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2022 ACMS Meeting and Activity Schedule
from ACMS Bulletin August 2022
What else have we got to look forward to?
Multidrug resistant (XDR) typhoid resistant to 5 classes of antibiotics emerged in 2016 in Pakistan where there is an ongoing outbreak. As of January 14, 2021, the CDC reported 71 cases in the US, of which 67 had a travel history and 58 had travelled to Pakistan in the last 30 days.
The CDC reported 9 cases across 6 states; none had any travel history to Pakistan. Typhoid is spread through contaminated water and food and person to person contact (e.g. Typhoid Mary).
Chinese scientists have reported an outbreak of a little known Langya henipavirus affecting farmers; the reservoir appears to be shrews. Crossspecies transmission is concerning, but there are no reports of human to human transmission--yet. Symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and headache.
COVID-19 itself continues to evolve, with the latest variant BA2.75 demonstrating vaccine escape ability, high transmissibility and a large spike occurring in India right now which will be replicated in the US shortly. Together with the relaxing of restrictions by the CDC as schools reopen, this makes for a very interesting fall and winter.
Flu lurks, as ever.
And who knows what awaits us as the Siberian Permafrost melts.
Stay alert, friends.
Erez N et al. Diagnosis of Imported Monkeypox, Israel 2018. Emerg Infect Dis. 2019 May; 25(5): 980-983.
https://www.aerosol.mech.ubc.ca/ what-size-particle-is-important-totransmission/
Zaucha, G., Jahrling, P., Geisbert, T. et al. The Pathology of Experimental Aerosolized Monkeypox Virus Infection in Cynomolgus Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). Lab Invest 81, 1581–1600 (2001). https://www.reuters.com/business/ healthcare-pharmaceuticals/whyhas-polio-been-found-london-newyork-jerusalem-how-dangerous-isit-2022-08-15/
https://www.gov.uk/government/news/ all-children-aged-1-to-9-in-london-to-beoffered-a-dose-of-polio-vaccine
Milton DK “What was the primary mode of smallpox transmission? Implications for biodefense. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2012; 2:150.
2022 ACMS Meeting & Activity Schedule By Committee
Finance Committee
Keith T. Kanel, MD, Chair
August 30 November 15
Board of Directors
Patricia L. Bononi, MD, Chair
September 13 December 6
House of Delegates
October 21-22
MPHC (Management Professionals in November 16 Health Care) at the Westin Pittsburgh Full Day Conference