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Election Form 2023

The Allegheny County Medical Society is looking for motivated individuals interested in joining our leadership team to develop our Society to meet the future needs of our members and community. ACMS is now seeking candidates for the 2023 ACMS Board of Directors and ACMS Delegates to the Pennsylvania Medical Society and invite your nominations.
If you want to make a difference and are interested in participating in ACMS leadership, send in your nomination. If you would like to recommend a colleague, please e-mail [dhostovich@acms.org] or fax this memo back to 412321-5323.
Get involved – send in your nominations today. If you have any questions, please contact the Society at 412-321-5030; our staff is eager to assist you.
Sincerely, Mark A. Goodman, MD
Mark A. Goodman, MD Secretary
Nominations for 2023 Election [Please Print]
I would like to recommend ___________________________________________________________for
________ Board of Directors ________ Delegate.
I am interested in being a candidate for the ACMS:
Board of Directors _______ Delegate to the PAMED Society _______
♦ Represents physicians on issues impacting the practice of medicine and makes policy decisions for the Society. ♦ Meets four times per year, special meetings as needed. ♦ Three-year term: 2023-25. Eligible for reelection. ♦ Represents the physicians of Allegheny County in creating statewide policy on issues impacting physicians, patients and the practice of medicine. ♦ Meets as necessary prior to attending the House of
Delegates in October in Hershey, PA. ♦ Two-year term: 2023-24. Eligible for re-election.
Name _______________________________ Phone ________________ Email _____________________________ [Please Print]
Please enclose a copy of your CV.
Fax the completed form to 412-321-5323 by Monday, July 15, 2022. Fax the completed form to 412-321-5323 by August 15, 2022. Thank you. Thank you.Online form here: https://www.acms.org/nominations
2022 ACMS Bulletin Photo Contest

Please note instructions below for participating in the 2022 ACMS Bulletin Photo Contest:
1 Email your VERTICAL jpg photos with a resolution of 300 dpi or higher to ACMSBulletin@acms.org. Photos should be 8”W x 10”H.
No more than three photos may be submitted.
2 You must be an ACMS member physician to submit photos.
3 Include the name of the photo (please keep file names short) as well as your name, specialty, address and phone number in the email.
4 You will receive verification that your photo has been received and is eligible to be entered in the contest. a) Horizontal photos will not be considered. b) Photos with low resolution will not be considered. c) Panoramic shots or photos featuring specifically identifiable individuals, relatives, will not be considered. d) Be aware top third of image will be obstructed by Masthead.
5 5 The deadline for submission is Monday, October 3rd, 2022. After this date, a group of individuals selected by the ACMS Board of Directors and ACMS Editorial Board will vote on the top 12 photos.
6 Winners will be announced on the ACMS website, in the Bulletin and via email. The 1st-place winner’s photo will appear on the January 2023 cover; the remaining winning photos will appear on Bulletin covers throughout the year.
7 Please continue to check the ACMS website and future issues of the
Bulletin for further updates and reminders.