3 minute read

The Endangered Off Roader

If you are like me, you may be experiencing an election hangover. What happened at the federal level can be hard to swallow. I see two types of problems coming to off-roaders in the coming years. First is the threat of wilderness legislation. Federally designated wilderness is a land designation that prohibits all mechanized vehicles. Areas with this designation can have no motorized or even non-motorized vehicles operated. With the president, as well as the house and senate majority democratic, wilderness legislation is likely to come. The other threat would be from the president using the Antiquities act to designate National Monuments. I expect Biden will redesignate land that President Trump took out of National Monuments and probably make additional designations.

Corral Canyon

On a brighter note, Corral Canyon has reopened for off-road vehicle use. We were able to apply pressure and logic at the right place and am happy the area is open.

Last month I wrote about Oceano Dunes (Pismo) releasing a draft Habitat Conservation Plan and Environmental Assessment for comments. Since last month, State Parks has released their long awaited draft Public Works Plan. Land use documents such as this have alternatives that are discussed in the text. The first place I went to look was to see what the alternatives are.

The Future for Oceano Dunes

Plans always contain a "No Action" alternative. This looks at what would happen if nothing new or different is done. I have seen draft plans with as many as six alternatives. More complicated plans usually have more alternatives. In my years of reading plans, I have never seen a "no action" alternative be adopted. This plan has only two alternatives. The other alternative is the "No OHV alternative." In that plan, OHV (green and red sticker vehicles) would be phased out over five years. Street legal vehicles would continue to be allowed. This is bad news for off-roaders who value Oceano Dunes. SDORC, CORVA and other organizations are looking into ways to stop this. You can see the plan here https://oceanodunespwp.cmail19. com/t/r-l-juhktya-kuiluldiyk-r/

Out of State Off Road Registration

The State legislature is back in Sacramento and bills are being introduced. I believe this session will, once again, be abbreviated. Our lobby group has introduced our reciprocity bill again, now it is known as AB232 with Assemblyman Gallagher. The states of Utah, Arizona and Nevada have passed laws that say they do not recognize California off-road registrations (green and red stickers). If you want to recreate off road in those states, you need to purchase registrations from those states. This would be similar to requiring car drivers to get on road registrations in those states to drive on their roads (which is not required).

Our bill would require off-roaders who come here from states that do not recognize our state's registrations to buy a registration to recreate here. Our goal with this bill is to get those three states to drop their policy of requiring our residents to buy registrations to go to those states. We think Arizona residents who go to Glamis will be the first to make a fuss about it. We expect other bills that interest us to be introduced soon, like red sticker and Carnegie bills. The bill introduction deadline this year is February 19th.

SDORC Radio Show

SDORC has a radio show on AM 1170 and FM 96.1 on Sundays at noon. Our VP Audrey Mason and I go in studio with Dave Stall to bring you the latest off-road news both political as well as fun.

SDORC & the Rebelle Rally

We are proud to announce that Audrey and SDORC secretary Nicole Honstead, will be teaming up to compete in the Rebelle Rally this coming October. This is an all-female, eight day competition where competitorshave to find checkpoints to gain points. They are only allowed paper maps and compasses to navigate with and whoever has the most points at the end wins. The ladies are looking for equipment and financial sponsors and have many ways to promote you. You can contact them at info@sdorc.org

SDORC is a membership organization, so if you are not signed up, please go to sdorc.org and join us for just $25 per year. Your membership will help us fund our lobbyist as well as other activities.

Join San Diego Off Road Coalition to help protect off road areas www.sdorc.org/join-sdorc/

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