Wyandotte Warrior, August 25 – September 27, 2022

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August 25 — september 27, 2022 WyandotteWarrior.com 9105 MACOMB • GROSSE ILE 734-775-2983 Susiearmiakrealtor@gmail.com susiearmiakrealtor.com Multi-MillionProducerDollar Agent of the Year - 2021 TAYLOR LOCATION COMING SOON www.woodhavenassistedliving.com of Woodhaven & Trenton Independent Living, Assisted Living & Memory Care Community TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 22125 Van Horn Rd. 734-818-5100Woodhavenext. 603 5999 Fort 734-496-7405TrentonSt. We are an Age-In-Place Community. Discounts for Independent Living. ADMISSION FEES50% OFF 1-877-MAKE-DRY “You can REST when you call the best” FoundationREST.com FREE INSPECTIONS Interest Free for 5 years or as low as $99/month With over 50 years of experience Foundation Restoration is the leading expert in foundation repair. 0% FINANCING Basement Waterproofing Crawlspace Repair Foundation Repair Crack Injections A tasty night out The Southern Wayne County theSeedelightswhilerelaxingBiddleWyandotte’sCountyinofitemsTheypremierenjoyeddrewsummeronbecomeTheWyandotteDownriverannualChamberRegionalhelditsTasteofindowntownonAug.9.event,whichhasamainstaytheDownrivercalendar,thousandswhoDownriver’stastingevent!sampledsignaturefromdozensthebesteateriesSouthernWayne–includingownMajor–andenjoyedasummernightindulgingintheofDownriver.morephotosfromeventonPage4.

Photo by Jim Jacek

Page 2 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 DF-GCI0896758-03 DF-GCI0896758-03 Shop early for best selection. Immediate delivery available at a nominal cost. No holds. Don’t forget to bring in any necessary room dimensions. Sold as is. Cannot be combined with other offers. Certain restrictions apply. Discounts off MSRP. Prior sales excluded. Items subject to prior sale. See store for details. DF-GCI0896758-03 NOW THROUGH END OF AUGUST

WYANDOTTE WARRIOR > August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 3 Mayor Robert A. mayor@wyandottemi.govDeSana Mayor Pro Tempore Kelly M. TheChief27thkstec@wyandottemi.govStecDistrictCourtDistrictJudge,HonorableElizabeth L. DiSanto Phone: 734-324-4475 Email: CommunityEmail:Phone:LawrenceCityEmail:Phone:TedAssessorPhone:Animal27DC@wyandottemi.govControlDepartment734-246-1328Galeski,CityAssessor734-324-4510assessor@wyan.orgClerkS.Stec,CityClerk734-324-4560clerk@wyandottemi.govDevelopment The Community Development Office Phone: 734-324-4566 Email: tdrysdale@wyandottemi.gov Downtown Development Authority Joseph Keller Gruber, Downtown Development Authority Director Phone: 734-324-7298 Email: Email:ForPhone:TomFireEmail:Phone:ToddFinanceEmail:Phone:GregEngineeringEmail:Phone:JonDepartmentdda@wyan.orgofPublicServiceAllen,Superintendent734-324-4580dps@wyandottemi.govandBuildingDepartmentMayhew,CityEngineer734-324-4550engineering1@wyandottemi.govandAdministrationDrysdale,CPA,CityAdministrator734-324-4545tdrysdale@wyandottemi.govDepartmentLyon,FireChief734-324-4404EmergenciesCall911tlyon@wyandottemi.gov Municipal Services Paul LaManes, General Manager Phone: 734-324-7100 Email: talk2wms@wyandottemi.gov Police Department Chief Brian Zalewski, Chief of Police Phone: 734-324-4405 For Emergencies call 911 Email: Email:Phone:ToddTreasuryEmail:Phone:RecreationJustinDepartmentRecreation,bzalewski@wyandottemi.govLeisureandCultureLanagan,Superintendentof734-324-7295recreation@wyandottemi.govBrowning,CityTreasurer734-324-4570treasurer@wyan.org City Department Contacts Municipal Service Commission Meeting Wednesday, August 31 - 5:00pm City Offices closed for Labor Day September 5 City Wide Garage Sale September 9 - 11 Downtown Development Authority Tuesday, September 13 - 5:30pm Municipal Service Commission Wednesday, September 14 - 5:00pm Fire & Flannel Festival Downtown Wyandotte, September 22 - 25 Council and Commission Meetings at Wyandotte City Hall Mayor and Council Members Council Todd thanna@wyandottemi.govHanna Council Rosemary rshuryan@wyandottemi.govShuryan Council Chris ccalvin@wyandottemi.govCalvin Council Robert ralderman@wyandottemi.govAlderman Council Kaylyn kcrayne@wyandottemi.govCrayne

Page 4 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR

A Taste of Downriver

For those who like to nibble and nosh, the place to be on Aug. 9 was downtown Wyandotte, where The Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber this year held its annual Taste of Downriver dining event. The come-hungry event was presented by PNC Bank and, as usual, it drew thousands of Downriver residents anxious to try some specialties from many of Downriver’s finest eateries. Residents plunked down their money to try items from Major Biddle, The Vault, Mr. Nick’s, Joe’s Hamburgers and many, many others. Based on the looks on faces of the party goers, The Taste of Downriver was against a huge success. Photos by Jim Jacek

WYANDOTTE WARRIOR > August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 5


Galindo’s a Taste of Mexico, a popular Downriver eatery and food truck operation, recently opened a new location in Wyandotte. Located at 1297 Fort Street, the new Galindo’s occupies a building that was originally a Taco Bell and most recently was a Mediterranean restaurant. The original Galindos, located farther south on Fort Street in Southgate and the two company food trucks have become go-to destinations for Downriver Mexican food lovers. Southern Wayne County Regional Chamber President Ron Hinrichs (far right) was on hand to help the owners celebrate the grand opening of the Wyandotte store.

Page 6 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR 2323 Fort St. Lincoln 313-381-1492Park busensappliance.com Family Owned 4th Generation HOURS:STORE Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 Saturdaypm 9 am - 1 pm Sunday Closed ITEMS MAY BE PRICED LOWER IN STORE. SOME ITEMS HAVE AVAILABILITYLIMITED Speed ClassicQueenClean™ 6 Preset Cycles 4 Temperature Selections TC5003 WN DC5000 WG, GAS DRYER *See in store for pricing and stock Speed PerfectQueenWash™ 8 Preset Cycles 4 Temperature Selections TR7003 WN DR7000 WG, GAS DRYER *See in store for pricing and stock $50 OFF AnyOverAppliance$500 With This Coupon Expires 5-31-22 With is Coupon Expires DINE IN & CARRY OUT 1297 Fort GRAND734-556-3214WyandotteSt.OPENING!

