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Foundation Featured Grant Recipient
from ACMS Bulletin December 2022
Featured Grant Recipient
Angels’ Place, Inc.
For 38 years single parent families have shaped a pathway to a brighter future for themselves and generations to come. The kind support of the Allegheny County Medical Society Foundation during the 2021-2022 program year helped Showcase of Scholar families have access to life-changing programming. The Early Childhood Education and Family Support services created opportunities for children to learn and grow alongside their parents.
Support from funders like the Allegheny County Medical Society Foundation was essential to creating brighter futures for two generations. More than ever, high-quality Early Childhood Education and Family Support programming are needed in Allegheny County. Studies compiled in 2020 by Heinz Endowments and reported by WESA, indicate that “the COVID-19 pandemic has led to the loss of up to 15,600 child care spots in Allegheny County, and could push parents of young children out of the workforce if those losses become permanent.” The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation reported “71% of nonworking poor adults (nationally) with children under the age of 5 cite taking care of home/family as the reason they’re not in the workforce.” Ensuring that families in the Pittsburgh community have access to high-quality child care and family support services remains a focus for Angels’ Place and are essential to responding to the loss of child care that the region has encountered. Superior child care allows single parents meeting low-income guidelines the ability to pursue their education and career goals.

To Learn More about Angels’ Place Visit: www.angelsplacepgh.org
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