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New store manager at Dingell Visitor Center
offers several scholarships annually to female undergraduate students at Baker College, Henry Ford College, Lawrence Technological University and Wayne County Community College District. Interested students can pick up an AAUW application at their school’s counseling office. Candidates must have earned a minimum of 12 credits, be a United States citizen and a resident of the Downriver area. An essay is required. For more information, contact rjhart720@yahoo.com or visit downriver-mi.aauw.net...
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I’m Michelle Sorensen and I’m the new Store Manager at the Canvasback Nature Store inside the John D. Dingell Jr. Visitor Center.
I’m a lifelong downriver resident and a recently retired teacher after 30 years in Trenton Public Schools.
If I’m not out on my bike or walking the trails all over Michigan, you will most likely find me with a book in my hand, traveling, baking, or cross-country skiing.
I’m excited to bring my love of learning and passion for the environment to the store. Stop in to say hello and see the great items we have in stock.
I hope to meet all of you soon!
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What’s happening Grosse Ile ...
Take it outside Photo Contest
Sponsored by the Grosse Ile Nature and Land Conservancy. Entry deadline is Thursday, May 11, 2022 at 5 p.m. Open to high school students within Wayne, Washtenaw and Monroe Counties. We are searching for photos captured locally (within Wayne, Washtenaw and Monroe Counties) that inspire us to appreciate and steward our environment: air, water, land, wildlife, resources, and ecosystems. Categories are Dawn to Dusk; Fur and Feathers; Bark and Blooms. Total of $445 in prize money. For more information, visit see https:// www.ginlc.org/photo-contest
AAUW scholarships
The AAUW Wyandotte-Downriver Branch
Businesses line up for retail marijuana retail permits

First in line for a permit was Kinship Cannabis Company, which will take over the building formerly occupied by Slip Mahoney’s. Kinship is a family-owned business, which started over 10 years ago when owner Curt Molino was a caregiver to his brother who had Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The family wanted to help relieve his pain and stress, but back then, caregivers had to grow their own plants.
They said they plan on hiring 30 to 50 local people to run the business and hope to get up to full speed by the middle of this year.
In addition to the excise tax that the city will receive from each purchase, the city will also take in licensing renewal fees, which also have to be paid to the state.
Kinship has already purchased the building, and will make building improvements, landscape improvements, install new signage and generally just spruce the place up.
As there won’t be a grow operation there, the permeating aroma of marijuana will not waft over Fort Street or to their new neighbors. Their grow operation is out in Parma Township, near Jackson, with no plans of moving.
Online their ‘About Us’ information states: Welcome! We’re Kinship. A family of like-minded people who came together because we saw a way we could do some good in our communities.
As experienced cultivators and providers, we understand the profound benefits cannabis can bring to our lives– both as individuals and as a community. And we’re passionate about bringing those benefits to as many people as we can managers the opportunity to share their thoughts with her directly.
Even though his brother eventually succumbed to the illness, they realized that there were many, many people out there who could benefit from this form of treatment, and it grew from there.
Kinship won’t have a grow operation at Slip’s, only retail/distribution.
“Southgate is a great community,” she added. “Every community needs good leaders. Our community has a lot of active players. I’m working on lots of different things to develop community camaraderie.”
On page 1 gobigmultimedia.com/wyandotte-warrior
City honors junior football champs ...City of Wyandotte officials have honored the Wyandotte Indians freshman football team for earning the “Peanut Bowl” championship of the

Downriver Junior Football League. With players, cheerleaders, coaches and family members gathered in the City Council chambers, Mayor Robert DeSana read a certificate of recognition, which praised the squad for “bringing home the Peanut Bowl Championship Trophy for the first time in 19 years.”...
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Art exhibits in the works
The Downriver Council for the Arts is seeking artists’ contributions for the “About Face” exhibit scheduled for January 19-16, 2023, at the DCA, 81 Chestnut Street. The deadline for artwork is January 17. An opening reception will be held January 19. The exhibit focuses on the portrait theme. Artists are free to apply their own interpretation in representing the overall theme.

Artwork may include any work related to a single person, a group, a self-portrait, non-human and/ or animals. A variety of interpretations can be submitted in all media.
The exhibit “Resolutions & Regrets” continued through January 14.
The DCA hosts an online portion for all exhibits. To view the creative works, visit the website www.
Biddle Bowl is largest fundraiser for Wyandotte Goodfellows
For decades, the Wyandotte Goodfellows have been there to make sure there’s “no child without a Christmas.”
And Biddle Bowl has been along with them, growing to become the largest fundraiser for the annual gift-giving event.
Robert Woelkers, who with sister Judy Sadler owns the eight-lane Wyandotte bowling center on Biddle Road, Judy Sadler, presented the second of two checks this year totaling $14,000 to city Treasurer and Goodfellows Treasurer Todd Browning.

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Browning said the funds and other donations will be spent on Christmas gifts next year, which is the group’s system in place.
“Biddle Bowl has been our largest donor for several years now,” Browning said. “Every year, they seem to up themselves. This year was a thousand dollars more than last year. It’s hard for me to believe that such a small business – an eight-lane bowling alley – is the largest donor to Goodfellows.

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From Wyandotte Pets...