Photo by Dave Chapman


The Friends of Mary Animal Group will sponsor a large garage sale on the grounds of St. John’s School at the corner of Northline and Telegraph in Taylor on Sept. 15-17. The big sale – the 30th annual – is to raise money for animal groups through Michigan and the entire region. Last year, the groups donated to more than 80 shelters.Founder Mary Spence said the group focuses on giving air to “no kill” shelters.Thesale features clothes, as well as toys and other items. If you are interested in donating items, you can call Spence at 734-9415786. Pick upcan be arranged.

Wyandotte reunion Wyandotte Roosevelt Class of 1972 50th Class Reunion: Saturday, Oct. 1, from 6-11 p.m. at Wyandotte Boat Club, One Pine Street, Wyandotte. Casual dress.Tickets: Prior to Aug. 31, $40 per person; After Sept. 1, $45 per person; teachers or administrators, $20 per person. Ticket price includes buffet dinner, cash bar, and a memento for each classmate. Tickets can be purchased by contacting: Mark Slagle at 734341-0793 or Mslagle327@sbcglobal. net or Beryl Robbins 313-318-6845 or blogspot.com.canBerylrobbins1980@gmail.com.HotelinformationandmoredetailsbefoundatRHSclassof1972.

The group holds general membership meetings at 6:30 p.m. the first Monday of each month at the Flat Rock Community Center, 1 McGuire St., Flat Rock. The group holds fly tying classes at 6:30 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of the month at the FRCC. For more information, visit huronriverfishing.com or email FISH@huronriverfishing.com.

After a two year absence, the Our Lady of the Scapular Parish Polish Festival returns on Aug. 26-27. As usual, the event will feature Polish music, hourly 50/50 raffle drawings, Polish beer, dancing, Polish food, basket raffle, church tours, a wooden dance floor, Italian desserts and pastries and Bingo. The Festival’s grand raffle features a $12,000 grand prize, as well as $4,500 in additional prizes. On Friday, the entertainment will be provided by the band Polish Miuslims out of Hamtramck and PRCU Rogalin Polish Dancers. On Saturday, Jimmy K and the All-Stars, the Kielbasa Kings and Tony Blazonczyk will perform, along with the Zakopane Polish Dancers.OurLady of the Scapular Parish is located at 10th and Vinewood in Wyandotte. There is no admission charge and there is free on-street parking on Electric Street. No outside coolers or food is allowed.

Help with diabetes Diabetes PATH (Virtual): Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan. For those living with type 2 diabetes and their loved ones, Thursdays from 6-8 p.m. Info session on Sept. 8. Sessions 1-6: Sept. 15, 22, 29; Oct. 6, 13, 20. New participants can join through Tuesday, Sept. 22. To register, contact Beaumont: http:// classes.beaumont.org. To find additional PATH programs, visit nkfm.org/PATH or mihealthyprograms.org.

AAUW scholarships

The AAUW Wyandotte-Downriver Branch offers several scholarships annually to female undergraduate students at Baker College, Henry Ford College, Lawrence Technological University and Wayne County Community College District. Interested students can pick up an AAUW application at their school’s counseling office. Candidates must have earned a minimum of 12 credits, be a United States citizen and a resident of the Downriver area. An essay is required. For more information, contact rjhart720@yahoo.com or visit downriver-mi.aauw.net.

Bingo Every Thursday beginning at 6:15 p.m. at the VFW Post No. 9283, 16200 Dix-Toledo Road, Southgate; doors open at 4 p.m.; $500 jackpot; all proceeds go to the VFW Ladies Auxiliary general fund.

Sponsored by the Grosse Ile Nature & Land Conservancy, enter at 28820 East River Rd, Grosse Ile, from 1-4 p.m. Event runs through Sunday, Oct. 30. GINLC hosts will be available to open the trails of the Airport Natural Area every Sunday from May to October. Spend a few hours enjoying the trails, ponds, bays, lookouts, and woods of this hidden gem. For more information, email GINLC.education@gmail. com. All GINLC programs are free to the public, but donations make them possible. Visit www.ginlc.org.

Hospitality at 6 p.m., meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. Guests are welcome to attend once for free. Membership fee is $15 per year. You do not have to live in Taylor to join the group. For more information, contact Nancy Smith at 734-287-6851 or by email at smithnan88@yahoo.com.

Knit and Crochet Club Meets from 1-3 p.m., Tuesdays. Meet, mingle and trade inspiration with local knitters and crocheters. Bring your own projects and have fun with a likeminded group. This is not an instructing class; however, you are welcome to ask others to share their knowledge and help. Cost: $3 donation to the DCA. Downriver Council for the Arts, 81 Chestnut, Wyandotte. (734) 720-0671 or visit www.downriverarts.org

Help with Kidney disease Kidney PATH (Virtual): Sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation of Michigan. For those living with kidney disease and their loved ones on Thursdays from 1-3 p.m. Info session on Sept. 8. Sessions 1-8: Sept. 15, 22, 29; Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27; Nov. 3. New participants can join through Thursday, Sept. 22. To register, visit: www.nkfm. org/KPATH or call 800-482-1455. To find additional PATH programs, visit nkfm.org/PATH or mihealthyprograms. org. Twilight Hike Hosted by the Grosse Ile Nature Land Conservancy, from 7-9 p.m., on Saturday, Sept. 17 at the Airport Natural Area. 28820 East River Rd, Grosse Ile. Learn about nocturnal and twilight wildlife. We will listen for frogs, use a bat detector to find bats, search for moths and fireflies, and discuss nocturnal animal adaptations. For more information, email GINLC.education@ gmail.com.

Job Assistance

WYANDOTTE WARRIOR > August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 7

Help some animals

Huron River Fishing Association

What’s happening Wyandotte ...

Polish Festival

The SEMCA Michigan Works! in Southgate, 15100 Northline Rd, Room 103, is offering help with job searching. Free services may include career assessment and guidance; GED preparation, basic skills assessment & enhancement; resume and interview assistance; and job search assistance. Stop in to register and ask about the next orientation session. Connect with a Career Coach and return to work faster. Reasonable accommodations will be made upon request. For more information, call 734-362-3448 or visit SEMCA.org.

