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Figure 35:Cooling market in CCS scenario

In summary the Comfort Cooling Scenario cannot directly help India to achieve the ICAP targets by 2037. Figure 36 shows the performance of CCS scenario in the year of 2037-38 for all the indicators relevant for ICAP implementation. Comparing these to BAU it is concluded that only by introducing higher set-point temperature (alias ATC) ICAP Targets cannot be achieved. It needs additional effort

Figure 36: ICAP indicators in CCS in 037


Sustainable cooling scenario

As discussed in the section 4.2 under the Decent Living Standard option of cooling, there are four different control variables which predominantly determine the operational energy requirement for the buildings. Sustainable Cooling Scenario (SCC) assumes that all future building stocks in the country will follow the corresponding parametric benchmarking (see Table-7) for construction and occupation and will help to reduce the energy performance index (EPI) of both commercial and residential buildings. Given India’s burgeoning population and urbanization (more than 400 million additional urban population by 2050), space cooling is envisaged to be the major consumer of energy in country (around 40% of total energy consumption). In this scenario overall residential building operation energy required is considered to be around 40 Kwh/m2 which is around 25~30% less than the national average EPI (50~70 Kwh/m2) (BEE, 2014). In this scenario it is also assumed that Cooling for All target will be achieved by 2047. In the base year of 2017, it is estimated that following the sustainable space cooling measures (architectural, materials, technological and behavioral etc.) the energy consumption for the same could be around 650 Twh/year ( see Table 9) to provide cooling for all. In this scenario, the achievement of Cooling for All is staggered to 2047 including continuous improvement in efficiency standard of cooling technologies.

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