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CME Updates
CME (GI) /EVENTS/2020-21
ACG VIRTUAL MEETING October 23-28, 2020 12th Annual Penn IBD Symposium Saturday, March 13th, 2021
Symposium provides cutting edge insights in IBD on facets ranging from maximizing drug therapy, optimal use of endoscopy & imaging to the latest updates on advanced surgical management for Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis patients.
Register Here: https://upenn.cloud-cme.com/IBD2021
F. Wilson Jackson, MD, a gastroenterologist from Mechanicsburg, was elected by a statewide group of physicians Saturday to serve as vice president of the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED). After 1-year terms as vice president and president-elect, Dr. Jackson will become PAMED President in January 2023. He will be the first physician from Cumberland or Dauphin counties to serve as PAMED President in nearly 40 years. Saturday’s election took place during PAMED’s annual meeting, which was held virtually because of concerns about coronavirus. Dr. Jackson has served in several leadership roles with PAMED, most recently as vice chair of its board of trustees. He has also been chair of PAMED’s finance committee and a trustee representing specialty physicians. A central Pennsylvania native, Dr. Jackson followed his father into medicine. In 1999, Dr. Jackson joined and eventually took over his father’s solo gastroenterology practice. Under Dr. Jackson’s leadership, what is now known as Jackson Siegelbaum Gastroenterology has grown to eight physicians and five advanced providers. Despite competitive consolidation in the medical delivery systems in the Harrisburg area, the practice and its associated ambulatory endoscopy center remain independent, serving patients in the greater Harrisburg area now for two generations. “I am looking forward to advocating on behalf of the 41,000 physicians in our commonwealth and, by extension, the patients under their care” Dr. Jackson said.
PRESIDENT Ravi K. Ghanta, MD Digestive Disease Associates (610) 374-4401 rghanta@usdhealth.com
1st VICE-PRESIDENT David L. Diehl, MD Geisinger Medical Center Gastroenterology/Nutrition 570-271-6856 dldiehl@geisinger.edu @DavidDiehlMD
SECRETARY Karen Krok, MD Penn State Hershey Gastroenterology (717) 531-4950 kkrok@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
TREASURER Manish Thapar, MD Thomas Jefferson University Hospital (215) 955-8900 Manish.Thapar@jefferson.edu
Rumblings EDITOR Neilanjan Nandi, MD, FACP University of Pennsylvania 215-662-8900 Neilanjan.Nandi@pennmedicine.upenn.edu
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE Jason Harbonic (717) 558-7750 ext. 1584 info@pasg.org STAFF
Jennifer Redmond
Deputy Association Executive
Jessica Winger
Meeting Manager
Jill Bennish
Member Service Specialist
Tom Notarangelo
Marketing and Communications Specialist
Samantha Dougherty
Marketing and Communications Specialist