Taylor Garden Club Meets the 3rd Thursday of the month September through June. Meetings are held at Taylor Senior Activity Center.

Hike in Airport Natural Area

■ Ladybird Deed – probably the best thing that has happened to owning a home. I love these deeds – you grant yourself a life estate – in your own property - but retain the power to sell or borrow against the property. If you do not sell before you pass, this “springs” the house out of your estate, and your heirs have instant ownership, subject to any mortgage or taxes owed or similar.

Again, this is just a general description of the more popular terms – no one choice is a “silver bullet” but depending on how your estate gets planned out you can expedite a clean and clear process for the assets you worked a lifetime to save. Why wouldn’t you want to do that? Stop by or call and make an appointment and I’ll tell you what you’re going to need to do this right.

3 tablespoons water ½ cup sour cream Sweet paprika to taste Pare and thinly slice cucumbers and onion. Toss with salt and pepper and refrigerate 2 hours. Drain well. Combine vinegar, water and sour cream. Stir into cucumbers and onions and sprinkle with paprika.


2 medium cucumbers, pared and thinly sliced 1 small onion, thinly sliced 1 1/2 teaspoons salt

1/8 teaspoon black pepper

2 tablespoons lemon juice ½ teaspoon salt, or to taste 1 teaspoon pepper, or to taste 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh oregano, chopped, or 1 tablespoon dried 2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped, or 1 tablespoon dried Cook pasta according to package directions, adding a generous amount of salt. After draining, add a little olive oil to prevent pasta from sticking together Toss all the salad ingredients together. Place all the dressing ingredients in a small bowl or jar and whisk well. If using a jar, put the lid on and close it, then shake well. Mix in the dressing and chill before serving.

8 ounces crumbled feta cheese

1/2 cup olive oil


■ Living Will – Documents your wishes during your final days including final healthcare choices and possibly your burial wishes.

¼ cup hot water 1 tablespoon cider vinegar 1 teaspoon sugar

PEANUT NOODLE SALAD 8 ounces spaghetti 2 tablespoons toasted sesame oil 1 bunch green onions, sliced (white parts, only; save green parts for 1garnish)teaspoon minced fresh grated ginger, or ¼ teaspoon ground 1/3 cup creamy or crunchy peanut ¼buttercup low-sodium soy sauce

101 Which

■ Trust – This is a “company” that you start, and you become the CEO, “Trustee” and “Settlor.” The company outlives you, but continues to manage your assets as if you were alive by the successor CEO – whom you designate.


3 tablespoons vinegar

To my numerous former clients – thank you for allowing me to draft your estate plan!

RAINBOW PASTA SALAD Salad ingredients:

1 green bell pepper, chopped 1 red bell pepper, chopped 1 yellow bell pepper, chopped 1 cup carrots, chopped, 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved 1 cucumber, pared and chopped ½ cup black olives, chopped 1 cup garbanzo beans


■ Will – letter of intent of where you want your personal property to go – or not go.

3 tablespoons red wine vinegar

Page 8 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR

Jeffrey Forrester Macomb St, Ste 1 • Grosse Ile 734-307-3390


¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes Cook spaghetti in salted boiling water until al dente in a large pot and drain. While noodles are cooking, prepare the sauce. In a small skillet, heat the oil over low heat. Add the white parts of the onion and cook until tender. Add the ginger and cook about 1 minute. Increase the heat to medium and stir in the peanut butter, soy sauce, water, vinegar, sugar and crushed pepper. Stir until combined and remove from heat. Toss spaghetti with the sauce and garnish with the green onion parts, plus peanuts, if desired.Season with more salt and pepper to taste. Sprinkle with additional crushed red pepper before serving.

Estate Planning plan do you

1 pound pasta, such as rotini, penne or farfalle

Dressing ingredients:

CairnsEvElyn Years Experience

www.ForresterLawOffice.com Forrester Law Office 5 STAR ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ REVIEW ■ Business Law ■ Personal Injury ■ Wills & Trusts ■ Family Law ■ General Practice ■ Medical Malpractice

If you love pasta, you’re not alone, because pasta is ranked the world’s favorite food by researchers. Spaghetti, named the most popular pasta shape on a list of 340, is also my own favorite, followed by tortellini with three cheeses, lasagna and ravioli. Because summer is salad time, you may want to try an intriguing pasta salad recipe I found on the internet for an Asian spaghetti version with a peanut butter sauce. Your kids are sure to love it, and enjoy slurping the noodles smothered with their favorite brand of peanut butter. But don’t make it too spicy for the youngsters. The sauce is a no-brainer that takes only minutes to make, and the salad can be served cold or at room temperature. It also travels well, so it’s a perfect contribution for a potluck, picnic or barbecue.Another salad to consider is Rainbow Pasta Salad, which features a gorgeous mixture of colorful peppers, carrots, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, garbanzos and olives dressed with balsamic vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil and feta cheese. The salad is super healthy and guaranteed to inspire compliments and requests for the recipe. But the coolest, easiest and most delicious recipe I make year-round is a traditional Hungarian cucumber salad.

Time to clear up the confusion about Estate Planning ... The following definitions lack legal precision, but makes it easier to get a clear picture of what may be needed in your case.

■ Power of Attorney – Financial and Healthcare – you need both – the first so someone can pay your bills, the second, sometimes called a Patient Advocate, designates someone to make “hallway at the hospital” decisions to take the stress off the family.

Hawk Watch Year of Monitoring Fall Raptor Migration on Detroit River

Raptor count data are entered into a database managed by the Hawk Migration Association of North America to facilitate collaboration and allow more accurate estimates of raptor population health than assessing one raptor count site alone could offer.You can visit the Detroit River Hawk Watch daily from Sept. 1 through Nov. 30 near the boat launch at Lake Erie Metropark located at 32481 West Jefferson, Brownstown, MI 48173.


