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Call for Nominations – 2024 Leadership Positions
BoaRD oF DiReCtoRs anD aCms house oF Delegates nominations aRe Due By august 15, 2023

The ACMS Nominating Committee is accepting nominations for six open positions on the 2024 Board of Directors, including (5) three-year term board seats, and (1) 1-year term board seat that has become vacant. The ACMS Election will take place during the first week of November and the new board members will be announced following certification at the December 5, 2023, Board of Directors meeting. The terms of the new Board members will begin on January 1, 2024.
Serving on the ACMS Board of Directors requires participation in four meetings per year (held quarterly), with in-person attendance preferred at all meetings. There may, from time to time, be special meetings of the Board of Directors should the need for a meeting arise. Board positions are open to all ACMS physician members.
The ACMS Delegation will also elect several members to serve as Delegates or Alternate Delegates for the PAMED House of Delegates. The 2024 dates for the House of Delegates are October 25-26, 2024. ACMS Delegates are elected for a term of two-years (and may not serve more than 3 consecutive terms). Alternate Delegates are elected for a oneyear term and there is no limit to consecutive terms for Alternate Delegates. Applicants for a Delegate or Alternate Delegate position should be considerate that the ability and willingness to attend the House of Delegates in-person will be considered during the vetting process. In-person attendance will be encouraged.
Joining the Allegheny County Medical Society board of directors and/or Delegation can provide a multitude of benefits, including professional development, networking opportunities, the ability to influence and impact the medical profession, and personal fulfillment. It can be an excellent platform to contribute to the medical community and advance one’s career in healthcare. We hope you will consider nominating yourself or a colleague for these important roles.
To nominate yourself or a colleague please use the online submission portal by visiting https://www.acms.org/2023-acms-leadership/ nominations. If you have any questions, please reach out to ACMS Executive Director, Sara Hussey (shussey@acms.org) or Dr. Raymond Pontzer, ACMS Nominating Committee Chair.