PA Psychiatrist July 2020, Newsletter of the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Society

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How Can You Advocate for Your Society and Your Patients During This Uncertain Time? Donate to Our PAC! We are adjusting to the new “normal” during this pandemic. For many of our members, practice settings and method(s) of treatment have changed. Regardless of your daily routine, and ever-changing political, economic, and societal climate around us, the Society’s dedication is unwavering and unchanged. We are more dedicated than ever to provide grassroots advocacy for our members on the state and local level.

So, what can you do to assist our efforts?

Donate to our Political Action Committee (PAC). The Psychiatric Physicians of Pennsylvania PAC (or PPP-PAC) will be embarking on a fundraising campaign in the next few weeks. Our campaign called “20 Reasons to Donate $20 to the PPP-PAC in 2020” will highlight some of our top advocacy issues along with our efforts.

Here are few highlights:

• Reasons to Donate $20 to the Psychiatric Physicians of Pennsylvania’s Political Action Committee (PPP-PAC) in 2020 • Access to key state policymakers who positively or negatively impact the lives of your patients and their families. • Deborah Ann Shoemaker, PaPS Executive Director, is also a registered lobbyist representing our interests at the Capitol, serving on numerous key advisory committees under the jurisdiction of the Wolf Administration. • The Society communicates regularly with key policymakers within the Wolf Administration, often solicited for member clinical expertise on proposed policies affecting individuals with mental health and substance use needs.

Legislative Focus and Grassroots Advocacy • Telemedicine: laboring closely with the APA, and various national and statewide provider stakeholder groups to ensure that access to quality, evidence-based, confidential and patient safe telepsychiatry treatment is available for all individuals seeking it and that providers are compensated appropriately. • Public Safety Measures: working in concert with House and Senate legislators in drafting and advancing proposed legislation to create Extreme Risk Protection Orders/Red-Flag laws to keep guns out of the hands of individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others during a mental health emergency. • Expansion of Medical Marijuana Program: continued vigilance in opposing arbitrary, non-clinically based additions to the list of eligible conditions for the use of medical marijuana across the commonwealth by the PA Medical Marijuana Advisory Board. The Society has petitioned to remove anxiety disorder, Opiate Use Disorder, and other related mental health conditions from the list of eligible conditions. • COVID-19: we are your voice and resource for all things COVID-19, participating in policy briefings and informational webinars, laboring closely with APA and our medical colleagues on grassroots advocacy efforts to provide medical liability protections for physicians. • We are in an election year where decisions at the state level affect the federal level. Pennsylvania is a battleground state so your $20 matters! Please thoughtfully consider sending a personal donation today, made payable to the PPP-PAC. Personal donations can also be made via credit card by completing the donation portion below. It is an investment in your future. We have enclosed a copy of our donation form here so that you can send the donation today.

Name: (if using a credit card, please print name as it appears on the card)

Personal (not corporate) check for $

Charge my credit card for $ *we cannot accept American Express


enclosed (payable to PPP-PAC) Visa

Card # Exp. Date

CVV No. (3-digit number on back of card)

Card’s Billing Address: Signature Please fax completed forms to 855-918-3611 Or mail your form to: PA Psychiatric Society, Attention: Dawn Losiewicz, P. O. Box 8820, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8820 (Contributions to PPP-PAC are not deductible for income tax purposes.)


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