WYANDOTTE WARRIOR > August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 9 12554 FORT ST. Southgate, MIDOWNRIVER Excellent Customer Service Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pm • Sat by appointment LEASE TURN IN? Detail starting atPaintless$59.99DentRepairGoddardNorthline N(85)St.FortToledoDix Interior Repair • Cigarrette Burns • Torn Seats • Carpet Repair FloorLiner™ DigitalFit® In the quest for the most advanced concept in floor protection, the talented designers and engineers at MacNeil Automotive have worked tirelessly to develop the most advanced DigitalFit® floor protection available today! UP TO 40% OFF! 10% OFF FABRIC PROTECTANT starting at $49.95 10%COMPLETEOFFDETAIL Bumper to Bumper, Inside and Out Includes Clay Bar!!! starting at $150.00 With coupon. Not valid with any other offer. SSM DOWNRIVER AUTO DETAILING 734-285-8770 $2495 HEADLIGHT RENEWAL Each Light • Regular $45.00 Window Tint Complete Vehicle $22495 Includes 4 Side Windows & Rear Window Any Shade of Tint With coupon. Not valid with any other offer. SSM DOWNRIVER AUTO DETAILING 734-285-8770 With coupon. Not valid with any other offer. SSM DOWNRIVER AUTO DETAILING 734-285-8770 With coupon. Not valid with any other offer. SSM DOWNRIVER AUTO DETAILINGSanitizerInterior734-285-8770 with Detail!

The Detroit River Hawk Watch (DRHW) is excited to announce the upcoming 40th year of monitoring diurnal raptor and turkey vulture migration at the mouth of the Detroit River beginning Sept. 1. This season will be the 25th year of consistent coverage at the Lake Erie Metropark and the sixth season the DRHW is welcoming back professional hawk counter Kevin Georg. Last season, with the help of dedicated volunteers, Kevin conducted 532 hours of data collection over 82 days and tallied an astounding 94,616 total turkey vultures and raptors across 14 different species. This total was 24 percent below the Long-Term Average (LTA) of roughly 124,193 raptors counted by the Detroit River Hawk Watch at Lake Erie Metropark between 2012-2021.Wecompared this season’s totals to the respective LTA for each species since 1998.Turkey vultures (17 percent), sharpshinned hawk (9 percent), American kestrel (20 percent), merlin (38percent) and peregrine falcon (47 percent) were the only species counted above the LTA. Osprey (-76 percent), bald eagle (-49 percent), Cooper’s hawk (-87 percent), northern goshawk (-100 percent), red-shouldered hawk (-21 percent), broad-winged hawk (-63 percent), Swainson’s hawk (-100 percent), red-tailed hawk (-18 percent), rough-legged hawk (-88 percent), and golden eagle (-31 percent) were significantly lower than their respective LTA (where values >15% are considered “significant” for the count). Strong winds and days of rain seemed to affect the number of raptors that flew over our count site last year and pushed birds elsewhere. Although DRHW is located in a major flyway, our site’s numbers represent only a sample of the overall migration. A lower count at DRHW may mean an elevated count at a neighboring site!

The Detroit River Hawk Watch 2021 Season Summary is available for viewing at http://detroitriverhawkwatch.org/.Resultsforindividualspeciesare presented, as well as non-raptor and monthly highlights and photos and narratives from the Detroit River Hawk Watch Facebook pageDRHWhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/detroitriverhawkwatch.isacommunityscienceinitiativeoftheDetroitRiver

International Wildlife Refuge. It is a partnership among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Refuge’s Friends Organization, the International Wildlife Refuge Alliance, and the Huron Clinton Metropolitan Authority. More information on DRHW is available online at: http://detroitriverhawkwatch. org/. For additional information, contact Wildlife Biologist Jessica Fletcher at 734362-3729.Formore information about the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, please visit the refuge website: www.fws.gov/refuge/Detroit_River.

Page 10 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR Abundant Living Gallery & Gi s 3002 1st Street | Wyandotte (734) 556-3033 Cheryl Zemke Boutique 2938 Biddle | Wyandotte (734) 740-1292 Glow Fish Studios 2840 Biddle | Wyandotte (734) 552-6323 River’s Edge Gallery 3024 Biddle | Wyandotte (734) 246-9880 Up n Down 3205 Biddle | Wyandotte (734) 283-3900

Wyandotte’s Street Art Fair is receding in the rear view mirror again. This edition came during a unique time in American life, in that people were just so darned eager to get out and about and begin to enjoy doing stuff in public, and especially at this event that so many people love and support. So last year’s fair was an experiment in response to specific conditional needs andThewants.upshot was a strong level of support and appreciation of virtually the entire community of permanent merchants, bars and restaurants for the afterglow of that surreal fair experience. After much conversation and debate, the fair continued on in the new mode, wherein heavy amplified music and cordoned off crowds by the riverfront were replaced by the bars and restaurants taking care of the alcohol demand, benefiting them all while diminishing the perception of the Wyandotte Street Art Fair being an alcoholArtistsevent.andCrafters had really strong sales and enjoyed their four days, as did merchants, restaurants andForbars.all of us that help comprise the Wyandotte experience, the word seems to be pretty darned positive. If you played any role in making the fair the success it was, thank you. If you have, over the years, gotten out of the habit of attending for reasons of “been there, done that” or aversion to the “party scene”, do yourself a favor and come back next year. With all the small businesses that temporarily line our streets, you get a chance to make a positive impact on an individual’s wellbeing, while getting some awesome stuff that can’t be replicated. Art Fairs lend an air of “alternative reality” to the cities they take place in. I have been to so many over the years; still have not lost the sense of fun and discovery that each one brings to us all because we support them. I may be the only person in Wyandotte that wishes for a longer fair, because I hate to see that reality proven as temporary. We do more business than in any other four-day window of the year, and then it has to goAh,away?well, it wouldn’t be a fair if it was permanent, I know that. And as the dust settles and we get back into doing business the way we do the other 361 days of the year and having the results of the fair to factor in for our years, we are not just tired, but hyped up with the challenges that lie ahead for the rest of 2022 and beyond.Ilove my job, I love doing things the way I know they need to be done, even if those ways are limited because we are, after all, small businesses, not scaled up in any way. I’m lucky to have been at this for 50 years. I have not been chronicling it as I do on these pages forever, though. That’s a five-year affair. Since I took up this gauntlet that Go Big Multimedia publisher Will Evans forced me at gunpoint to accept, so much has Changeschanged.forthebad have become even more of calls to action for me to scream bloody murder about. When I have the opportunity to be read by everyone in the zip codes that make up a majority of our sales, I feel it my responsibility to do so (as you may have gathered by now).

