PA Psychiatrist July 2020, Newsletter of the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society

Page 2

TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 | Banding Together for COVID 3 | Editor’s Column 4 | Activity Update 5 | Resident Update 6 | PAMED Everyday Heros 8 | Donate to Our PAC 9 | Telepsychiatry 10 | Committee Interest Form 11 | Meet the Executive Committee

Don’t miss what PaPS is working on for you! Check out the Activity Update.

Banding Together for COVID and Post-COVID Edwin Kim, MD Medical Director Physicians’ Health Program Before the global pandemic, physicians and trainees were facing the ongoing epidemic of burnout. In a post-COVID era, we are anticipating an exacerbation of medical workers’ well-being with the introduction of traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression. We would like to invite a group of experts in the realm of PTSD, physician burnout, and peer review to participate in a joint effort with the Pennsylvania Physician Health Program to produce postCOVID education and potential referral path to treatment. The goal is to connect Pennsylvania physicians and trainees to a well-qualified network of psychiatrists and mental health clinicians that can provide trauma-informed care to individuals impacted directly and indirectly by COVID-19. This service will supplement ongoing efforts by larger institutions (EAPs, wellness committees/offices, Human Resources) by addressing a significant potential obstacle to seeking care, particularly privacy. This also addresses access to care issues by connecting physicians in areas with less formalized support systems to a state-wide network. If you are interested in participating in this Post-COVID Task Force, please contact PaPS Staff by July 17, 2020.


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