1 minute read
President’s Message
President’s Message continued from page 1
I want to stress that PSG is here for you, and is an organization run for your colleagues and by your colleagues. If you feel there is a topic that would be of broad interest for our members, please let us know. We would also love to hear any updates in your career, new accomplishments, awards, etc. to highlight in the newsletter. We at PSG want to be part of your work family and want to be a valuable resource to you.
If you are a member of the PSG, I thank you for your support. If you are affiliated with the field of GI or hepatology, I ask you to consider joining this wonderful organization which will have its 40th Anniversary this year. One of our goals is to have every GI fellow in the state of Pennsylvania join as a member of the organization because 1) trainees are the future of the specialty and 2) this allows collaboration amongst training programs throughout the state. Membership fees are complementary for fellows and even residents who have an interest in our specialty and the application process takes only minutes to complete. The PSG has also been supporting its engagement with non-clinical members such as administrators, office managers to improve practice efficiency. Non-clinical members are encouraged to join with only a nominal fee.
As the PSG, we are your state GI organization, and can only be as strong as the commitment of our members. We want to remain active and continue to grow but need your support and engagement. I hope you enjoy this issue of Rumblings and look forward to hearing from you.
Please stay safe!

Ravi Ghanta, MD President Pennsylvania Society of Gastroenterology