Likewise, though: Changes for the good have also come to pass. Having been an advocate for local and independent over national for decades, I have never stopped being interested in what the efforts of so many more across the nation are doing to change the perceptions of residents and consumers everywhere. And I never tire of telling my readers all about positive change that bodes well for the Therefuture.hasbeen a steady surge of positivity for what we locals and indies do. I think the fear of losing businesses that matter to us has had a residual effect on us all. We seem to understand a lot more that making sure such businesses don’t go away is the responsibility of each and every one of us. It’s called a “community,” and members of that community are making their awareness of how they fit into that truth known to the likes of me by their actions, not just words. Meanwhile, the likes of Amazon forge ahead, capturing more and more of the US economy. Now they are after niches of the medical industry. Remember what I told you years ago, and I wasn’t lying or exaggerating: Amazon wants and aims to be the US economy, not just control it. So trust me, you’re not going to hear me pull back on the earnest efforts to destroy Amazon single handedly in my lifetime.There are other threats out there. Dollar Tree, Dollar General and Family Dollar are companies, growing like a weed. Walmart continues to be a predatory company that refuses to stop foisting off responsibility to the state for benefits that they should be shouldering.AllIcando is not go there, ever, and to tell you why so maybe you will agree and switch in an “anti” mode –not positive and not just neutral. But meanwhile, things are on the upswing for local and independent. People really are more interested than ever about doing business with businesses more honest and genuine than hedge fund, private equity and stock market funding of the fake retail that has done its damndest to put all indies out of business.

Despite valid concerns, localism is resurging PEtErrosE

And as the dust settles and we get back into doing business the way we do the other 361 days of the year and having the results of the fair to factor in for our years, we are not just tired, but hyped up with the challenges that lie ahead for the rest of 2022 and beyond.

WYANDOTTE WARRIOR > August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 11 (734) 675-3456 • (888) 705-ROOF (734) 281-1153 quintplumbingmi.comadmin@quintplumbing.com 4144 Sixth Street Wyandotte, MI 48192 Serving e Dowriver Area For Over 30 Years


WYANDOTTE WARRIOR < August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 13 TAYLORCHEVY.COMATONLINEAPPLY DENIEDBEWILLAPPLICATIONNO...PaySlow••ForeclosureRepossession•BankruptcySecondsinedPre-QualifiGet...ApplicationsCreditALLofAcceptanceGuaranteedpercents.25forpurchasedbemaymileageadditionalmaturity,leaseatallowedmiles20,000lease,mo.248-2-2022.onexpirewhichofferedprogramscurrentonbasedarePaymentsdelivery.foravailablebewillvehiclesaidwhenonbasedvarywillandexamplesareforthset*Payments license/extra,taxhigher,andtiersB1onrequireddepositsecuritynoacquisition,fee,licensefee,titledealer,torebatesallOffer,CardGMandhouseholdinleaseChevroletselectcurrentrequiresapply,provisionsGMEPPLeasing,FinancialGMthroughleaseandedqualifiwellbemustmile, depicted.photosFileapply,restrictionsResidency$29,325.Equinox$51,820,Silverado$35,420,Blazer$26,095,Trailblazer$35,145,TraverseMSRPsigning.atdueequity,tradeorcash$1500extra,feestitle 24/7/365USEMAILQUESTIONS? WESAYYES@TAYLORCHEVY.COM RoadEurekaofNorth•48180MITaylor,TelegraphS.13801 734.287.26008-31-2022ENDSOFFERHURRY,SEATSHEATED•DIFFREARLOCKING•CAMERA PKGTRAILERING•WHEELSTEERINGHEATED• TRANSMISSIONAUTOSPD6•CYL41.5L• SEATDRIVERPOWER•SEATSHEATED• STARTREMOTE•ENTRYKEYLESSREMOTE• TIEBOWBLACK•PKGCONVENIENCEDRIVER• GATELIFT•POWERCAMERAREAR•PKGEMBLEM LINERSFLOORWEATHERALL•1LTEQUINOX2022 ORDER#BCJJWT 399 MONTH LEASEMONTH24 FORLEASE $ 237 * PER MONTH LEASEMONTH24atusemailorCall reservetoreserve@taylorchevy.com it.likeothersandvehiclethis atusemailorCall reservetoreserve@taylorchevy.com it.likeothersandvehiclethis WE SAY WE SAY EquityTradeorCash$1500 DriveandSignDue, EquityTradeorCash$1500 DriveandSignDue, 1 governmentsmunicipalorstatefederal,byemployedRespondersFirstStatistics).LaborofBureauU.S.byneddefi(asProfessionalHealthcareorDispatcher911EMT/Paramedic,Police,ghter,FireficurrentabeMust codespolicies,ordinances,rules,regulations,laws,municipalandstatefederal,applicablebypermittedunlessvoidiseroffthisAccordingly,er.offthisaccepttoabilitytheirlimitthatrestrictionstosubjectbemay laws,allwithcompliessodoingthatverifyyouer,offthisacceptingByemployees.municipalorstatefederal,applicablethebyacceptancegiftandethicsregardingstandardsordirectivesotherandconduct,of 20212022,trims;baseselectExcludesonly.dealersparticipatingAtspouse.theirsponsortoableareparticipantsEligibleyou.toapplythatacceptancegiftorethicsregardingrestrictionsotherorpoliciesregulations, reserved.rightsAllMotors.General©20221/3/23.bydeliveryretailnewTakeers.offothersomewithavailableNotEscalade.2021and2022andEV;HUMMER2022CT5;andCT4Corvette,2020andforpurchasedbemaymileageadditionalmaturity,leaseatallowedmiles20,000lease,mo.248-31-2022.onexpirewhicheredoffprogramscurrentonbasedarePaymentsdelivery.foravailablebewillvehiclesaidwhenonbasedvarywillandexamplesareforthset*Payments license/extra,taxhigher,andtiersB1onrequireddepositsecuritynodealer,torebatesaller,offrebateCardGMandhouseholdinleaseChevroletselectcurrentrequiresapply,provisionsGMEPPLeasing,FinancialGMthroughleaseandedqualifiwellbemustmile,percents.25 rResidency$29,325.Equinox$51,820,Silverado$35,420,BlazerMSRPextra.feestitleestrictionsapply,Filephotosdepicted. WARRIORWYANDOTTE:FacebookOnUsLike


Lakes.onsafe,harborsfundadvisecreatedbycommissionmemberCommission,Stateoperational.andTheMichiganWaterwaysaseven-advisoryappointedthegovernor,wasin1947toonhowtoplace,andmanagetoprovidenavigableboatingMichigan’sGreatThecommissionhas evolved significantly since its early charge and today is looking toward the future of boating to ensure Michigan continues to be a freshwaterworld-classboating destination.

