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My Summer as an ACMS Intern

By: Isabella Lin, ACMS Intern

Interning at the Allegheny County Medical Society was an opportunity I’m extremely glad I took, and I have come to realize that this is because ACMS has roots in many fields. There is engagement in medicine, business, marketing, event planning, writing, and so much more. To work at ACMS is to work with numerous and varying professions, people, and places, that give you a little taste of everything.


For ten weeks, I worked hard, finished tasks, created ideas, and planned. I learned things as simple as writing a solid email to things as complex and logistical as hosting an event at a country club, writing a blog, and reaching out to businesses all around Pittsburgh. The role of ACMS is such that there is a lot of engagement with people and places all over the city; I was able to form connections with small businesses and begin creating a network.

Here’s the thing: people fail to understand doctors’ incredible role in their communities. Doctors carry such an amount of weight on just two shoulders and are usually lacking in recognition for their work. This summer, I was able to work every day knowing that I was helping physicians that deserved more from their communities. Through publications/press, event hosting, and educational courses/seminars, ACMS lends a hand to thousands of physicians city-wide; this is no small feat. Being a part of the planning was a testament to that.

The overarching goal of ACMS is one with which I can personally identify, given that I have two doctor parents. I have seen the stressful, angry, crazy, and desperate underbelly of medicine. And the answer to this problem lies within the pillars of advocacy, education, fellowship, and wellbeing.

You wouldn’t believe how glad I was when I found out about the opportunity to intern at ACMS. Yes, it is a job that teens like me dream about because of the experience with real world expectations, the dynamics of a workplace, the communication with colleagues and people at large, and a peek into the medical field. But, even more so than that, ACMS fights, along with physicians in our area, for a common goal and good. That’s value added.

My time here was enlightening in every way possible. Thanks to the entire ACMS staff for welcoming me and showing me how it’s done; this has been an experience that I will never forget!

—Isabella Lin


Allegheny County Health Department—Selected Reportable Diseases/Conditions

* Case classifications reflect definitions utilized by CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

** These counts do not reflect official case counts, as current year numbers are not yet finalized. Inaccuracies in working case counts may be due to reporting/investigation lag.

NOTE: Disease reports may be filed electronically via PA-NEDSS. To register for PA-NEDSS, go to https://www.nedss.state.pa.us/NEDSS. To report outbreaks or diseases reportable within 24 hours, please call the Health Department’s 24-hour telephone line at 412-687-2243.

For more complete surveillance information:

• On influenza: Influenza (Flu) Information | Health Department | Allegheny County

• On mpox: https://www.alleghenycounty.us/Health-Department/Resources/Data-and-Reporting/Infectious-Disease-Epidemiology/Mpox.aspx

• On COVID-19: COVID-19 Dashboards (alleghenycounty.us)

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