth Creatures of invention, yes we are man Heading for destruction, with our own hands Nothing can stop us So spin that wheel, faster and faster it ‘ll carry us far Stoke up that fire, yes higher and higher till it burns to the sky Make a bow, put in an arrow Let it fly through the world Heading for destruction, with our own hands Plenty of money, more milk and more honey Who needs to work? But what of the spade, digging so hard? What’s left but soil and the earth? We are creatures of invention, yes we are man Heading for destruction, with our own hands The wheels are all turning The fires are all burning We’re living for learning Learning, learning
Lover, you are my lover Man you are my friend We’ll always together though this world may end Wherever life takes us, I’ll be with you Dreamer, you are my dreamer Lady, you are my love You are everything I ever dreamed I’d have Dreamer, you are my dreamer Lady, you are my love We’ll always together, So just stay as you are Lover, you are my lover Man you are my friend I’ll always be beside you until the end Love is the answer, faith makes us strong Heaven our reason, tomorrow we’re gone No plans to make. Nowhere to run Never stop trying, reach for the sun Love is the answer, faith makes us strong Heaven our reason tomorrow we’re gone Women my woman, girl my friend We’ll be together until the end
I am so smiling, eyes that seeing I am so happy, ears that hear I have a mouth for speaking tasting I have a nose to smell the ait We are a people so happy and gay We love this world and here we will stay We hear that voice deep inside our soul say ’Listen to the music of life`s sweet call’ I am so smiling, eyes that seeing I am so happy, ears that hear I have a hand for thouching feeling I have a mind to see that`s clear Here is a world so beautiful and green Where the sun is shining and the waters run clan Here in this world where we all have to stay A paradise, a heaven where our heads we will lay I am so smiling eyes are shining I am so happy ears can hear I have a hand for touching feeling I have a mind to see that`s clear Here in this world where we all have to stay A paradise, a heaven where our heads we will lay
Lover my lover, man my friend Always beside you until the end Dreamer my dreamer, lady my love Live for the moment, give all you have Love is the answer, faith makes us strong Heaven our reason, tomorrow we’re gone
The Forbidden Fruit (Choir) Take of the green that is risen from the earth Eat of the food that is seed of the fruit of the sun Beware of the food in the three forbidden to man Take of the green that is risen from the earth Eat of the food that is seed of the fruit of the sun Take of the tree forbidden to man Eat of the food in the three forbidden to man
I wish if I had to Die
Father I’m Coming home
I Believe
(Soprano Solo) I wish if I had to die It would be amongst the trees, the open sky Yes and feelings of poetry would fill my mind Yes fill my mind, alone am I
(Soprano & Choir) Father I’m coming home a while Yes, Father coming home to you
(Tenor & Choir) World, look at the way we are Look at the things we do Look at the words we say Life, look at the way we live Look at the love we had Look at the things we’ve made
(Tenor& Choir) If the sun lost its shine and the trees started to die Yes I’d still be full of hope I guess I know the reason why If the wind grew too old and the seas started to dry Yes I would still be full of love Don’t ask, don’t ask me why
Gone, gone are all those lovely days Gone are all the peaceful ways All that’s left is old and grey And our world I fading Our world is dying today
Yes I still believe in God I still believe in us, His man And if you really want to know I still believe in this His land
I wish if I had to laugh It would be for all the good things that have passed And feelings of happiness would fill my mind Yes fill my mind, alone at lease I wish if I had to cry It will be for all the things I’ll miss and why Yes and feelings of memories will fill my mind Yes fill my mind alone I’ll cry Alone I’ll cry So now, if my time has come There’ll be lilacs There’ll be stardust all around And my eyes with tears and my smiling face Will bid this world farewell A very last farewell Alone am I, that’s how I’ll die.