Funding to meet the needs of Michigan’s boaters became a priority, which is how Michigan became the first state in the nation to establish a state marine fuel tax. This carved out a portion of the state tax on the sale of gasoline for a fund that helps to provide boaters access to Michigan’s waters.Inaddition to the Grant-In-Aid Program, the federal government supports the harbor program through funds allocated to the DingellJohnson Fund, administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the development of boating facilities designed to match local contributions.


In 2022, Michigan celebrates the 75th anniversary of boating our waterways the way we enjoy it today – a modern concept involving the access and infrastructure needed for boating; launches, marinas, gas docks, locks and dams and the maintenance to keep these destinations accessible

Boating has been a human pursuit for at least 8,000 years, with waters beckoning us toward adventure, providing food and helping build cities and economies for millennia. Those motivations for taking to the water have persisted and still ring true today. Boating is part of us.

Page 14 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR 734-282-3939atknowusLetFundraiser?orEventanHave

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers played an important role in the initial development and actual construction of the majority of Michigan’s harbor network. The federal/state/local program of cooperation is aimed primarily at the development of facilities.Responsibility for continuing operation and maintenance lies with local communities, and so reasonable fees are charged for the upkeep and operation of docks and piers, showers, restrooms and other facilities at these harbors. Only where local resources are unable to support such facilities does the state consider assuming these responsibilities. As a result, the state of Michigan operates only 18 of Michigan’s harbor facilities. The Army Corps oversees harbors of refuge.Michigan more than a ‘Mitten’ Michigan is often called the “Mitten State” in reference to the shape of the Lower Peninsula, but those who have had the opportunity to experience the state from the water understand the full story of why Michigan’s maritime heritage is so important.From the early Native Americans and French fur traders to shipments of lumber that helped Chicago,rebuildwater has defined much of what Michigan is. Today recreational boating contributes $7.8 billion annually to LakesandforandprotectiveahavecommunityCommissionWaterwaysMichiganjobs.supportseconomyMichigan’sand60,000TheDNR,Stateandpartnersusheredinnetworkof84harborspublicmarinastheconveniencesafetyofGreatboaters.To date, there are more than 1,300 public boating access sites, developed and undeveloped.Theseplaces are more than just where you put your boat into a river or lake – they are destinations for people to explore all corners of Michigan from the water. They are a passageway to hours spent enjoying the calm and quiet of the water, to the memories made with family and friends while floating, tubing, paddling, cruising or sailing. They Celebrating 75 years of making boating better turek

Michigan DNR sEE BoatinG, PaGE 27

The evolution of recreational boatingEstablished by the Michigan Legislature, the Michigan State Waterways Commission was created to take advantage of federal monies made available from the 1945 Rivers and Harbors Act, which provided funding for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers projects on the nation’s navigableMichiganwaters.soon began to create a safe harbor of refuge network on the state’s Great Lakes shoreline. This included the funding for protective breakwater structures and harbor basin and channel dredging to establish many of the harbors we know today, as well as routine maintenance dredging responsibilities for which the state, in turn, would provide mooring facilities.Thisplan began Michigan’s Waterways Program. By 1949, the state began additional efforts to expand the harbor of refuge network by collaborating with local units of government (counties, townships and cities) in the construction, maintenance and operation of these facilities. This started what is known today as the Grant-in-Aid Program, establishing federal, state and local partnerships in the development of Great Lakes harbor facilities. In 1966, when the new state constitution went into effect, the functions of the commission became a part of the Michigan Department of Conservation – the precursor to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources – and grew to add responsibility for selecting and creating boating access sites, or boat launches, on Michigan’s abundant inland lakes as well.

Also, climate change and associated environmental threats, such as high water, severe weather events and aquatic invasive species are all topics that current and future commissioners will be challenged to overcome with the help and support of Michigan’s boaters.

26 Belle isle Park in Detroit offers visitors opportunitythe to paddle on the Detroit river.

Individuals, businesses and organizations can also share thoughts and ideas related to fiberglass boat recycling and sign up to be kept in the loop on this initiative.Howcan you get involved?

“We all need to keep our waters clean and protected from invasive species and help make provisions to keep boating access sites, marinas and harbors safe and relevant to modern needs of boaters,” said Mary Rising, vice chair of the Waterways Commission and office manager for Action Water Sports in Fenton. There is also a new challenge the commission and the boating industry are striving to address.

Many boat manufacturers and dealerships also use boating access sites and marinas for classes and demo days to offer anyone interested in boating the opportunity to try it.

The Michigan Boating Industries Association and Boat Michigan have been welcoming new boaters aboard for years with the Discover Boating campaign.Toexperience boating before making the commitment to purchase your own boat, consider renting a boat or joining a boat club like Freedom Boat Club for shared ownership. Both options are growing in popularity at marinas around the state. The future of boating After 75 years of improving boating access, the Waterways Commission and the industry began to address additional challenges facing the sustainability of boating. In 2019, in collaboration with the commission, the DNR invested in a consultant to analyze infrastructure needs for the next 20 years. The study found that the boating program faces over $755 million in baseline improvement needs and a $26.8 million shortfall annually to keep pace with this need.Innovative thinking, understanding trends and required modernization of facilities, and looking at new funding models are all topics on the agenda for the DNR and commission, as well as evaluating current funding sources to ensure a sustainable future for the boating access Michiganders have come to expect.

According to the Rhode Island Marine Trades Association, between 2003 and 2019, an estimated 3 million recreational boats were retired in the United States. This rate of accumulation is not expected to slow down, as many first-generation fiberglass boats launched in the 1970s-1990s have begun to reach their end-of-life status without a sustainable option forMichigandisposal. is tackling this problem with a multiindustry team, striving to make the state the leader in fiberglass recycling – and not just for boats, but for construction, manufacturing, energy and other industries that currently use fiberglass. Michiganders are known for being makers, yet this initiative could firmly cement the state’s workers as the “re-makers” of fiberglass.

With so much happening in boating right now, there are many ways for citizens to have their voice heard. Learn more about the Waterways Commission online, including reviewing past meeting information and upcoming meeting schedules.TheDNR encourages boaters to attend these public meetings to share any thoughts they might have related to public boating access and its infrastructure, or the sustainability of boating.

