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President’s Message
President’s Message continued from page 1
look forward to Dr. David Diehl being the next president, who as many of you know, is a highly accomplished and respected physician in our field. It has been an honor to have him as a colleague and friend on the PSG board.
I am proud to see that the PSG continues to grow and strengthen because of the support of colleagues and dedicated members. I would like to personally welcome West Virginia into our organization. We are very fortunate in the great state of Pennsylvania to have a robust medical society in the specialty of gastroenterology and hepatology. After multiple discussions, the PSG wanted to open our doors to other states that may not have an organization like ours. To more efficiently utilize dues and avoid duplication of resources, it made sense to combine and expand our organization. I especially thank Dr. Shyam Thakkar, our membership chairman of Western Pennsylvania, who had helped facilitate these discussions and who has been active in strengthening the Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy Program at West Virginia University
On behalf of the PSG, I would like to welcome our new members from West Virginia and Pennsylvania and to also thank our current members for your support and look forward to seeing you in the future.