Listen to Me (Soprano & Choir) So listen to me, heed the words that I say We live in one world, so our home is the same The same sun is our fire, the same clouds give us rain So whatever you may desire, our future’s the same Say not that you’re Christian, or that you are Jew Say not that you’re red or that I am blue Say only I am man, and I want to live in peace In this here our home, let all wars cease. For where would we go, if this would we destroy There’s only one home, this world to enjoy The same earth fills our hunger, and we all breathe the air So change your desires, this world must share
When I feel alone and my views are in the sky And a touch of your glory will send me my dreams Yes I am so cautious and afraid to walk near I just want to see you and be without fear Yes Father, I`m coming home to you a while Yes Father, I`m coming home to you Father, I want to be with you a while Yes Father, I want to be with you Now I am so cold and alone in myself I just can’t believe that you’d turn me away I know that I am wrong in many things I do But I’ll always have faith in my love for you Father, I’m coming home to you a while Yes Father, I’m coming home to you Father, I want to be with you a while Yes Father I want to be with you Father, I’m coming home to you a while Yes Father, I’m coming home to you Father, I want to be with you a while Yes Father I want to be with you
Can’t you see the tide is changing? Don’t you know that truth is fading? People coming out from under Slowly rising to the thunder Listen to the shouting people Broken churches, broken steeple There’s no-one for them to follow Everyone’s a God tomorrow Can’t you see the world is dying? Repentant people all are crying Law and order has been drowned Chaos rules and has been crowned World, look at the way we are Look at the things we do Look at the games we play Life, look at the way we live Look at the things we build Look at the love we’ve killed Gone, gone are all those lovely days Gone are all the peaceful ways All that’s left is old and grey And our world is fading Our world is dying today
We believe in God We believe is us, His man And if you really want to know We still believe in this, His land So don’t turn your head away Don’t give up on who you are Just keep loving more each day And the world will shine for you I guess it’s all in the mind What you feel is what you see So, within your heart just sing these words Come sing Come sing with me We believe in God We believe in us, His man And if you really want to know We still believe in this His land We believe in God We believe in us, His man If you really want to know I believe, yes I believe I believe, yes I believe I believe in this His land
Say not that you’re rich, or that you are poor Say not that you’re less, or that you are more Say that only I am man, and I want to live in peace In this here our world, let all wars cease In this here our world, let all wars cease
The Laws
(Choir) We’ll fight a war to end all wars Tho’ many men will die Destroy the land our cities too’ till homes in ruin lie We’ll kill our brothers, kill our friends Kill each other’til the end We’ll kill our women, children too Kill them all until we’re through We’ll fight our way to distant hills A bloody battle have We’ll raise the sword and kill them all We’ll raise our country’s flag
(Choir & Chorister) Where are the laws we must obey Where are the rules to guide us through our day Where are the words that will teach us how to live Where are the signs to show us how to give Where are the visions to help our failing souls Where are the tools for rebuilding our new world Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not hurt or force your will Thou shalt beware of foolish pride Tho shalt be fait and take no sides Thos halt despise all that is vain Thou shalt not lie, or cheat for gain Thou shalt kep holy your day for God Thou shalt forgive and thou shalt love Here are the laws we must obey Here are the rules to guide us through our day
We’ll kill our brothers, kill our friends Kill each other’til the end We’ll kill our women, children too Kill them all until we’re through Kill them all until we’re through God save our land, long live our flag On to the War we go, praise to our dead But who says we’re right, who says we’re wrong Honour and pride, to this we belong (Choir & Soprano) Oh, come and save us Oh, come and save us Oh, come and save us From what we do, our world is through But who can save us But who can save us But who can save us From what we do, God, where are You
These are the words that will teach us how to live These are the signs to show us how to give Thou shalt not have a jealous heart Shalt not desire your neighbour’s part Thou shalt be king in every way And thou shalt keep a time to pray Thou shalt not cause your parents shame Thou shalt not curse, or take God’s name in vain And thou shalt worship the one true God Thou shalt forgive and thou shalt love
ARE YOU CREATIVE? WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN €1000? …WE NEED YOU! In 2010 Peace Child International is staging an exciting new inter-faith musical event called Peace Child-Alpha Omega. Central to the project is an artistic component, for which we need your help! We are looking for sketches and ideas from young artists for a triptych – a piece of art in three panels - which will form an instantly recognisable branding for the series of performances in cathedrals, schools and concert halls across Europe. We seek hand drawn or painted sketches or computer generated images. They can be in any medium – oil on canvass, photo montage, watercolour – and can be the work of an individual or a team. We will choose three winning images which will make up the triptych, with each winner taking home a prize of €1000! The theme of Peace Child – Alpha Omega is that religion, far from dividing people, has the capacity to connect us. The triptych should convey a central message of peace. Though the triptych idea relates to the main religions explored in Peace Child – Alpha Omega – Christianity, Judaism and Islam – it can refer, emblematically, to other faiths as well. It is important that each panel to reflect a combination of different religions or ideas, rather than singling out just one. The Deadline for submission of entries for the competition is June 30th 2009. The judges will be the team of young people from EU member states who will meet in Slovenia in July. The winning artist(s) will be announced on August 1st 2009. If you’d like to enter, please register with PC-AO Project Coordinator, Candia Crosfield by phone on 01763 274459 or by email at Peace Child – Alpha Omega is a project of Peace Child International, a UK-registered charity no. 1095189. It is supported by the European Commission through DG Education and Culture.