Those who are very passionate about boating can apply to become a waterways commissioner through the governor’s appointment process.

For example, fishing charters and boat rentals use these public boating access sites and marinas to make boating available to others who want to experience it.

WYANDOTTE WARRIOR < August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 15 WARRIORWYANDOTTE:FacebookOnUsLikemake over-water sunrises and sunsets available to everyone, not just the few who can afford waterfront property.“Ibelieve the most noble responsibility of the commission is to make sure that all people, regardless of their income level, abilities, or ethnicity have access to our Freshwater resources,” said Fred Sitkins, executive director of the Inland Seas Education Association in Suttons Bay and a Waterways commissioner since 2021. Boating is arguably Michigan’s pastime, with the state having the third-largest number of registered boats in the country and is often a heritage sport passed down from generation to generation. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, thousands of new boaters have discovered the safety, affordability and wellness benefits that come withWhileboating.it’seasy to assume that boaters are only people who actually own boats, waterways have helped expand that definition in many ways, including creating opportunities for businesses.

Or, if you just want some great boating destination ideas, freshwater facts and ideas for celebrating 75 years of Michigan boating, text the word “Water” to 80888 to sign up for weekly Water Wednesday text updates from the DNR through Sept. 7. No matter what you do, this is the summer to grab your friends, family and something that floats and find your way to the water. Find ideas for how to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Michigan State Waterways Commission at Michigan.gov/Boating.

Many state parks also offer boat rentals and boating programs.


Page 16 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR 734-282-3939atknowusLetFundraiser?orEventanHave (810) 366-1590 9161 Groh Road • Grosse Ile Township MaxFlightHeloMI.com WE ARE OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK, YEAR-ROUND Max ight Helicopter Services ANY SPECIAL OCCASION FLIGHTS Tours of Detroit Flights • Sunset Flights Flower Drop for Weddings/Funerals Group Rides (up to 30 People) Island$49OnlyFlightspp Gift Certificates AvailableonRiverRides NEW EYES OPTICAL VETERAN OWNED SINCE 2012 SMALLSHOPSHOPLOCAL Affordable Pricing & UniqueStyles Call or visit us on Facebook for up-to-date daily hours! 1616 Ford Ave • Wyandotte • www.NewEyesOptical.com313-587-4204 With over 1800 frames available, we can meet all of your vision needs! READING • VISION SUN • SPORTS SAFETY GLASSES ALL AVAILABLE With or without your prescription We Also Have the LARGEST Selection of Ray-Ban & Oakley Sunglasses Downriver! WOODHAVEN 19295 West 734.671.6936Rd. TAYLOR 22124 Ecorse 313.295.6500Rd. DEARBORN 2621 Telegraph 313.278.4799Rd. SOUTHGATE 15060 Eureka 734.720.9797Rd. Grooming Available Grooming AvailableGrooming Available BUY MORE, SAVE MORE $5 OFF $35 • $10 OFF $60 ENTER CODE 89232 AT CHECKOUT • EXPIRES 9-30-2022

WYANDOTTE WARRIOR < August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 17 WARRIORWYANDOTTE:FacebookOnUsLike 1466 Eureka Road ❖ Wyandotte 734-284-6232 WE OFFER 24 HOUR EMERGENCY TOWING HOURS OF OPERATION: MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM • IMPOUND HOURS: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 20%OFFLABOR Excludes Towing • Must present before service • Exp 9-30-22 Family Owned and Operated since 1947 We service all mechanical auto repairs including, but not limited to: • Shocks & Struts • Computer Diagnostics • Engine Diagnostics, Repairs & Replacements • Air Conditioning Recharging & Repairs • Brakes & ABS System Repairs • Suspension & Steering Repairs • Brake & Line Repairs • Batteries, Starters, Alternators • And More! 75 YEARS in business 75YEAR TOSAVINGSANNIVERSARYGIFTYOUOUR CONCRETE DELIVERY — 1/2 yard on up! Michigan’s SMALLEST concrete delivery trucks Driveway and lawn FRIENDLY COURTEOUS drivers Open 6 DAYS A WEEK Call for a FREE 313-841-7333estimateSPECIALORDERSONSUNDAYS

Youth in TFCO receive weekly individual therapy to navigate the program, and will practice problemsolving and coping skills along with other skills individualized for their needs. TFCO program staff are available 24/7 to allow for quick and effective responses to situations and behaviors.

“I have many hopes for our TFCO program,” said Guidance Center Team Leader Leah Thomas. “I am hopeful that we can find a group of parents that are invested in the program and the model which will allow us to serve more youth and have successful outcomes. The impact that Therapeutic Parents can have on the lives of these vulnerable youth in such a short time is immeasurable.”

For more information contact Denise Harmon at 734-626-4163 or sharmon@guidance-center.org, or visitSinceguidance-center.org/tfco/.1958,TheGuidanceCenter, located in Southgate, has responded to the ever-changing needs of Downriver and Southeast Michigan residents as an innovative leader providing quality behavioral health; early children education and programs; substance use and community outreach services; and most recently was designated as a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC). The mission of the private, non-profit agency is: Nurture development. Foster resilience. Cultivate well-being. The Guidance Center serves more than 15,000 children, adults and families each year with 26 programs.

Therapeutic Foster Parents needed for short-term care of vulnerable youth

The program serves children ages 7-11 in a mental health care setting who have a family to return to after treatment. Children are placed with trained Therapeutic Foster Parents with the goal of creating opportunities for youth to successfully live in a family setting, and simultaneously help parents or other long-term caregivers to provide effective parenting skills. The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the needs of vulnerable children in the community, and Therapeutic Foster Parents are needed more than ever. Parents will receive extensive training and resources to help them best help their TFCO child, while also receiving a stipend for the duration of the placement.Inthisrole parents will provide a safe, nurturing and supportive home to a child for 6-9 months.

The Guidance Center’s new Treatment Foster Care Oregon (TFCO) program is seeking compassionate, generous, and dedicated parents to foster youth short-term and help them to grow, recover, and overcome barriers to return to their families.Treatment Foster Care Oregon was developed as an alternative to institutional, residential, and group care placement for children and youth with severe emotional and behavioral disorders.

Bruner said that because of the bar’s Irish roots, the corned beef sandwiches have alway been a favorite at the bar and the upgraded menu now includes fresh-from-the-lake perch and prime rib on Fridays and Saturdays. So if you’re looking for a meal or a beverage, the owners and staff at Mr. Nick’s would like to invite you by.

