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over the fanbase and their demands on the little people warriors. “Kill him!” I was not impressed by this traveling community’s fans.
I am not all about purity in fly fishing, but the community so far outstrips the community of little people extreme wrestling that the juxtaposition was all I could think about while attending the fly fishing show. Ever the generous spirit of a sasquatch, Dave Grossman traveled to Atlanta to introduce our team to fishing brand professionals. The caring and hardworking people we met infuse the pursuit of fly angling with love more than bloodsport. People are in this profession of fly fishing because they truly love it, and there’s a camaraderie in that. This is the stuff of anonymous and well-known fly fishers intermingling together for a weekend discussing their passions. It is both exhausting and exhilarating. I am unsure, but I bet Lil Poppa feels the same about his passion for little person wrestling.
I wish for him to have a caring community that wants more for him than to exploit his able-bodied gymnastic talent. Just as I got the feeling that Grossman and the industry leaders he introduced me to are hoping for SCOF to succeed in its new 2.0 version.