Rob and Rosanne Bruner

Bruner said the business has been helped greatly by “a really awesome staff.” That staff numbers around 15 and some of them have worked at Mr. Nick’s for decades.

SPECIAL FRI AND SAT FEATURES Online Menu: www.misternickstrenton.com Open Mic Night on Thursdays Hosted by Keelan Starr Daily Lunch Specials Under $10 Taco Tuesdays $3 AcousticMargaritasGuitarStevenCooleyonWednesdaysonNameTriviaThatTuneTuesdays PRIME RIB “Finest Cut Downriver” PERCH & CHIPS “Freshest Weyands Fish Served” 1926RdWest For it is Always Fair Weather When Good Fellows Get Together

There is really little need to introduce anyone to Mr. Nick’s. The West-Road bar is pretty much a Trenton institution. Instead, meet Rob Bruner and his wife Rosanne, who purchased the venerable establishment in 2019. Yep, they jumped into the bar/restaurant business one year before COVID and the subsequent shutdowns.

Page 18 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR 734-282-3939atknowusLetFundraiser?orEventanHave 5-Star Reviews Our Customers Love Us and We Need Another Sushi Chef. Apply Within CONTINUINGTRADITIONTHEMR.NICK’S SPECIAL FRI AND SAT FEATURES Online Menu: www.misternickstrenton.com Open Mic Night on Thursdays Hosted by Keelan Starr Daily Lunch Specials Under $10 Taco Tuesdays $3LadiesMargaritasNightWednesdays PRIME RIB PERCH & CHIPS 1926 West Rd 734-671-0990Trenton

The new owners did a major remodel and upgraded the equipment and had the place really humming before the shutdowns. Those shutdowns took a toll, as it did on all businesses, but Rob said business these days is just about back to pre-pandemic levels.

If you are looking for a place to have a nice meal in a fun, interesting and unusual place, The Vault Restaurant is for you. Located in Downtown Wyandotte on the corner of First and Maple streets, the fine-dining eatery is housed in the historic building that once housed the National Bank of Wyandotte, hence the name, TheOwnerVault.Christ Doulos, who has been in the food service business for more than five decades, breathed life into the old building and the new restaurant nearly one year ago. The Vault celebrated its first anniversary on April 15. Doulos and his restaurant co-founders Carole Bell-Doulos and Suzette Balaskas have created a restaurant that offers a variety of locally sourced foods and takes special care to cater to those with allergies and other sensitivities. The menu features vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options.

The Vault’s exceptional menu features prime cut meats, wild-caught seafood, locally raised chicken, locally-sourced baked goods, an extensive wine list and craft cocktails. The restaurant serves lunch and dinner six days a week and there is a lunch special featuring a $10 Wagyu beef burger.

Enjoy outdoor patio dining now that summer in here! We offer two patio locations with full waitstaff service.

If you haven’t yet been to The Vault, you owe yourself a visit. Their hours are: Monday through Thursday 11:30am to 9:00pm Friday and Saturday 11:30am to 10:00pm Closed on Sundays.

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Page 22 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR 734-282-3939atknowusLetFundraiser?orEventanHave FDI-1867K-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Minimum deposit % APY* Minimum deposit % APY* Minimum deposit % APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 07/27/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). Clare M McMillan, AAMS™ Financial Advisor 565 Oak Wyandotte,StreetMI 48192 734-285-0224 6-month 1-year 2-year 3.303.002.6 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 FDI-1867K-A © 2022 EDWARD D. JONES & CO., L.P. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. > edwardjones.com | Member SIPC Compare our CD Rates Bank-issued, FDIC-insured Call or visit your local financial advisor today. Minimum deposit % APY* Minimum deposit % APY* Minimum deposit % APY* * Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 07/27/2022. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account ownership category. Please visit www.fdic.gov or contact your financial advisor for additional nformation. Subject to availability and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC). Clare M McMillan, AAMS™ Financial Advisor 565 Oak Wyandotte,StreetMI 48192 734-285-0224 6-month 1-year 2-year 3.303.002.6 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Jonathan Hodge 14031 Pennsylvania Rd, Suite C Riverview, MI 734-282-858248193 John Serb 22673 Allen Road, Suite Woodhaven,200 MI 48183 734-672-7504 Clare M McMillan AAMS* 565 Oak Wyandotte,StreetMI 48192 734-285-0224 Landscape Supply & Garden Center WE CARRY EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR YOUR LANDSCAPING PROJECT Topsoil ∙ Sand ∙ Gravel ∙ Mulch Stone ∙ Boulders ∙ Retaining Walls Flowering Trees ∙ Shade Trees ∙ Shrubs SAME AVAILABLE!DELIVERYDAY 23216 Telegraph Rd. (S. of West Rd) BROWNSTOWN ∙ (734) HOURS:www.RauppBrothers.com671-8800Monday-Saturday8amto5pmClosedSunday BRICKLANDSCAPE,DESIGN,PAVERS INSTALLATION& Call for a ESTIMATEFREE Stop By & Shop Our Large Selection of Professional Grade Plants & Materials OPEN TO THE PUBLIC With coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 9-30-22 With coupon. Not valid with any other offer. Expires 9-30-22 $10 OFF Your Delivery of $100 or More Bulk product deliveries only $20 OFF Your Delivery of $200 or More Bulk product deliveries only FALL is the Best Time to 15-20%Plant! OFF Select Plants!

WYANDOTTE WARRIOR < August 25 — September 27, 2022 < Page 23 WARRIORWYANDOTTE:FacebookOnUsLike

Page 24 > August 25 — September 27, 2022 > WYANDOTTE WARRIOR 734-282-3939atknowusLetFundraiser?orEventanHave WHITE FURNITURE’S seat springs, 10 year warranty cushions $2139 Lifetime warranty frame & seat springs, 10 year warranty cushions $1959 FREE DELIVERY (over $299 within 20 miles) 0% INTEREST FOR 18 MONTHS OR 2 YEAR FREE LAY-A-WAY SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. August Summer Sale In Stock Power Lift Recliners In Stock Power Lift Recliner Sale Price $899 Max lift 300 pounds In Stock Power Lift Recliner with heat and massage Sale Price $999 Max lift 300 pounds In Stock Power Lift Recliner with heat and massage Sale Price $1089 Max lift 350 pounds In Stock Extra Large Power Lift Recliner Sale Price $1299 Max lift 400 pounds

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